Original Darkness Of Destruction

Ezio Auditore

Requiescat in pace, you bastard!
Mar 1, 2007
Yup! That's right! I found TDoD! I'm gonna carry on writing it!

Before that of course. Here is the cast list :D (This was inspired by Faith's of course :P )

Cast List:

Rene Skylar - Played by Rene Skylar

Faith Crest - played by Faith Crest

Filden Gurito - Played by Bahamut's_Heir

Abigail Nilem - Played by Female version of Bahamut's_Heir (which isn't that hard to imagine tee hee. He's gonna hurt me now isn't he.)

Kamui - Played by Dark Fantasy X

Dawn - Played by Faith Crest with a wig :O

Alex/Vrael Liner - Played by evil non-identical and non-blood related twin of me :)

King Liner - Played by same masochistic old man from the streets. I think he;s
called tramp man or something.

Patricia Musso - Played by herself

King Julius Argexis - Played by Julius Aurelius

Queen Zeria Iiyasei (Bitch didn't take your name Julius :O) - Played by herself

General Rale - Played by himself

Rowan Nightgale - Played by Robin Hood's sister :O

Kara Skylar - Played by herself

Lily Skylar - Played by herself

Minerva "The Merc" Liu - Played by Minerva

The Darkness Of Destruction

Chapter 1: Darkness

“What a terrible thing to happen to a once beloved kingdom wouldn’t you think?” A young voice filled the air. He was tall and had hair as black as the night sky. He was only seventeen years of age but his eyes, which were black also, told people that he had seen terrible things and looked much older than he is. He held two medium length swords and stood next to a powerfully built woman. She was of the same age as the man but her eyes, which were brown, were young and innocent. She recoiled as she stepped forward and crushed what appeared to be the charred remains of a fellow Hume. She had blonde shoulder length hair and strapped to her waist was a long thin blade made of what appeared to be red metal.

“What do you think did this?” Her voice was gentle and soft. She looked at the man deeply as if trying to persuade him to hurry up and answer her. The man walked over to the remains, crouched and lifted up the skull. It instantly turned to ash.

“There are two types of remains here.” The man said troubled “T’would appear that both beast and man attacked this kingdom but have left no trace of whom or what they could be. We know that the Kinuko Empire has been advancing but I do not believe they did this. This seems too inhumane… even for them.”

“Then that means another kingdom has added itself to this war. A kingdom that has control over savage beasts.” Her voice grew ever more anxious the more time they spent in the graveyard of the kingdom.

“Renalia has the upper hand currently but if this new empire joins forces with Emperor Liner they have already lost.” He said this as he stared at the large city two miles west. The kingdom of Tyania had once been the second largest kingdom in the whole of Earth, now it lay in ruins.

“Then the boy is our only hope...”

“Yes but he must discover his destiny himself… Remember that.”

“Fine… But know this I do not believe that the fate of the world should rest on the shoulders of this… boy.” The man laughed at this.

“But Dawn isn’t he the same age as you?” Dawn looked troubled now.

“Be that as it may Kamui, he does not have the experience needed to take on an entire kingdom!” She stormed off stopping only ten metres away before pressing a hidden button and waiting as a large machine appeared out of thin air. It was like a motorbike but had no wheels. She nimbly jumped onto it and immediately it bgan to hover. She hit the accelerator and sped off.

“I’ll see you there then.” Kamui said as darkness engulfed him.


Yeah I know the first chapter is short, which is why the second chapter is also in here!

Chapter 2: Rene Skylar, Faith Crest and Filden Gurito

“Wake up you lazy ass!” Rene groaned as he sat up and took the covers off his head. He shook the hair out of his eyes and smacked against the window knocking off the ninja sitting on his window sill

“Piss off Filden!” Rene shouted. His voice was deep but happy as he shouted at his best friend. As Filden hit the ground he heard a woman laughing gently. Rene slowly sat up again and peered through the window looking downwards; when he couldn’t see anyone he heard the same voice… but it was above him

“I’m up here idiot!" Her voice was light and soft and as Rene turned to face upwards he felt a large blunt instrument hit his head. The woman laughed again and Rene finally looked at her. Faith Crest was Renes other best friend. She was 17 and she had butt-length black hair and dark brown eyes. Rene had known for as long as he could remember and she was like a sister to him… though they did have frequent arguments. Faith was a telepath and the only reason she was above him was because she was channelling her energy to create a shield between her and gravity

“Argh! What the heck was that for!” He said angrily but happily as he looked at Faith carefully in case she decided to hit him again with her powers

“You’re late of course!” She said as the boy he had knocked off earlier jumped back up to the window sill

“Wanker!” He shouted as he tackled Rene back into the bedroom. Rene rolled with the tackle and kicked Filden in the stomach sending him into the wall. Rene finally looked at Filden properly. He was sixteen years old; he had brown buzz cut hair and dark brown eyes. He was two inches smaller than Rene but he made up for it in his strength and speed. Filden Gurito was a ninja.

