(Closed) FFF Drawing Prompts (September 2018)

I went for the most basic shell there is known to mankind.

[Day 13: Shell]
Kudos to you if you recognize this. Perspective a little off again. Jeez I’m so terrible at it. 😶


Barrel and flower prompts completed.

Had the cover the paissa on the left page.
Day 15: Wine Bottle

I dunno, I'm just doing whatever now, so long as it's in any way loosely connected at all to the theme. :|

And yes, that's meant to be Irn Bru. And no, these characters aren't anyone here.


Day 19: Donut

'Cap'n Sprinklebeard'

Cap'n Sprinklebeard 2 - Copy.jpg

Why? Because it be International Talk Like a Pirate Day today. Arrrrr!!!


  • Cap'n Sprinklebeard 2.jpg
    Cap'n Sprinklebeard 2.jpg
    1.2 MB · Views: 301
Day 21: Dog

What loving, caring dog owner doesn't shoot their pet from their spikey wrist mount weapon thing? Owait, hang on. I've just received a disparaging message from PETA just now. Let's put them through...
