Crystalius: Fairytale Extinct

Well you can just be a part of the Bithia group then I suppose...or put civilian if you are not too affiliated I suppose. There could be some non magical people helping out the group and what not. Exceptions in this case are approved. I just need to see a bio or something to get an idea of where you are coming from :P
my bio is in pg two at the top.I have yet to fill in history and magic until i work things out.
Yes you can Diar....

I really should get some of my RP posts up for other people's Rps and Edit bios and do bios and shizz. I'll post up the definitions of the terms later which should come in handy.
Boy, am I keen. Though, I want to try playing an evil role this time. Yet, I can't shake off that urge to be innately good. Anti-hero perhaps, but not the main. PM-ed you already, Oliver. Do tell me anything else I need to know.
Here is my side as well. A noble knight in the Thelma Army. I do not know the context of the day, so im assuming its somewhat medieval. If i want a mount, does it have to be a horse? Ill write one up, but if its not to your liking or only horses are accepted, ill change it.

Name: Major General Remus Cobanda

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Town: Thelma Military Base

Race: Human

Thelmacain soldier

Appearance: Remus is a rather rough looking gentleman. Although he appears unruly and unkempt, he does have an air of aristocracy and nobleness around him. His head has a mess of black hair that is impossible to tame, though it does suit his personality. It spikes in many direction with a slight fringe that comes down over his right eye. The hair at the back is slightly long, reaching halfway down his neck. His face is slightly chiseled with it angling slightly near the jaws. He has a slight stubble near his jaw. His eyes are sharp and eagle like with his eyebrows dipping downwards, making a perpetual disapproval face. Remus has hazel eyes.

Remus stands at 175cm tall and weigh in at 68kgs. He is muscly and strong due to him being a knight in the Thelma Army. His body bears the scars of experience, with a X slash across his entire back and a vertical cut on his left chest.

Attire: His main attire is obviously his armour. As a knight, his armour is much more intricate than that of a foot soldier. It has many plates and engraving. The side skirts are long, reaching down to his calf. The chest armour has a high collar. The main pieces are dark metallic silver with the designs a more lighter silver. The cloth underneath is a dark navy blue with chain mail on top of same colour. At the chest, is a ruby piece. It has gauntlets, upper arm armour, shoulder pauldrons, greaves, the whole set.

What makes his armour much more extravagant is the pair of wings on his back. It has the same metal frame as his armour, very intricate in design, with brown feathers to make the wing complete. The wings appear in a folded shape, rising up from his shoulder blades before arching down behind his knee. His helmet is also very fancy. It is a full face helm, with a moveable face plate. It has the same colour scheme as his armour with similarly amount of engraving and decorative plating. It has two part to it, the upper helm and the lower face mask. The upper helm sit as is, consisting of the outer two plate level, while the lower face mask, which consist of the third layer with a chin plate, can be pulled down to reveal the face. It has a lock system in which can lock the mask securely up or down. It is made with materials that is combat ready and light, even with the wings, there is no real combat hindrance to Remus. He is often without his helm on, it held in his hand or clipped to his right waist.

Personality: Remus is an aristocrat in a soldier family. He is proud, loyal, headstrong, righteous and devoted to the throne. As an officer, there is little he would not do for Thelma if the command came down for it. He is a knight, meaning he has a chivalric code and honour, expecting others to live and fight honourable with their own bodies in hand to hand, close quarter fighting. He abhors those that disturb their peace and stray from the path of good.

Although he has a slight disdain for archers, this is further with magicians. He respects archers because they are trained and that any one could become one if they worked, a result of hard work. Magicians, on the other hand, are born with the ability, hence work off on that, rather than a result of diligence and determination. Although this is flawed, his belief against magicked people is different from the average citizen. He doesnt hate them, just dislike their born, innate ability of magic. His support of the throne is not a fear of magic, but to support the peace it already has.

