Cloud & Tifa's night together..

What are you guys expecting, Cloud to weep with ecstasy when he's finished? Most dudes tend to chill in the afterglow.
This whole thread is making me chuckle. Something ABSOLUTELY happened between them that night. Whether it was intercourse or not, I can't say. But they reached a new level of physical and emotional intimacy. To me it was clear as day. To my mother it was clear as day. When I was playing through this scene the first time (many a moon ago), I was at my parents' house and my mom was watching. Her reaction: "They're having sex! What kind of game are you playing?"

For all we don't know, Cloud might not have much of a sex drive at all.
It is highly unusual for a 23-year-old man to not have a sex drive. If Cloud deviates from the norm that much, we need to be told that. Without that information being provided to us, we're safe to assume he's a typical 23-year-old.

@Rocks: They slept and cuddled on those rocks. Apparently they weren't all that uncomfortable.
This why I shouldn't say anything because everyone gets worked up over a game.

It is highly unusual for a 23-year-old man to not have a sex drive. If Cloud deviates from the norm that much, we need to be told that. Without that information being provided to us, we're safe to assume he's a typical 23-year-old.

Cloud is 21 at that moment....

Yes thats true but some men can refrain themselves. He could not be attractive to Tifa because he sees her as a 'childhood friend'. He probably would feel awkward doing something anyways. Who knows!? Cloud could be gay.

Not to mention Cloud has been exposed to mako. For all we know it could effect hormone balances.

Thats all I'm saying. I'm out of this discussion.
Yes thats true but some men can refrain themselves. He could not be attractive to Tifa because he sees her as a 'childhood friend'.

Except he has always seen her as the girl he wanted to be with. It was the reason he joined Soldier in the first place. To get her to notice her.

He probably would feel awkward doing something anyways. Who knows!? Cloud could be gay.
Seems unlikely, given the evidence.
And of course they'd feel akward. Doesn't mean they wouldn't.
It's more adorable if they're akward.

Not to mention Cloud has been exposed to mako. For all we know it could effect hormone balances.
And for all we know it jacks the libido into overdrive and causes massive temporary growth in sexual characteristics (which, scarily enough, is NOT as far fetched as it may first sound).

Thats all I'm saying. I'm out of this discussion.

Fair enough. I'll still keep the tea on. I find most people who say they're leaving a discussion tend not to.
Ahh, Ryu, your fingers are faster than mine.

This why I shouldn't say anything because everyone gets worked up over a game.
Worked up? I thought we were having a friendly chat. :)

Cloud is 21 at that moment....
You're absolutely right. My bad. But all the better, since males hit their sexual peak in their late teens. :P

Cloud could be gay.
Not to mention Cloud has been exposed to mako. For all we know it could effect hormone balances.
Odds of any of this being true without the author telling us: zero
Odds of Cloud's Crush On Tifa + "I guess nothing's changed" = Cloud may have some feelings for Tifa = pretty good! :)

Next time I fall in love, I'll blame it on the Mako
That's no fun. Love's better when it's mysterious. ^_^
I guess worked up means a discussion where people disagree with good reason, and aren't afraid to say so.

Anyway, it doesn't make much sense for a rejectee to be sleeping on the rejector after getting rejected. *shrugs* If Cloud used his mako-enhanced willpower to refrain, I'd expect Tifa to be cold and distant in the morning, sleeping on her own rock.
einlanzer, Serene, and Grimoire, please keep this stuff to PM, please.

Eh, I really can't make anything out of that 'night together' business. If it was anything, I just think it was one of those romantic things that really doesn't generate into much more than Tifa's head on Cloud's shoulder or something like that.
Even aside from romance, though, they also be said to have had sex in a "last man/woman on the planet" sort of mood. They did just spend the conversation talking about how this might be their last sunset and sunrise.
Eh, I really can't make anything out of that 'night together' business. If it was anything, I just think it was one of those romantic things that really doesn't generate into much more than Tifa's head on Cloud's shoulder or something like that.

You have to place yourself in their shoes. Understand what they are saying, and ultimately, read the cinematic direction.

You are talking about two people who have no one else. Everyone was sent to go and find what or who they are fighting for. Tifa and Cloud's story arc offers the same.

All they have is each other. Their familes are dead. They have both suffered the same tragedy and on the eve of apoclaypse they have no one left to really fight for.

On top of this, we have the fact Tifa has explored Cloud's thoughts and now knows his reasons to join Shinra were to impress her, that the reason he didn't show himself when he returned to Nibelheim was because proving he was something special to her was so important, he couldn't face her.