“Hey Filden. What was you saying again Faith?” Rene asked her as she giggled silently at the pair

“Hey! I’m not done with you yet!” Filden shouted at Rene “Why’d you knock me off the window sill!” Rene stared at Filden

“Hmm. It might be because it’s Sunday and you woke me up at 10 am!”

“Umm Rene?” Faith said innocently

“What!?” Rene snapped turning to face Faith

“Umm… It’s Monday”

“… Seriously?” Faith nodded “SHIT!” Rene straight away ran about his room gathering his stuff getting ready for school “Why didn’t you wake me up earlier!” Rene shouted at them both

“We were having fun drawing on your face!” Filden said laughing and lifting up a small black pen. Rene face went from shock to anger in an instant

“You son of a bitch!” Rene shouted running towards Filden as fast as he could

“Run!?” Filden shouted to Faith as he jumped out the window

“See you at High School Rene! Hurry up!” Faith shouted waving as she floated away speedily after Filden

“Assholes.” Rene said as he cleaned his face and got into his school uniform.
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Chapter 3: High School

“YOU’RE LATE!” Screamed Mr Cooper. He was a tall bald man who taught P.E and R.E. Rene hated him and Cooper hated him back

“Sorry sir…” Rene grumbled as he saw Faith frowning at him out of the corner of his eye “I woke up late…” Straight away he regretted his words

“WELL LEARN TO SET YOUR BLOODY ALARM!!” Cooper shouted at the top of his lungs. Rene sighed

“Yes sir…”

“Now then go to your seat and open your textbook to page 56. We’re learning about Judaism today.” As soon as Rene got to his seat Faith, who sat right next to him, spoke to him but not aloud as they would be shouted at by Cooper but by Faiths telepathic powers

You okay? Faith said

Pissed off. Why do we have to get the biggest arsehole in the whole of school as a tutor and teacher! Rene replied acidly.

Faith giggled and Cooper stared at her coldly

Where’s Filden? I gotta beat up that shit bag later. Rene asked Faith
As he said this to her though he felt a small hard object hit the back of his head, without meaning to he said “ouch” Cooper looked back at him with cold fury in his eyes and went back to writing angrily on the chalkboard, Rene turned around and saw who had hit him. Alex Eagles, one of the big bullies in school. Rene and him had hated each other for year. Alex was talking to his cronies holding in plain sight a slingshot. Rene scowled at him and stuck his middle finger at him.

Oh he had to go home. He left his bag. Faith answered Renes question
Just as she said this though the door opened quickly and in rushed Filden

“Grr! How many more people are missing today?!” Cooper bellowed at Filden

“Uhh sorry!” Filden said cockily

“I beg your pardon!” Cooper shouted

“Sorry… Sir?” Filden finally realised the word he had left out
“Detention! After school tonight!” Filden groaned and almost got thrown by Cooper to his seat. “And you also!” He said pointing at Rene. As soon as Filden sat down Faith put him into the telepathic conversation

Wanker. Filden said almost immediately

Tee hee at least I haven’t got a detention! Faith spoke rubbing it in there faces

Shut up Faith. Rene said angrily, he was already in a bad mood now. Oh yeah and Filden I’m gonna beat you up later! He laughed silently at this showing he was only kidding. Rene sat back and opened his textbook to make it appear as though he was interested in the lesson

Hey guys! After your detention do you wanna go to Abigail’s? Faith asked keenly. It was no big secret that Filden had the biggest crush on her ever but he was too shy to ever admit it to her face

Sure! How come she isn’t in school tonight? Filden asked

No big secret why you wanna go eh Filden? Rene said laughing. Faith giggled then answered Fildens question

It’s her 17th birthday today. Her parents are letting her have the day off. Faith answered

Lucky bugger. Rene and Filden said together

Less than a month to go now Filden! Faith said happily Me and Rene are thinking of getting you a joint present… Is there anything you want or need?

I could do with a new shuriken. My old one is rusting away. Filden said sombrely
It wouldn’t be in that state if you took care of it. Rene said accusingly
Your one to talk! Your room is a mess 24/7! Faith exclaimed jokingly as she said this Alex sent another object towards Renes head hitting him hard in the back of his neck. Rene stood up immediately spun around and confronted Alex

“What the bloody hell was that for!” Rene shouted at him. Alex then stood up too.

“Can’t take a joke eh Skylar?” His voice was a sarcastic annoying drone.

