Creepiest FF music?


Sep 13, 2010
I wasn't sure where to put this, if it's in the wrong spot, I apologize.

What do you think is the creepiest music in the FF series (any game)? Mine would be whatever it is that's playing in the City of Dying Dreams in FFX. Everything in that part, the way the city looks, the area that you have to gather those crystals at (and its background). Just hearing it makes my head hurt for some reason! :rage:

I'd rather not hear it or something like it again. :gasp:
I would say "Trail of Blood" from FFVII O_O When you suddenly see the trail of blood all over the floor, and it's accompanied by this eerie, somewhat haphazard theme, it's like :gonk: I rarely get creeped out in an FF, but this was probably the freakiest part of any of them that I've ever seem :stressedpanda:
Who Are You from FFVII. I remember I heard it while playing the game when I was 7 years old, and then I saw Jenovah in that casement or whatever and it scared the shit out of me. xD Of course I'm not frightened by it now, but it certainly is creepy.
I found the music when you get to Taejin's Tower in FFXIII really creepy. Funny thing is, it never creeped me out in the Vestige. I'm thinking it's maybe a combination of the music and location, it sure does start out creepy.

I'm not so bad now, it still does give me a shiver every now and then.
This one's easy. Only one really gives me the chills, though in a good way. But I still find it kinda creepy due to the subtle haunting feel to it.

FFVIII's Succession of Witches

God, Mits got it right on, Succession of the Witches chilled me to the core when I was a kid. Actually freaked me out. Edea didn't help, she freaked me out more than Sephiroth, it's just so....uhh, creepy.
No just kidding it is kinda creepy. Anyway, most of the FFVII soundtrack seeing as the player is given a real sense of impending doom and anxiety throughout the narrative that doesn't really ring true in other FFs, an experience the score augments.

Notable examples:

Also, Tomb of the Unknown King:

I used to pretend I was lost in there. :andry:
No just kidding it is kinda creepy. Anyway, most of the FFVII soundtrack seeing as the player is given a real sense of impending doom and anxiety throughout the narrative that doesn't really ring true in other FFs, an experience the score augments.

Notable examples:

I used to pretend I was lost in there. :andry:

Oh, my god, Tom. That's the three exact songs I was going to pick, too. The song "You can hear the cry of the planet" has always been such an eerie song to listen to. When I first played the game I thought Sephiroth was just gonna jump out and kill Cloud-- very creepy.

"Find your way" was/is the best song from VIII. It's simple but so outstandingly brilliant. I use to jus' walk around the cave for such a long time just to listen to that song. I even have it on MP3... brilliant. :ryan:
I'd definitely agree with a lot of the choices here, especially Trail of Blood, which lives up to the implied horror of the title. The Evil Mist Again in FFIX is nicely sinister as well.
There is one from FF VII that I find super creepy, but I can't remember it D;

This one is kind of creepy too:

-Bretboy129 ~ Bret Hudson
I agree with Who am I/Who are you from FFVII. You can hear the cry of the planet is very atmospheric too, but it's not so scary for me as just a really nice tune to listen to. I agree with Find your way from FFVIII as well. Very nice tune.

To add to the already mentioned, I'd say Metamorphosis from FFVI that plays during the world destruction scene. That tune complements the events too well and it did bring out this deep negative feeling in me.

FFIX - Wavering Blade (boss fights against Beatrix) is a rather intense theme too and gives you a sense of doom.

Also am I the only one, or does "Melody of Lute" (Edward's theme) from FFIV sound kinda creepy too?
Who Am I/Who Are You from FF7 always was kind of creepy to me, especially playing through the game at a young age :P

I also kind of thought Jenova's theme was creepy, but only because I knew what Jenova was and always imagined some headless thing when it came on.

And I'm not sure which version it is, but one of the redone Kefka melodies was rather eerie, imo.
While several songs mentioned here, like "Those Chosen By The Planet", "Succession of Witches", as well as the first half of "Dancing Mad" are creepy in an awesome way, there are some songs that are just plain creepy... in a bad way.

My prime example would be "Seymour's Theme". But maybe that's just because I hate his guts, I dunno.
Well there's a few obvious ones that come to mind such as VII's "Trail Of Blood" and "Those Chosen By The Planet." Probably my pick for creepiest FF track would be "The Castle" From VIII. It's got kind of a Dracula-esque sound to it. Still it's a cool creepy track.

Well there's a few obvious ones that come to mind such as VII's "Trail Of Blood" and "Those Chosen By The Planet." Probably my pick for creepiest FF track would be "The Castle" From VIII. It's got kind of a Dracula-esque sound to it. Still it's a cool creepy track.

Took the thoughts right out of my head. I'm listening to "Trail of blood" right now! :)

Most of the FFVII BGM''s are kinda creepy, which makes me like the game even more.
Mt Gagazet is kinda creepy, but it's really soothing at the same time. Hmm, hard to explain really.

I'm surprised no one went to XII's library of tunes for this one. It's got a good number of dungeon music, and this one is just full of eeriness, the unknown and something to fear. It really paced Giruvegan well, how you descended slowly but surely into a piece of earth that is completely alien.
I agree with FFVII and the trail of blood song. Like in shinra mansion or on the boat. It has to be a combination of the music and story that give it the chilly feeling. It cant be just the music. You could put that music when you find a chocobo and I wil just laugh at it =)