Cid vs Cid

What do you men two guys with the same name? if you mean cid from VII and VIII you'll find theres a cid in nearly every final fantasy game. If you mean 2 cids in VIII then I didn't know there was!
There's a Cid in every main Final Fantasy except the original FFI (in later versions he gets a mention as the Ancient who creates the Airship). My personal favorite above all of them is Cid Highwind from FFVII. Cid Kramer from FFVIII is just a Robin Williams lookielikee.

And I'm sure theres a thread just like this somewhere.
There's been a Cid in every FF game since the beginning. They're not the same guy what with every game being set in a different universe but they usually have something to do with airships, the only exceptions to that being VI (researcher), VIII (headmaster) and XII (researcher again).
Wow, what's up with all these VII vs. VIII questions?


The cigarette wielding and foul-mouthed pilate takes the cake here over a professor anyday. I leave this competition down to a arm-wrestling and a beer chugging contest to determine the winner.
Cid from FF 8, actually did look like Robin Williams lol. I was always expecting him to bust out with some joke and make weird voices but he never did. Cid from 7 is better. Did anyone get mad at Cid from ff8 when he was in the basement of the garden with NORG and that NORG follower pushes Cid down and Cid does nothing. What a weenie. I would get up and jab the guy.
I never saw the resemblance between FFVIII Cid and Robin Williams to be honest >_>

Well, I admit I prefer the playable Cid with a mean attitude opposed to the Headmaster Cid, although he does incur my pity; worried about his wife and such >_<

I never saw the resemblance between FFVIII Cid and Robin Williams to be honest >_>
Really? That's like the first thing I thought when I saw him. :wacky:

Well, I pretty much think that FFVII Cid is the best one of the series.

On a side note.....WTF?
I like cid from ffx but the one from ff7 is cooler

Mod Edit: Please add a bit more effort to your post as this is considered spam. (State why you think Cid from FF7 is cooler, etc). Thanks.

I knew he looked like some actor when I first played FFVIII! Couldn't quite put a finger on it though. But yes, as mentioned, the 'Cid' name is pretty much popular in the FF series and used in almost every single game.
I really didn't like the VIII Cid all that much. He was quite a poor excuse for a Cid actually....he is probably the one I like least out of all of the Cid's

VII Cid and Dr Cid from XII are quite clearly the best

And lol at the Robin Williams lookalikey I'd never noticed that til now haha xD
The Name Cid is basicly a trademark i guess :lol: :D!Anyway in every final fantasy game (maybe almost)theres a cid.The Cid in Final fantasy 7 is the coolest!
Well, Cid is in most FF games as mentioned.

FFVII (Playable Character/Pilot) , FFVIII (Headmaster) , FFX (Pilot of an Airship), FFXII [Al-Cid] (Just another random cid) ; [Cid] (
Balthier's Dad
& (Researcher).

There WERE two cid's in FFXII.
Out of VIII Cid and VII Cid, I can easily say VII's Cid was my favorite. VII's Cid is probably my favorite Cid from the series, followed closely by XII's Cid.

Wow, I said Cid 7 times in my post :wacky:
Yeah, Ive always believed if there was an ff8 film, Robin Williams would play Cid. Hes the double of him lol.

I prefer 7's Cid as he is just so damn funny lol. 8 Cid has more of a father/grandfather feel to him. Hes not as comical as Cid from 7.
FFIV Cid's easily the greatest. He's got a bitchin blue beard, them kick ass goggles and he SURVIVES A BOMB BLAST POINT BLANK~!!

Garr! You beat me to it! I was about to praise FF4 Cid...

Anyone who throws himself off a ship holding on to a bomb when he could have simply thrown the bomb overboard without him deserves credit!
Sheer awesomeness! And... He looks (and the way I imagine, sounds) like Brian Blessed, so all is good!

FF7 Cid is ace too though. I like him being a dragoon (well... not in the costume sense of the word, but job wise) and being an awesome, adventurous pilot with an amazing backstory.

Many of the other Cids were ok too, but as they weren't playable you didn't feel as attatched to them.. One exception would probably be Cid from FF9, he was a great character and used for light relief as well as major plot development. When he was breifly playable in frog (or oglop) form it was fantastic.