So here they acknowledge they understand how they feel for each other.

All this is in the script. No conjecture here, this is all just saying what is in the story.

So put yourself in their position. Actions speak louder than words is said; neither are great communicators verbally, Cloud keeps his pain in, and Tifa finds it hard to express her love. There are other ways to show how you care.

Now, remember, this is it. End of the world man. Even if you beat Sephiroth, quite likely, the world is going to reject humanity. You've FINALLY, after all these years, found yourselves and each other and this it. Quite likely you'll lose them the next day.

Actions speak louder than words. It's an expression of love. Not "we're soulmates forever!111 love", but the human need to feel close to someone, the need to feel alive and important one more time before you die. A way of showing how you feel when its too late to do anything else.

This isn't uncommon in time of war, both for civilians and soldiers, they take a chance of.. feeling alive, when they can, because who knows if they'll see that person again, or live another day. They react on their feelings tenfold than they normally would.

Which is why Tifa was SO upset the next day. It's not that she thinks they've watched her make love, its merely that they would know - like the audience SHOULD know - that they've been in a post coital arm hug throughout the night. That they may have had heard them on the beach that morning. It's not she thinks they've been watching all night. It's a girl who feels a little awkward about letting her feelings run away with her in such an unusual situation, feeling embarrassed at the thought that the other guys might have an idea of what happened.

It IS out of character, because the situation is so unusual, and in unusual situations we do act out of character. Tifa isn't being "slutty", she's just taking a chance to feel like she belongs, to feel what she's been fighting for, and given Cloud has been after Tifa since he was a kid, and has just awoken to that fact, his reasons are reciprocated. One last dance before the end of the world. All it takes is a little empathy to understand what the scene is saying.

Furthermore, ask yourself this - is Cloud the sort of person to be huggy all night? No, he's not. Read the script. Tifa's awkwardness upon awaking. It's not just dawn, they've crossed a line and are a little uncertain how to act with other - just for a moment. This is all very cinematic.

Furthermore more cinematic devices come in the direction. The foreground character to background character positioning for the dialogue, the coy pan away from the two characters as they speak about "actions speak louder than words.."

It happened in the High Affection. Accept it. It's in character for the situation, and the cinematic direction makes it clear.

If this was a film no one would be doubting it, but because its a game, and its something some don't feel comfortable with, the literal interpretation is being used to conclude a DRAMATIC scene. It's drama, not a visual bullet point. Feel the drama, listen to the characters, understand their environment, and you'll find your answer.

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Japanese are very sexual people? Last I heard it was almost sacrilege for a Japaense person to even show public display of affection...Sorry, but as many people want to believe it, I highly doubt Cloud and Tifa had sex under the Highwind. For one, who the hell would want to screw on a bunch of jagged rocks and for two the screen panned upward, just like it did when Cloud and Aerith were on the gondola. They could have had sex on the gondola just as much as Cloud and Tifa had sex under the Highwind. That's just my opinion. *shrugs* I still fail to see how any character is having sex in a game considering the furthest we've got to see is a kiss between Tidus and Yuna in the water. You would think that if they wanted the fans to believe they had sex, they would have atleast got Tifa and Cloud to kiss first and would have showed it. Not to mention, she doesn't say "You were watching!?" she says "You were listening!?"

How about you go back and re-read my post?
I said people had said to me Tifa and Cloud had made love beneath the Highwind. I also said they wouldnt have done that. So I in no way seen Tifa and Cloud doing that.

But after reading oms eof the replies in this thread, my mind is being changed. Something did happen that night between those 2. Making love or making out, something clearly happened.

And Grimore, your posts were deleted by Busta as he seen them as spam. As the previous post of yours is and shall be deleted also. That reason enough?
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There is a blunt implication that something physical happened, both before and after. It's easily understood. People either accept it or choose to ignore it or demand every little thing to be chewed and spoonfed to them. But it's still there.
This is one that can't be argued, they shagged. Its blatant. And the "Oh my god, they saw!" line is typical of Japanese cute/sex syndrome. They did, we all know they did. And Gunbladegirl, after making love It's really natural for a girl to rest her head on your shoulder, ideally while smoking a cigarette.
Totally :D especially the bolded part :) I really don't know though why people are so hung up on this, it's nothing special, for me at least.
Right this threads became a total spamfest, so i'm closing it - and before you go bitching that "the clerith mod is closing a Clito thread! BIAS" i've had far too many complaints from people to allow this to continue.
