Coming for 360?

Final fantasy on 360...

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Also, think about this, people... Final Fantasy hasn't ALWAYS been on Sony Consoles. The classic ones were on these REALLY OBSCURE systems called NES and SNES, which were made by a REALLY OBSCURE company called Nintendo.
Opinions? This was for Japanese Releases, my words had nothing to do with US release. Think forward, of course they are going to release simultaneously in the US, or Square will lose money left and right. Same goes for European release date. I do believe SE is becoming the new Blizzard.

Most people had the opinion of saying FFXIII was going to be released on XBOX360 prior to PS3, which made no sense since the Japanese version will be released on PS3 prior. All the PS3 release needs is translations and voice actors.

What this means for us crazed FF fans, is a bit of dissapointment. Since the simultaneous release will occur... that means the release date in the US will be pushed back to late 2009 or 2010.

I have both systems, so I'm not opinionated about either. For RPGs I still prefer any playstation over Xbox systems, only due to frame rate and graphic issues. First person shooters on the other hand.. well that's xbox all the way.

I just hope playstation doesn't go further down the hill because of the push back. Most people bought the PS3 strictly for FFXIII, heck I know I did.

I hear what you are saying. do you own a Wii? The Final Fantast Fables for the Wii has very colorful and detailed summonings including, Shiva, Ifrit, Bahamut, Ramuth, Phoenix, Alexander, and a water Dragon. I have not beat it yet. It is a very fun game. Also have you played FF11?
I hear what you are saying. do you own a Wii? The Final Fantast Fables for the Wii has very colorful and detailed summonings including, Shiva, Ifrit, Bahamut, Ramuth, Phoenix, Alexander, and a water Dragon. I have not beat it yet. It is a very fun game. Also have you played FF11?

Wii was the first of the new systems (xbox360, wii, and ps3) I bought, but due to hard gameplay in the first person shooters (non responsive controller combat in medal of honor or call of duty) I sold it. I finished Zelda and of course loved Wii Sports, but never got beyond that.

So I'm stuck with PS3 and Xbox360 now. I play ffxi on 360 though, since I got REAAAAAAAAAL tired of WoW in the past 3 1/2 years. Love the heck out of it.

But the sad reason I even let my girl friend coax me in the buying the PS3 was basically Final Fantasy 13.. and now all I use it for is a paper weight and a DVD player. Sad.. but true.
Yeah. There's not much to do with a PS3 if you get one... You can mostly just use it as a Blu-Ray/MGS 4 player.

Either way, it was only made for movies. :D
Sherbert, I've deleted your posts. The next time you post off topic you will get an infraction.
I love the 360 myself. However the Nintendo is the number one selling game system right now. I own it and love it. I agree the PS3 is in real trouble losing 3.3 billion on a system in two years is really bad.
I believe where Sony went wrong with the PS3 was building it like a newfangled computer... Some of the specs in the PS3 are better than the stuff in my computer right now. However, the way games are programmed for the PS3 is an ass for game developers to get used to... The guy heading up the PS3 development of Orange Box said himself that he'd rather not try and develop anything for the PS3 again because it's too much hassle. And of course, those high-grade computer specs are what drove the prices so unrelentingly high that only Sony die-hard fanboys would put out to get it...

My thinking is, I want my consoles to be consoles. Leave the expensive computer gadgetry for computers, where I only have to buy a new one every 7 years or so, rather than consoles where I gotta get a new one maybe every 4 years.

Getting back on topic, I doubt it's hardware issues at heart with FFXIII's switch. Probably just money.
Sherbert please stay on topic. I've gone through this entire thread with many of your posts deleted because they're either of you getting snappy with members, spamming or taking the thread off-topic. The next time it happens, further action will be taken. Learn to speak to people with respect and learn to keep the threads on topic. Thank you.
I believe where Sony went wrong with the PS3 was building it like a newfangled computer... Some of the specs in the PS3 are better than the stuff in my computer right now. However, the way games are programmed for the PS3 is an ass for game developers to get used to... The guy heading up the PS3 development of Orange Box said himself that he'd rather not try and develop anything for the PS3 again because it's too much hassle. And of course, those high-grade computer specs are what drove the prices so unrelentingly high that only Sony die-hard fanboys would put out to get it...

My thinking is, I want my consoles to be consoles. Leave the expensive computer gadgetry for computers, where I only have to buy a new one every 7 years or so, rather than consoles where I gotta get a new one maybe every 4 years.

Getting back on topic, I doubt it's hardware issues at heart with FFXIII's switch. Probably just money.

Thats what i have read and tryed to post on here. Everytime i post facts that make show the PS3 owners why there system is failing i get a warning or an infraction. The Ps3 is the best system of all time.
Im not a keen PS3 fan, even though I see myself as a Sony fangirl. It just looks like a shiny paperweight to me, plus I cant afford it lol. I love my 360 and never though I would love an XBox because the last one looked horrid to me.

However Im beyond excited about getting Final Fantasy 13. Its great as I wont get a gap in my collection like I orginally thought i would ^_^
Thats what i have read and tryed to post on here. Everytime i post facts that make show the PS3 owners why there system is failing i get a warning or an infraction. The Ps3 is the best system of all time.

