Coming for 360?

Final fantasy on 360...

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I don't think there is an actual definite that the whole series is going to be released for the 360 from now on. From reports I've heard Square Enix took advantage of Microsoft throwing huge amounts of money at them (since they made a huge loss last year) to release XIII on the 360 as well. Whether the series from now will be released for the Xbox console will remain to be seen. :monster:
From a developer standpoint, what would be the gain from releasing it on one system? You lose out on a bunch of profit, that's what.
FF13 is going on pc too! i saw that in a magazine for games called screenfun, 20. november is the exact date...
I dont really care either way. I am sure it would have been cool for it to be PS3 exclusive but w/e doesn't effect me^^ I am still gonna get it for PS3 anyway.NOW as people have said the only thing that would REALLY annoy me was if Versus was on 360. But thats not gonna happen so nothing to worry about ^^.
Both versions are being released at the same time genius.
They aren't and it wouldn't make sense if they were either since only the PS3 version is being released in Japan and once they do release it there, all the Europe/USA/Asian versions will need are the ADR and voices changing whereas the whole 360 needs to be ported and localized as well as putting it onto however many discs the 360 version will have which is why there will be a 6-12 month gap between the PS3 and 360 versions.

FF13 is going on pc too! i saw that in a magazine for games called screenfun, 20. november is the exact date...
It's not :monster:
SE have already confirmed that it will not be released for the PC and it is only being developed on the PC (like most console games). And if that 20th November is the release date for's a lie. :wacky:
well. my story goes like this: i don't have ps3 and don't have money for it, so for me this is great news, why do u all bother if its gonna be ps3 exclusive, if u have ps3 than buy it what do u care if ill play it on pc?
This is the perfect plan.

They put it on the 360 and PS3, new final fantasy fans, then they make 14 a PS3 exclusive, forcing the new fans to buy a PS3.

SE is full of geniuses.
Im beyond happy about it. i have a 360 and have no intention of getting a PS3 anytime soon, although Final Fantasy and MGS would be the sole reasons to get one. But now I dont have to because of this piece of news and Im happy about it.

I guess there are some people whom are angry at the fact that Final Fantasy has jumped to another console, but its happened before with Microsoft and also Nintendo. I think its a great idea for fans who havent got the cash for a PS3, like moi lol.
I'm very pleased about it, I really don't want to get a Ps3 for one game, as a FF fan I'm glad they thought of us 360 owners who adore the series, it shouldn't matter what console it's on as long as all FF fans get to enjoy it regardless. Anyway Versus is still an PS3 exclusive.

The fact FFXI was on Xbox kind've sealed the deal of where the future of this series was heading anyway. Why should FF be a Sony exclusive when Nintendo have rights to it aswell, there's no reason for it not to be available on Xbox to. It's not a restricted title.
Both versions are being released at the same time genius.

No they are not. It has already been sited many times that the Xbox360 version will take more time since it has to be sized down to multiple discs. Also 360 will have distinguishably different graphics than the PS3. PS3 users will still get a lot more love than xbox users. Also since is (has been) being developed for ps3, the graphics will need to be rendered, the pixels sized properly and the animations clipped in order to get a playable version on Xbox360.

So next time, please do your research before making such a rude, ignorant comment.
I dont own a Xbox so doesnt really matter to me all that much. I do own a Playstation so i was going to buy it for that anyway. I was some what upset because it was going to be exclusivly for us PS3 owners but what can you do. I guess more people can be exposed to the series now
I like it...
I Want All The People Play & Enjoy The Best RPG Final Fantasy.
But I think On X360 version I'll have more enjoyment ( Why ? )
Becouse The Achievement.
I Hope There will be Challanges To Beat.
huh Like Ninja Gaiden!!!
No they are not. It has already been sited many times that the Xbox360 version will take more time since it has to be sized down to multiple discs. Also 360 will have distinguishably different graphics than the PS3. PS3 users will still get a lot more love than xbox users. Also since is (has been) being developed for ps3, the graphics will need to be rendered, the pixels sized properly and the animations clipped in order to get a playable version on Xbox360.

