Count down from 1,000

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Man, The Best is actually cooling it. Did Hell just freeze over?

Just Kidding!

Nah, regardless of your intelligence, if you get hit on the hand enough times, you learn to not do what makes you get hit on the hand... :)

wow we just skept like 10 numbers :P
how did that happen? lol
we counting by tens now. jk
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675...i wonder who will get #666....its scearry to think about!
673 hehehhe i wish you lived my life!call me weird but i've seen things yu'll never belive things have happend......just belive me when i say they have power....and i'am not trying to creep anyone out so if you or anyone els says i am i will find it A HIGH DISRESPECT! just a warrnig
672 Hey guys don't argue with Lilly or she'll kick your ass.
671!!! i will not!! am a peace keeper dont for get!!.....i'll just curse you to some thing harmless but verry painful!
666....there i am now going to have sh**** luck.......><
666 omfg... omfg guys... this is the second time this has happened 2 me!!!! i hate this #...
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