Cloud's personality

Puma: I wouldn't know. Your Random Caps Habit seriously turns Me Off Reading your Posts. Seriously, it's really annoying to Read An Entire Paragraph like this. The reason only some Things are capitalized is To Help The Reader Develop a spatial awareness of the Text so they can Read It Fluently. Same reason Punctuation & Other Grammatical Conventions Exist. No offense. But seriously.

That being said, I have to seriously disagree with this idea that the spin-offs somehow "screwed everyone up." Take Cloud, for instance. The stock phrase is that he "worked through his issues in VII," but that isn't in any way how real people's emotions work & art imitates life. He never had time to grieve for Aerith & Zack -&- he gets a deadly disease. It's perfectly natural for him to go into a depression. And his given motives were that he wanted to find a cure for Denzel & protect his new family from the grief associated with his own demise. Honestly, this depiction really matches both sides of Cloud: 1: Unconfident, misguided, & antisocial. 2: Courageous, has good intentions, & doesn't want to burden others with his problems.

As for what traits he takes from Zack & what come from himself, I think it's too hard to call, really. It's kind of like how horoscopes work: There are innumerable personality traits that can more-or-less fit for anyone. Zack & Cloud both had their moments of courage. Both had moments where they could be real assholes. Both had moments of cheeriness & both had moments of depression. Therefore, in my opinion, "hybrid personality" is a good enough answer. It needn't be any more specific than that.
ok...i disagree With ever single word in that Sentence,you and About everyone on this Thread say that, it doesnt make any sense, your still Implying Cloud is basically Zacks Personality all together wheather you think so-or not your Logic has Basically ,well...i dont see it as Logic at all i think its just abunch of Information Bundle up to Make me think What you Belivie on the subject,lol no Hate but Come'on Man Zack was Never depressed to the day he died you can't Honestly say He somehow Got his Personality and on my Caps at random times i have a habit of pressing caps button on every word i would highly apprecate if you didnt state your opinon about it the thread is called cloud's personality not Puma379's randoms caps bud,
Acutally Clouds Personallty was always there although he was Living Zacks Memrioes and Life doesnt Nesserially Mean his Personality was the same Jenova Cells Made him sumwhat Like Septh Same thing Sumwhat Like septh Not Like his Perosnallity sum think he was Like Zack due to the Fact He got Nicer and More Open well that was Only due to the fact that, His Personality changed from Cold to Warm and Nice when Playing throught out the Story Line and Meeting all his friends they all Got drawn Closer and thats How it was Cloud in no Way was Ever Using the Personality of Zack he was Changing His as The Game went on&on

Makes sense, I'll accept that.

This I already know,but the personality Cloud has at the beginning of the game,distant and uncaring,is nothing like Zack's or his.It reminds more of Sephiroth,that's why I came up with this.

I think that was real Cloud breaking through, I always wondered why this was. I mean he rude to and takes money from a childs school savings? Maybe reuniting and meeting friends made Cloud a bit nicer. But I've never heard of anything implying sephiroth was an influence on his personality.
When does Cloud ever act like Zack?

Cloud supposedly takes up Zacks persona and acts like him at the beginning of FF 7 (according to winki and message boards)

In the begging of FF 7 Cloud acts like a tough coldblooded unscrupulous mercenary who’s a bit of an ass that only care about himself. He threatens people over a drop of a hat (even Barret) and his motivation is clearly money; he charges an arm and a leg even for an old childhood friend. He’s an antisocial lone wolf who’s a borderline sociopath. He’s basically acts like a complete badass.

Zack in Crisis Core is a zealous outgoing individual who’s a bit of a ladies’ man (as described in FF 7 as a girl loving flirt. ) He’s described as a Nice imaginative all round guy, all though sometimes he can get very serious. He never gives up and always holds onto his dreams. It’s also obvious he’s a team player and his motivation is to become a hero.

