Dangerous Food

Dolly Beads! those stupid sweet things that are on a elastic string for some reason, you always get little kids who find it fun to fire them at people and the hurt if they hit your facial regions.

But i can't moan i use to do it, didn't fire it at people tho just walls and stuff.
For the life of me, I can't remember what they were called but, one day, we went across to Asda for lunch and one of my friends bought, what he thought was, a packet of bacon-flavoured crisps. Upon opening the packet, we discovered that the packet was, in fact, a packet of pig fat. I'm not even kidding - there were several lumps of pure pig fat. The ingredients? "Cooked fat from a pig's torso."

Dangerous in the sense that 1) your taste buds WILL suffer (we all tried a lick) and 2) you'll probably have a flat-out heart attack if you eat this packet. :wacky:
Pork scratchings? xD

And dolly bads -__- Getting them fired at you from all angles is NO laughing matter -__- I hated that craze that went round school
The fad hits out school every year, when the 13 year olds become 14 year olds, and you end up having to wear a bloody crash helmet because those things hit you HARD.

It might be pork scratchings...they were reeeeekin.
Ok so I can only think of 2. The toblerone & coconuts

The toblerone (although one of my FAVOURITE chocolates ever) is the STUPIDEST shape ever. Try to bit into it and the roof of your mouth gts annhilated by one of the alps. You HAVE to get your hands dirty which sometimes I just can't be arsed doing



Impossible to get into, so once you have a- thrown it on the ground and been knocked out by flying peices of coconut and potentially slipping on the milk, or b- bashed it with a hammer, also potentially leading to the above outcome you have to get the coconut out of the ...nut? which is no easy feat let me tell you

I was hacking away at one coconut in particlar last night with a knife and stabbed my self in the finger.....for a small cut there was a fair bit of blood...and it's not half sore today. A couple of milimeters higher and it would have got me right under the nail, so at least I have THAT to be grateful for

What other dangerous foods are there out there, and why?

*haha thats a funny yet interesting and true opinion of the toblerone my friend, i love chocolates too but it isnt that dangerous, i think its unique. and besides we should be thankful we have the luxury of eating chocolates while other people eat garbage, honestly they do eat garbage because of poverty! :)

*and the coconut isnt a dangerous food you just dont know how to prepare it, i know because im a Filipino and coconut is one of the basic food eaten here, youd be ashamed to see children ripping a coconut appart with their bare teeth, and they do this everyday for a living :)

*i think no food is dangerous, just eat it properly and moderatley even fatty food cant kill you if you eat it in moderation :)

*peace yall :)