Crystalius: Fairytale Extinct


Pale Flesh
Apr 5, 2009
Locked Away

Theme Song
It wasn't until that moment that the world got to experience what true hell felt like. It was then that I was certain that we would all suffer under his wrath and that there was nothing that could stop it...​


This Rp was created and modeled after a fantasy novel I had written and copywrited a long time ago. I haven't published it though as I've been constantly rewriting the story many times. This time around I have decided to make this world into an Rp, and I have written in a story that will take the main character along with other characters on an adventure beyond imagination.

This RP is indeed the sequel to my first RP Evanescent Fairytale. As you may notice the name of the world is the same and some of the towns on the maps are the same too. The story this time around takes place 1500 years after the events that happened in Evanescent Fairytale and is a strictly story based RP.

Nothing I have made so far is better than this story as I have outlined the story many times and hope to create a real creative fantasy for readers. This RP will be one the absolutely HAS to make it to the end, I am more determined than ever to not let it fall through, much like Evanescent fairytale has. Clues of the story is, Action, Adventure, and even Romance.

I hope that heroes can sign up in due time and I hope that Readers of RP fantasies will enjjoy!


Humans – The dominant species of this world, humans are spread throughout the three main continents of Agia. They are skilled in many fighting classes and are weak when it comes to possessing magic. There are many humans spread throughout Agia due to their beliefs.

Demons – The secondly dominant species in Agia, demons are rarely seen in the world as they had nearly been wiped out in the war between Humans and Demons in previous years. These creatures can take the form of humans but they mostly posses some sort of mark of their inhumanity such as features of animals. They are highly advanced in fighting classes and can use specific abilities and enchanted items that enhance their powers further and hate the very idea of magic. They tend to reside on the Rao continent of the east in the forests. The species is almost completely wiped out.

Magicked – These are a people who are no longer active within the Agia world. They used to be just humans who practiced the art of magic. Long ago they came to wage war with humans and possessed great magic abilities beyond belief. Abilities that could summon Daos (guardians) in battle and crush whole villages with fire and the elements of the world had devastating effects in the war. They were mostly killed before the Humans found a way to trap them in a underground chamber, using one of their own. Thus the humans came to hate everything about the practice of magic and labeled spells as Taboo. After years later the Magicked had become considered a race of their own and history books had become rewritten for good. Descendants of the Magicked still roam the earth and are known as Magicked descendants. They posses magic powers of earthly elements but are fearful of using their powers out of spite but humans.


The Western Continent

This continent is home to many citizens of the world. This continent is full of modern cities and towns and castles ruled by branches of the Thelma. The Thelma are the rulers of this continent and are in charge of everything including government, religion, and education. This continent is considered the most modernized of the three and is bustling with technology. It’s also one of the bigger continents of Agia. In this continent law is very strict and anything the royal family Thelma says goes. Magic is forbidden here.

The Eastern Continent

This continent is home to the almost extinct demon population of Agia. It’s a place where old abandoned cities of wars past still stand and where nature flourishes in all of its greenery. The Eastern continent is run by its own government by Humans. There is only one town of demons that still exist that can be found here. Many ruins from old wars and devices from the old wars can still be found in here. Often times treasure hunters like to explore these lands for old artifacts that may be demon enchanted or better: magic enhanced.

The Southern Continent

This continent is also ruled by the Thelmacain society. Its population is mainly Human run and it’s climates are extreme. On the southern part of this continent there are snowy plains that go on as far as the eye can see. The top part of the continent is home to a more rural society where farmers farm. It’s a very laid back continent and Thelmacain law is not as enforced here as much as the Western continent.



Location descriptions:​
Western Continent

Thelma Capitol (Kingdom)
-The largest city and kingdom in Agia, Thelma is where the main Royal Family rules the Western and Southern Continent. Thelma is a giant castle with 20 floors to the top. It’s throne room lies at the 19th floor, with a view stretching as far as the demon village of Siard. The city below and around the castle is exactly ten miles in width stretching almost towards Lael forest. This city is where most commercial items can be bought. This city is also a city of politics and seriousness when it comes to the law.

