Oh hey Kendra! Long time no see since PEF. :3
Man, I'd almost forgotten how awesome your stuff is. To say that you know your way around a camera would be an understatement. I can't even go on saying which picture I like best. Dang. Gritty Glitter does strike my fancy though.
>.> In fact, I think I'll go ahead and get inspired by these for drawing pretty girls, if you don't mind...
Oh, wow, long time no see! Man, it sounds like ancient history to me, haha, so many changes since then.
Thanks so much for the kind words, I'm really glad you like my new work. =) I know it's a lot different from the stuff I posted back during those days. I see you're a fellow deviant, so I've gone ahead and watched you - and I'll be inviting you to the group I run on there, too. =)
Also, good luck with the pretty girl drawings! I envy people like you with drawing talent more than people like me who can use a camera. xD
Lolita on Fire: Drawn
Lolita on Fire: Drawn
The very talented aRTussell on deviantart has done a gorgeous graphite drawing of the above photograph, and I just had to share it! Apologies for the large images, but the detail of his drawing is just remarkable.
Pocket Full of Sunshine
Model: Shelby Todd
Model: Shelby Todd
This was an image I did for a 'Sunshine & Happiness' competition on deviantart, and I've been pleased with the response to it so far.
As always, comments and feedback are greatly appreciated!