Crystal Chronical series for other consoles?


ShinRa Guard
Jun 25, 2009
Now that it seems Sony have lost exclusive rights to the Final Fantasy series with FF XIII all but confirmed for the 360 as well, do you think the Crystal Chronicle series will make it to other consoles? The reason being was seeing this clip of Crystal Bearers at E3:

Personally I think the game looks great. The artstyle looks very reminicent of FF IX and I like the fact that the protaginist has some sort of telekenisis/gravity based power, a change from the usual sword wielder or magic user. The hero himself seems neither an optimist nor a pessimist, not emo but almost apathetic with a sense of humour.

It seems to me that the Crystal Chronicle series is vastly under-rated, I can't help but notice that there isn't a thread for the games here which really surprises me, this being a FF forum and all. There's even one for FF I - IV, the legacy games.

Anyways, it'd really be something if SquareEnix allowed rights for this series to go to other consoles, as i'd seriously be tempted to buy a Wii just for this game.

Crystal Bearers and FF XIII are going to be epic games!
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Personally I think the game looks great. The artstyle looks very reminicent of FF IX

That's because with the exception of notable names like Sakaguchi and Uematsu, a good chunk of the crystal chronicles team are the same team who worked on IX.
Do you think the Crystal Chronicle series will make it to other consoles? The reason being was seeing this clip of Crystal Bearers at E3:
I very much doubt it, being in the middle of playing both Rings of Fate and Echoes of Time, both of which have very good storylines, the gameplay, graphics etc aren't suited to other consoles other than the Wii and Nintendo DS.

It seems to me that the Crystal Chronicle series is vastly under-rated, I can't help but notice that there isn't a thread for the games here which really surprises me, this being a FF forum and all. There's even one for FF I - IV, the legacy games.
We used to have a subsectiom for Crystal Chronicles, however, we didn't even fill a whole page worth of threads so it was abolished to make more room and the forums less cluttered. The Legacy Installment however, does see a lot of threads and is fairly active with all legacy games being remade.
:randompoke:ffcc is a nintendo exclusive series, it probably wont be coming 2 ps3, psp or 360. but if it does, then it will when cc ends (if it doesnt end soon enough some might be in a collection).
I really don't think it will or at least I hope it won't. I can't see playing any of the CC games on another console like the PS3 or Xbox. And I agree it was vastly under-rated I thought it was a really great game. I kinda thought they could've done better with EoT cause I thought the game for the GC was awesome. Definitely worth playing thru a couple times. The thing I thought that was better in EoC was the gameplay. But yeah I kinda want it to stay nintendo exclusive.
I know what you guys are saying about it being a Nintendo exclusive series and how it should stay in the "Nintendo family", but everyone thought the regular FF series was Sony exclusive until FF XIII was announced for the 360 this year.

I agree that it should probably stay with Nintendo as it kinda makes it more special, heh...I just don't have a Wii and Crystal Bearers looks really awesome.
If it came out on other consoles I would def play. It looks clean.
But it's good that it's special to Wii owners... You already know they would make bank expanding though.
Don't get me wrong, the original FFCC for Gamecube was of my favourites in the whole FF series, but the other two were pretty bad imo. The multiplayer just didn't live up to that of the original, and that's all that those games are about imo.
I wish they would put CC on another platform im not a fan of the WII or the DS for that matter for my owne reasons I disslike the consoles and i'd like to play CC just on my ps3