Hautou (Kingdom)
-A kingdom of centuries old, this kingdom is ruled by King Darel Thelma and Queen Aschson Thelma. Its town is smaller but has a very good commercial look. The people of this kingdom rely more on the nature of the surrounding forest to supply them with the good they may need. Also, this city is where rebels of Thelma rule call their base. Bithia however are still not accepted here.

Idunblim (Kingdom)
-The kingdom ruled by King Akrucio Aires and the late Lendala Thelma who had been killed for adultery with a demon. This kingdom is about to undergo a change as its Thelma blood princess Laleth is to marry soon. This town is small and quaint. It is a nice place to go if you want to be able to relax and unwind. Flowers are often seen throughout this town as a lot of greenery sprouts from its soil.

Earoke (Kingdom)
- This kingdom is ruled by Donovan Thelma. The young king is very popular with the female crowd and is kind to everyone he meets. This town is known for its mid boggling technology. The labs in Earoke are of the cutting edge technology and create new inventions constantly. This city and castle have a futuristic feel to it. It is the only city with motorized transportation.

Salinthime (Kingdom)
-An old castle renamed when taken over by Thelma, it’s ruled by Renea and Gritleth Thelma. The town is small and full of life. This city is always up on the latest trends when it comes to things such as fashion and entertainment. This city is where most young people like to settle down.

Thelma Military Base
-A place where the mighty force of Thelma soldiers train. There is not a soldier of Thelma who hasn’t seen every inch of this place. Soldiers here undergo rigorous training every day.

Lael Forest
- This forest has been around since the beginning of time. Nature is spread throughout it and centuries of plant growth and life thrive in these woods.

Eastern Continent

Ronafure Village
- A village where many cultures clash. Many humans live here as well as Magciked descendants. Many of the Bithia group comes from here. It is the central place where the Bithia reside when it comes to their base. Also, Demons lurk in this village too. Ronafure is full of diversity and life and it is one of the largest villages in Agia.

Siard Village
- The only demon run village in the world, Siard is very unique. It is an old village and full of thousands of year’s worth of history. The ruin of a castle stands in the entrance of the village. Much greenery surrounds the village as the demons live off the land. There is many unknown technologies sitting await in this village, even magic technology of wars past. These treasures can be found on the outskirts of Siard and in the forest of the Eastern continent. Siard is a place where many scientists come to dig up old fossils and artifacts.

Spirits Tower
- A mysterious tower in the middle of the Eastern continent. It’s nicknamed “Spirit Tower” because long ago it was worshiped as a place where the dead went to rest in peace. Only a select few know of the true meaning behind this tower.

Southern Continent

Relfthia (Kingdom)
- A Thelma Kingdom that sprang up when control of the continent went to the West, Relfthia is a quiet farming town. Many animals of the world are most likely found near here as they are used to produce food, and many other goods to this town in order to be sold for commercial use. This kingdom sits quietly, with it’s castle ruled by Selasie Thelma an elderly Queen.

Seliothe (Kingdom)
- Another Thelma kingdom ruled by Ruelda Thelma and Seliase Thelma. This Kingdom is full of life. It is fairly new and is buzzing with construction at every second. Even the castle isn’t finished being constructed. Many workers live in the village hoping to create a new life for their families and a happier place for their community.

Cia Village
- One of the old Villages of Agia, Cia sits close to the continent divide. This place seems to be buzzing with the Magical arts. Although it’s looked down on by others, Cia is guarded by Bithia clan and many magic researchers work here. It’s a place where not just magic activity happens but a different kind of mysterious power is noticed…

Ale Village North
- This is a village of fishing. The whole village is mostly like a port town as outdoor shops line the sunny streets. This town is hidden by the Lela Mountains. The fishers here are very skeptical of the Thelmacain rule and want to change it for the better. People here also aren’t accepting of the use of magic and aren’t too fond of Demons either.

Ale Village South
- This is the second half of Ale village. It’s connected to Ale north by a boating system. This village is surrounded by ice and is significantly colder than Ale North. Snow is always covering this village and the people within hold the same traditions and beliefs as Ale North. Blizzards usually come across this town once in a while…

Underground Ruins
- A mysterious ruins that lies on the island of the Southern Continent, it is guarded by Thelmacain guards for some reason…



-The race of Demons and the race of Humans lived together, hostility raging and boiling to a point where the first attack on Demons by a human began in the Western continent over a dispute in August. The Western and Southern continents began to take arms against the East as a warning but the Demon race, had boiled with revenge for their fallen friend. They began to attack all human villages in the Eastern continent, killing thousands of people by September.


