Controversial opinions about Final Fantasy

:hmmm: The only controversial aspect of that statement was the putting down of Final Fantasy VII. XIII is already beaten over the head and neck with a broken bottle by fans of the series in general.

I know, putting down VII is controversial in itself. Saying any other FF is better than it will likely get pretty heated responses, saying the only one worse is XIII would get me argued with by pretty much everyone.
I know, putting down VII is controversial in itself. Saying any other FF is better than it will likely get pretty heated responses, saying the only one worse is XIII would get me argued with by pretty much everyone.

And I find that a shame no Final Fantasy was perfect yet FF VII fans get more defensive than most if you say anything against it. FF VIII was my favourite and im well aware it had flaws and it does get a fair bit of hate but its still my favourite I don't understand why FF VII fans get that defensive? My guess is probably cos it was their first FF and I guess I can kinda get that I feel the same about FF VIII.
People tend to get defensive about these things because of how emotionally invested they are in them. It is really not much different with how people get defensive about sport teams, celebrities, political parties and the like. I think there is a fine line between being a fan and a fanboy, the fanboy is like the religious fundamentalist, who simply refuses to entertain an opposing or different viewpoint on the subject or to acknowledge shortcomings and flaws in whatever it is that he is defending. Or worse, refuses to allow others to embrace a differing viewpoint. The fan on the other hand is more open minded and recognizes those shortcomings and flaws when they are there and overall has a more nuanced and balanced perspective on things.

FF VII is my favorite FF and one of my favorite games ever but truly, going from my own experience, I think no game is perfect (yeah, not even Skyrim, which is my favorite). The real question is, then, to what degree do the shortcomings of a game detract from your enjoyment of it; something which is, of course, a wholly subjective issue that varies from person to person.
Not my opinion, but I had a friend tell me that he thought Hope Estheim was the best Final Fantasy character.
Not my opinion, but I had a friend tell me that he thought Hope Estheim was the best Final Fantasy character.

He was different from most. Not my personal favourite but he wasn't all bad. I did like the slight tense, emotional aspect he gave to the earlier part of Final Fantasy XIII, it was quite sad. :sad3:
• The Crystarium is a better system than the Sphere Grid
• Crisis Core is better than Final Fantasy VII
• Final Fantasy XIII is better than X
• Moogles are better than Cactuars :wacky:
• Dissidia/ 012 has a brilliant battle system

It's like you're the antichrist or something..
Yeah, I overstepped the line with the point on Moogles. :oy:
+ Final Fantasy IV, although fun and interesting, i still believe Final Fantasy VI and III outrank it. I personally thought the story was good, but still heavy on the cliche side. And to be quite honest, not the entire story caught my eye. After the arch fiends finding out he was his brother just didn't exactly surprise me. I was left wondering a lot of things. The story constantly escalated for me. Adding new characters felt like nothing The only reason why i love it is the conflict between Cecil and Kain, and the growth of Rydia.

+ Final Fantasy V really isn't that bad of a game. a little more humor, and you don't know everything, but the story wasn't bad. We know about exDeath just as much as we know about Cloud of Darkness, Emperor Mateus, or Garland. It was still fun and had some unique quirks such as the Excalibur and the Chicken Knife.

+ I also believe FInal Fantasy XII deserves far more love than hate. was it perfect? heck no, but neither was Final Fantasy X.
Final Fantasy XIII sucked pretty bad, so I think despite not having played Lightning Returns it's safe to say thats a fact.

As for my controversial opinion: Final Fantasy X-2 was almost as good as X.
Granted, X-2 was my first Final Fantasy game, so my nostalgia could be clouding my judgement.
I'd say your judgement is extremely clouded. FF 10 was way better than 10 2 but I liked 10 2. Don't get me wrong, it was still a good game, but not nearly as good as 10. My first ff game was ff 8 but that's not my favorite game, mine is crisis core because of storyline and materia fusion system.

It's like you're the antichrist or something..
I agree that crisis core is better than 7 but moogles being better than cactuars?.... I think someone's a bit tipsy off the vinegar and egg nog! And 10 is the best ff game next to crisis core then I'd have to say ff12 or 4 or tactics war of the lions. I haven't beat 13 yet so I don't know but I'd wager 10 is better than 13.

Yeah, I overstepped the line with the point on Moogles. :oy:
Yes, definitely. moogles better than cactuars..... what's your next line... "I got your nose"???
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FF12 is a great game.

It's enjoyable as fuck.

