Complete Final Fantasy Pronunciations


Master of Pants
Aug 15, 2008
Hey, everyone! New here; this is my first post! I know this has probably been brought up before, but I wanted to know how everyone pronounces the names within all of the Final Fantasy games since many have been a topic of debate among my friends and I while we're playing together. I tried to put together as many as I could, skipping the super obvious ones (Cloud, Squall, Maria, etc.). Here's my list and I look forward to seeing yours!


Chocobo: Cho-ko-bo (long "o's")
Moogle: Moo-gull
Mage: Mayg (like the month of "May")
Cid: Sid (like the common name)
Cactuar: Kack-twar
Tonberry: Tahn-beh-ree
Ifrit: E-freet
Shiva: Shee-vuh (like the Hindu goddess)
Ramuh: Rah-muh
Bahamut: Bah-ha-moot

Final Fantasy I
Garland: Gar-lund (as in "Judy Garland")
Corneria: Kor-neh-ree-uh
Lufenian: Loo-fehn-ee-ahn

Final Fantasy II
Firion: Fee-ree-onFynn: Fihn
Josef: Jo-sehf (long "o")
Leila: Lay-luh
Mindu: Meen-doo
Palamecia: Pah-la-mee-see-uh
Kashuan: Kah-shoo-on

Final Fantasy III
Luneth: Loo-nehth
Reifa: Ray-faah
Ingus: Ing-uhs
Ur: Oor

Final Fantasy IV

Cecil: Ceh-sull
Kain: Kayn
Rydia: Rid-ee-uh
Palom: Pah-lum
Porom: Poor-um
Golbez: Gahl-behz
Mysidia: Mih-sid-ee-uh
Baron: Bah-run
Fabul: Fah-bool

Final Fantasy V

Bartz: Barts
Lenna: Lay-nuh
Faris: Fah-rees
Galuf: Gah-loof
Krile: Kry-ull
Mid: Meed
Boko: Bo-ko (long "o's," rhymes with "chocobo")
Gilgamesh: Gill-guh-mehsh

Final Fantasy VI
Terra: Teh-ruh
Cyan: See-ahn
Gau: Gow (as in "ow, that hurt")
Locke: Lock
Sabin: Say-bihn
Celes: Sell-ess (as in the word "celestial")
Strago: Strah-go (long "o")
Relm: Rehlm (like the word "realm")
Setzer: Sett-zerr
Mog: Mahg (like the word "mom" but with a "g" at the end)
Umaro: Oo-mah-ro
Kefka: Keff-kuh
Banon: Baah-nehn
Ultros: Uhl-tros (long "o")
Gestahl: Geh-sh-tahl
Esper: Ess-perr (as in "whisper")

Final Fantasy VII
Barret: Baah-reht
Tifa: Tee-fuh
Aeris: Air-eez
Cait Sith: Keht-shee
Yuffie: Yoo-fee
Sephiroth: Seh-fee-roth
Rufus: Roo-fuhs
Heidegger: Hi-deh-jer
Tseng: Sayng
Reno: Ree-no
Rude: Rood
Elena: Ell-ay-nuh
Reeve: Reev
Hojo: Ho-jo (long "o's")
JENOVA: Jeh-no-vuh
Marlene: Mar-leen
Seto: Seh-to (long "o")
Bugenhagen: Boo-gehn-hay-gehn ("gehn" as in "again")
Don Corneo: Dawn Kor-nay-o
Palmer: Paul-merr
Dyne: Dyn
Elmyra: Ell-mye-ruh
Shinra: Sheen-ruh
Lucrecia: Loo-cree-see-uh