-January began the official declaration of war by the humans of Agia. The battles began in the Eastern continent and the South in conjunction with the West gained a major part in the battle. With the two forces going against them, Demons had begun to go to the source of the trouble. On August, the Eastern continent was completely Human free, but the bloody war was not over. The Demons had decided to gain territory in the Southern continent. They were very successful at capturing more than half the land in the Southern continent by December, getting Humans scared.


-With what seemed like no hope, Humans began to study the practice of a new weapon: Magic. With this the war had quickly ended in July, nearly exterminating the Demon species. The man Thelma is given credit to this new invention. Humans thus take back the continents for themselves.


-Thelma the inventor of magic has given light to a new discovery: The invention of summoning. The summoning power is used to summon Daos (guardians) for the first time.


-The Daos have revealed their purpose: To protect the world of Agia with their very being and all it’s inhabitants. Further magical discoveries are being discovered. People have begun to Practice magic


-New forms of technology and magic are coinciding with one another. The church of Thelmacain has been created by the people and is led by Thelma II. The church has based it’s teachings of the perseverance of the Guardians and the use of magic to thrust the world into an enlightened age.


-Thelma III has become the elected ruler of the Continent of the West. Due to much magical advancement, magic is used as an energy source and the Church of Thelmacain thrives.


-The first magical catastrophe occurs. A city in the South Continent has been completely destroyed by rouge mages. The Humans begin disputing with each other over the actual use of magic. The rise on magical crimes increases. Humans and Demons begin to fear the magical arts.


-Ridicule of practices of magic is on the rise. Thelma IV is elected the ruler of the Western continent. Animosity between humans and magic wielders goes on an all time high. The Thelmacain Church changes it’s practices of worship over the year from Guardians and the perseverance of Agia to the government leader Thelma in order to maintain it’s positive image.


-An unofficial war between Humans and Humans learning magic occurs. A war of the three continents begins.


-The magic wielders take up the name Agima and the war continues between them and humans. Demons take sides against one another and the gruesome battle begins.


-Cities are reduced to ashes and many casualties lie everywhere. No place is safe. All the world is a battlefield now.


-Thelma V has convinced the populous to create him in a monarch government. Complete control of the Western continent has been achieved. The Church of Thelmacain’s control is handed over to Thelma V. This switch leads to strict military training and power. The Agima are on the downside of the battle.


- The Agima mages have left most of Agia in ruin and despair. There is no hope for the newly trained soldiers of The Thelmacain Empire. The Southern continent is taken control of by Thelma and the immediate execution of mages begins throughout the country. The West continent opposes the offer to join the Thelmacain empire.


- The Thelmacain Empire announces the permanent elimination of Agima once and for all. The Empire unleashes a secret weapon not recorded in history books to seal most of the powers of the Agima and Sealed a majority of the Agima forces in an underground location where they would be sealed away forever.


- The hundred year war ends. Thelma V is claimed a hero by the people. A Ban on all magical activities in placed in September and in November all Magical technology is banned.


- Animosity towards the Agima lead the Humans to brand them off as a different species called the “Magicked”. The descendants are treated harshly and the Thelmacain Empire has grown stronger. The Thelmacain Church is now a worshipper of the Royal Thelma family.


- Thelmacain forces try to invade the Eastern continent but fails. The Eastern continent is finally declared neutral and unobtainable by Thelmacainians.


- An assassin agency is formed within the Thelmacain Government by Thelma VIII. The agency secretly kills off public figures who are opposed to the Royal Thelmacain rule. The citizens have rebuilt the world of Agia and its towns are now taken care of by the blood family of Thelmacain.


- A public figure that has been secretly practicing magic emerges as the leader of a new religion called “Bithia”. She has built her church around the traditional belief of magic being used to help the world and guardians protecting it. The church has begun to thrive and Thelma VIII has taken failed actions against the church. Unwilling to wage an all out war many Thelmacain soldiers have tried to ambush the magic practicers.


