Congratulations, Lisa Liberality & Rhea!

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Wow, shows how much i pay attention XD.

Congrats on the new position and enjoy tormenting those below you.
As for me, I'm happy where i am :D
Faith - *blushes*

Rhea - Indeed :3

Mitsuki - How I love Blue <3

Darkblade - ♥

Unibum - Thank you princess <3

Strife - Thank you ^_^

STL - I'll do my best ;)

LA - *boogies along with you*

BustaMo - Thank you also :3

Link21 - Yes dear xD

Cloud - =O!

Look how neat and organized she is. ^_^
...I wanted to make this thread, only to find that it already has 3 pages....

Congrats! you've gone where no G-mod has gone before. To become an admin!((something I just relized while I made this post))
Yes. We is going to have bishie babies. ^_^
82493829423984 bishie babies. ^_^
=O Oh mai n_____n

Yar, I should be starting up major cleaning next week, that'll be my first official thing - I will also be showing you something else I have planned, to do with reorganising the FF sections ^^
We can all have a whole bunch of bishie babies together. ^_^

I'm going to leave Help Topics for the FF's VI and below where they are, simply so the areas seem to have some life in them.

Here's something I had planned out ages agooo:

For the early FF's..we'd have to mass move out all the early FF threads into a new area.

We could rename that area: o.o Not sure XD Early Final Fantasies?

Then..FF's VII-IX would be called..Playstation Classics

X-XII: Voices at last!

FFXIII, Agito, Versus, FFXII: RW - The Future Final Fantasies

AC,BC,CC,DoC,DoC: LE, LO : Compilation Madness

All 3 CC titles : Crystal Chronicles Trilogy

TT, TA (Plus sections for the new games due out) : Not sure about this one..

The FF related movies: Action, Kupo!

Haha..laugh at my inability to make good area titles ._.

FFA and MQ can be left on their own I suppose. XI, also.

What does everyone think to that? I'll only going go ahead and make the changes if most of you guys think it is a good idea.

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That's a good idea. Seeing as that FF sections take up over half of the front forum page.
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