Honestly they’re as different as Night and Day even at the beginning they’re nothing a like except that they both wear Soldier uniforms and use the same weapon which originally wasn’t even Zacks. Granted Cloud borrows some of Zacks past to create his own demented reality in his head but as far as taking his persona I don’t see it. :funnyface:
Cloud adopts the persona of how he remembered Zack. After Angeal's death, Zack became more mature and a more focused soldier even though that's not near the jackass Cloud we meet during the earlier parts of FFVII. We must consider that Cloudwas not in the best psychological condition seeing he suffered from a massive personality disorder with a severe amnesia. What he remembered of Zack were mere fragments his personality so he made up his new Zack with what he thought a mercenary Soldier should be. Besides, Zack and Cloud were relentlessly pursuit through the final chapters of Crisis Core so if we add that with Zack's death and Cloud walking alone through the desert near Midgar, then we have enough reasons to be a complete anti-social.

Then again, Crisis Core was made after the original FFVII, so maybe the directors made a mistake somewhere. I wish a remake were made to fix a few loopholes instead of getting all of these spin-offs.
Cloud knew Zack well enough from Crisis Core to know he wasn't a Cold Hearted Rock. I agree he probably made a persona for what he thought a mercenary Soldier should be but that really had nothing to do with Zack.

Even at the end of FF 7 although Cloud was a bit diffrent he still was a Rock, Zack was never a Rock.
As Riku has mentioned CLoud is a hybrid (Himself & Zack). I never thought Cloud would resemble anything of Seph. So Im curious where you got that idea from.

Clouds personality is nothing like Zacks even at the beginning off FF 7. The only thing they have in common is the weapon they use which wasn't even originally Zacks.
Yes, but still Cloud couldn't remember who he was or anything concrete from his past in particular. The Cloud we see in the beginning of FFVII is that of a man who believes himself a successful EX-Soldier who deserted their ranks after getting tired of them (and I bet Cloud doesn't remember why he is an Ex-Soldier). So far, Cloud has no idea what happened due to the severe Mako Poisoning he suffered hence why he didn't recognized anyone or anything. He believes himself an Ex-Soldier because he is wearing clothes similar to the ones Angeal and Zack were wearing when they were in SOLDIER themselves.
Yes, but still Cloud couldn't remember who he was or anything concrete from his past in particular. The Cloud we see in the beginning of FFVII is that of a man who believes himself a successful EX-Soldier who deserted their ranks after getting tired of them (and I bet Cloud doesn't remember why he is an Ex-Soldier). So far, Cloud has no idea what happened due to the severe Mako Poisoning he suffered hence why he didn't recognized anyone or anything. He believes himself an Ex-Soldier because he is wearing clothes similar to the ones Angeal and Zack were wearing when they were in SOLDIER themselves.

It seems Cloud only "steals" the notion he's 1st Class Soldier. Nothing more, nothing less. He's messed in the head don't get me wrong and recreates the time he went home to suite his own messed up reality but personality wise him and Zack were nothing alike.
It seems Cloud only "steals" the notion he's 1st Class Soldier. Nothing more, nothing less. He's messed in the head don't get me wrong and recreates the time he went home to suite his own messed up reality but personality wise him and Zack were nothing alike.
Cloud merely took Zack's legacy. If he really became Zack, Cloud would have known Aerith from the start, he would have thought he was born in Gongaga, and he wouldn't have thought of Tifa as a friend. But because he didn't know Aerith, thought of Tifa as a friend, and knew he was born in Nibelheim--that proves Cloud didn't become Zack but rather, he took his occupational legacy. Something in which Cloud always wanted.

That distant and cold persona is Cloud's real personality. If you recall correctly, when he was a child he acted the same way--mean to other kids and very distant. The Jenova cells do, however, mix with Zack's occupational legacy-his position as First Class soldier, becoming a Mercenary-but he doesn't take on the personality of anyone.

