Cutest FF Girl

Angel Valentine

Seph says yer dumb
Jul 12, 2006
Hottest FF Girl

The last thread was old and kinda shoddy, so I made a new one :monster:

Same goes as the hottest FF guy thread, I added everyone from VII-XII including X-2 and the FFVII compilation that I could remember.

The 'other' is for characters ff tactics/chronicles/etc... or characters just not mentioned. We don't need a poll 2 pages long :monster:

Anyway, my vote goes to Tifa. Just love the whole package, the hair, the bewbs, the outfit, the attitude :woot:
Aerith is in my opinion the most beautiful FF Girl, she's not like sexy hot but shes pretty ^_^

Frans the sexiest FF Girl though :monster:

Since i can only vote for one, i voted Aerith ^_^
Oh boy....I can't vote who is the hottest. >_< Too many to choose from. Most of them are hot/beautiful. Ugh, I don't want to sound like a lesbian in this thread but....

Tifa, Lulu, Quistis, Beatrix are 'hottest' in my opinion. They have a very sexy look.

Aerith and Garnet look beautiful and have a elegant look about them.
For me it was a toss-up between Lulu, Tifa, Quistis. After much masterful debating with myself:D I came to the conclusion that Lulu was the hottest of them all. Just the size of her upperbody made her a winner.
Can't any mod edit this poll to where you can select multiple people? A list that long needs to have that option.

Anyway, I voted for Garnet. She's not "hott", but she's got a pretty and regal air about her, plus I just lurv her character to death.
I went with Lulu...always good fun having her make the killing blow in random battles. Others I'd have chosen would be Tifa, Fran, and maybe a bit of Rikku.
Rikku, she has an unbelivable smile (in the sphere grid drawing). The strong runner up must be Fran, actually most Vieras should be there.
I love Penelo.....I dunno why but it's like love at first sight(eventhough I never played FF12). I just love her....:inlove:
rikku lulu and yuffie if i could vote for three :p
i'll have to give it to rikku, she's got tons of energy and mecha ^_^
Can't any mod edit this poll to where you can select multiple people? A list that long needs to have that option.
Ah, but the whole point is to force you to choose for your absolute favorite :wacky: