Count down from 1,000

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well mabey this time you'll lose.....cuse i win now!
380 ftw

Raiden : Fortune...

Fortune : It's been a long wait, Solid Snake -- the root of all my sorrows.

Snake : What?

Fortune : Two years ago, you killed my father. That was the beginning of
hell for us. Everyone I love has been taken from me, one by
one... and no matter how hard I try, I can't follow them. An
endless nightmare... The only thing we live for is to see it end.
Our wait is almost over.

Raiden : You can't be serious about firing the nuke!

Fortune : Since no one can kill me, I may as well kill everyone I can.

[She starts to charge up her gun.]

Fortune : Starting with you, Solid Snake!

Raiden : Damn!

Snake : Looks like I'm today's pick. You go on ahead.

[Raiden hesitates and holsters his gun. He starts to walk towards the ladder.]

Snake : You want eternal rest? I've got it right here.

[Raiden reaches the ladder. He puts one hand and one foot on the rungs and he
turns back towards Snake.]

Raiden : What are you going to do? Bullets can't get near her.

Snake : I'll think of something. There's no such thing as a witch.

Fortune : You think you can kill me?

Snake : I don't know what your group's been through, but let's get one
thing clear... I didn't kill your father.

Fortune : Do you think anyone believes your lies!?

Snake : Raiden, get out of here!

[As Raiden climbs the ladder to an unknown destination Snake and Fortune begin
their battle. Snake starts unloading bullets at Fortune and lets out a loud
yell that could only come from a man that is facing certain death.]

Snake : UNHh!!
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