Playstation Chrono Cross

I bought it and played it a few years ago, but for the life of me I couldn't get into it. It was confusing and slow and a bit choppy. I still have it, and if I get extremely bored, I might restart it.
Well I sometimes think that Chrono trigger is better than FFVII, but I didn't like Chrono Cross. Don't hurt me, I agree it was choppy and slow but its a good game, eventually.
I've never completed Chrono Cross. I'll have to find it somewhere. It's probably still stored away from when we moved.
The game was good, but the first disk was too long...

The second disk though, was too short...

Well, I loved dual wielding those Einleizer swords with Glen, oh and the battle against Garai, and also that battle against Dario. Unfortunately I can't say anything about Chrono Trigger because I couldn't play it...:huh:
Dario, lmao!!

My friend and I used to make fun of this girls boyfriend by calling him Dario. But then my friend took it too far and brought in the guide, and showed the girl the picture of Dario, and was like, "Ha ha ha ha!! Thats your boyfriend!!" And then me and the girl looked at him while he let out the nerdiest laugh you could imagine.
Ah, Chrono Cross... Such good memories. And I loved it.

Although I never played Chrono Trigger, even if I did, I'd probably would've picked Chrono Cross over it.

T_T It seems to be underrated too...
Chrono Cross is the best example of a sequel. I mean it's so different but yet it still has the minor Trigger Quirks xD. I believe it was at times choppy
I thought the game was great, though I would have liked to see more character appearances from Chrono Trigger.
the only thing i was dissapointed on in this game was how there was that like waterfall thing leading out of the game map, i figured during some point o fthe game, you would be able to go out of that and explore a ridiculously vast world, whitch would o fbeen amazing.... but it never came, lol, it is a good game though, Glen is the man.
I like Chrono Cross still need to beat it though had disk problems so I had to borrow a friends which I still have.

I'm trying to get Chrono trigger but I can't find it.
I've played it, yes. I like it, but there was way too many characters in the game that it's hard to actually connect with them. The storyline was good enough, although to be honest, I don't really remember it since it's been years since I played it. So I guess I can say that it doesn't really stand out compared to all the other RPG's that I've played. >.<

Music was awesome though! I downloaded almost all the soundtracks because it was simply FAN-TAS-TIC!
The only characters you could connect with were that of Serge and Kid. Nobody else mattered in that game. And even if they did have their little side story it ended up being pointless anyway.
favorite charecter ws harle, i was super pissed when you fin out she is no longer partr of your party, i'd take the awesome jester chick over damb "kid" anyways, you can even tell how much time they put into her by her name:

"hmmm.... names anyone?"
"well, i was thinking..."
"go on"
"shes a 'kid' right?"
"......:O O.M.G.!!!"
oh plz, the story doesn't revolve only around Serge and Kid. Need i remind you that Kid is Schala's daughter-clone, and that Harle looks like Kid underneath the harlequin costume and makeup?

Lucca (who i believe was friends with Luccia, a scientist as well) also took in Kid when she was without care. After that, Lynx and Harle burnt down Lucca's home and kidnapped her
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I didn't say that the story only revolved around Serge and Kid, I was sayin they were the only ones you could connect with overall, well kid anyway, Serge had no emotional outlook on life whatsoever since he didn't talk. Anyway i still didn't get why the Moon dragon happened to look like kid in the first place. that gets me confused sometimes.