Birthweek Dancing Mad Libs! [2022]


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May 17, 2019
Coloured Thread
Chocobo Egg
Shiva Snowflake
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Happy Birthweek everyone! As I'm sure many of you are already aware, Kefka just released his THIRD Mad Libs book today!
And, same as last year, FFF got first look at some of the pages inside!
So how about we fill out some pages for some good laughs!?

DML Book 2022.png

First Edition | Second Edition | Third Edition


Da Rules & How it works
Each round I'll post a numbered list of words that we all will collectively fill out.
When the list is up it's up to you guys to help fill in the blanks in numerical order.
One person will fill out the first word on the list, followed up with the next person who will fill out the next corresponding word, so on and so forth.
You may post again after another member has gone after you or after the round has ended.
The round ends when there are no more words to fill out.
Try and slip in as many Final Fantasy related words as possible!
Any username spots can be your own or someone else!
Feel free to ask any questions within this thread, or via PM to me!


Noun: A person, place or thing.
ex. Director, Bus Stop, Apple

Plural Noun: Multiple things instead of just one.
ex. Directors, Bus Stops, Apples

Proper Noun: A noun that identifies a single entity and is used to refer to that entity.
ex. Bobby Corwen, Midgar, Sony

Adjective: Describes a noun.
ex. Tipsy, Empty, Red

Verb: Action words.
ex. Jump, Kick, Attack, Heal

Adverb: Describes the action.
ex. Painfully, Intensely, Honestly
[Completed Mad Libs]

Round 1
FFF's Sweet 16th!
I can't believe that FFF has been around for 16 Funny years. It just seems like yesterday when Galadin joined the forums! Remember when she made that thread about Funky Moogles? Or the one about her crush on her favorite Slow character CHADley? And let’s not forget about the Wild fan fiction thread Six made where she paired Hippaul (FFIX) and Benjamin (Mystic Quest) together. Of course we can’t forget about the classic meme of Mitsuki rubbing Good King Moggle Mog XII all over herself either!

It’s hard to believe that some of us grew up here on FFF, I even heard that Voltaire Adams named his first born child after Raspberry. Speaking of Raspberry, do you remember when we voted to name their pet Black PantherVincent’? Those were Cantankerous times!

Here’s to another Six years, FFF! May your future be Groovy and full of Materia! Lots and lots of Materia!​

Round 2
UnFFForgettable Birthday Party
It was an Alluring day when we gathered for FFF’s Precious birthday party! The Feisty invitations were designed by Dionysos, and the Purple cake was hand-made with Tomatoes by Verena himself. Sly was in charge of the Extreme tunes, and the decorations were made by Miko after staying up all night Hastily putting them together, gluing Airships onto Battle Cruisers carefully and Drunkenly. The first gift to be opened was a Priest wrapped in Taco wrapping paper, specially gifted from Lord Golbez. Paddy McGee forgot to bring a gift, but did manage to spike the Ouzo with Donkeys when no one was looking. Galadin was crying hard and Gently in the background while Linnaete tried to Rapidly put out a fire with Cheese. How Espurr set the forum’s Town on fire with a Vial is anyone’s guess, but Ayumi Hamasaki didn’t appreciate it since the fire turned his Fish a Flappy shade of Crimson.

Despite the Spiky beginning, and Abstract Debauchery puking on Dane Wale’s Porpoises, the evening went Cantankerously well. Mr. Goober got a new Satyr that he was asking for, and Greenyxi only made out with one person cosplaying as Reno this time. But, maybe next year we’ll have less fire and more Ghosts to liven up the party!​

Round 3

The FFFierce Trial: Six vs Ayatai

The Six vs Ayatai trial was anything but Sweet in the FFF courtroom. Six’s lawyer, Ribbit, was was fierce and Evil, but Ayatai’s lawyer, ZaXo Ken'Ichi, had a few Apple’s up his sleeves as well. What was Six suing Ayatai for? Well, it was no secret that Ayatai was well known for illegally owning both Belhelmels and Honey Badgers, but what the forums wasn’t expecting was when Ayatai left a Silky Chocobo-sized turd in Six’s bed one night when she was at the Birthweek Summertime Sappiness writing event last year. Sure, Six isn’t perfect either, as she was also caught drinking mega pints of Seductive Coca Cola while snorting Wonderful amounts of Behemoth Steak in the back seat of the Lunar Whale, but does that mean Six deserved to have Ayatai throw a Platypus at her and cut off her Nose? I guess it was no Furry surprise when the Flappy jury ruled in favor of Six, but not before ZaXo Ken’Ichi annoyed Judge Harlequin with each one of his π objections in regards to the Peachy Gorgon incident. Maybe next time Ayatai can get a better lawyer, like Rey, who is better known for his Weird approach of using Anime Body Pillows and Anroids as props.​

Round 4

A FFFantastic New Pet

Did you hear about Shaissa’s new baby pet Abomination? Wasn’t it so cute and Jinxed? I heard Shaissa taught it tricks like sit and Jump when he offered it a Rat Tail, and that Shaissa also gave it lots of Thongs to keep its coat shiny and Aromatic during the summertime months. It’s unfortunate and Fetid that it broke one of its teeth chewing on a Clam though, as I’m sure it cost Shaissa more than an arm and a Gargoyle. Plus there was the incident when Sly was over to visit and it accidentally mistook his Arm for a Tentacle and took a bite out of it. Still, with it’s chubby cheeks and chubby Toe it’s hard to get mad at such an Libidinous face.

It’s Noisily unfortunate that it got into a bag of Emus though, as everyone knows that Abominations are allergic and break out in Sloth-shaped rashes. Espurr brought over Shaissa some Chocobo Eater casserole the other day but Shaissa was still Filthy and upset about the ordeal. Shaissa hadn’t even given it a name yet, but was deciding between the names Bambi, Miko and King. Whatever happens I hope it pulls through at the vet, as veterinarian Molosev is the worst in their field. But if not I hope Shaissa picks out something a bit more Hairy next time and names it something like cute like Shu or Steve-O.​
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4: FF Creature (plural) - Moogles :mogscot:
5. Adjective: Slow
16. Animal: Black panther
18. Adjective: cantankerous