You're not posting facts, you're just acting up and making a fool out of yourself. We asked you plenty of times to knock it off with the sarcasm and to stop taking this thread off-topic. This thread isn't a "Which is better PS3 or XBox 360" thread, so stop trying to turn it into one. This thread is to discuss Final Fantasy XIII being put on the 360, alright? Get that through your thick skull already. We're tired of reminding you and yes, you are about to get an infraction because you're failing to listen to what staff is telling you to do.
Anyways, The FFXIII game being added to 360, I theorize, was just to get a bit more cash for Squeenix. The PS3 sales aren't that great due to the small game library... At least, nowhere near as large as they have been for PS2 FF's... The way they see things, it's probably very logical to capitalize on both systems to rake in as much money as possible with FFXIII.
I dont really care what system its for, im getting it, but im kinda glad its for the xbox 360. I mean while im waiting i could play some good 360 games, instead of staring at my ps3 in the corner lol.
Also as the posts I said before, they were not meant to discourage Xbox360 users.

Honestly Xbox360 has done a HECK of a lot better putting out games, and with FFXIII being put to the test, I bet we will see SE becoming very very profitable. So if you have a 360, I believe you will be just fine, but as a gaming standpoint "IN MY OPINION" PS3 will definitely be able to handle the game better.

No frame rate issues, no pixelated garbage in the top left of your screen, and definitely more gaming content (FFXIII versus that is).

... 2009...2010...hopefully not 2011 :(.
I don't like the idea of it being released on the 360. I think the Final Fantasy games should stay exclusive to Sony only. But aslong as they still release them on Sony's platforms and don't ever go Xbox Exclusive then I will be fine.

I like my 360 and all, but the PS3 is better in my opinion. Only thing Xbox has over the PS3 at the moment is the online community. Because PSN hasn't gotten built up yet. But give it time.

Final Fantasy's have been Playstation for a long while, I think it should stay that way.
I too think that it should stay Playstation. But we must keep in mind that FF was first introduced on the Nintendo, and they are still remaking the first ones on the Gameboy.

So if it did come out for the 360 it would be ok, but I think that it would more than likely lag like every five seconds. Because the game has been on the Playstation for many years now.

So please lets keep Sony and not Microsoft.
I really don't think the game would lag much... I've never really noticed any lag on any of the 360 games I have now... Blue Dragon, Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed, Call Of Duty 3...

Still, It's not like I'll likely ever buy or even play XIII, despite the move to 360 as well, I just find it hilarious... Still, I doubt XIII would really be pushing PS3's hardware so much that it would be impossible to do a couple changes to get the 360 version... :/

Even if Squeenix said so themselves, they said the same thing about the graphics on FFX, and the graphics of the games beyond that one actually looked better... (Except some odd crap on XII)
What he means by lag is frame rate. Xbox360 has been known to have many framerate issues, because of "memory" or "processes ran per second". If you have tried the following games ... on both consoles you will know Xbox360 has load time issues:

Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, Assassin's Creed (it actually has bad load issues), Lost Odyssey.
I know what people mean by lag. ^^; I've just never experienced a noticeable amount on my 360. Load times are boring, yeah... And Lots of people complain about the constant use of elevators in Mass Effect to cover up load times... Still, I prefer it to a seeing a splash screen every time with some object moving with the word 'loading' beside it in big letters. Also, I think the elevators make it seem like a more real world...

Who honestly thinks we'll ever have perfectly functioning teleporters that rearrange our atoms and perfectly reform them somewhere else? Besides, I've dealt with enough load times in games that it's no longer too big of an annoyance... If a game has a long load time, I just do something until I think it's done.

And, just FYI, the long loads in Lost Odyssey and Mass Effect are due to the engine, Unreal 3, which they were made on. Beautiful graphics, but buggy as hell and take a long time to load.

Of course PS3 is better as far as processing goes and graphics goes, but the bottom line is, who wants to buy an expensive system to only play like... 4-5 worthy games on it as compared to the xbox360 and play like.. 100+ worthy games on it.

Playstation dug themselves a hole on this one.
Exactly. I have no doubts PS3 has better hardware... But so did the original Xbox in last gen, and it only had a handful of titles worth having.

My theory is that the console with hardware in the middle ground always sells the most and has more good games released. This was the case with Nintendo, Super Nintendo, Playstation, and PS2. Xbox 360 is just the middle ground of this gen.

To get back on topic though, hopefully with Squeenix's 'Crystal Tools' engine that they 'developed themselves' that looks almost identical to the Unreal 3 engine which they previously stated they'd use to make it, it won't be as frustrating with load times for the PS3/360 owners that decide to shell out for it.
Okay we are going to STOP posting off topic posts about the capabilities of the PS3/360/Wii or how bad/good one is compared to the other. This topic is designed to bring around the discussion on how you feel about FFXIII coming to the 360 NOT how good a console is.

If anyone else continues they will be PM warned and if it continues, infracted.
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I kept on topic at the end. The FFXIII Engine ties into the other games mentioned a lot. It would just suck for the people who buy it if 'Crystal Tools' has Unreal 3 syndrome. I don't really see too much of a problem, as long as I return to the subject and tie it in to something else I stated, which was actually a majority of my post, thanks.