Craziest, Worst, and Best Science Moments in School


Apr 15, 2007
Well, science, we all love it in all it's different forms. ^_^ Chemistry, physics, biology, astronomy, etc.

What are the craziest, worst, and best science moments, or experiments that you've ever done in science class? ;)

1.) Craziest -- PVC potato blaster in 8th grade. Our science teacher launched a potato into the air and nearly hit another teacher in the basketball court. One of the funner moments in science class for me.

2.) Worst -- I don't know what it's called, it's when the teacher hooks you up to some machine and then you all hold hands and then you all get shocked as the electricity surges through your body. It hurt. :(

3.) Best -- blowing up a gummi bear in an actually safe environment. We dropped a couple of dummy bears into a beaker filled with acid, lit it on fire, with teacher permission of course, and watched it light up the whole classroom, the absolute best science moment ever.
Craziest - A girl got mad at this boy at her table so she wacked him with her science notebook ^_^

Worst - We were too noisy so we had to sit and do nothing but hear the teacher talk...ugh...

Best - Dissecting a cows eye! I never thought I would be able to do that,but i did. ^_^
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I think the single greatest thing that I ever did in science was switch on the gas tap and then put a lit splint in front of it. The flame was about a foot long and was centimetres away from lighting this girl's hair on fire. It's a shame that it wasn't those few centimetres longer.
Craziest: It wasnt my class, but the teacher threw a chair at one of the girls who had been annoying him all the year. somehow didnt get the sack either :O
Best: Eeesh too many to pick from XD. 1 teacher we had decided to show us what happens if you pour water on burning magnesium. And instead of using a little bit like most teachers, he used a whole roll of it. BIG burning mass!
Worst: Probably when someone poured one chemical into the schools supply of another, and it reacted, and made it useless. We were all kept in untill whoever had done it owned up
Craziest - Lucy added some blue to our purple slime and it turned Black. then phailed miserabley. then when we had to put our slimes in the cupboard someone put our black slime in the corner and turned all the other beakers towards it because it was "emo"

Worst - the time we blew up the plug socket and it smelled like fish O_O

Best - when we made real (green slime) that worked and we threw it at lucy at the end XD she had green stains on her trousers for WEEKS
Was giving a Research Speech on some kinda animal DNA in 11th grade junior year Biology II. I was the first one picked to give my speech in front of the class so I was already pissed. It was 1st period in the morning so it was like 8AM. I walked up to the front and as I rounded the corner of the front desk I tripped on the trash-can, and swore out loud saying "Ah Shit", then after I looked up after I tripped on the trash can, I bashed my head off of a TV that was hanging from its metal holding on the ceiling. After that I let out a "Son of a Bitch".

Great ice breaker. I had to go first like I said, so I set the mood in a weird way. Hey, at least I wasn't nervous and I got a good grade on it after that even with the swearing.
Our school's rather tight on Health & Safety these days (my arse, they just don't want sued xD) so we've never had much of an exciting science lesson.

Craziest -- When our biology teacher took us out TREE HUGGING .... because it was a really warm day xD

Best -- When my Chemistry teacher left and he got the 'dangerous' experiments out and showed them all to us simultaneously, the majority consisting of various tricks involving a water bath filled with methane gas, a lighter, bubbles and a stick xD At one point, he submerged his arm in the methane-water, then lit his arm alight. Twat xD

Worst -- My original chemistry teacher's experiments never seemed to work :/ But MY worst period was when we had to make floats out of either tinfoil or play-dough ... and all I did was rip off a piece, made it flat and threw it in the water xD
craziest : when someone accidentally set fire to a desk (no one thourght of putting it out for some reason...)

worst : when we did a biology unit with someone who knows to much about biology (she would not stop talking!)

best : when my teacher showed us all her preserved animals... (it was so COOL!)
I'm changing my craziest option to TODAY.

Mr Towill, my Biology teacher, said to us at the tail-end of the lesson, the following:

"CLASS! If anyone's interested in the sex-lives of the Flatworm, then search it on Wikipedia! Does anyone know what fencing is?"

I hesitantly reply with "like sword-fighting" :P

"Aye, and these flatworms PENIS-FENCE! They are hermaphrodites (meaning they have both a penis and a vagina) and fight with their Penises. The first to pierce the skin of the other with it gets to impregnate the loser, therefore making the loser carry the child."

"Sir, WHAT posessed you to search this?" xD

"Oh, just browsing and whatnot."

Riku's teacher said:
Aye, and these flatworms PENIS-FENCE! They are hermaphrodites (meaning they have both a penis and a vagina) and fight with their Penises. The first to pierce the skin of the other with it gets to impregnate the loser, therefore making the loser carry the child.

That's going in the sig. :monster:

Best- When we went on a field trip and I messed up my leg on my birthday.

I also fell in cold water. Funny thing is, the whole point of the hike was to go swimming. xD

Worst- On the above stated event.... When I fell in the water, my Cell Phone, my GBA and my MP3 player got wet. Fucking genius if you ask me. I also got my new shoes messed up. :\
That water was very cold.

Craziest- Hmm.... Maybe the time in 6th grade when that kid named Derek threw up all over the floor. (Hinter: It wasn't me. xD)

Everyone was like OMG HE'S THROWING UP!!!!oneone
I just stepped back and I was like: "Keeeeewl...."
Best - the classic art of pig butchering. Dissection of fetal pigs was a lot more fun than it looked.

Craziest - none. Unless you count my chem teacher getting arrested for sexual such and such with a student (although it's not like he got arrested in the middle of class or anything), and subsequently getting a history teacher as a permanent sub.

Worst - nearly all of it. My high school's science classes really sucked ass. except for Human Anatomy and Physiology. That class was pretty awesome.
Weirdest: when we were dissecting a pig...a girl had to cut the stomach open and then put her hand inside and see what she got...when you saw her from behind putting her hand near its (ahem) looked like she was molesting a dead pig...good times.:monster:

Best: When our chemistry teacher filled a tin can with gas and then lit it, put the lid on and waited...waited then bam! the tin can shot up the roof, rebounded and smashed out the window.

worst: Our teacher wasn't in so we were forced to sit and do crosswords that were enormous and it was logically impossible to find a word.
1.) Craziest -- Would be setting a small pond on fire with Dreft Flakes. I don’t really care to explain how it’s done, but it was cool to see an entire pond of water go up in flames. :cool:

2.) Worst -- We had to do an experiment with decomposition that involved watching fruit decompose inside a 2 liter bottle. The first week was alright, but on the second week... just about everyone passed out from the smell. :sick:

3.) Best -- Building a rocket. The experiment was obviously to see which team’s rocket went the highest. Lol, the best part was watching someone’s hard work blowup before it even left the ground. :D
Craziest - When I dissected a pig fetus in Biology class. I had so much fun doing that. I ripped out my pigs eye balls, tongue, and I cracked it's skull open and removed his brain out. I also popped my dead pig's balls. x_x (I sound like a sick person.)

Best - When we made apple pie in class. Also in Biology class when we get to play with the recently hatched chicks.
Craziest- Bunsen Burners, need i say anymore. Ok, fire + me= BAD! I set a piece of paper on fire and ran around the room with it on fire, got in a bit of trouble with that, luckily the teacher likes me

Best- marshmallow chemical lattices, yummy!