Dalmasca westersand, giza plain, garamsythe waterway


Chocobo Breeder
Nov 29, 2006
how will i know when will the sandstorms of dalmasca westernsand, rain & dry of giza plains, flooded area of garamsythe waterway come and goes???.............
Giza Plains - Dry and Rain seasons - They work like this, as soon as it rains it will be optional to get the Dry or Rain to come back. The only way to switch back to either of them is doing something in the story line or doing a sidequest and then come back - or you can enter Rabanastre and go 2 screens away (so basically near the weapon seller - and it will give you access to the next season change. (calling it season because the entire zone changes)

Waterway - you need a key from doing a side quest (look it up in a Mark guide)

Sandstorms - exit in and out of the area you wish there be a sandstorm in, it will eventually be there.
so thats how it is
but when accepted the hunt for the white mousse the area was flooded after a few hours of playing its not anymore ... why?
well white mouse is the mark you need to kill for the key - but it will change periodically as well when you leave the area. If you want the water to stay down kill white mouse, you can regulate the lvl of the water without it being random from here on out.
ive been going back and forth x 100 to the westersand area where i want it to have a sandstorm
i've got nothing
no sandstorm = no gnoma enitite = no gnoma halcyon
There is a place called the Wyrm's Nest or Wyvern's Nest in Westersand, I went there and the sandstorm started generating in each area in Westersand after that.
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thanks cuz im after the ultima blade :)
its the only powerfull weapon i can get much earlier in the game "im at the part of getting the swords of kings (everyone's at 38 & vaan's 45)"
thanks cuz im after the ultima blade :)
its the only powerfull weapon i can get much earlier in the game "im at the part of getting the swords of kings (everyone's at 38 & vaan's 45)"
Your guys are that strong? my guys were only like lvl 30 when i did that part...:cry2:
There is a place called the Wyrm's Nest or Wyvern's Nest in Westersand, I went there and the sandstorm started generating in each area in Westersand after that.

your earth tyrant still aint dead right??
mine history :( already
im having a bad time :(

"is killing the earth tyrant is the cause of having no sandstorm???"
I'm stumped bud, you should be able to get the sandstorm to appear doing what I told you - I've tested it on 3 different Game Saves for you. They all show the same result, and all work.
i found another topic at another forums
they get their sandstorm by going back and forth between the wyrm's nest & the easternsand

and at the other topic someone explaind how the rains & dry works at the giza plains

"the weather on Giza Plains is dependant on the hour of the in- game clock. If the hour of the clock is even, as in 12:XX:XX, then it will be dry in Giza Plains. However, if the hour of the clock is odd, as in 13:XX:XX, then it will be wet in the Giza Plains.

If you talk to the weather eye seeq in the south gate of Rabanastre, and you've been playing for 34 hrs, 30 mins, he will say that it's in the middle of the dry. if you talk to him at 34 hrs, 55 mins, he'll say that the rains will come soon. if you talk to him at 35 hrs, 02 mins, he will say that there's quite a bit of time left before the dry.

I've tested it, and it definitely works. (although I may have it backwards; it could be dry durign the odd hrs and wet during the even ones; either way, it alternates between hours)"

ill try it
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Right, I said the part about wyrm's nest earlier to. Have you tried it since?
the sandstorm doesnt generate after u killed the earth tyrant at the wyrm's nest (well i figured that out since i killed him much earlier "skrew me") :) its my own fault

but the back and forth at the wyrm's nest & easternsand DID work
