Master of Pants
Hey, everyone! New here; this is my first post! I know this has probably been brought up before, but I wanted to know how everyone pronounces the names within all of the Final Fantasy games since many have been a topic of debate among my friends and I while we're playing together. I tried to put together as many as I could, skipping the super obvious ones (Cloud, Squall, Maria, etc.). Here's my list and I look forward to seeing yours!
Chocobo: Cho-ko-bo (long "o's")
Moogle: Moo-gull
Mage: Mayg (like the month of "May")
Cid: Sid (like the common name)
Cactuar: Kack-twar
Tonberry: Tahn-beh-ree
Ifrit: E-freet
Shiva: Shee-vuh (like the Hindu goddess)
Ramuh: Rah-muh
Bahamut: Bah-ha-moot
Final Fantasy I
Garland: Gar-lund (as in "Judy Garland")
Corneria: Kor-neh-ree-uh
Lufenian: Loo-fehn-ee-ahn
Final Fantasy II
Firion: Fee-ree-onFynn: Fihn
Josef: Jo-sehf (long "o")
Leila: Lay-luh
Mindu: Meen-doo
Palamecia: Pah-la-mee-see-uh
Kashuan: Kah-shoo-on
Final Fantasy III
Luneth: Loo-nehth
Reifa: Ray-faah
Ingus: Ing-uhs
Ur: Oor
Final Fantasy IV
Cecil: Ceh-sull
Kain: Kayn
Rydia: Rid-ee-uh
Palom: Pah-lum
Porom: Poor-um
Golbez: Gahl-behz
Mysidia: Mih-sid-ee-uh
Baron: Bah-run
Fabul: Fah-bool
Final Fantasy V
Bartz: Barts
Lenna: Lay-nuh
Faris: Fah-rees
Galuf: Gah-loof
Krile: Kry-ull
Mid: Meed
Boko: Bo-ko (long "o's," rhymes with "chocobo")
Gilgamesh: Gill-guh-mehsh
Final Fantasy VI
Terra: Teh-ruh
Cyan: See-ahn
Gau: Gow (as in "ow, that hurt")
Locke: Lock
Sabin: Say-bihn
Celes: Sell-ess (as in the word "celestial")
Strago: Strah-go (long "o")
Relm: Rehlm (like the word "realm")
Setzer: Sett-zerr
Mog: Mahg (like the word "mom" but with a "g" at the end)
Umaro: Oo-mah-ro
Kefka: Keff-kuh
Banon: Baah-nehn
Ultros: Uhl-tros (long "o")
Gestahl: Geh-sh-tahl
Esper: Ess-perr (as in "whisper")
Final Fantasy VII
Barret: Baah-reht
Tifa: Tee-fuh
Aeris: Air-eez
Cait Sith: Keht-shee
Yuffie: Yoo-fee
Sephiroth: Seh-fee-roth
Rufus: Roo-fuhs
Heidegger: Hi-deh-jer
Tseng: Sayng
Reno: Ree-no
Rude: Rood
Elena: Ell-ay-nuh
Reeve: Reev
Hojo: Ho-jo (long "o's")
JENOVA: Jeh-no-vuh
Marlene: Mar-leen
Seto: Seh-to (long "o")
Bugenhagen: Boo-gehn-hay-gehn ("gehn" as in "again")
Don Corneo: Dawn Kor-nay-o
Palmer: Paul-merr
Dyne: Dyn
Elmyra: Ell-mye-ruh
Shinra: Sheen-ruh
Lucrecia: Loo-cree-see-uh
Final Fantasy VIII
Rinoa: Ree-no-uh
Quistis: Kwees-teez
Zell: Zehl
Irvine: Err-vine
Selphie: Sell-fee
Seifer: Sigh-ferr ("sigh" as in what you do with your breath)
Fujin: Fu-jeen
Raijin: Rye-jeen ("rye" as in the type of bread)
Edea: I-dee-uh
Laguna: Lah-goon-uh (sort of the word "lagoon" with an "uh" at the end)
Kiros: Kee-rose
Raine: Rayn (like the word "rain")
Ellone: Ell-own (sounds similar to the word "alone")
Ultimecia: Ull-tuh-mee-see-uh
Adel: Ah-dell
Mayor Dobe: Doh-bay ("doh" as in "dough")
Martine: Mar-teen
Balamb- Bah-lahm
Dollet- Dah-let
Galbadia- Gahl-bad-ee-ya
Moomba: Moom-bah
Final Fantasy IX
Zidane: Zye-don ("zye as in "rye bread")
Vivi: Vee-vee
Steiner: Styne-err
Garnet: Gar-nett
Freya: Fray-uh
Quina: Kwee-nuh
Eiko: E-ko (long "o")
Amarant: Ah-mar-ant
Kuja: Koo-juh
Baku: Bah-koo
Blank: Blonk
Cinna: Sih-nuh
Nero Brothers: Nee-ro (long "o")
Beatrix: Bee-uh-tricks
Queen Brahne: Brawn
