Dark Knight or Paladin?

Dark Knight or Paladin?

  • Dark Knight

    Votes: 39 45.9%
  • Paladin

    Votes: 46 54.1%

  • Total voters
i went for dark night personally wont go into it

but i do appreciate the paladin and its skills

but the dark night just seemed to fit me better at the time

if i were to play it again ( i actually solf it off when i needed some cash but anyways) i would probz lean towards the paladin
...It depends on the Final Fantasy whether Dark Knight or Paladin is better, but for FF4, it is definetely Paladin.
I n my most recent play through (the one i'm doing at the moment) i prefered Cecil as a dark knight. i am currently at the part in the game where you enter the underworld for the first time nd must fight the Doll's in the crystal room and i prefered cecil as a Dark knight, because he looks better and has cooler weapons

Although having the ability to wield darkness is pretty cool, the ability to cast helpful white magic spells, as well as gaining access to a much larger spectrum of combat styles, really pulled the Paladin ahead of the Dark Knight.

(Plus, Dark Knights don't score as many chicks. >_>)
I like Cecil as a dark knight better. The paladin is cool, but Cecil's magic is weak. And he looks more badass as a dark knight too.
Paladin for me. It's good to have an extra white magic healer in your party even if he is a little weaker with his cure spells. His weapon Lightbringer + Holy = the best weapon around.
I like him better as Paladin since there's more advantages, like his White Magic. Protect, Esuna, and Cura are most especially very handy. However, his Darkness ability was also quite good when he was a Dark Knight and he seemed more mysterious that way, but overall it's Paladin for me.
I'd say paladin :)
I think he looks better as a paladin :P And I love the Lightbringer :D

Don't really like the design of the dark knight's armor :P
Paladin > Dark Knight. Nuff said. ;)

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Mah, I really wanted to cry when Cecil became a paladin. >..< I dislike his outfit as paladin. As Dark Knight he was the mysterious evil-looking but yet good knight. But as paladin he's just... erm~ let's say he looks to feminine. (Besides, his Dark attack was great x3)
As a Dark Knight you can fight without remorse, fighting without any regret. You'll be unbound to restrictions that a Paladin may have.
He's a hell of a lot more powerful as a Paladin though. But if they'd kept him as a Dark Knight (or if there was the option to) he'd probably get better weapons and his stats wouldn't stop rising at level 20. At least his Darkness ability is an augment in the DS version, so you can have Paladin Cecil using his signature Dark Knight move.
To the point that I'm at right now, Dark Knight sounds like the better choice. But what I heard (above post) you can't go above LV 20... So I guess Paladin... He just looks to feminine. *shudders*
I think the Dark Knight looked cooler, but the Paladin was much more useful

So I'm going with the Dark Knight :wacky:
Lol, I found out last night that Dark Knight Cecil not going above 20 was bs, as I've gotten him to about 23 now. So Dark Knight gets my more informed vote.
You can get him above level 20, but his stats stop rising around then so there's no point.