I bought this game two days ago and I absolutely love how different it is from other ff games! It's sooooooo addicting! But I find that the characters are too....well...not like other FF characters that I've come to enjoy. Layle talks like he already knows he's some kind of a hero. He makes these remarks that are just unbelievably cocky at times. And Bell....Bell Bell Bell...What can I say. She's a female version of Layle and does anybody else find her to be annoying and problematic? I mean
She's....yea. The whole character development needs some work....but I love the game so far though. it's great. If your reading this and don't have it....GO GET IT NAO! rawrs and stuff.... anyway that's all frum me for nao!
that bikini contest thingy was totally uncalled for and was something I've never seen in an FF game!
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