Crisis Core Crisis Core Storyline

Jasmine You

s i l v e r - i c e ;
Jan 20, 2008
Lost Woods, Hyrule
Okay..has anyone really noticed that CC kinda distorts the story how it was told original in VII?
The events that happened in the Reactor were changed...and some events even before the Reactor incident were changed. How Genesis was literally squeezed into the VII original storyline making him appear in the Mako Reactor when it was once tld in VII that there was no one else there but Sephiroth, Cloud, Zack and Tifa
I think they kinda queezed in Genesis and Angeal.
That kinda ruined the game for me a bit hell it still was awesome :3
Yeah I know what you mean. >.> I mean I guess I tried to understand that hey, this is just one of those extra game and scenes so I didn't really mind. Kinda like the other side of the story. Now I seriously don't understand why Genesis was in there and why he was such a big villain. I can actually comprehend more as to why Angeal was squeezed in there for the sake of Zack's side of the story...but to kinda touch the main events of the story and add Genesis in there kinda bugged me a little for some reason. >.> Maybe because Genesis is kinda tampering a major event when his character just doesn't seem to fit in there...that's what I think anyway.

But really, after that my main attitude about the whole thing was, "Ah well, whatever." Truth be told though, I want to replay Crisis Core just so I can understand Genesis' part in the story a little better. I seriously feel like I'm missing a big piece here since I didn't really pay attention when it came to him.
That's the thing you don't pay attention to him because he's not real big part in the story, he's supposed to be great villan but're not really that interested in the guy that carries a book with him all the time. I mean yeah he wants to destroy the world but...he doesn't quite fit n there because we're already used to the whole story as told in VII
Okay..has anyone really noticed that CC kinda distorts the story how it was told original in VII?
The events that happened in the Reactor were changed...and some events even before the Reactor incident were changed. How Genesis was literally squeezed into the VII original storyline making him appear in the Mako Reactor when it was once tld in VII that there was no one else there but Sephiroth, Cloud, Zack and Tifa
I think they kinda queezed in Genesis and Angeal.
That kinda ruined the game for me a bit hell it still was awesome :3

Well of course. It's a 10 year leap between the games, so it's gonna be difficult to incorporate and match every detail of both games simultaneously. What you've said about some of the scenes is true, but that's only because they needed to add elements to the Crisis Core storyline that would diversify it from the original FFVII. I'm sure that people wouldn't really enjoy playing the same exact story over again, so they added some things that would both make CC different from FFVII, yet maintain the basic story.

Other than that, I think that Crisis Core did an excellent job with tying in events between both games, despite the massive time lapse.
Well I don't see much differences with the story told in FF VII.
indeed there are some changes. But as Helix said it's normal.

Otherwise, there are plenty of things in CC that are excactly as in FF VII.
Like in one off the emails you recieve from tifa, where she's talking about a blond guy in soldier (the promise Cloud made to her)
And in FF VII when you're talking to Aerith in the park, she says she had a sort of boyfriend (Zack)
And there are more of those.

And off course they need an enemy (since Sephiroth was one of the good guys untill the event in Nibelheim) so they brought in genesis.

my opinion, tell me if i'm wrong :P
I thought the edition of Genesis into the story was a good thing. It always kind of seemed to me that Sephiroth snapped without really having a good reason to... I mean he finds out he's an experiment, and while I know that was a shocker to him, I still didn't think it was enough to push him over the edge like it did.

That's why I like the edition of Genesis. He daunts Sephiroth and makes him feel like he isn't human, and that helps to expain why he freaked out the way he did when he did all of the research in the Shinra Mansion. Genesis pretty much made him into the psychotic freak we all know and love :monster:
I suppose I would accept Genesis into that, but also, Zack made Sephiroth think about his own origin as well, Genesis did not do this alone, I think that Zack first gave Sephiroth the idea that he wasn't human then Genesis came in and pushed that same idea deeper into Sephiroth's head. I still think that even without Genesis, Sephiroth would have still researched his own origin.