Clouds lie about soldier.


Ultima mage.
Jun 16, 2009
I didn't know wether to put this in here or in crisis core but did Cloud Say he was in first class becuase Zack told him to carry on his legacy and cloud took this literaly. Becuase he only ever reached infrantryman
Weren't his memories mixed with Zack's? I think that's why he called himself first class, because Zack was first class. He did lie, but not on purpose.
Weren't his memories mixed with Zack's? I think that's why he called himself first class, because Zack was first class. He did lie, but not on purpose.


In the original game it is all made very clear that Cloud had
repressed his true memories of the Nibelheim incident and of the events leading up to Zack's death.
His memories became
confused and a false memory and identity emerge to protect himself from the trauma. He forgot that Zack ever existed and believed that the things Zack did he has himself done. His past became a hybrid of Cloud's real past and Zack's past. He believed himself to be an ex-Soldier first class because his mind was confused and genuinely made him think that he was.

He didn't do it because Zack told him to carry on his legacy. I think those words are misleading and really only refer to either by using the buster sword, or by living a good life which Zack had helped Cloud attain. So by living he is doing Zack proud etc. He didn't mean for Cloud to become him, and Cloud certainly wasn't acting in FF7, he believed the stuff he was saying to people about his past, even if some of it didn't even make sense to himself and Tifa.
Ok thanks for that I understand a lot better. I assume thats what it means when Clouds memory goes blank while telling his story.
he specifies in the game he did it cuz he was ashamed of all the talk he made and that he didnt make it made things a bad case for him. he just didnt want to face tifa because of the promise he made
Well no, but that whole ashamed feeling isn't what led him to doing it. It was a factor of:

The Jenova/S cells and high exposure to Mako screwing with him


his memory/mind's natural desire to block out the tragic events that happened to he and his best friend.
After beating Crisis Core, I thought it must have been that severe case of Mako addiction that had his head frigged up, and maybe made him think all that stuff Zack did, he was actually doing.

When Cloud tells that story at Kalm in Final Fantasy VII, it is just like what Zack does in Crisis Core, I think that Mako permanently messed up his head, and led him to believe he was something he wasn't, not too sure it that Zack told him to be his living legacy, but who knows, there are multiple theories on it, no telling which would be truly correct. >.>
I think the "Carry on the legacy" part is actually a reference to the Buster Sword. But there's a lot more to it than just that.

Throughout Chrisis Core, there's a pretty heavy emphasis on the sword's origin and passing on. When Zack received the sword, he was told the same thing that he told Cloud when giving it to him. So I think the whole legacy part is in reference to the sword, but in telling him so, he's also telling him to "do great things" that would add to the long withstanding legacy behind it. It's like indirectly telling him to be and live brilliant.

None of this however, was why Cloud "lied" about Soldier.
If you remember, Sephiroth played mind game with Cloud, and convinced him into believing that he was a puppet. If Cloud were consciously lying out of shame, he'd have never been tricked into believing Sephiroth's lies.
Additionally, up until everything is sorted out, Cloud actually had NO recollection of Zack.
It took Tifa and the lifestream incident for him to remember who Zack was. It was all specified in the game.

He simply couldn't remember things, because his mind had supressed the trauma of what happened to he and his best friend, and as a result of the cells that were injected into him. As he dragged himself to Midgar, he created a "backstory" based on a combination of memories between Zack and himself.
Whatever it was, Cloud is a very unhealthy guy. I think he's the kinda guy to not be able to relax for the rest of his life til death.

If there are some strong Cloud fans reading, I apologize if it sounds like an insult.
ARG. this requires some lengthy explanation. While others have fairly well summed this up, I want there to be no doubt as to the workings of the game.

Allow me.

Let's start from the beginning.

When Cloud was in Niblehiem, he did not reveal himself for who he was for certain reasons, but that's another story. He kept his identity secret until Sephiroth went mad and destroyed the town. Cloud followed him to the reactor where he saw Tifa attack Sephiroth and get badly injured. Cloud than attacked Sephiroth and stabbed him with Zack’s sword. He than ran back to check on Tifa. Sephiroth walked out and Cloud follows him. Sephiroth stabs him through the shoulder, however Cloud manages to throw him off the edge into the reactor. Cloud then passes out from the wound.

