Could raising a baby genderless be a bad idea?

Really, are the parents doing this for the "best interests" of the child? You cant be free of stereotypes, its the way culture is. Your always going to get somebody,or some group who come up with their own opinions on things, on what you do and who you are as an ethnic group and person. I honestly think that they should,instead of confusing the child with its gender, teach the boy/girl that Stereotypes-essentially societys opinions- arent usually true.
its obnoxious to choose the sex of your child...? its not a choice it just

While the idea is ok, the meothod of how they are going about it is just fucking stupid. its either a boy or a girl...hiding that from people wont change that. muppets
I think they're trying to avoid it being treated in a certain way. If no one knows it's a girl, they won't automatically buy it girly clothes. If no one knows it's a boy, they won't automatically buy it trains.

I think it's silly. :/ I admire the fact that the parents want to let the child be who he or she is, but when the child goes to school, the kids will just bully it if it doesn't act normal as a consequence of its parents.

Rather than hiding its gender from everyone, the parents should support their child in his/her future decisions. The child should be assured by his/her parents that they will love him/her no matter what he/she chooses to do, but also make them aware of gender stereotypes and its own gender. The differences between what society expects from men and women aren't THAT great anymore so I don't see why they think it'll make the child more free if it doesn't know... Women don't have to be housewives and can show an interest in engineering or football; men don't have to earn the highest wage, can admit that they love to cook, and it's perfectly acceptable for a man to 'groom' himself (as long as he doesn't to the point of vanity).

I feel sorry for the kid. :/