"Due to the influence of the Jenova cells implanted in his body he acted out a false persona, but with the support of his friends he regains his true self and grows as a person." (FFVII 10th Anniversary Ultimania, Cloud's profile)

This statement says nothing about Cloud becoming an entirely different person. He just acted out a false persona but Cloud's true personality was there the whole time.

As you know, Cloud acts nothing like Zack. Cloud only imitates Zack's cocky attitude as a First Class SOLDIER and even learns some of Zack's moves and crap. But, that is where the similarities end. Cloud is cold and condescending toward others, just like he was when he was a kid.

"The origin of the saying "not interested".
In the scene when the young Cloud explains his mental state by saying, "I used to think people around me were foolish", surprisingly, he shows the posture of shrugging his shoulders.
If we consider this, the part of his coolness that keeps him away from the surroundings and the part of his asserting "not interested" all have nothing to do with the influence of Jenova cells, They belong to the real Cloud's personality. (FFVII Ultimania Omega, p. 180)

That beginning personality, the cold distant person you see, is really who Cloud is.

"After developing his personality by using Zack, who has cheerful characteristics, his memory as the base, Cloud still remained the part of coolness." (FFVII Ultimania Omega, p. 180)

In other words, even though Cloud used some of Zack's personality as a basis for his new persona, Cloud's true character and personality show through in his "coolness" and the fact that he isn't cheerful like Zack.

The cold and Distant persona is Cloud's true personality. It's not Zack's-- but it's his own true persona.

So, that distant and cold personality you see Cloud with is literally Cloud's true self.

(Hence why Cloud is still a cold-asshole inTactics, Dissidia, KH & KHII)

That distant and cold persona is Cloud's real personality. If you recall correctly, when he was a child he acted the same way--mean to other kids and very distant. The Jenova cells do, however, mix with Zack's occupational legacy-his position as First Class soldier, becoming a Mercenary-but he doesn't take on the personality of anyone.

As you know, Cloud acts nothing like Zack. Cloud only imitates Zack's cocky attitude as a First Class SOLDIER and even learns some of Zack's moves and crap. But, that is where the similarities end. Cloud is cold and condescending toward others, just like he was when he was a kid.

In other words, even though Cloud used some of Zack's personality as a basis for his new persona, Cloud's true character and personality show through in his "coolness" and the fact that he isn't cheerful like Zack.

The cold and Distant persona is Cloud's true personality. It's not Zack's-- but it's his own true persona.

So, that distant and cold personality you see Cloud with is literally Cloud's true self.
Cloud as far as I can recall doesn't use any of Zack's personality. Cloud at the beginning of FF 7 was cold, calculating, antisocial and selfish. Zack was outgoing overconfident, nice and a flirt. Cloud never took anything from Zack except his sword which really wasn't even his. Cloud just took up a warped image of what a 1st class solider should be which was nothing like Zack.

Really why people say he was emulating Zack at the beginning of FF 7 is beyond me they were as different as night and day. Zacks motivation was to become a hero, Cloud was a classic definition of the Anti-Hero
Cloud as far as I can recall doesn't use any of Zack's personality. Cloud at the beginning of FF 7 was cold, calculating, antisocial and selfish. Zack was outgoing overconfident, nice and a flirt. Cloud never took anything from Zack except his sword which really wasn't even his. Cloud just took up a warped image of what a 1st class solider should be which was nothing like Zack.

Really why people say he was emulating Zack at the beginning of FF 7 is beyond me they were as different as night and day. Zacks motivation was to become a hero, Cloud was a classic definition of the Anti-Hero
Yes, exactly! I couldn't agree more! I'm glad someone feels the same as I do xD

I am one of those people that think Cloud just took Zack's occupational legacy and that was it.
Yes, exactly! I couldn't agree more! I'm glad someone feels the same as I do xD

I am one of those people that think Cloud just took Zack's occupational legacy and that was it.

