Cloud's Wing


Dec 26, 2006
Ok, I understand that KH is different from the FF serries, alternate reality or some shit...>_< Anyway, Sephiroth is the One Winged Angel right? So what is with Cloud's one wing, I notice he has it in the KH game serries. What is the significance of his one wing? What does it have to do with sephiroth besides the fact that they are rivals? Is it because Sephiroth exist's only as a memory in Clouds head? I don't pretend to understand what it's all about, what say you all? What do you all think?
I don't know the exact reason as to why they introduced Cloud with a wing, or even if there is an official reason, but I'd like to think they incorporated the physical addition as Cloud's relation to Sephiroth.

We see that, during the first game when fighting Cloud, that he enters a form of 'beserk' status. In this status his wing appears. Considering the aggression of his attacks during this point in the fight, I'd say it was Cloud's darker part taking over. Sephiroth himself states that (in KH2) he is the dark part of Cloud's mind, so it's probable that Cloud is either harnessing this darkness, or it's consuming him.

Eh, what a load of bullshit. xD I don't recall seeing it in the second game though. Stupid inconsistencies...
Intresting...I never actually noticed when the wing first popped out, I just kinda noticed it one time, but never really thought about it untill now.
He moves around somewhat fast in this form, so it's perfectly easy to miss. I noticed it on promotional art for the game a while back before playing it, then spotted its appearance in battle.

I wouldn't mind, but it's not even given a basic explanation in either game...
I've realized that this one winged angel thing between cloud and sephiroth isn't really true. In fact, I believe that Genesis, from FF7 dirge of cerberus, is the other one winged angel, as he has one wing that sprouts from the opposite shoulder than Sephiroth's. But I could be wrong.

Anyways, my opinion is that Sephiroth is just bored nowadays. Look at him. He and Cloud are said to be "dancing amongst the worlds" in KH and KH2, but really all Sephiroth is doing is watching cloud and, occasionally, saving his ass. (KH2 moment, cloud and sephiroth meeting again for the first time) Even when they fight, Sephiroth is kinda blase' about it, until cloud glow golden.

My real opinion? Sephiroth is searching for something too.

Or that's just fan-boy crap.

I don't know the exact reason as to why they introduced Cloud with a wing, or even if there is an official reason, but I'd like to think they incorporated the physical addition as Cloud's relation to Sephiroth.

We see that, during the first game when fighting Cloud, that he enters a form of 'beserk' status. In this status his wing appears. Considering the aggression of his attacks during this point in the fight, I'd say it was Cloud's darker part taking over. Sephiroth himself states that (in KH2) he is the dark part of Cloud's mind, so it's probable that Cloud is either harnessing this darkness, or it's consuming him.

Eh, what a load of bullshit. xD I don't recall seeing it in the second game though. Stupid inconsistencies...

The reason it dissapeared is probably that they changed his costume. It's a facinating theory, however.
i think that sephiroth and cloud are like a split personallity sort of thing, like they were once one person then one day the two personallities became to dominant and then they plit in two
it was George Newbern. He was a murderer on CSI once!

I remember that one...he was the Chimera killer. Also, he's probably best known as the groom in the Steve Martin "Father of the Bride" movies. Also, he voiced Nooj in FFX-2.

It's funny with all the theories swirling around. I can understand, since Sephiroth has an angel wing on one shoulder, and Cloud has a bat wing on the opposite. But the truth is that Nomura decided to redesign all the FF characters for their appearance in KH, and felt like slapping a wing on Cloud. That's as deep as it went for him, at least.
Cloud and Sephiroth are each others counterparts. one for the side of good and one for evil. Each quite simular but have chosen opposite sides, so that is why cloud's wing was to be made the opposite of sephiroth's
i thought his wing represents a deep burden but i personally thought it was through loss of aeris as cloud says to sora in kh and in kh2 it is gone because he finds her, thats my opinion anyway
I think the wing represnts the bond between Sephiroth and Cloud. The appearence of the wing on KH must have been the result of the Jenova cells.(try to remember that the KH series isn't exactly like the main one ok:)) But the disappearence of it in KH2 was because of Clouds redesigning to AC version (so the wing and the bandages had to go:p).