I loved 12's open quality. It was so fun and refreshing for me to walk around freely with my enemies wandering around me. I think I'd play it again if I could. I really enjoyed it, although I'd have perhaps liked to watch a video with only the cutscenes so I could remember the political aspects of the plot cause damn, I kept losing track of what was going on. But that's because I took some random gaps between gameplay.
I loved 12's open quality. It was so fun and refreshing for me to walk around freely with my enemies wandering around me. I think I'd play it again if I could. I really enjoyed it, although I'd have perhaps liked to watch a video with only the cutscenes so I could remember the political aspects of the plot cause damn, I kept losing track of what was going on. But that's because I took some random gaps between gameplay.
When I played ff8, I loved it. Got me into rpg's and final fantasy. When I played ff9 next I loved it. When I payed ff7 i ENJOYED IT. Those were my favortie games. Then I played ff10 and it became my favorite game. I played f1-4 and beat em all and I liked the latter series better though I thoroughly enjoyed the games. Then I played x 2 and it was okay but it had alot of elements going for it that was never included in a ff game before. 12 was my new favorite then I changed back to 10 but when I played crisis core That was my favorite gme hands down of the ff series and possibly ever. I also loved ff tactics and tactics advance. Dirge of cerberus was a favorite as well. I liked every ff game I played alot. I have no ff game I dislike and I even liked 13 amd 13 2 quite alot. Everyy ff game is damn good, none of them are bad. Crystal chronicles, the crystal bearers, and ring of fates are good as well.

If I had to pick, I'd say as follows, the first one being my best to the last one being last on my favorite list crisis core, ff10, tactics war of the luons, ff9, ff8, ff12, anf finally ff4 tactics advance and 7.

Then dissidia 1 and 2.
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Final Fantasy V is actually a great game and is severely underrated. Why they never made a PSP version like they did with I, II and IV is beyond my comprehension.
Yuffie is a better character than Vincent. Vincent is cool, and i'm not saying he's shit but Yuffie added much more enjoyment to my FF7 experience than Vincent did.
Alright, I know I'm probably going to get a few responses from fanboys, but here goes.

I thought FFVII, even for it's time, was lame. I didn't particularly enjoy the characters at all, save for Aerith, and she fucking dies. Sephiroth was a grimdark edgelord of a villain and I didn't enjoy him either. Cid was alright, I suppose. The story was kind of meh and needlessly convoluted at parts. I hated the materia system in the game and didn't find it enjoyable in the slightest. Yuffie felt like a forced character and her archetype was forced in every FF game since. Yuffie, Selfie, Eiko AND Quina (somewhat of an improvement), Rikku, Penelo, Vanille... all essentially the same character. Having gone back and played the game recently, I found myself just not enjoying it. My opinions remained unchanged. It's not the most horrid game in the series, but it's not the best. It's average at best.

FFXI and FFXIV are two entries in the series with extremely high quality that are often dismissed because they're MMORPGs. Just because you couldn't afford to play it or lacked the tools necessary to do so, doesn't make them lesser of games. The quality of FF that you used to know and love before the series went to shit are all still present in FFXI and FFXIV.

FFX had a really, really, weak story. It had its moments, mind you, but for the most part, it felt weak. Auron was about the only character with redeeming qualities other than Lulu and her massive tits. The sphere grid system, to me, feels like it shouldn't have been part of a FF game. It also completely eliminated character classes, which was a damn shame.

The music in FFVIII is the most "meh" of the series. However, FFXIII had the worst soundtrack of the series.

The best Bahamut design was in FFIX.

Tetra Master would have been a shit ton better than Triple Triad if they made it easier to understand for the majority of the audience.

The junction system in FFVIII was absolute balls. The draw system was one of the worst design choices in the series second only to grinding for Atma in FFXIV.

I could come up with more, but I'd be here all damn day.
Final Fantasy V is actually a great game and is severely underrated. Why they never made a PSP version like they did with I, II and IV is beyond my comprehension.

Yep playing through it for first time on PSP at the mo (the Ps one version downloaded onto it) was fearing the worst from what I heard about it.
An awful lot better than I expected quite addictive I like Faris and Galuf (although I wished they would have toned down the pirate accent in Faris a bit in the version I'm playing).

Sephiroth was a grimdark edgelord of a villain and I didn't enjoy him either.

Jenova > Sephiroth
Kefka is not the best Final Fantasy villian ever from the series. Kefka is grand for the first half of the game, but then he breaks ( not destroys it ) the world, and then sits down in his castle and basically does nothing. Kefka does have that laser-beam that will destroy a town if you ever try and challenge him, but you think that he would try and threaten the heroes whom are trying to kill him, no ?

Sephiroth isn't the best either, he's just a momma's boy that goes bonkers.

Final Fantasy 8 and Final Fantasy 5 are great and fantastic Final Fantasy games.