cloud and jesse


Aug 31, 2008
California, US
If i remember correctly, when your on the train after everyone blows up the reactor, you watch some train thing with jesse. And jesse seems to have some thing for cloud but it never really develops
becuase she dies.
You think things would have turned out
kinda different if jesse didnt die??
Um no. I don't think Cloud had any feelings for her, to be honest. Or if he did, it wasn't hinted in the game. Even if she had lived, I really doubt it would have made a difference in the game or Cloud's relationship with Aerith and Tifa.
Nah, No way in hell. Besides he had Aerith, however, When you get that date later on in the game at the Golden Saucer, I had it with Tifa and not Aerith, so in my eyes it was gonna be Tifa for him all along...
No, I don't think anything would have been different if Jessie had lived, she just had a little crush on Cloud, and he didn't exactly return her feelings. Even had she lived, I don't think it would have mattered anyway, seeing as Cloud is much more interested in Aerith/Tifa.
Well to be honest we don't know if he had feelings for her or not because we only saw a little bit of a clip with her in the beginning of disc one and that's it. Hell, if he had gone through the whole game with Jesse by his side who knows what may have been. Maybe she would have killed Tifa and Aerith out of jealousy, and strapped Cloud to a bed and raped him? I mean, we just don't know.
If she had had lived Cloud would have been completely overwhelmed with three girls who had a crush on him. Three girls? How would have Cloud juggled three girls, he was clearly struggling with just Tifa and Aerith. The bigger question is, if Aerith hadn’t have died, who would have Cloud chosen out of her and Tifa?

Mmm. Tuff one.
Nah it wouldn't of taken off, I always thought Biggs and Jessie were to be abit of an item together anyway.
I don't think it would hve made a difference if Jesse had lived, the feelings didn't seem like they were mutual to me, and I doubt anything would have develpoed either. Just one of things where you like someone that doesn't like you back, Im sure we have all experienced that from both sides :monster:
I always liked Jesse, but I doubt anything would have happened between him and Cloud. It would have been cool if she had lived and joined the party, but the deaths of Biggs, Wedge and Jesse was necessary. The destruction of Sector 7 would have been less effective if only a bunch of anonymous extras had died. Instead, they kill off three characters you've already come to know, characters who have been set up as important.

By killing off those three, they manage to put an "face" on what Shinra did and make them appear more evil than if the characters killed had all been nameless redshirts.
i think it would have been likely that him and jesse couldve worked, maybe its just the way i played the game though cloud was really caring toward jesse. if you want to go down the tifa and aertih route... tifa is too much of a friend for anything to happen. and aerith well she died so no chance there. if you want my opinion there was definitly some interesting between cloud and vincent and actually ITS POSSIBLE TO GET A GOLD SAUCER DATE WITH BARRET... god knows that shows he isnt completely straight, noone who styles their hair that much could be straight
*puts away the straighteners and hair spray*
I think that Cloud and Jessie had a chance. Cloud wasn't one to show his emotions. I think that if Jessie would have stayed alive, then Cloud would have developed feelings for her if he had no already.
Well Cloud had only arrived at Midgar shortly before the game began, so there was absolutely no time for anything to really develop. Jessie probably had a little crush on him but what girl wouldn't? I also think that at that time Cloud did not have feelings for anyone.

But if she had lived, it's hard to say what would have happened. We really do not know anything about Jessie other than that she was in Avalanch. Though who knows, maybe she would have in fact been Cloud's one true love. ;)
I really doubt anything would have ever happened between Cloud and Jesse. Cloud was already completely oblivious to the other two women who had feelings for him, so unless Jesse said something to him, I doubt he would have ever realized she did too.

And even if she did, I just don't think it would've mattered. Cloud had a very long history with Tifa, and was developing a special relationship with Aerith. Jesse just wouldn't have been a good match for him. I think she just had a small crush on him anyway, and like Rydia said, who wouldn't?
lol The things you guys come up with, I swear. xD Do I think Cloud and Jessie could've been an item? No I don't, quite honestly. I think Jessie may have had a little crush on him, but that's all. Personally it should be Biggs and Jessie. :P

Cloud already had enough on his hands what with two women who were lusting after him, I don't think he could've handled a third. The poor man would've probably ended up with a brain anurism or something like that. But in all seriousness, if Jessie had lived, I really don't think their relationship would've gone anywhere past friends.
I think she admired Cloud and respected him. Maybe there was a crush there, but nothing serious. As for Cloud, I doubt he would have looked twice at Jessie. He isnt the sharpest knife in the drawer when it comes to peoples emotions and feelings.
Yeah maybe nothing big would have happened if jessie didnt die...But did we forget? Jessie wipes Clouds face in the train, saying " Oh, Cloud!! your face is pitch-black...." and wipes it and says thats better. Also she does it when everyone leaves to the next train over and jessie and cloud have a brief moment together.
Yeah, but still that wouldnt have lead anywhere as Cloud has no clue. Maybe that was Jessies way of showing Cloud she cares about him?
nah jesse and cloud would have never had a chance :X she would just feel left out as cloud ignores her =)