Sir Fratley: Frat-lay
Lani: Lah-nee
Mikoto: Mee-ko-to (long "o's)
Final Fantasy X
Tidus: Tee-duhs (even though it really should be "tye-duhs," since it fits with the whole water theme)
Anima: Ah-nee-muh
Magus Sisters: May-gus
Chocobo: Cho-ko-bo (long "o's")
Moogle: Moo-gull
Mage: Mayg (like the month of "May")
Cid: Sid (like the common name)
Cactuar: Kack-twar
Tonberry: Tahn-beh-ree
Ifrit: E-freet
Shiva: Shee-vuh (like the Hindu goddess)
Ramuh: Rah-muh
Bahamut: Bah-ha-moot
Final Fantasy I
Garland: Gar-lund (as in "Judy Garland")
Corneria: Kor-neh-ree-uh
Lufenian: Loo-fehn-ee-ahn
Final Fantasy II
Firion: Fee-ree-onFynn: Fihn
Josef: Jo-sehf (long "o")
Leila: Lay-luh
Mindu: Meen-doo
Palamecia: Pah-la-mee-see-uh
Kashuan: Kah-shoo-on
Final Fantasy III
Luneth: Loo-nehth
Reifa: Ray-faah
Ingus: Ing-uhs
Ur: Oor
Final Fantasy IV
Cecil: Ceh-sull
Kain: Kayn
Rydia: Rid-ee-uh
Palom: Pah-lum
Porom: Poor-um
Golbez: Gahl-behz
Mysidia: Mih-sid-ee-uh
Baron: Bah-run
Fabul: Fah-bool
Final Fantasy V
Bartz: Barts
Lenna: Lay-nuh
Faris: Fah-rees
Galuf: Gah-loof
Krile: Kry-ull
Mid: Meed
Boko: Bo-ko (long "o's," rhymes with "chocobo")
Gilgamesh: Gill-guh-mehsh
Final Fantasy VI
Terra: Teh-ruh
Cyan: See-ahn
Gau: Gow (as in "ow, that hurt")
Locke: Lock
Sabin: Say-bihn
Celes: Sell-ess (as in the word "celestial")
Strago: Strah-go (long "o")
Relm: Rehlm (like the word "realm")
Setzer: Sett-zerr
Mog: Mahg (like the word "mom" but with a "g" at the end)
Umaro: Oo-mah-ro
Kefka: Keff-kuh
Banon: Baah-nehn
Ultros: Uhl-tros (long "o")
Gestahl: Geh-sh-tahl
Esper: Ess-perr (as in "whisper")
Final Fantasy VII
Barret: Baah-reht
Tifa: Tee-fuh
Aeris: Air-eez
Cait Sith: Keht-shee
Yuffie: Yoo-fee
Sephiroth: Seh-fee-roth
Rufus: Roo-fuhs
Heidegger: Hi-deh-jer
Tseng: Sayng
Reno: Ree-no
Rude: Rood
Elena: Ell-ay-nuh
Reeve: Reev
Hojo: Ho-jo (long "o's")
JENOVA: Jeh-no-vuh
Marlene: Mar-leen
Seto: Seh-to (long "o")
Bugenhagen: Boo-gehn-hay-gehn ("gehn" as in "again")
Don Corneo: Dawn Kor-nay-o
Palmer: Paul-merr
Dyne: Dyn
Elmyra: Ell-mye-ruh
Shinra: Sheen-ruh
Lucrecia: Loo-cree-see-uh
Final Fantasy VIII
Rinoa: Ree-no-uh
Quistis: Kwees-teez
Zell: Zehl
Irvine: Err-vine
Selphie: Sell-fee
Seifer: Sigh-ferr ("sigh" as in what you do with your breath)
Fujin: Fu-jeen
Raijin: Rye-jeen ("rye" as in the type of bread)
Edea: I-dee-uh
Laguna: Lah-goon-uh (sort of the word "lagoon" with an "uh" at the end)
Kiros: Kee-rose
Raine: Rayn (like the word "rain")
Ellone: Ell-own (sounds similar to the word "alone")
Ultimecia: Ull-tuh-mee-see-uh
Adel: Ah-dell
Mayor Dobe: Doh-bay ("doh" as in "dough")
Martine: Mar-teen
Balamb- Bah-lahm
Dollet- Dah-let
Galbadia- Gahl-bad-ee-ya
Moomba: Moom-bah
Final Fantasy IX
Zidane: Zye-don ("zye as in "rye bread")
Vivi: Vee-vee
Steiner: Styne-err
Garnet: Gar-nett
Freya: Fray-uh
Quina: Kwee-nuh
Eiko: E-ko (long "o")
Amarant: Ah-mar-ant
Kuja: Koo-juh
Baku: Bah-koo
Blank: Blonk
Cinna: Sih-nuh
Nero Brothers: Nee-ro (long "o")
Beatrix: Bee-uh-tricks
Queen Brahne: Brawn
Sir Fratley: Frat-lay
Lani: Lah-nee
Mikoto: Mee-ko-to (long "o's)
Final Fantasy X
Tidus: Tee-duhs (even though it really should be "tye-duhs," since it fits with the whole water theme)
Anima: Ah-nee-muh
Magus Sisters: May-gus