Darkness Comes....

"One must stay to keep this beast sealed. I shall cast the ancient spell and thus perform the final ceremony to seal the door to hell. Please leave...now..."

Julius shielded his friend's life with his own, inexplicably halting the demon's advance. The monster approached menacingly as it swung its ferocious blade. Julius took defensive stance, holding his blade firmly with both hands and slightly bending his knees. Part of the ceiling had fallen separating Julius from William, the debris kept gathering all around them threatening to bury them under a pile of rubble. Julius set his own path today, his eyes firmly set on his new opponent, he chanted an ancient phrase that made his whole body glow with a holy aura. The sword served as a seal of heaven and hell, and Julius needed to strike this demon down, for the sake of his loved ones. Several of his bones were broken, an internal hemorrhage was filling his lungs with blood and other fluids, no one could tell why this man still was able to stand and fight, perhaps this miracle was born purely out of his iron will.

.....promise me you will protect her if somehow I don't make it....her soul has returned now...please I beg of you...as a friend...don't leave her..." He coughs blood and continues "alone....ugh..." the coughs became more and more incontrollable by the pass of time.
No matter how hard Wylliam thought, he couldn't think of any other way, but that didn't make it any less painful. "Julius..." he began, but was interupted by another piece of the ceiling crashing to the floor. Running to the exit of the room, he turned and shouted, "I promise! I swear upon our friendship that I will watch over Nicole, that you may rest without turbulence in your soul!" Tears streaming down his face, Wylliam retraced his steps toward the exit of the temple.
(I think this will be my final post so far. I will give it my all. It was an honor to RP with you Professor.)

After his friend left the building, Julius's soul was put at ease, his once tormented mind now found the peace and redemption for his past cruelty. The ceiling kept crumbling around him, and a fierce battle began.

The demon rushed towards Julius unleashing a barrage of attacks. Julius eluded most of the attacks, was hit a few times but in the end he had enough strength to continue. The sounds of swords clashing continuously could be heard through every chamber of the dark sanctuary, every being could tell how fierce that battle was. Pieces of the demon's armor as well as Julius' armor could be seen scattered through the floor. After evading a downward slash, Julius side-stepped to the left, his opponent's blade passing next to him and missing by mere inches, struck the floor and carved a deep gash on the surface. Seeing his opponent's blade stuck, Julius unleashed a deadly assault on the demon, dealing fatal wounds all around the monsters body. The demon finally pulled his sword from the floor and hammered Julius against the wall with a single strike. Julius fell on his knees after his body but he never took his sight away from the monster. Yet again he summed up his courageous will and dashed towards the demon. The demon lunged his sword towards Julius, Julius dodged the sword with a side-step to the right, the monster's blade slightly scratching his left cheek. As Julius left the deadly projectile behind, the demon found himself terribly vulnerable to a finishing move. Julius sighted a clean spot on the surface of the demon's armor, and with powerful will he lunged his sword towards the very center of the demon's heart, pierching it cruelly. Julius' sword went through the demon's body, cutting through flesh, tissues, organs and bones and finally the tip of his blade sprout from the monster's back.

"In the name of God! I sentence you to the hell of your own making!!!"

Julius pulled his sword from the demon's chest and jumped away from it, the demon disappearing after a huge explosion created from the amount of energy released from the demon's body after Julius' pulled his sword from that monster's chest. Julius landed safely before the demon's corpse and remained there as the building kept collapsing. "Farewell William....my friend...my brother...it was an honor to fight alongside you. Be free my friend, and live."He sighed and kept talking to himself as the room continued to collapse. "Nicole....I love you....I just wish I could be happy with you...farewell my love...I will miss you. I just regret, not telling her how much I loved her...." The explosion had been fatal for the structure seeing that the whole room finally crumbled, crushing everything underneath a pile of rubble. Then there was silence, peace, for the first time since the beginning of this dreadful and tragic story. No one knows what happened to Julius after the sanctuary was sealed and destroyed. The only clue we have is his sword stuck on a stone, the rays of the sun shining brightly on the blade's surface. William was meant to find that sword.
(The honor was mine. Thank you for the fun adventure.)


Wylliam stood in reflective silence on the edge of a large pile of debris that had, two years previously, been part of a large sanctuary. "Hello Julius," he said, speaking over the rubble, "I'm sorry I don't visit as often as I used to, but the Order keeps me pretty busy." Wylliam blinked rapidly to keep the tears at bay. Even though he had made this same pilgrimage dozens of times, he found the words were no easier the fiftieth time than the first. "It truly is a magnificent memorial; the statue looks just like you, except for that silly noble expression they carved on your face. The Julius I remember radiated divine majesty, not the pansy look of empty hapiness they've etched onto your mug." The tears became too much for Wylliam to restrain, and began their course to his chin. "We put your sword in the Gallery of the Order," he said for what felt like the hundredth time, "Right in the center, on this velvet, crimson cusion that really brings out the stains of demon blood on the steel. Ha! You should have seen the other members of the Order try in vain to scrub the blood from your weapon." Wylliam chuckled for a while, then declined into a sad, silent smile. After about ten minutes of reliving the experience in the unholy temple, he turned to leave and paused, looking over his shoulder at the wreckage. "Are you really dead, Julius?" Shaking his head, he left for the Order headquarters.