- Animosity between Thelmacain and the Bithia is growing day by day and more and more people are being drawn into the new religion. Others however stick to the side of the Government, seeing it as their savior and protection from disastrous magical fiends. Our story begins here. Thelma IX takes the throne and rules.


In this RP there will be certain important characters you should be aware of. As stated before one of my previous Rp characters will be apprearing much in this Rp. It's the character Laleth and she is much older than she is in other Rp's. 7 years older to be exact. But she won't have a big role in the RP as I have my main character I will be controlling.

As time in the Rp goes on, more important and meaningful canon characters will become unlocked to be able to become controlled by others. To Rp unlockable characters, just say you want to RP them and I will send you their Bio in a PM and what their role in the story will be. Please be careful to follow the story and nature of these characters as I take this story seriously. Killing them off without my permission or placing them in certain situations needs to be discussed by me... :P

Characters needed will be:

4-6 main characters(Already full no more leads)
Side characters (I'll tell yout the bios when I write the up)

Laleth - The soon to be new Princess of Idunblim, Laleth is a sad princess who is being forcefully married to a Duke. She will then be forced to have his children and thrown away on the crown, maybe even assassinated. Laleth only 17 at the time doesn't want this fate and tried desperately to escape it. She is the one who narrates the story of Crystalis. (reserved by me)

Alissa - Leader of the Bithia group, she practices magic. She is a strong leader and has superior magical abilities. She opposes the Thelmacain teachings and tries to spread the peaceful word that Magic should be used as a way to restore the planet. She is pro magical technology.

Ketho - Alissa's twin brother, he is a close knight of the Thelmacain army and holds subsantial power over troops. He has a concence and sometimes questions the state of rule the worl has taken. He seeks the truth of Agia but he's also very loyal to the Thelma house. He is the second ranking knight of Thelma IX and is in charge of eliminating all that oppose the King. He hates what his sister has done in practicing magic and hopes that one day she will see the light of the Thelma rule.

Reyu - A spunky female soldier who is very strict when it comes to battle. She is Ketho's assistant and goes with him everywhere to assist him in battle. She is very lighthearted at times and on the battlefeild she can be very tough.

Melissa - Laleth's faithful servant and guardian. Melissa has watched over Laleth from the time the young child was born. She has guided Laleth from birth and has become like a mother to the young girl.


Town:(Where does your character live?)
Race:(Human, Magicked, Demon)
Afilliate:(Thelmacain soldier, Rebel group against the Thelma, Bithia Group)
Abilities/Magic:(If any)
History:( the longer the better)

Side Story:(If a main character then come up with a side story and PM it to me. DO NOT POST IT IN THE THREAD! If you want me to come up with a side story for your character then I will...)

Chapter summary so far:

Chapter 1
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Nice work Oli. :hmmm: I'll be joining. Gimme a week to get a bio up for ya.
i rather liked the old rp, so ill give this a go. Though should i play a main character or side....?
You are all invited. And Tipsy I recommend a main. If you want to be a side then go on ahead.

I'd love to have you Channy! :D As long as you stay active...

You are all welcome to post Bio's whenever. I'm getting most of the writing and stuff for this RP done ahead of time as it's pretty heavy. A list of important side characters shall be put up soon :3
Right then. i want to be a main then. You pick who we get to be?

Also, just for kicks, can i also make a side character?
I don't pick who you get to be! You pick that! You make your own character and then it becomes a main character. After I have about 4 main characters, then whoever is left will have the option of making a side character or choosing one of the sides I already have, to RP with.

