@Hayley Williams
I see you request and I shall provide:
Link Rhode Island Governor says the tree at the state capitol building will henceforth be called a 'holiday tree' as will all such trees on government property.
Link North Carolina town has a debate of Christmas vs. Holiday moniker.
Link The Freedom From Religion Foundation (non-profit, atheist group) forces a town to take down a cross from the water tower and it will be replaced by a 'holiday tree'.
Link Capitol debate! Christmas or Holiday?
Though not specifically directed, the FFRF wants to have nativity scene removed from a federal building lawn. Link.
And, if you really want to see a bevy of anti-religious stuff, just check out the FFRF home site: http://ffrf.org/
Now we have something to bitch about...
Attacking religion should not be the aim of the holiday seasons... It's about celebrating the holidays in YOUR OWN WAY. And forcing people to change the name of something is not something we should have up for a vote. There are plenty of other things we could be voting on but instead we chose to vote to change the name of a dressed up conifer that only people who celebrate CHRISTMAS use...
This topic is quite infuriating to say the least. It's appalling that some people have the audacity to want to change the name of something that they have no real say in...