Playstation Chrono Cross

Chrono Cross is an amazing game. I love the element system. The one thing though I didnt like was that you could use the element only once per battle.

The battle system was great except for that one little thing. And the story line was damn fine too. As well as the 30 something chracters you get to play as.

This is a really good game. I suggest you play it when you get the chance. If you can find it.
I thoroughly hate the fact that the element can only be used once.. Makes its all harder...
And Epsilon, what do you mean by Karsh was the man?
Ah yes Chrono Cross just finished playing it again really gonna beat Chrono Trigger again now

Great game love its story line and how it connects to Chrono Trigger

Funny thing is my party is the same in Both games lol
Chrono Cross was a great game.

I adored the storyline, and also the freedom you had in the game. Though there were tons of characters, each had a back story and it was fun to connect with them.

The music was awesome, and even more I really didn't find the game all that confusing, up until the second disk. But even then, it didn't last long.

I find that these are one of the games that turned out exceptionally well and happed to get underrated.
My game keeps freezing. :( I did buy it used though so it was probably just a crappy copy. Can't return it either because it was months ago and Gamestop was trying to get rid of all their PS1 games.
I have a copy and beated the game like three times. I also have that hammer that allows me to use rare components like Rainbow Shells and create strong weapons.

I also have unlocked all characters, by using the "Chrono Cross" item in the house of that old lady, you know the place where they send Serge after he is transformed into Linx. I loved equipping twin Einleizers to Glen, made me feel invincible :monster:

Dario's side story was cool, the battle was emotional and it gave me a hard time since, you must have Karsh and Viper's daughter to trigger the battle, they were among my weakest characters and it was a pain to level them up, so I used Linx to attack and the other two for support.

Oh and I was amazed by the battle in the Dragon Fortress, were you fight the fused dragons and the battle scenario shifts with time. The music was great.

I never played Chrono Trigger though :sad:
Never knew what an emulator was, ha ha..
Storyline-wise, i find that Lynx is pretty much the unique bad guy.. I thought most bad guys would go kill the main protagonist. Instead, this one is trying to take over the protagonist's... body!
Somewhat interesting, just hated the one-time-use element system.
I bought Chrono Cross and played it once, and never touched it again after that. I can't say that I hated the game, but it was very disappointing compared to the the original Chrono Trigger game.

The thing with Chrono Cross was that it had too many characters. I think there were around 50, give or take. While it gives gamers variety, it also takes away from each characters individual stories. At most, you get maybe a few lines for the majority of optional characters about their backgrounds.
Shiirow said:
It lacked ties to the first game for the entire time I played it and if there were any, they were way too subtle for me to pick up. I never finished it but I suppose they may have been present for the parts I never completed. I might restart it again... *shrugs*

Play it again & finish it and you'll know how wrong you are. ;)

Anyways...Chrono Cross WAS gets a lot of flack because it wasn't what a lot of people were expecting, for one...and for another all of the characters besides Kid were mediocre at best in terms of Character Development. None of them were really all that unique. Besides the stupid accent system, all dialog could have been switched between the characters w/o any noticeable difference.

The battle system was just ok as well. It was a lot of flash & little substance. It was basically a lot of little good ideas crammed into one that left it feeling flat & overly bland.

Yes, I liked the music, it had some really great tunes...I personally still like the variety found in the CT soundtrack, but some themes in CC are just kickass. Love the ending theme especially.

So, in the end, CC's great story (and it IS great!) gets kind of bogged down by mostly useless characters...A solid 8-ish outta 10 game.

I love the series though...but I prefer Radical Dreamers Serge over Chrono Cross Serge. :P
I've been stuck at the battle with Miguel in this game for the past 8 years. Somebody help. I'll prob never get through to disk 2 :P
I know that there is prequal Chrono Trigger right?? I have no clue if its any better because i've never played CT however, I have played CC ^_^ I thought the game was good :) I thought the storyline was good. Got vonfused at first but i have it down now xD. I liked how the characters had there own element type thing thought that was cool. XD but, the characters dialouge was basically the same so they weren't really different from eachother V.V although, i did like how they sort of had an description thing about them in the menu maked me understand them a bit more. I thought the characters face (drawing) was amazing and their face would change when their mood did. I quite enjoyed the game :)
I've been stuck at the battle with Miguel in this game for the past 8 years. Somebody help. I'll prob never get through to disk 2 :P

May you tell us what characters you are using to fight him? We normally use Lynx (required), Harle, and the Pirate guy. (Forgot his name.)

Had Harle concentrate on healing, and used Lynx and Pirate guy to beat the shit out of him. Never had a problem with him. :D
May you tell us what characters you are using to fight him? We normally use Lynx (required), Harle, and the Pirate guy. (Forgot his name.)

Had Harle concentrate on healing, and used Lynx and Pirate guy to beat the shit out of him. Never had a problem with him. :D

I used Lynx Harle and that chef guy. idk if he's a pirate but he's kinda wide and has a hammer. Miguel keeps usin that dragsword on me and Killing me. idk where to get lores spells at a time like this when I'm at the place already(I didnt get any). I've been stuck at this for a while nao... Can Tsuki inc help?
The chef guy is not a pirate. :mokken:

We seriously can't remember his name... It's that pirate guy that is the captain of the big ghost ship thingy.

Also, create as much def raising, and whatever element that move is acc. That will come in handy when fighting him. Also, when he uses that move, heal like crazy and never stop until you can get back on your feet. Patience is key. :D

We really hope you get to disk two... SHIT GETS REAL!

Also, Tsukianei Inc. can always help. :D
For me, Chrono Cross is quite arguably the most under-appreciated RPG ever.
mostly because fans of Trigger were bitching about how it had almost nothing to do with Trigger.
They couldnt like the game for what it was.
As one of the key developers of CC, Masato Kato, said in an interview: "Cross is Cross, not Trigger 2."

EDIT: Oh, and Tsukianei, I believe the pirate's name was Farg, if Im not mistaken.
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Pirate=Fargo? I restarted the game yesterday and am headed to Fort Dragonia....Maybe I'll get it right this time...
Ive re-bought my copy, so Ill have to wait till Im back from Oz to play it. Had it years ago, but can only find the second disk and I bet my damn ex has the first >:( But yeah from what I briefly played, I liked this game.

How many people have heard of Chrono Cross.

Now, I HAVE NOT Played the game, I have seen it around my cousin's house laying about near the PS2. I wanted to borrow it from him a long time ago, and he said that he either lost it or his brother took it from him.

This game was made my SquareSoft, the earlier name it used to go by before it became Square Enix due to company issues and conflicts.


Even though I didn't play it, I've watched videos, read reviews and looked for some ROM downloads to use on a Emulator but I gave up.

For those of you who've heard.

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