And making a side character also would be fine...I could use some side characters tbh
Name: Saethos Kyakuya

Age: 31

Town: Siard Village

Race: Demon (Ethantral to be exact)

Affiliate: He sides with the lowest bidder

Appearance: He stands at 5'7" and is very thin and compact. He has a pair of wings, black on the outside but orange on the inside. He wears a long full length black trench-coat that drags slightly on the ground. The end of it is torn up and has many holes in it from his waist down. Although the sleeves of his coat should reach his entire arm length, it has been ripped and torn so bad it is inches shy of reaching his wrist. On his wrists are metal cuffs, almost as if he was locked in chains. Under the trench-coat is what seems to be the oversuit of a tuxedo unzipped and also left open, with an orange rose design stiched into the area of his left pec. The undershirt he is wearing is orange with yellow vine-like designs. He always carries a blank card that is about the size of the average gaming card. It is all white. His pants are held on by a leather belt that has an orange rose as the belt buckle. The pants themselves are black with iron logging chains attached to them, dangling to his shins, but looping back up. There is one chain on each leg. The pants are not ripped and have many pockets that are usually empty. His boots are made for combat and have steel toes. They are made from black leather.

Personality: He always takes gambles with his life. He tries to take on stronger people in a fight, and usually loses. But he always does this to challenge them again and defeat them in battle. His heart lies with the weaker man for this reason. People are always beaten down for being weak, just like he was, but now he defends the weaker ones. He sees that it is unjust and unfair, so he tries to show them that not all of the strong prey on the weak, some strong are the defenders. When it comes to his friends, he trusts them with all his heart, and he will also defend them even if it costs his life, but that is not a big risk to him. With his enemies, he will simply shrug them off and let them be, unless they pick a fight with him. He doesn't try to avoid fights, nor does he try to instigate, he will take what comes at him.

Weapons: Demon knives, crafted by himself. They remain hilted in the back of his pants. Both look like this

He can also take each chain from his pants and attach them to his cuffs and use them as weapons.

Card of fate. The blank card that he has is held up to his forehead. An image appears on the front of the card showing either a gray field, a flame, a water drop, a tornado, or clumps of earth. 50% gray field which causes nothing, equal chance for other images. For 2 minutes he can use the card only once for the next 5 minutes. Other images he is able to cast a spell of the element shown, but the effect is hard to control.

Increased flight speed. He can make it so he flies at phenomenal speeds by creating a surge of energy that blasts him in whatever direction he wants. He slows himself by opening his wings and catching the air. Not much to this ability

Animals Rein. He begins to enhance his sense, making his smell like that of a dog, his sight like a cat, his hearing like a bat, and his touch like a snake. With this he can see fine details, listen to the very heartbeat of the ones around him, and feel the slightest rough spot on any surface. Combining this with his level of intelligence he can identify various materials and objects.

Rage of beasts. He becomes a total powerhouse with this ability. He can punch through a concrete all and not even break the skin on his knuckles. His speed matches a mongoose and he can jolt from point A to point B in a flash. He cannot even get his skin punctured in this state. Unfortunately this power has a backfall. When it wares off he will feel every impact, even from the blows he delivered. He will also be shocked with a surge of energy during this state that makes him lose all control, bordering insanity. After it wares off he will always pass out cold for an amount of time that will vary by how long he was in the state and how many hits he took.

History: We all have that friend that does absolutely insane and crazy stunts that you would never do because it just looks stupid. Well, that was Saethos. He always would do things that looked like you had to be absolutely insane to try. He would risk his life just to have a fun time. Many times he would say, "You can't live without death, so if I skim on the border, then I'm truly alive" to anyone that asked why he does what he does. Because of this he lost a fear for death and is never afraid to risk his life.

As a younger one he was actually a bully, always bashing on the weaker ones. He did it because he always thought of how fun it was, but then one day he met another demon that never spoke. Saethos saw him as an easy target, so he approached this mystery demon with the bad intent he always had. He was alone. Before he even got to say anything to this demon, he was held up by the neck with this dark and powerful demon choking him. He was not frightened, but this opened his eyes. All the demons he made fun of were weak hopeless and never had a chance. As a result of this day, Saethos then keeping his attitude fought for the weaker ones he once made cry. His former friends then began to dislike him, but they still hung out with him.

One day, the ones he called his friends planned something, they made a bet to Saethos to do an impossible stunt. Saethos couldn't turn it down, just as they planned. The task was to be hung upside down 700 feet in the air strapped into chains and a strait jacket, constricting almost any real movement. He had to get out before a certain time limit or he would fall to his death. So Saethos went up as high as he could, was strapped in, and hung. The time limit was 3 minutes. after two minutes passed he only had one hand free that was hardly mobile. When time was almost up, he felt a blast of power that enraged him to a point that he had no idea what was going on. With this power, he began to fall, but he tore out the chains and straps with a roar and landed feet first on the ground, unharmed. His friends were baffled. But Saethos wasn't himself, he began to attack the 6 that set him up. He chased them, but they didn't make it far. He killed each and every one of them.

