Create your own Keyblade!

Captain Daz

Knight Of The Round
May 3, 2008
Here is an opportunity to come up with some suggestions for Keyblades! The characteristics for your Keyblade are as follows:

Name - what you would call your Keyblade
Appearance - what your Keyblade would look like
Ability - what ability your Keyblade has. The ability must come from Kingdom Hearts or Kingdom Hearts II, has to be a Support abillity, and the number of abilities is limited to one per Keyblade.
Strength - how many points will be added to the Strength stat when equipped. The value must be between 0 and 9
Magic - how many points will be added to the Magic stat when equipped. Again, the value must be between 0 and 9
How to obtain it - how your Keyblade would be obtained in-game

It's time to display your creativity!
Name:Gullwing mark 2
Appearance:Rikku's daggers for the tip,2 Painekillers (Paine's swords) for the blade and Yuna's guns for the handle.
Ability:Scan (see enemies' HP)
How to obtain it: Defeat Yuna,Rikku and Paine (normal-sized)

Name - Chaosbringer
Appearance - an Chaos version of Two Becom One
Ability - Light and Darkness
Strength - 9
Magic - 9
How to obtain it - You have to both fuse Oathkeeper and Oblivion with the power of Chaos at the Moogle's shop with Chaos Recipe
my keyblade

hi heres my keyblade

Name: Blooming Darkness
Details: 2 dark monsters holding on to handle. neck same as ultima weapon,except its a black rose that emits darkness.
Ability: Mp Hastega
How to get: through syntesis after finding recipe before last world and using orichalcum + and twilight materials and dense crystal.
Name- Nobody Key
Strength- 9
Magic- 9
Details- Nobody symbol shaped keyblade
Ability- Second Chance
How to get- Obtain from the World that Never Was in Roxas' room after you defeat Xemnas
I thought it was make your own KeyBlade like this
Btw not me lool My friend (?)

Fine i'll play your silly game
Name: Ambush Reality
Ability: View you Enemys HP, Doubles your MP
How to get: Prize inside cereal box
Name: Caladbolg
Strength: 9
Magic: 2
Details: The Caladbolgs version of Keyblade.. Just try to imagine it :)
Ability: Haste
How to get: Defeat Tidus in Destiny Islands 1000 times :)
Somewhat related, I actually came up with the One Winged Angel before Final Mix. It was actually fairly similar, except that the wing would have been black or purple. I was so jacked.

I never took the time to think of any stats or abilities I would have made for it, but I guess I can do that now, even though it's a little too late.

Strength: 7 or 8
Magic: 7 or 8
Ability: One of the following:

Heartless Angel: May randomly drop an enemy's HP to 1. If it does not work on the enemy, it will simply inflict increased damage.
All Lucky 7's: Every 7th enemy you defeat drops 7 times one of their usual bonuses.
Reunion: Further increases the stats & duration of the Drive Forms.
Supernova: Increases the power of Limit Breaks & non-elemental explosion type damage.
Name-Divine Rebirth
Ability-Reincarnates the heart of whoever dies while using it.
How to get- After defeating sephiroth fight cloud
Appearance-White with a heart-shaped handle/hilt. an extended length with a white heartless symbol at the tip with an heart on the key piece.

I have literally been trying to build an actual one like this... its harder than it seems.
Name - Destruction
Appearance - all black, looks like oblivion, except it has a heart instead of a crown on the chain, and the blade is spiked all around
Ability - Destroy=destroys all eninimes on the battlefield. cannot be equipped in a boss battle except demyx.
Strength - 6
Magic - 6
How to obtain it - defeat cloud in one of the hades cups
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Name- Blazing Faith
Appearance- Half gold, Half silver, Oathkeeper neck and a fire depiction on the top.
Ability- Can randomly cast curaga.
Strength- 8
Magic- 6
How to get- get 20 kills with one HP left.
Name-Reign of Hope
Appearance- Gold. a mix of Sleeping Lion and oathkeeper
Ability- Automatic Raise when there is a KO in your party
Name: Well Balanced Breakfast
Appearance: The handle would be a piece of sausage, the handgaurd would be to spoons kind of bent to form a circle, the "blade" would be a long piece of bacon, the point part at the end (I have no idea what the technical term is) would be a waffle, the chain would be a series of Cheerios linked end on end, and the locket at the end would be an egg sunny side up.
Ability: Restore a little bit of health for each critical hit that KOs an enemy.
Strength: 1
Magic: 12

Yeah, that would be... Pretty useless. :dry:

NAME: Future seeker
APPEARANCE: A large staff with a portion of a crystal ball as the blade thingy at the end, for the handle it would be off a katana, for the handguard it would be like the ultama weapon and the end of the chain would be a crystal ball.
its coloration is light blue and white and blends through
ABILITY: MYSTERIOUS BOND: allows the wielder to dual wield, but only with the ROYAL REFUGE:highfive:
OBTAINED BY: having 1 hp in a boss battle then defeating it

NAME: Royal refuge
APPEARANCE: the blade of the soul eater and the hilt of the oblivion, coloration: blue
ABILITY: LUSTY KING: if the wielder is using future seekers ability then all hits made leach life from the opponent:fan:

OBTAINED BY: defeating barbossa with future seeker

Name: Protoheart
Appearance: Hilt of Two Become One. Blade is like the a normal key but more square and it has glowing squares around it.
Ability: Casts Cure rarely and does auto-block.
Obtained:Before playing new game press square,triangle, circle and then x.

Appearance: Hilt of Star Seeker But mostly purple,black and blue. Blade is like Fenrir.
Ability: Slows, poisons, sleep and drains per critical and critical multiplies by 3x instead.
Obtained: Defeat Xemnas with Kingdom Key
Name - The Dark Void

Appearance - It is a jet black colour and the egdes are blood red. very majestic blade design and handle is like a gun handle with a keychain at the end.

Ability - Can refill the ex guage ( I think it's that) every time 3 opponents are killed and has a dark power to it.

Strength - 9

Magic - 8

How to obtain it - Spend over 80 hours of gameplay and defeat Axle and Roxas in the nobodys world. in the World to Nowhere to trigger the event. You must also have all 4 or 5 special forms maxed level.

(This would be the hardest Keyblade to get.)
name: Archangel
desripstion: A straight handle with angel wings coming down around handle blade same as obilivion but silver tip Roxas's x-charm
how to get: must defeat Roxas and all hades cup then Namine will give it to in exchange for Oblivion and Oathkeeper. You will receive them from Roxas
Name: Chao-Nex
Strength - 9
Magic - 9
Ability - teleport when hit by an attack.
Description - a black bond of flame with the X roxas symbol as the handle