Cloud's Wing

Sephiroth is known in FFVII as the one winged angel. Since Cloud and Sephiroth are tied together in the two KH games, it would only make sence that Cloud also has a wing, since Sephiroth is a part of him.
Well usually things that fly have two wings, I think because Cloud and Sephiroth both have one it symbolises that they are one.
I think that Cloud and Sephiroth's connection each being tied with their dark pasts, is why they have or sorry are one winged in the KH series. It incorperates that they are both not whole but incomplete people, and both resemble some kind of angelic stature.
I think I get it...
See, I've heard when someone gets exposed to Jenova cells, they automatically grow a wing on their back side.

Sephiroth of course is a product of Jenova's cells, and both Zach and Cloud were experimented on with Jenova's cells, (before the Jenova project was conducted, I think it was just raw mako that they infused SOLDIERS with, right?), and they both grew wings on their back side. (I think in Crisis Core it is shown that Zach grew a wing as did some of the other characters...)

The way Sephiroth and Cloud are related in the KH series, is because really they both have parts of Jenova's cells, thus the Sephiroth that Cloud keeps trying to beat is really not the 'true' Sephiroth, just another copy/puppet of Jenova with his memories and personality.
The real Sephiroth is still crystalized somewhere inside Mako, (If we're going by the original game), which is why in KH2, even if he defetes him, he's still keep coming back. Making it be the 'dark side' of him, since Jenova is a planet destroyer. So in order to defete the true Sephiroth, he needs to get to the *real* one. (And as you can see by Sephiroth's appearance in KH 1 & 2, he just looks like his average human counter part, with his normal mastered Materia magic.)

They are both related because both have a part of Jenova's cells.
Sephiroth more than Cloud, but Cloud just enough to be able to morph into a personality of what he sees fit. (Like say, Zach for instance or something else.)
Not enough to transform his whole appearance, but enough to change his personality. Which is also why his personality can shift or become darker, depending on circumstances of what's happening around him.
(In KH it would be that there's so much darkess around, the heartless, nobodies, etc.)

That part of Jenova is what makes them related.

It has nothing to do with Cloud being 'like' Sephiroth, or some mental mumbo jumbo of Sephiroth being Cloud's darkside, mentally. Rather it is that Cloud has some part of the 'dark side' within him connected to Jenova.

Tbh though, I played KH and KH 2 years ago and just finished FFVII and I have to say, KH did not do Cloud or any of the Final Fantasy characters any justice. Especially Cloud. They left such a screwed up premise for him.

And I hate Yuffie, bitch stealin' all of my materia... And Aerith's voiced sucked in KH2, which is why I vowed to definitely find a subbed version of AC, since I heard they were both voiced by the same person. No one wants to hear Aerith in a pipsqueeked wimpy soft voice, she's stronger than that!

I had no connection with them back then, so I just didn't care either way. All I knew was from the games of KH1 & 2, and knowing they came from another game I'd never played before.
Actually, Nomura has said that;

"FFVII's main character, who even I have a strong attachment to. The single wing that appears when he uses the power of darkness is a homage to his eternal rival, Sephiroth.
I think that the scene in the ending with Aerith
, which is possible because it is parallel, is one answer." (Nomura)

That's about the KH ending. So it's a homage to Sephiroth. And I guess a parallel.

Hope I helped. ;)
Remember, in KH 2, Sephiroth is the physical manifestation of the darkness in Cloud's heart, so it is natural that he would have a wing. Maybe they were one whole angel that was seperated into dark and light.
Remember, in KH 2, Sephiroth is the physical manifestation of the darkness in Cloud's heart, so it is natural that he would have a wing. Maybe they were one whole angel that was seperated into dark and light.

Maybe. But Nomura said it's a homage to his eternal rival Sephiroth. So I guess it's only meaning is that it's a homage to Sephiroth.
Maybe. But Nomura said it's a homage to his eternal rival Sephiroth. So I guess it's only meaning is that it's a homage to Sephiroth.

I think besides being a Homage its there to show that Cloud can never really truly be Cloud alone Sephiroth is a part of him whether its memories or as his rival on the battle field.
The one wing is a trait all the people imprinted with jenova cells are said to have, at least that what ive noticed