When he finally went back to normal, he realized what he had done and vowed to himself that he would never do anything like that power again unless his life was not the only one on the line. He would use whatever strength he had to protect the weaker ones.
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Thanks for having me. :monster: I have no problem keeping active in RP's, or on the forum in general. Plus I got lots of time this summer xD

So is there a deadline for when you want Bio's by, considering this is a post dated RP?
Lets try having the bios ready as soon as possible. I only set the date so far back because I may be leaving for a couple weeks. I dunno if I'll have a computer with me or not so :hmmm: Whenever you have spare time to make the Bios would be amazing!
FINISHED! History long ehough XD

Akira Sakamoto



Thelma Capitol


Bithia Group

#2 #3 #4:
Akira is what one would be called a bifauxnen, or a rather effeminate looking boy. However, Akira is in fact a girl. The way she dresses, holds herself and her personality all makes her seem like a male. One would liken her to a pretty boy, standing at 157 cm tall and a featherweight of 45 kg. With her size, she is slight, lithe and flexible, and rather flat chested, hence most people take her for a male. Her skin is a pale pink and her eyes are large with a light brown pupil. It would almost seem girly if Akira holds a more softer expression. Her expression usually is a bit formal and neutral, but at times, she can be spotted with a slight smile in more peaceful situations. Her hair is long and dark navy blue, bordering black. It is held in a long, mid level ponytail that reaches halfway down her back while she has a massive bang on her right side which curves over half her right eye and reaching past her jaw. Across her left eye is a scar that runs just below the eyebrow bone and above the lower eye socket bone. Due to an incident, her left eye is always closed. Her left eye is different from her right. It has a very distinct look. Her left pupil appears to look like earth from space, with a deep blue base, with green and brown shapes with large spreads of white cloud wisp covering the top. It almost seem to be alive, with the pupil seemingly rotating as if on an axis with the clouds constantly on the move.
(Her pupil isnt actually rotating, its more like a slide that is on a loop.)

From top to bottom, her left eye is covered by an eye patch. This covers most if not all of the left eye scar. On the inside, she has a backless, sleeveless white Hakui (the shirt in the picture) and a black hakama on her legs along with white tabi's (socks) and zori (sandals). Over the whole ensemble is a long coat that is white in general with black lining and buttons, which reaches down to her knees. The coat is generally buttoned, drawing the collar closer. It is buttoned from the top button all the way to her waist, where the coat then is left open from waist to knee.

Akira is straight forward, blunt and extremely determined and independent. She is responsible and straight laced when it comes to serious matters. However, on a more relaxed atmosphere, she is caring, warm and considerate. Since she was raised as a male, this results in her more manly personality, though she does know that she is female. Since its been ingrained into her since birth, she often causes confusion with people. She has the "older sibling" impression on people, that despite her strictness, people still seem to like her.

Akira's weapon is her
shirazaya nodachi that is 110cm in length with a 30 cm blade. It is shorter than an average nodachi, but was specially crafted to her shorter stature. It is pure white, even the blade with a slight wave pattern along the pattern. Even under the hilt wrap, it is white with golden design. The hilt wrap is a slightly darker white. She named this blade Tenchu. She also has a shorter blade that is exactly the same as Tenchu, but at 90 cm in total length, named Jinnchu. Both Tenchu and Jinnchu can be slipped into her waist. However, Tenchu often causes issue, so also is carried by hand.

Akira is foremost a swordsman. However, due to circumstances, she is also able to use magic, although she is not as proficient as others. Her magic is limited to fire attacks and attribute boosting. All her flames are blue. When she uses magic, a blue flame appears above her left eye. When she uses her activation, the activation flames intertwine with the blue flame, creating a multi coloured fire.

