Oh my God! That is awful! Was this a close friend to you?
No one, and I mean no one, deserves that kind of punishment for any trivial reason. That must have been a terrible ordeal for your friend. What were those fans thinking? No books are perfect. I love Final Fantasy, but I still see many flaws in it. I love Britain, but I still see flaws. Since when does it warrant necessity to beat up someone who doesn't share the same ideas? It's just disgusting. I wouldn't even find it excusable if they were the ones who wrote the books rather than Stephanie Meyer.
Close enough to know she didn't deserve to be beaten like a mere dog while shopping with her elderly mother in tow.
I have never been that fanatically obsessed with any fandom, video game or anime. I just lack that drive, that need to force my fandom down people's throats like most fans seem to do. Heck, I even get annoyed when people demand I watch One Piece since I honestly do not find myself attracted to the goofy noodle art-style.
I could never beat someone for not liking something I enjoy. I honestly don't care that much for other people's opinions on that regard. If I like something, I like it and thats it. No need for the crazy "OMG LIKE THIS OR DIE" mentality.
That is just horribly childish.