Final Fantasy VIII

Rinoa: Ree-no-uh
Quistis: Kwees-teez
Zell: Zehl
Irvine: Err-vine
Selphie: Sell-fee
Seifer: Sigh-ferr ("sigh" as in what you do with your breath)
Fujin: Fu-jeen
Raijin: Rye-jeen ("rye" as in the type of bread)
Edea: I-dee-uh
Laguna: Lah-goon-uh (sort of the word "lagoon" with an "uh" at the end)
Kiros: Kee-rose
Raine: Rayn (like the word "rain")
Ellone: Ell-own (sounds similar to the word "alone")
Ultimecia: Ull-tuh-mee-see-uh
Adel: Ah-dell
Mayor Dobe: Doh-bay ("doh" as in "dough")
Martine: Mar-teen
Balamb- Bah-lahm
Dollet- Dah-let
Galbadia- Gahl-bad-ee-ya
Moomba: Moom-bah

Final Fantasy IX
Zidane: Zye-don ("zye as in "rye bread")
Vivi: Vee-vee
Steiner: Styne-err
Garnet: Gar-nett
Freya: Fray-uh
Quina: Kwee-nuh
Eiko: E-ko (long "o")
Amarant: Ah-mar-ant
Kuja: Koo-juh
Baku: Bah-koo
Blank: Blonk
Cinna: Sih-nuh
Nero Brothers: Nee-ro (long "o")
Beatrix: Bee-uh-tricks
Queen Brahne: Brawn
Sir Fratley: Frat-lay
Lani: Lah-nee
Mikoto: Mee-ko-to (long "o's)

Final Fantasy X
Tidus: Tee-duhs (even though it really should be "tye-duhs," since it fits with the whole water theme)
Anima: Ah-nee-muh
Magus Sisters: May-gus
Good Job on the Pronunciations pants it seems this deserves a sticky or something great job but i think its a great thread
Nice thread, and welcome.

Chocobo: Cho-ko-bo (long "o's")
Moogle: Moo-gull
Mage: Mayg (like the month of "May")
Cid: Sid (like the common name)
Cactuar: Kack-twar
Tonberry: Ton-beh-ree
Ifrit: If-reet
Shiva: Shee-va (like the Hindu goddess)
Ramuh: Rah-muh
Bahamut: Bah-ha-mutt

Final Fantasy I
Garland: Gar-land (as in "Judy Garland")
Corneria: Kor-neh-ree-uh
Lufenian: Loo-fehn-ee-ahn

Final Fantasy II
Firion: Fee-ree-onFynn: Fihn
Josef: Jo-sehf (long "o")
Leila: Lay-luh
Mindu: Meen-doo
Palamecia: Pah-la-mee-see-uh
Kashuan: Kah-shoo-on

Final Fantasy III
Luneth: Loo-nehth
Reifa: Ray-faah
Ingus: Ing-uhs
Ur: Oor

Final Fantasy IV
Cecil: Ceh-sull
Kain: Kayn
Rydia: Rid-ee-ah
Palom: Pah-lum
Porom: Poor-um
Golbez: Goll-bez
Mysidia: Mih-sid-ee-uh
Baron: Bah-run
Fabul: Fah-bull

Final Fantasy V
Bartz: Barts
Lenna: Lay-nuh
Faris: Fah-rees
Galuf: Gah-loof
Krile: Kry-ull
Mid: Meed
Boko: Bo-ko (long "o's," rhymes with "chocobo")
Gilgamesh: Gill-gah-mesh

Final Fantasy VI
Terra: Teh-rah
Cyan: Sigh-an
Gau: Gow (as in "ow, that hurt")
Locke: Lock
Sabin: Sah-bin
Celes: Cell-es (as in the word "celestial")
Strago: Strah-go (long "o")
Relm: Rehlm (like the word "realm")
Setzer: Sett-zerr
Mog: Mahg (like the word "mom" but with a "g" at the end)
Umaro: Oo-mah-ro
Kefka: Keff-kah
Banon: Bah-none
Ultros: Uhl-tros (long "o")
Gestahl: Geh-sh-tahl
Esper: Ess-perr (as in "whisper")