Weapons: Remus has several typical weapons as a knight. A sword, a shield and a lance, all of high quality.

Sword #2: His sword is given the name Adelaide. It is a knight sword that is a hand and a half, capable to be wield with his shield or just by itself. it is 115cm in total length plus hilt. It can be slipped into Theo to be carried together or more commonly clipped onto his left side.

Shield: His shield, Theo, is a large, shoulder to knee shield. It is made so that i can be wielded as normal with the large side up or reversed. In addition to being a shield, a slot at the back allows it to slide in Althea with its sheath to be carried together. The wings at the back is spaced enough for the shield to be carried on his back with the tip pointing up. It is also sometime kept with Remus' mount when he goes into an area which is unsuitable.

His lance is named Tyril. It, as most lances are, is 2.5 meters in length, making it a shorter combat lance. This weapon is rather unwieldy to carry always, hence is kept with his mount. Sharp and strong, It's handle is long enough to be used as an impromptu spear or staff.

Mount: Remus' mount is a golden yellow chocobo that has its own armour. He affectionately named it Althea. Its armour has the same colour design as his own with the base being a darker silver with the lighter silver in a decorated flame pattern. It consist of a head piece, a frontal chest piece that covers a large portion of her chest, leg armour, saddle armour and slight wing plating. Under the wing, there is a harness in which Remus can store his lance on the right. On the left wing, on top of the plating is another harness which his shield could be hooked onto.

Abilities/Magic: He has no magical abilities or special birth power. The only thing he has is boatloads of battle experience, a battle hardened body and godly swordsmanship.

History: Remus was born into a soldier family of aristocracy. Although they are not of royalty ranking, they are not bottom tier trash either. Remus follows the dedication to the throne, not of their policy, but through peace for Humans. As a result, he has an unwavering determination for the throne. Growing up with the thought of peace in mind, Remus went ahead and performed his duty to sustain the peace to his fullest of abilities. His dedication to this peace was mistaken to be the supporting of the Church teachings and he went up the ranks. It wasn't too far, the two beliefs. Remus would destroy mages that threaten to overthrow the empire, but he fails to see the purge of non-threatening magicked people. This was noticed by the higher ups and rather than to demote such a skillful captain, they diverged him from many of the the attack missions on magicked people and concentrated his effort on rebels.
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great ! all the bios so far are excepted. the time is sort of lacking technology since magic advances were thrown away. this technology would be considered futuristic. though since most of it was discarded the only way to obtain it is through searching old war you could say it's closer to medieval but has the potential to not be
My first ever villain character. Am excited to have the role play start now :mrgreen:


Rune Realmroamer


Unknown (Seems like 15)


No specific location




Bithia’s group, Rebel Group against Thelman


As shown in the image, Rune is always seen dressed in a gothic-inspired dress, as well as a gothic hair band. These clothing have got no magical properties, and nor are they physically strong enough to withstand any physical attacks. The dress itself is navy blue, with a white colored inner layer.

Rune has a childlike appearance, and sports a long white hair that reaches down below her shoulders. Her eyes are a glowing crimson red and, if seen at night, is quite a scary sight. She stands at a height of only 156cm, and weighs about 47kg.

And no, she doesn’t have wings like in the image.


Cool and confident. She seems like a friendly and outgoing person who can easily make friends. People find her very approachable, and during conversations, she is always warm, but mature. When on to more serious topics, they will be treated to a more philosophical side of her. At this points, she seems like a real adult (Which she is), and can be quite charming.

However, when coming to handling the more serious matters of her own, she can be particularly cold-hearted, especially when dealing with human captives. She will not hesitate to resort to torture to force information out of someone if need be, and even kill if she has to, or feels like it. This is the same in battle. She will never engage in a friendly battle, having a preference to go all out in any battle she partakes in.

Her battles are fast and furious, with her blasting spells after spells, and even multi-casting to summon Daos to her aid. It is during battles she is less calm, and easily brought to anger. Nevertheless, she is still intelligent enough to know the next best course of action despite her anger, and can leash it if she really must.




