Cost of Final Fantasy 13

Nov 8, 2007
Where ever you want me to be
At lunch today my friends and I were having a discussion about our favorite Final Fantasy games (to which I of course replied Final Fantasy VII), during this conversation, however, we strayed to the topic of the upcoming Final Fantasy 13 title. As we discussed how amazing it looks, one of my friends told us he had read an article somewhere that the game was going to have a budget of close to one hundred million. Can anyone shed any light on this? Because it sounds a little far fetched to me.
A hundred million dollars to create FFXIII? o.0
I hope I'm not the only one here, but...where do you find out how much the budgets are for certain games?

And a hundred million? That's almost ludicrous. =x
One hundred Million....? Well, supposedly Final Fantasy VII cost about 40-45 million dollars to make. That was back in 1997... I'm not sure about the other Final Fantasy games though.

Considering, that it's 2007 and the game will be on the Playstation 3....I couldn't really say how much Square Enix's budget on FFXIII will be. More than 60 million? I have no clue. *shrugs* I wouldn't know, maybe a developer will mention it in a future interview.
I don't know where he found his information so I tried looking around on Google, but I couldn't find anything. I did find, however, that Halo 3 was roughly 60 million to make. As far as it goes though, if it were to be close to 100 million I would be very suprised. But what do I know...
Well....Halo 3 is a 6-10 hour game. It's also a first person shooter on the Xbox 360. RPGs on major systems are one of the most expensive games to make. If Halo 3 cost 60 million to make then the cost of FFXII is definitely more than 60 million.
That seems like a ridic amount of cash right there. I dont think it was even close to that. They wouldnt even get that much back once the game went on sale, so I doubt it.
Yeah Sapphires right, theres no way you could make back that amount of money in the sales. CD's dont even make that ammount of cash in sales and CD's are a bigger market.
One Hundred Million is a little to far fetched for me as well. Maybe between 50-80 million but one hundred is out there. Granted its on the PS3 and on Blue Ray, I dont think that they'd put that much money into a game unless it nets at least over a million sales during the first week or 2 of release.
The only way that number sounds feasible to me is if it was the all three Fabula Nova Crystallis XIII games so far. With 2 PS3 games in that set, 100 is probably a bargain.
woa 100 mil, damn thats a lot of cash. Would they really have a budget of that size for a game?
Of course they wouldnt. No one in their right mind would release a normal console game that cost them that much. Its retarded.
considering how un-popular the ps3 had ended up being, due almost entirely to its ridiculously high price, id say that if it cost them 100 million to make this game, they will have most assuredly lost lots of money on this project. i just don't see it selling a lot becuase of the small number of ps3 owners.
At lunch today my friends and I were having a discussion about our favorite Final Fantasy games (to which I of course replied Final Fantasy VII), during this conversation, however, we strayed to the topic of the upcoming Final Fantasy 13 title. As we discussed how amazing it looks, one of my friends told us he had read an article somewhere that the game was going to have a budget of close to one hundred million. Can anyone shed any light on this? Because it sounds a little far fetched to me.

One hundred million!?! wow i definitly dont think so lmao. maybe a million at the most. A hundred million sounds way too much!
considering how un-popular the ps3 had ended up being, due almost entirely to its ridiculously high price, id say that if it cost them 100 million to make this game, they will have most assuredly lost lots of money on this project. i just don't see it selling a lot becuase of the small number of ps3 owners.
Surely the PS3 rate will go up once XIII is released though?
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I have no idea. But if you think about it, the profit margin from selling one videogame must be pretty high, perhaps 75% at a guess. Thats because it costs little to code one BRD.

So if the game sells 5 million copies sold at £25 on average then that would make 125 million pounds. If they were to spend 100 million on FFXIII their profit would only be 25 million in that scenario. They'll probably spend around 60 million and get around 65 million pound worth of profit.

Dont laugh at how big a guesstimate I've made.
The 100 Million is problebly for both FFXIII And FFversusXIII

if not then the game must be even better then i
There is no chance that sum will be the true cost. If you believe that, then you are mislead quite easily.
If it cost 100 million dollars then it better be a good game :O

Serioulsy, that's more than some big budget movies cost. And since the PS3 isn't selling that good(the Wii is selling in the millions while the 360 and PS3 are only in the 100 thousands) I wonder if they'll put this game on multiplatform? GTA 3 is already on the 360.

I just can't imagine a video game costing 100 million to make.
It really costs them that much to release a FF Game? I will never, ever think about a FF the same way ever again!

Anyway, I have no frickin' idea where you heard that. But it sound just about right.
Serioulsy, that's more than some big budget movies cost. And since the PS3 isn't selling that good(the Wii is selling in the millions while the 360 and PS3 are only in the 100 thousands) I wonder if they'll put this game on multiplatform? GTA 3 is already on the 360.

o_O No it's not. In Japan the Xbox 360 is selling only some 100 thousand. The Xbox 360 is increasingly becoming more and more popular in Japan. So far the Xbox 360 has sold over 13 million world wide. Xbox 360 did come out before the Wii but the Wii has sold a lot more.

I could see FFXIII later on being on the Xbox 360. (Off topic: I've heard rumors Metal Gear Solid could be multi-platform. Konami has done a few deals with Microsoft in the past so, it's possible. =P)