So next time, please do your research before making such a rude, ignorant comment.

Microsoft and most gaming sites I've looked at are saying that the game will be released at the same time as the PS3 version in America and Europe. The only exception is in Japan where it'll be PS3 exclusive and it'll only be then when the game is released that the 360 version will be made.
No they are not. It has already been sited many times that the Xbox360 version will take more time since it has to be sized down to multiple discs. Also 360 will have distinguishably different graphics than the PS3. PS3 users will still get a lot more love than xbox users. Also since is (has been) being developed for ps3, the graphics will need to be rendered, the pixels sized properly and the animations clipped in order to get a playable version on Xbox360.

So next time, please do your research before making such a rude, ignorant comment.

Like i said both versions are being released at the same time bonehead. Do your research before you make such a rude, ignorant comment. Bye the way, I just got Tails of Vesperia for the 360 and the Graphics are amazing. Another great 360 exclusive. Wii and the 360 the only systems needed. You shoudl go check out e3 and read about how the PS3 stocks have fallen over and over again. Try the stock market also. The graphic will be great for the 360 just like they always are. It has been sited on many sites that they are being released at the same time. Plus i got a friend who has some inside info. Sorry man do your homework before you start blabbering uninformed opinions.
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Like i said both versions are being released at the same time bonehead. Do your research before you make such a rude, ignorant comment. Bye the way, I just got Tails of Vesperia for the 360 and the Graphics are amazing. Another great 360 exclusive. Wii and the 360 the only systems needed. You shoudl go check out e3 and read about how the PS3 stocks have fallen over and over again. Try the stock market also. The graphic will be great for the 360 just like they always are. It has been sited on many sites that they are being released at the same time. Plus i got a friend who has some inside info. Sorry man do your homework before you start blabbering uninformed opinions.

Opinions? This was for Japanese Releases, my words had nothing to do with US release. Think forward, of course they are going to release simultaneously in the US, or Square will lose money left and right. Same goes for European release date. I do believe SE is becoming the new Blizzard.

Most people had the opinion of saying FFXIII was going to be released on XBOX360 prior to PS3, which made no sense since the Japanese version will be released on PS3 prior. All the PS3 release needs is translations and voice actors.

What this means for us crazed FF fans, is a bit of dissapointment. Since the simultaneous release will occur... that means the release date in the US will be pushed back to late 2009 or 2010.

I have both systems, so I'm not opinionated about either. For RPGs I still prefer any playstation over Xbox systems, only due to frame rate and graphic issues. First person shooters on the other hand.. well that's xbox all the way.

I just hope playstation doesn't go further down the hill because of the push back. Most people bought the PS3 strictly for FFXIII, heck I know I did.
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I honestly couldn't care less that it is being released on the 360 now. I already have a PS3 so the fact that it is being released on 360 doesn't really affect me. I can't really see why anyone would have a problem with it to be honest :confused: all it means is that more people will be able to play it.
Personally, I like it... Even if I don't really care about even checking out that game... It sort of makes the PS3 more of a laughingstock than it already was to me... All we need now is SMT on 360 and MGS4 ported to it (I doubt that would happen) and the PS3 would practically be dead. It serves Sony right for making a system that so hard to develop for.

Mind, I don't really give a crap about Sony or Microsoft in general... I just look at the consoles subjectively as the kind of gamer I am... The 360 is this gen's PS2.
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I'm very pleased about it, I really don't want to get a Ps3 for one game, as a FF fan I'm glad they thought of us 360 owners who adore the series, it shouldn't matter what console it's on as long as all FF fans get to enjoy it regardless. Anyway Versus is still an PS3 exclusive.

The fact FFXI was on Xbox kind've sealed the deal of where the future of this series was heading anyway. Why should FF be a Sony exclusive when Nintendo have rights to it aswell, there's no reason for it not to be available on Xbox to. It's not a restricted title.
i agree i dnt wanna buy a ps3 just for one game either