Agreed and to be honest he probably would of done what he did reguardless of Zacks little speach at the end of CC. It's not like he had too many options.
Agreed and to be honest he probably would of done what he did reguardless of Zacks little speach at the end of CC. It's not like he had too many options.
Probably. But who knows. All I know is that Cloud was never Zack, in any way shape or form. :mokken:
As you know, Cloud acts nothing like Zack. Cloud only imitates Zack's cocky attitude as a First Class SOLDIER and even learns some of Zack's moves and gestures. But, that is where the similarities end. Cloud is cold and condescending toward others, just like he was when he was a kid.
There similarities but I don't think it's from imitating Zack. Remember he had Jenova cells which was more than likely boosting his ego which would account for his cockyiness.

Since they were using the same weapon there bound to be similarities in moves. He never even seen the Buster Sword in action yet he managed to use it well in the mako factory against Sephiroth. Even if you take 2 completely different people there’s bound to be the odd similarity.

My initial thought was "wait, what personality?", but I won't go there...other than saying it, anyway.

But, anyways, have you played Crisis Core? That shows why Cloud's...mental state at the beginning of the game is so...well, y'know. Cloud is like the worst sort of fanboy: he emulates his idol, but he does an absolutely terrible job of it. Everything he goes through is all him, he's just trying to convince himself otherwise. I'd hate to be his therapist.

At no point have I ever thought he resembles Sephiroth, though...after all, Sephiroth is an insane killing machine in VII who flew off the handle due to a misunderstanding.

Well if he does it all wrong than he doesn't do it at all and saying he's emulating Zack is ludicrous.

Cloud actually resembles Sephiroth more than Zack. Sephiroth is cold and insane same as Cloud just different types of insanity which Cloud unlike Sephiroth recovers from.
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Cloud being the fractured person that he is was easily influenced the dominance of Jenova and the idolization of Zack, that may be to strong a word maybe, and the Image of the Stoic Sephiroth.

From a Psychological POV,Cloud maybe the result of these 3 entities existing in 1 mind?
When disembodied and suffering from personality dissonance humans cling to that with
which is most familiar.

In clouds case this was his admiration of Zack, the supposed strength and distant nature of the most renowned member of soldier: Sephiroth. Also the subsequent turn in Sephiroth to the "darkside" far lack of a better word and Clouds infusion with Jenova cells would have a 3rd being/personality in his mind.

And his being mentally weak would have allowed all these actors to amalgamate in to
1 whole personality, not replacing Clouds own memories but blocking them. So he was for all intents and purposes still in control of his mind it was just not his......?

Apologies for going already covered subject matter, if indeed I did this.
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Cloud being the fractured person that he is was easily influenced the dominance of Jenova and the idolization of Zack, that may be to strong a word maybe, and the Image of the Stoic Sephiroth.

From a Psychological POV,Cloud maybe the result of these 3 entities existing in 1 mind?
When disembodied and suffering from personality dissonance humans cling to that with
which is most familiar.

In clouds case this was his admiration of Zack, the supposed strength and distant nature of the most renowned member of soldier: Sephiroth. Also the subsequent turn in Sephiroth to the "darkside" far lack of a better word and Clouds infusion with Jenova cells would have a 3rd being/personality in his mind.

And his being mentally weak would have allowed all these actors to amalgamate in to
1 whole personality, not replacing Clouds own memories but blocking them. So he was for all intents and purposes still in control of his mind it was just not his......?

Apologies for going already covered subject matter, if indeed I did this.

Cloud actually resembles Sephiroth more than Zack with his cold nature but at no time did he ever have diffrent / multiple personalitys. He just had regressed memmories with a few altered from his own twisted psyche.

Compairing Cloud to Zack is like compairing Batman to Superman. Yes there both Super Heros and yes the both wear costumes but that were there simularties end.

Zack is outgoing and kind hearted, Cloud is cold and dark.