Rune’s forte. Her magic abilities are great beyond belief. Through years of cultivation and learning, she managed to learn how to make herself impervious to the passing of time, as well as to take on a younger form. It was also during this time that she improved on her spells and Dao summoning abilities.

Note: The spells Rune is capable of is not limited to the following. However, depending on the scale of the spell, a proportional chanting period and cast time would be distributed. The following are the key spells that she often use. Chances are, in battle, the following are the only spells she would use.

- Blizzard Veil
By using her magical abilities, Rune calls forth a blizzard that would make movement difficult for any warrior. The surrounding temperatures fall drastically, and the magical snow that complements the spell reduces effective visual range to only 2 meters. Using this as a veil, Rune can proceed on to cast more spell of her own to devastate her enemies. This spell lasts for a minute, and can be called off by Rune anytime during the duration of the spell.

- Elements
Her magical potential allows her to exert a strong command over the elements. The elements react to her will, and can be shaped into anything she wants. For instance, she could call upon fire and shape it into a spear to toss at enemies. The elements themselves are: Fire, Water, Ice, Wind, Lightning, Shadow and Light. How much damage is dealt is dependent on the enemy’s resistance to these elements.

- Song of Lightning
Chanting loudly in a musical fashion, Rune summons a thunderstorm around her. This storm strikes the surrounding area within 5m radius of Rune randomly, at a frequency of 10 times per second. These thunderbolts are stronger than the usual lightning, and would cause grievous hurt to even those resistant to lightning. The storm lasts for half a minute, and will not affect Rune even if the bolt were to strike her.

- Totem Quake
A Dao related spell. The spell results in a totem rising from the ground, causing a massive quake that would easily cause anyone close by to lose their balance- Rune inclusive. Thereafter, the Totem begins to sparkle, and the quakes cease. After about 3 seconds, a Dao would be summoned. The Dao that appears is dependent on a chant by Rune prior to this spell. The summoning of her Dao is not limited to this spell. She can call forth a Dao in another way if she wants.

- Dao Summoning
Typically, a bright light will engulf Rune, and right after the lights fade away in about 2 seconds, the Dao summoned will be standing in front of Rune. The following are the Daos that Rune always summons to her aid:

Wraith, the Shadow Dragon: a large dragon 5 meters tall and spanning 15 meters. It is capable of breathing shadows that will corrupt any weak-willed living creature and convert them into its shadow minions- basically the original form with eyes of black.

Hell, the Fire Elemental: a magical mass of rocks with molten lava within. It has claws of lava held together by magical forces and can blast torrents of lava at a target. This elemental is one of the larger ones, standing at a height of 2 meters. It is resistant to physical attacks, but is particularly susceptible to any magical abilities, except fire, obviously.

Winfrith, the Dark Angel: a human like being that fights for Rune. He is emotionless and cannot speak. Despite being only capable of physical attacks with his claws, he can easily maneuver around the battlefield to evade magical attacks, and even take to the air to completely escape a bad situation.

Note: These Daos last for a period of an hour, and if slain in any way before the duration is completely, would be de-summoned in a flash of light and unavailable for a period of 2 days.


Born around 2180, Rune was raised by magic-practicing parents. As she grew, she was taught the arts of magic from young, and was discovered to be a prodigy. She was 13 when the first magical catastrophe occurred. At that time, she didn’t know much about it, and simply continued practicing her arts, for the next 45 years, when the relationship between magic users and humans deteriorated.

At the time, she was already 58 years of age, but she had just discovered a way to slow down her aging process. Working on it, she neglected her parents’ ailing health, and lost them to old age. She was thoroughly grieved, but coped with the pressure by concentrating solely on her magical research, and blaming her parent’s death on the ‘lesser beings’, humans. (Just her being unreasonable)

4 years later, she perfects the spell of immortality and was about to present it the following year when the unofficial war broke out. She decides to research on eternal youth instead, and begins working on it. Her research takes 15 years, and she finally manages to reduce her physical age from 58 to 47. She continues research till 2068, when the war broke out. Forced to help, she was made to research on battle spells instead.

