Cutest Monster

Either cactuars or those fluffy bunny efforts in XII I really can't bring myself to kill those haha
Didn't they give you health if you did something to them? :wacky:
I'm pretty sure they gave you something...then I killed them after they did, but they were cute. :monster:
Didn't they give you health if you did something to them? :wacky:
I'm pretty sure they gave you something...then I killed them after they did, but they were cute. :monster:

I remember they put Protect on me once but I forgot whether or not I did something for it, but yes they are so cute!! I cannot bring my self to kill them either xD
I thought that Magik Pots were cute too and always the Tonberries!! :3
Too bad XII doesn't have them T.T
The chicobos, if they count as monsters, were the cutest for me. They sell little plush chic- and chocobos at a Hobby shop mear me :)

Next to those... it would be the Giza/Ozmone/Salika hares from FFXII and then Cactuars :D
Chocobo's and moogles!!!!

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Cactuar. :}

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Please put more effort into your post. Say why you think Cactaur are the cutest monsters. Thank you.
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I have to say the Cockatrices in Final Fantasy XII. They look like giant

chickens and I like it!
FFXII Cute Monsters

The cutest monsters I've ever had to, unfortunately, destroy were in FFXII. The Mu (see image), the Vorpal Bunny (see image), and the Fury boss (can't find picture online): all bunnies. One of the cutest and saddest things that happened so far was when I defeated the Fury boss: it cried while it was dying. :sad2:
Definately those bunnies that you find throughout FFXII. The only reason I ever killed them was for the beastiary thingy xD

The chocobos are really cute too.. That is, if they're not using that chocobo meteor attack on you that they have in X-2. I got pwned by them quite a few times :gasp:
If they were monsters then I'd have to say Chocobo, they're so cool and yellow and shizz... Alas they're not so i would have to say that Cactuars are indeed they cutest, what with the way they walk and all... Cute but dangerous! :D
I felt kinda guilty when I killed those bunny things in XII. Also the friendly monsters in IX were kinda cute.

Pretty much anything that doesn't initially try to rip my head off is considered cute :monster:

EDIT: Oh almost forgot the Gimmie Cat in IX
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The Final Fantasy XII moogles ^_^

Sure they've changed but they are even cuter than before!

Also, the chocobos in FFX
Trickster - FFXII he is the cuttest and biggest chocobo ever, i like his white shining fluffy body :lol:
I like also the little hares from FFXII, they are so cute :P
Trickster - FFXII he is the cuttest and biggest chocobo ever, i like his white shining fluffy body

I like also the little hares from FFXII, they are so cute

Ohh yeah, I completely forgot about the Trickster. I actually felt kinda bad when I realized I had to kill it.
Happy Bunny's.
I find it hard to kill, they are always running around with their floppy ears.
Only killed them for the beastary.
id say either the tonberries or cactuars, both are equally nice looking
The cutest final Fantasy monsters are: Cactacars,Chocobos,Alrunes(Final Fantasy 12)Malboros,and my favorite is Bombs!