Now, if you've read the letter in Tifa's 'room' than this will all be very clear. Shinra soon showed up after Sephiroth had destroyed the town. Hojo ordered to have all the survivors rounded up for experimentation. This includes Cloud and Zack. Tifa, however, was rescued by her instructor and was saved. Anyways, the 'experiment' involves submerging the subject in Mako, which is very deadly.

You probably know all this, but I'll continue for the sake of those that don't. The Mako--Lifestream--is filled with the memories of the lives of people long dead, as it is the very spirit energy of hundreds of former lives, and is being recycled over and over. When immersed in Mako that spells bad news-- for thousands of memories of unknown lives is forced into a person's mind. It becomes nearly impossible to sort out one's own memories from the myriad different others that don't belong. If a person likes their life (Zack) then remembering who they are is not much of a problem. If a person doesn't like their life (Cloud) it's very easy to let go of what you don't want to be. This is how Cloud managed to confuse himself as being Zack. He lost his own identity and so created one for himself as something that he had always wanted to be: a member of SOLDEIR. He used Zack in particular because Zack always told him stories of SOLDEIR life.

Cloud however was fortunate, so to speak, in this aspect. You see, he had something to become, something to latch onto and a story to back it up. The other Sephiroth 'clones' didn't have this and so completely lost themselves; they lost their identity. Their minds were broken and so Sephiroth could easily control them. I'll get back to this later.

The other part of the experiment is injecting the subject with Jenova cells. Now keep in mind that Shinra wasn't trying to create a 'Sephiroth clone' but actually a clone of an Ancient. This is because the Shinra needed an Ancient to lead them to the Promised Land, which they thought was full of Mako. Shinra injected them with Jenova cells because they thought that Jenova was an Ancient, which couldn't be more wrong. Anyways.... The Jenova cells transform, if you will, the cells around them; a mutation. These mutations can incorporate some of Jenova's powers to a limited extent. One could call Cloud a mutant and that would be correct. The Mako submerging is required to weaken the mind and thus the body's defense. With the defenses down, the cells can move in and 'attack' the normal cells. This is why Zack didn't change whereas Cloud did, because Zack was able to throw off the effects of the Mako and his body responded to the Jenova cells and killed them.

However, this experiment was interrupted, otherwise it would have been successful. Zack managed to break out and free Cloud as well. And as you know, Zack was killed but Cloud was left to die.

Now, about the 'clones'. It must be made clear that Sephiroth is half-Jenova, so to speak. He is a half alien. There is a particular trait about this alien that must be brought up. This alien species can control every single cell individually. Ever seen that movie 'The Thing'? Same situation. The alien can control every cell. This also allows it to change shape at will. Since Sephiroth is a 'member' of this alien species, he retains the same trait of being able to control all of his cells. Now, it must also be made clear that Jenova is thoroughly
dead. However, Sephiroth can control the cells of his dead 'mother'. That includes the cells inside the 'clones'. So, Sephiroth was able to manipulate the cells inside the 'clones' and Cloud to make them do what he wants.
(the 'Sephiroth' you see in the game--it isn't actually THE Sephiroth. It's actually the body of Jenova that Sephiroth shape-changed to look like him. The real Sephiroth is actually diffused within the Lifestream.)

With the clones it would be easy, just control their minds. With Cloud it would be a little trickier. Sephiroth had to manipulate the already messed up memories Cloud has, to make him believe one thing or another. Namely, that he was nothing more than a clone and that he never had a name, etc. As you can imagine this would be a huge blow to Cloud and resulted in him giving the Black Materia to Sephiroth. However, the plunge into the Lifestream allowed Cloud, with Tifa's help, to find a memory of his own that wouldn’t be susceptible to corruption. Basically it was the memory of why Cloud went to join SOLDEIR, but like I said, that's another story. The truth is revealed and Cloud finds himself in the end.

There. It's finished. I hope this helped.
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