Conspiracy! (FF Debate)


The Spiritcaller
Mar 6, 2007
Guarding the gate to The Other Side.
This should be a fun little 'game' for you guys. Have a crazy conspiracy theory related to the Final Fantasy games? Feel free to post them up in here. Just keep in mind that:
  • If you have a theory, try to back it up.
  • Debates are encouraged, flat-out arguing is not.
  • No flaming, this is meant for fun.
So. I'll start off with a little theory I have here.
(Credit goes to Tenshi for this one.)

Square is possibly promoting the master race.

Let's take a look at the characters of some of these games, shall we?

Cecil (IV, I think): Main protagonist. Though he starts off as a Dark Knight, he gets blond hair and blue eyes as soon as he turns into a Paladin.
Cloud (VII): Again, the main protagonist. Blond hair, blue eyes, and can wield a big-ass sword that is too heavy for any normal person. And being able to defeat Bahamut Sin (with 'some' help), Kadaj, and Sephiroth by himself? I think I rest my case.
Quistis (VIII): Not the main protagonist, but still part of the team. According to the little game booklet, she was a cadet at fifteen and, though only one year older than the majority of the team, has succeeded enough to become Squall's instructor. Superior intelligence at play, perhaps?
Zidane and his fellow Genomes (IX): Though monkey-tails were not part of the master race, there is a possibility that Zidane and the other Genomes could represent it nonetheless. The following is in a spoiler tag, since it is discovered on the third disk:
Zidane and the rest of the genomes were 'manufactured' upon planet Terra. Once Kuja, Zidane, and Mikoto gained souls, they were to replace each other in succession to play the role as an "angel of death" of sorts.
Tidus (X): Another blond-hair-blue-eye character. Along with his fellow Blitzball players (and other characters), he has the uncanny ability to be underwater for an extended period of time and not drown.

...since I have not played past FFX, I can't say much for XI-XIII. But there's my argument. Debate away!
i honestly agree with you that on some subconscious level Square are putting an Aryan image into our heads. along with the characters youve already Suggested theres

Luneth FFIII - Also Blond hair Blue eyes

Celes - FFVI - another blond hair blue eyed warrior

Zell - FFVIII again blond hair blue eyes

Vaan, penelo, Ashe - fairly sure they all have either blond hair or blue eyes or both.

All of these characters are either Insanley strong/skilled and/or the leader of this merry little group.

However - it also shows the failures of the so-called "master race" as in the storyline the most terrible things always seem to happen to the person with blond hair and blue eyes so im going to say that the bad things outweigh or balance the good things
Forgot about Zell. >.o When they all wind up in that desert prison, they send Zell out to 'save the day' and recover everyone else's weapons merely because he's the only person they couldn't steal his weapons from.

I would say he is white rather than blonde.

I would also say Cecil's hair is also more white but his in game character has more blue hair.


Most of the characters in older FF titles have more white hair. Firion, Cecil, Luneth, Edge, Setzer, Bartz (In game character has brown), FuSoYa (old), Galuf (old), Tellah (old) and Strago (old). How many main playable characters have White hair now? Since FFVI, only 1 protagonist hasn't had blonde hair (Squall) although Terra's in game character has green, but in various drawings and the FMV on the PS1 she has blonde hair. But before FFVI, they mostly had white hair apart from FFI. Blonde is the new white. :P
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I think the team that did the art for IV needs to make up their mind;


Not to mention, hair that light can be considered 'platinum blond'. Not sure whether that helps to my argument or not, but whatever.
Im not good at explaining but here's my conspiracy.

Every FF game opens with a superior organization/company/school which is somehow always toppled over singlehandedly by resistance groups. In other words: Square wants us to fight against the man.

Ill start from FF7 since that's the earliest one I've played.

FF7: Cloud and the gang manage to cause the downfall of the Shinra organization first through blowing up reactors and then forcing them to drop plates on their own citizens simply to try and kill them.

FF8: Galbadia is the superior nation/school of the world. Nearly everywhere you go there are Galbadian forces nearby. I don't consider Esthar more powerful even though they are technologically superior because they isolated themselves from everyone and chose not to meddle in affairs. Squall and the gang topple this organization by taking on the Galbadia garden and beating them.

FF9: Alexandria. Although they were technically not the most powerful city until the queen (Burmea i think?) hired the likes of Kuja and received the help of her black mages, they were still considered the strongest nation due to the mist disappearing hence grounding Cid's airship fleet and making him utterly defenseless. This is probably the only one where Zidane and company aren't the reason that Alexander had fallen due to the fact that Kuja had taken things into his own hands and just blew up the place.

FFX: Yu Yevon. This organization who basically ran the whole world with the exception of the Al Bhed was essentially a religious organization who did basically the exact opposite of what they preached. Tidus and company are able to expose Yevon for using machina and basically completely tear down any credibility it had.

FF12: Archadia. This is where my theory faulters a little bit as IMO it was the insanity of Vayne and Cid that drove Archadia's downfall and not so much as Vaan and co. Archades basically once again rules the world due to being stonger military wise. Vaan and co. help bring about the downfall however by grabbing allies from neighboring countries such as Bujherba.

Don't let the man get you down!!