Crystalius: Fairytale Extinct

The reason my post is so short and underdetailed is Dean can be literally anywhere. Magic kicked in randomly and carted him off somewhere. This is a way to get him more involved. So if someone can find him so he'll have some interaction, that'd be great.
I'll get up a post on Sunday. Things have really went downhill recently, and I need some time to recover my optimism and mental sanity. Sorry, people. I'll return on Sunday.
That was a copy and paste of the other thread :hmmm:

Also, that's not a problem, we can wait.
I apologize, but I have to drop outof this RP. Ijust don't feel the inspiration for some things lately, and this is one of them. My apologies.
Found the old events system used for EF. I'll start using that soon after everyone gets in a post and well then start discussing side stories for characters. And Everyone should hurry and post so this can go through quickly. It's turning out to be a small quaint RP, which is good because it'll most likely be finished or go far ^_^

Events system:

I've set up an events system so that everything will hopefully run smoothly. It's consisted of different types of events that are color coded. Examples of the three different events are shown below:

-these events will relate to the main story. There is no avoiding these events from happening and they usually affect all characters.

-these events will usually relate to the main story. You can choose not to follow these and go about your adventure doing whatever you please. Choosing to follow these wont hurt or help you.

Event-Side Quest-Name
-these events are events that can only be triggered in certain situations. You can choose to ignore these also. They usually relate to a specific character/s whose actions can change the story's plot in many ways...

Anyways, that's all for now. Any important updates will be posted at the bottom of my posts! )
It's about time you brought this back, I was contemplating using this for my own RP...I can't remember why I decided against this...
Possibly so, though to implement would require some time to research. It might be better implemented in the KH RP due to my better grasp of the story than the other two I am moderating/co-moderating.
Right! KH. SFR could do with it though if you come up with the story ahead of time. Plus you've got good RPers in that one who can easily help if the story goes awry or something.
yeah, unfortunately, I've had the story idea and then lost it, so I'm forced to play it by ear till I can get a clear and working story.

Still, can't wait for what you got with this one.
Ditto with SFR. I think I'll have Laleth in the KH RP after into the dusk, if that's okay with you? I haven't really gotten much into the KH series but I'm liking this version.

I finished planning the story for this one a while now we're just cruising along...the Rp section is getting a little dry with school coming up and all though :hmmm: Hope it gets busy again...
I'm glad that you like this version, and it will get busy again, compared to the summer, which has been a bit slow, IMHO. :hmmm:
Oh, and Kevin, remember, Sophia is an NPC so you can control her when you want to. In battle or in rough spots she can use elemental magical abilities. And her personality is always cheery. When you want her you can control her any time you want seeing as she's going to be following Mary in search of her own personal adventure. I might jump in to control her at times, but she's yours when you want her.

The same goes for Reyu Tipsy ^_^