Vision: Her left eye gives her clairvoyance ability. She is able to catch glimpse of the future through her left eye, although the time and what she views are not to her choosing. In addition, they are often not clear and appear chopped and blurry, often requiring Akira to decipher it. What she does see remains crystal clear in her mind so that she does not forget . This ability is not one she can call on herself, but one that comes when it feels like it, moved more by fate and destiny rather than one's own power and will. When activated, if is often accompanied by numbing pain down her body. Initially, it caused enough pain to completely immobilize her, but recently, it is a t a level which allows basic movement such as running.

Activation Spells:

Brute strength: Brute strength is achieved when she gets past a certain level of seriousness. Its effect is proportional to her emotions, hence a small level fight would wield less strength then a full blown war battle. In essence, the larger the fight, the stronger she becomes, strength-wise. The tell tale sign of the power level is the intensity of the orange/yellow flame that appears at her left eye. The larger the flame, the more power there is.

Steel Skin: Akira has a passive skill in that her skin becomes like steel. It is a reactionary ability that is separate from her own mind. It activates on its own whenever an attack nears her, changing that section that would receive the blow to steel. That said, only her skin becomes as such. Force still travels through her. Slashing and piercing attacks are nullified. Blunt attacks, melee hand to hand, throws, ice, water, earth are not. In essence, anything that pierces, cuts, explodes or slashes becomes useless while anything that hits with blunt force works. This is of great help due to Akira's slight size and body, where she is unable to withstand a barrage of attacks.
When activated, a green flame appears above her left eye.

Herme's Sandals: Used to grant Akira speed and maneuverability in battle. She is able to move like the wind, traversing on walls and ceilings with ease, giving her a terrain advantage in battle. When activated, a purple flame appears above her left eye.

Fire Spells:

Fireball: This is the generic fire attack. A ball of fire is conjured to her hand and is shot out at the enemy at the speed of a baseball pitch.

Blaze Trail: The move starts of similar to fireball, in which a ball of fire is summoned to her palm. It differs in that when shot, instead of a ball shooting out, a long continuous beam of fire is shot out. It
has a limited ability to follow targets through the casters hand motion.
Fire Whip: By summoning fire to her hands, Akira can use the fire as a 3 meter whip in either hand. It is in essence a whip made of fire. When hit, it would cause burns even if it only connected for a few an instant.

Grenade: A small ball of flame is conjured to her hand, about the size of a small soccer ball. This attack has no self propulsion and has to be thrown. Whenh thrown, Akira will a determine how long the fuse is and when the fuse runs out, the small ball of flame will explode in a two meter radius. It is able to stick to surfaces, although it lacks any form of burn attack when stuck.

Cluster Bomb: Very similar to grenade, but the size is about that of a rugby ball. All properties are similar in terms with fuse and ability to stick. The biggest difference is when the ball explodes, its initial explosion is reduced to a 3 meter diameter, but 6 other small grenades will fly out past the 3 meter mark and cause a 1 meter diameter explosion. Hence cluster bomb.

Hi-Blaze Trail: As its name states, its an upped version of Blaze Trail. Using both hands, the size of the fire is increased to that of a basketball with a respectively bigger beam. It is somewhat faster than Blaze Trail and has a limited ability to follow targets through the casters hand motion.

Akira was born a descendant of magicked people, although she originally had very little talent with magic, to the point that it was negligible. She was able to pass as a normal Thelma citizen with ease and live a normal life. When she was small, Akira cared little of the magic issue. She had no interest and only concentrated on her swordsmanship.

As fate would have it, her grandfather, a Descendant of Magicked, returned to the main house. He was a smart man, able to avoid attention of the world to his abilities. During his stay, his one time demonstration of magic caught a hold of Akira. With her interest snagged, she began to accompany her grandfather on his many trips. This concerned her parents as if he was caught, she would be dragged down with him. Nonetheless she continued on. During these few years, despite his best efforts, Akira's lack of talent and ability meant that she just could not pick up magic. Disheartened, her grandfather always promised her that magic will come to her grasp soon. Believing it as idle comforts, Akira did not know that it was a prophecy.