She does so anyway despite her reluctance, and produces her favorite spell, Blizzard Veil. Secretly, she continues her research on becoming younger. 2291, the war had already escalated so much that there was no one place where the world was peaceful. Nevertheless, she continues her research in secret, and also produces the Song of Lightning to pretend to be focused on her task.

When she finally perfects her spell, she decides to retire from the war. Using the spell to reduce her physical age to 15, she leaves the Agima to roam about the humans. However, her eyes made her enemy amongst the humans and she was quickly chased out- being assumed to be an Agima refugee.

Roaming the lands, Rune decides to call herself Rune Realmroamer, purely for fun. Then, the year 2349 came, with the humans declaring the permanent elimination of the Agima. She continued using that name, both to evade Agima forces hoping to recruit her back, as well as to take on a ‘new life’. It wasn’t meant to be though, and she was captured along with another group of Agima.

These Agima were brutally tortured before her very eyes. For the first time in her life, she sees the brutality of soldiers in war in that instance. All this time, she had never used her battle spells, but right there and then, she uses it and breaks out of imprisonment. She liberates the other Agima, and then left them with her nickname ‘Rune Realmroamer’.

Nevertheless, the war continues, though Rune continues to lie low and research on stronger battle spells, notably on Dao Summoning. In 2350, the war ends, but Rune’s war against the humans had yet to see conclusion. She continues her research perfecting her Dao Summoning spells, as well as Daos.

She takes root in the newly formed village of Ronafure at some point, and continued with her dark research, whilst keeping a low profile- due to her immortality (Many of the village boys had crushes on her, but she couldn’t reciprocate because they grew older, and she never did.)

By 2506, a new religion had been established, and hearing of it, Rune initially puts it off, thinking it will get crushed somehow soon. Somehow, the religion survived, and in 2509, she joins the religion, and begins socializing to find members for her force to achieve her own motives.
keep in mind that this rp will start by the time i get back from summer college on july 26. i will try to start earlier though...
i assume you are busy then? Ill wit for your approval then. But since you're on, i can keep the chocobo as my mount right? And the contxt is right (Medeival times)?
Okay, at this point, I've become both lazy and unsure on how to do this bio, so I've gonna use one of my characters and fill in the blanks from there.

Also, what is the intended goal of the Rebels? Otherthrow of the Monarchy and replace it with another government, or put another person on the throne?

I'm going to use Mary Waltham (link here)

Town: Hautou, Thelmacain Empire

Race: Magicked (although she does not know of this yet)

Affiliation: Thelmacain Rebel Front

History: Mary was born in 2493, in the city of Hautou. Her parents were very Anti-Thelmacain nobles who were secretly descendents of the true Magicked race themselves. As a child, Mary never knew of their parents heritage or their abilities. Her parents figured it would be safe that she never knew. Unfortunately, the Government knew of their stance and their history, and because of this Mary bore witness to the murder of her parents at the age of 12.

Mary ran from home hoping to avoid being caught, and was found by friends of her family who wished to set up a Rebel Front against the Thelmacain Church and Monarchy. For 5 years, the Rebels trained Witham in archery. But Mary felt that she is not like those who she lives among with.

Mary is now and ardent supporter against the current Monarch and the government, while at the same time questioning who she really is.

(Name, Age, Personality, Appearance and Weapons are carried over from the bio. She starts off with these abilities as shown, but will also have magical abilities to be revealed at a later period.)

I cannot believe, it but i just realised i missed Oliver's first post and asked him what he already answered.
Chances are I probably did the same too concerning my question, but I'm probably too half-blind too see it.