Concerning Cloud and Yourself.


Sep 10, 2011
Does anyone else feel like the personality of Cloud really imitates your own actions and feelings? Ever since I was a child, Cloud was the only video game character I viewed as "myself" in a sense, you know? Besides Snake of MGS, Cloud's the only video game character I sorta looked up to? (not that there is reason to, I know I'm lame xD) But his inner conflict of hiding the masked reality of one's true identity, I feel I can relate too well. Give me thoughts on this subject
Yeah, I suppose it's the same with me. I just can't figure out which side of Cloud I kind of felt that way about. Pretend Zack version or the real Cloud himself?
Cloud just seems to me like a normal person who just wanted to better himself but instead dove into fantasy as opposed to addressing his flaws and weaknesses.
Cloud just seems to me like a normal person who just wanted to better himself but instead dove into fantasy as opposed to addressing his flaws and weaknesses.

Cloud was genuinely messed up in his head, from
being experimented on for 5 years in a basement. If you remember his and Zack's escape from Nibelheim, Cloud is near catatonic, being unable to speak or move. He only recovers when Zack is killed, but by that time he had "absorbed" Zack's stories about SOLDIER and his characteristics, mannerisms, etc. So Cloud really and truly did believe he was in SOLDIER, even though when he actually sat and thought about it, he couldn't remember even joining them. It was only after the Lifestream scenario with Tifa that the "real" Cloud is brought out.
I didn't really think much of Cloud at first. Though I did love his purple clothing, because purple is a awesome colour and not many male characters wear it, so I liked him for that shallow reason. But I didn't feel like I related to him at all, even today.

Cloud is cool, calm, good at leadership and he's been experimented on for so many years. Though being bullied as a kid and not fitting in the main group, most of us can relate to that.
I never really connected much with Cloud. I did name him after myself; however, I do that with every single RPG hero ever.

I really felt a better connection with Zack, because our personalities are pretty similar. So I guess you could say that I'm a bit like Cloud was at the very beginning of VII. But I started to lose any kind of connection with him as he started to become himself.
I never really connected much with Cloud. I did name him after myself; however, I do that with every single RPG hero ever.

I really felt a better connection with Zack, because our personalities are pretty similar. So I guess you could say that I'm a bit like Cloud was at the very beginning of VII. But I started to lose any kind of connection with him as he started to become himself.
I think a lot of people actually feel closer to Zack. But his situation and attitude seems less depressing I think. So, IDK that's all I have to say about that.
Could is a liar and confused person.

I look up to him because he has a sword that is as big as him.

I look up to him because his hair is always like that, and not once have I seen him use gel.

I like him because he hangs out with freaks (dogs, gunarms, vampires, and ninja thiefs.)

However I like him most of all because he has bitches up to the knees and never puts out... because he is saving them for his drinking buddy. (aka "me")
Could is a liar and confused person.

I look up to him because he has a sword that is as big as him.

I look up to him because his hair is always like that, and not once have I seen him use gel.

I like him because he hangs out with freaks (dogs, gunarms, vampires, and ninja thiefs.)

However I like him most of all because he has bitches up to the knees and never puts out... because he is saving them for his drinking buddy. (aka "me")
LOL wow, serious issues there. :gasp:. Cloud is amazing though. Quite possibly the best hero ever put in a game.
I think what the kind of "moral" with Cloud's character is this:

It's all about who you are, and who you want to be, and the steps you take (no matter how drastic) to get there.
You know after hearing and learning about where Cloud came from, I realized that I was Cloud. I was the one who was bullied I was the one who signed up into SOLDIER but failed to become one, I was the one who was experimented on and I was the who thought he was a badass even though I was only lying to myself. Cloud was trying to better himself and become a hero like Sephiroth and wouldn't be like Sephiroth? Sephiroth was the equalivent of any hero in our world both real and fictional and what child hadn't thought about, "When grow up I am going to be that guy?"

Unfortunately, Cloud got his wish in the most tragic way possible but it was only when he overcame himself that he was able to define himself and become the hero he desired to be.
You know after hearing and learning about where Cloud came from, I realized that I was Cloud. I was the one who was bullied I was the one who signed up into SOLDIER but failed to become one, I was the one who was experimented on and I was the who thought he was a badass even though I was only lying to myself. Cloud was trying to better himself and become a hero like Sephiroth and wouldn't be like Sephiroth? Sephiroth was the equalivent of any hero in our world both real and fictional and what child hadn't thought about, "When grow up I am going to be that guy?"

Unfortunately, Cloud got his wish in the most tragic way possible but it was only when he overcame himself that he was able to define himself and become the hero he desired to be.
Well put. I don't think I could have said it any better myself. But that is ironic how the REAL Cloud is the one who became the hero and not the tougher version of Zack that he played for so long.
I think it's easiest to identify with Cloud because the developers--by way of both canonical scenes and optional dialogue--made him very well-rounded compared to other FF heroes. In fact, the developers threw in what I think was a cheeky little admission to this:

In the "Pro lounge" in Junon where Cloud discusses game mechanics with everyone, there's an option to talk with one of the guys about materia. If you talk to him about "Dividing Materia", Cloud quips some line about how people say he has a split personality and that he doesn't think so. It's a nice little scene.
I really can't compare myself at all to Cloud. I didn't get attacked, lose everything, lose my memory become an experiment, take on someone else's identity, continue living a life that I thought was true, find out it's a lie, have my worse enemy control me.... Should I continue?

I think the whole "not knowing who you really are" thing is a little to extreme for some people. If you have to physically take on someone else's life to hide your shame... Then sorry but you better get over it fast.

Honestly I like the game, but I can't relate to anyone in this game... Except maybe Cid, only because he tells everyone to Sit down and Drink your G** D*** Tea! :D
I'm kinda like cloud. I have blond hair (not spiked though), I'm quiet, and I can kinda sympathize with his idea of wanting to become a hero to prove everyone wrong. I even share his birthday. Seriously it's in the game manual. My birthday is August 19th and so is Clouds (and I think Bill Clintons is as well 0_0)
the character of cloud was loosely based on me. several years ago i received a phone call from himeto yokishwaysho saying that he wanted to create a video game character and use me as the main source for material, because i had am actually a clone of an ancient warrior who went insane because he was actually the son of a freak. i spent several years of my life thinking i was someone else for some reason, and mr. wakashitoyim thought that this would be good because it would create a very interesting twist for the story.

however, to keep my true identity safe they made some changes so it wouldn't be too obvious that it was me, and cloud was made into a political activist.
Does anyone else feel like the personality of Cloud really imitates your own actions and feelings? Ever since I was a child, Cloud was the only video game character I viewed as "myself" in a sense, you know? Besides Snake of MGS, Cloud's the only video game character I sorta looked up to? (not that there is reason to, I know I'm lame xD) But his inner conflict of hiding the masked reality of one's true identity, I feel I can relate too well. Give me thoughts on this subject

I identified very very closely with Sephiroth, and still do. In fact, I still have him as a character on a text-based game since 1997.