Final Fantasy VII
Barret: Baah-ret
Tifa: Tee-fah
Aeris: Air-ezz
Cait Sith: Keht-shee
Yuffie: Yoo-fee
Sephiroth: Seh-pir-oth
Rufus: Roo-fuhs
Heidegger: Hi-deh-ger
Tseng: Seng
Reno: Ree-no
Rude: Rood
Elena: Ell-ay-nah
Reeve: Reev
Hojo: Ho-jo (long "o's")
JENOVA: Jeh-no-vuh
Marlene: Mar-leen
Seto: Seh-to (long "o")
Bugenhagen: Boo-gehn-hay-gehn ("gehn" as in "again")
Don Corneo: Don Kor-neo
Palmer: Palm-err
Dyne: Dine
Elmyra: Ell-me-rah
Shinra: Shin-rah
Lucrecia: Loo-cree-see-ah

Final Fantasy VIII
Rinoa: Ree-no-ah
Quistis: Kwees-teez
Zell: Zehl
Irvine: Err-vine
Selphie: Sell-fee
Seifer: Sigh-ferr ("sigh" as in what you do with your breath)
Fujin: Fu-jeen
Raijin: Rye-jeen ("rye" as in the type of bread)
Edea: Ed-ee-ah
Laguna: Lah-goon-ah (sort of the word "lagoon" with an "uh" at the end)
Kiros: Kee-rose
Raine: Rayn (like the word "rain")
Ellone: Ell-own (sounds similar to the word "alone")
Ultimecia: Ull-tim-ee-see-uh
Adel: Ah-dell
Mayor Dobe: Doh-b ("doh" as in "dough")
Martine: Mar-teen
Balamb- Bah-lahm
Dollet- Dol-let
Galbadia- Gahl-bad-ee-ya
Moomba: Moom-bah

Final Fantasy IX
Zidane: Zi-darn ("zye as in "rye bread")
Vivi: Vee-vee
Steiner: Styne-err
Garnet: Gar-nett
Freya: Fray-uh
Quina: Kwee-nah
Eiko: I-ko (long "o")
Amarant: Ah-mar-ant
Kuja: Koo-ja
Baku: Bah-koo
Blank: Blank
Cinna: Sih-nuh
Nero Brothers: Nee-ro (long "o")
Beatrix: Bee-ah-tricks
Queen Brahne: Bra-ne
Sir Fratley: Frat-ley
Lani: Lah-nee
Mikoto: Mee-ko-to (long "o's)

Final Fantasy X
Tidus: Tee-duhs (even though it really should be "tye-duhs," since it fits with the whole water theme)
Anima: Ah-nee-mah
Magus Sisters: May-gus
Auron: Or-on
Yuna: You-nah
Lulu: Loo-loo
Wakka: Wah-ka
Rikku: Ree-ku
Seymour: See-more
Kimhari: Kim-ar-ee
I forgot to mention that I encourage people to add ones that I missed. I didn't put the majority of the Final Fantasy X characters since the game pronounces most of them for you. Anybody who owns the Nintendo DS version of Final Fantasy IV can probably confirm the "correct" pronunciations. Other games, such as the Kingdom Hearts series, and new games in the Final Fantasy VII compilation also probably confirm the intended way to pronounce some of the names in question; however, I only played through the two Kingdom Hearts games once (so it is difficult for me to recall) and haven't touched any of the new Final Fantasy VII spin-offs.

And just for the heck of it...

Chrono Trigger
Crono: Cro-no (long "o's)
Marle: Mar-lay
Lucca: Loo-kuh
Ayla: I-luh
Magus: May-gus

I also pronounce the "Chrono" in the title of the game in the same way as Crono's name as opposed to how it is pronounced in a words such as "chronological," or "chronicles."
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Old post but very informative... However, there is no way I will ever pronounce Tidus any other way then Tie-Dus (Tie-Dus-4-Life-Bro🏏)
Tidus is pronounced Teedoos.

Although, just like with some other FFX characters, they changed his name.
His original name in Japanese is Tiida (pronounced Teedah, with ee lasting a bit longer).