When she was 12, one one of her trips out, her grandfather was more solemn than usual. He diverged from his usual path and stopped at a copse of tree. There, he performed a magical bind on Akira's mouth and limbs before stashing her in the body of a tree. Believing her to be completely hidden from sight and unable to see, her grandfather confronted 5 men. Without warning, they launched into a fight. Unfortunately for her grandfather, he had not seen the tenacity and determination of his grand daughter, who managed to wiggle enough to a gap in the trunk, witnessing everything.

The men were magick hunters, out to kill those who possess magic. Her grandfather fought them on even grounds with magic, but his age was catching up to him. At the conclusion of everything, the 4 men lay dead and one dying, but Akira's grandfather was not much further behind than them. His seals broke in which she ran out to her grandfather's body. He noticed his eyes were of an odd appearance, different from his normal brown. With his last remaining strength, he attempted to place a hand on her forehead, but slipped down to her left eye. A sudden surge of electric feeling surged through her body and as fast as it came, it subsided. Akira only managed to recover to hear her grandfather's last words. "I told you magic will come to your grasp. I see alot..." before dying. The last man, who was still alive, stumbled to his feet and lashed wildly out, catching Akira in the left eye. It was not deep, but did enough to cut the lens and close to the retina. In shock, rather than pain, an instant blue flame shot from the cut, engulfing the man until he burned to ashes, carried away by the wind before she was hit with a vision in her left eye. One where she saw herself in battle, with an eyepatch across her eye. She was fighting with Thelma Troops and wielding magic. All this muddled her mind further as it made no sense, so she tried to ignore it.

Despite the cut to her eye, she could still see. She knew her grandfather was dead. The least she could do was give him a proper resting place inside the tree trunk she hid in. She ransacked the men and took what she could from her grandfather, including an eyepatch. It was odd why he had one, but his last words rang clear. She stumbled to the closest stream and finally realised why it was there, her left eye had taken the appearance of her grandfathers. It was obviously magical and would condemn her. Solemnly, she slipped on the eyepatch after cleaning her wound and stumbled back home in Thelma Capitol. Her vision now turned clear. She was to fight the Thelma for her grandfather and those Magicks that have been killed mercilessly. With determination unknown to herself, Akira dove head on into her swordsmanship and practiced the magic her grandfather had given her, waiting for the time she would take arms and fight.
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Was out last night watching soccer/football, so ill try to get one up today. Any specifications and such in our bio like the history? Also, is there a difference between Bithia group and Rebels? Do they work together?

There is a difference.

The rebels are just people fighting against the Thelma Kingdoms, but still hold to the Thelma teachings and have an overall fear and hatred of magic.

Bithia are more dispised by Thelma so they get much more recognition than the rebels. They also practice magic, being mages and such.

I won't be online much this week guys so Post questions and I'll get to them later...
What sorts of magic are allowed? I want to experiment with a Summoner character... Would Bithia have summoning creatures, large and small, knowledge?
My bio is done, I edited the history in and I added a new ability that may look familiar to my previous character in the original RP.
Do you have to know magic to be in the bithia group?

Yes. Bithia are a group of people who practice magic and know magical abilities. Magic such as fire, water, earth, summoning etc. To be a part of the group you must know magic. If you want to support that group, that is a different story as you would simply agree with their ideals without dealing in the magical arts yourself.

What sorts of magic are allowed? I want to experiment with a Summoner character... Would Bithia have summoning creatures, large and small, knowledge?

Any sort of magic is allowed as long as it isn't too strong. My character is sort of a summoner too only he summons in a different way than actual summoners. The creatures yous summoner character are able to summon must also have mini bios including name, appearance, abilities. Adding other stuff is okay too.

Making a summon too styrong woulf be considered powerplaying and is not accepted at all.

Now Squee, your demon is accepted. He's a nice character! Cant wait to see him out there.


I have written all of the location descriptions and such. I'm still getting to explaing the event syatem although its just the same I used for EF...I'll be working these next few days before school so feel free to ask more questions!
I seem to have a thing for insanity...:hmmm:...Now I have a question, what if I made Saethos be a descendant of Mystro? Sketchy and unlikely, but I would try to make sense of it (I've been writing for years, how bad could it be? :wacky:)
right. so what faction do i put if i support the bithia, but have no magic myself then?