Count down from 1,000

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yeah, that would probably be best... gonna be a long day tomorrow, wait tomorrow it's gym all day. And that means not a long day ;)

Well, I'm not too lucky the day after tomorrow...
That's the longest day in school for me, the worst part is that I'm the kind of person that... well let's just say that if I learn something, it doesn't stay there very long. I HAVE to like what I'm learning to actually learn it...
I hate it from time to time, try so damn hard, but it just wont stay in there. When it comes to FF, space, drawing, games, animals and other things that interest me though, no problem...>_<
I can understand what you mean.
Hm i never liked school very much,but now i'd like to go back and learn some new stuff.
Well but now its to late.
So and when you must go to school?

sorry to disappoint you there, but at least I had a interesting dream.
how was your day?

you can read everything about it in the dream thread, it's a weird dream...consider yourself warned!

I got to admit, it's been a while. Me and my friends used to hang out in a pizza restaurant once every month(as a tradition) and eat as much as we could... I got beaten every time...
aw, I miss the good old days. Now everyone is going their separate ways and we don't see each other much anymore.
I know what you mean,havent seen my friends now for 14 years i miss them a LOTT but thank god we have the Internet so we are talking everyday.

yeah, the internet is a wonderful invention.
Sorry I got to go now, promised someone I was going to help them out with their training program(they tend to need someone to push em through it)
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