Cloud vs. Sephiroth

Who's Better Sephiroth or Cloud??

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my cloud ended up far more powerful then what sephiroth was during the dream when you can fight as / with him .. so cloud wins..
my cloud ended up far more powerful then what sephiroth was during the dream when you can fight as / with him .. so cloud wins..
compair both at the same level. sephiroth was level 50 that time ,,,
be level 50 without using any sources (power, mind,magic,speed,gaurd)
then compare, also sephiroth was untouchable at that time
Er have you ever played FFVII or watched advent children? cause im pritty sure Cloud kicks ass...
Er have you ever played FFVII or watched advent children? cause im pritty sure Cloud kicks ass...
You guys are being like kids!!! ooo cloud beat this cloud did that,,, Grow up and open ur eyes a little.... as i said before Cloud is the good guy so he has to win,,, the game would suck if he dies right??? answer me imagine cloud dying and game over!! then there is no point of playing,,, the good guy has to beat the bad this is the rule :p
Even Vincent is more powerful than cloud!!!
in the movie, Vincent is untouchable while cloud got his ass kicked by those 3 in the forest remember??? also in the game Dirge of cerberus cloud fights Rosso the Crimson and she woppes his ass while vincent destroys her..
So Cloud is not the best and strongest charecter, he is just the main charecter in FF7 thats why u guys think he's all that...
Cloud wins hands down, not only is he the good guy but he has class and style to match
what exactly are we comparing here?
as a character i pick Cloud hands down
for strength and fighting ability sorry guys buy Seph wins. yeah yeah i know cloud always won as stated by others he's the good guy and it wouldnt make such a good game if the bad guy won, now would it. without 'help' from outside force for either side i still think Sephiroth would win. i could go on forever for other reasons why Sephiroth would whip Cloud but i think i have made my point.
Dude, sephiroth wins hands down, like the other person said, The good guy has to win because that's...well...the way or something, but still i also agree with the other person about the swords thing in Advent Children. But did u see his masamune?! It was fricken huge!!!!!!! IN THE END, SEPHY WINS, HANDS DOWN!
I love both Cloud and Sephiroth, I also think there is a wierd bond between them. I'm not entirely convinced that it's just based on hatred.

I even think there is a mutual respect for each other, maybe even a fondness buried way, way down in their subconcious.

Cloud wins for me though (but that's because deep down I don't think Sephiroth WANTS to kill him).

Whoa, I should be a psychiatrist.