“SIT DOWN BOTH OF YOU!” Cooper bellowed at them. They grudgingly took there seats both knowing there was gonna be a fight once lesson ended. The rest of the lesson went pretty much as it began. Talking telepathically, Getting things thrown at Renes head and being shouted at by Cooper. Once the bell went all eyes were on Rene and Alex. Everyone stood up and slowly went outside. As soon as they were out Alex started

“Aww poor little Skylar. Can’t take a tiny little joke can he! Freaking weirdo!” He said taunting Rene

“Least me dad ain’t in prison for being caught with a rent boy Alex” Rene replied sarcastically

“Don’t you dare say anything about my dad!” Alex shouted over the “oohs” of the crowd that had circled around them. Rene looked around and couldn’t see Faith or Filden

“Aww poor Alex can’t take a tiny little joke.” Rene said mimicking Alex’s voice. Alex made the first move. He charged towards Rene fist in the air. He went to punch Rene but Rene easily blocked the blow. He grabbed Alex’s outstretched arm and twisted it behind his back before kicking him in the butt and pushing him forward forcing him to hit into a wall. Alex sprang back with a roundhouse kick Rene hadn’t been expecting and got hit in the head knocking the wind out of him. He regained his composure and punched Alex 3 times in the head in rapid succession before being dragged back by someone he couldn’t see. The fight was being broken up. Damn, Rene thought, just as I was getting into it as well! He finally realised that Faith and Filden was dragging him. He broke free of there grasps and confronted them

“Why’d you break it up! I was finally teaching that arsehole a lesson!” Rene shouted at them angrily.

“We’re sorry but someone went and got a teacher.” Faith said apologising

“Yeah it was either beat the shit outta him or get expelled!” Filden said loudly trying to get Rene to come round. Rene looked at the ground. He knew they were right but was too stubborn to accept it.

“Yeah, yeah. C’mon lets go get some lunch.” Rene said as he felt something drip from his lip. He put his fingers to his lips and realised that he’d cut his lip. “Shit. How bad do I look?”

“You’re gonna have a few bruises and a black eye by the looks of it.” Faith said motheringly “It’s gonna sting like hell later”

“Can’t you heal it or something Faith?” Filden asked

“Sorry don’t do healing remember?” Faith replied

“It doesn’t matter. Come on let’s just get this day over.” Rene said finally. He looked at Faith and smiled weakly trying not to re-open the cut on his lip. Both Rene and Faith walked onwards but Filden just stood there shaking his head at the pair of them. When are they gonna realise that they both fancy each other? Filden thought, After that the day ran more smoothly. Rene got shouted at a few times but that was normal. Faith got teased by some girls saying that Rene was weak and he was gonna get the battering of his life later but Faith just ignored them whilst using her powers to empty all the ink cartridges in their bags creating massive stains. Filden got in a fight with some 18 year olds and ended up having to run for his life. Finally school was over for the day.
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C'mon, more! I only just found this and I really want to hear more. I can't even remember the story now ... o_O
Chapter 4: The Kinuko Campaign

“Advance our men to Kenria.” The Emperor of the mighty Kinuko Kingdom ordered his General. Emperor Jeod Liner was 57 years of age and had a short white beard and old dark brown eyes. His hair was also white but stood above it was a magnificent crown of gold. It had six spire like points and had small rubies encrusted into each one. Strapped to his waist was a long blade.

“Sir yes sir.” The General replied saluting. Few had seen the generals face as he wore his bright silver armour and his silver helm all the time. “Shall I send a message to the Beran ordering them to do the same?”

“Your majesty I must disagree with General Adams. If the soldiers even glimpsed the terrible entities we have allied ourselves with, morale will drop greatly!” The Emperors head-Aid argued.

“Hmm… I have to agree with you Lloyd. We do not need our men disturbed when we are just over two months away from invading Renalia.” The Emperor spoke with great authority. “Send them to the south side of Renalia away from our men.”

“Yes Your Highness.” And with that the General left. Emperor Liner heaved himself over to his thrown and beckoned everybody out of the room apart from Lloyd “Lloyd. How fare my son and daughter?”

“We have no word from your daughter. But it still appears she still hates you my liege.” As Lloyd said this Liner sighed heavily

“And my son?”

“Vrael has made contact with the target. He says he will report in soon.” Lloyd finished. The Emperor nodded.

“I am tired and old Lloyd. Soon I will pass from this world to the next, but I do not believe Vrael to be ready to command a kingdom. When I pass on, help him as much as you can.”

“Yes Your Highness. I shall help him to the fullest of my abilities, but you shall not pass soon I pray?” Liner smirked at the man. Lloyd was like a brother to him and like an uncle to his son. 3 years ago his daughter had run away. She incapacitated 4 of the royal guards and escaped north with the royal blade of Kinuko. “Leave me now Lloyd. I need to rest.”

“Yes sir.” He then left the royal hall allowing the Emperor to sleep.
Chapter 5: Abigail Nilem

“Hurry up! We were meant to meet her there half an hour ago!” Faith shouted at both Rene and Filden “Ooh she’s gonna be mad!”

“It’s not our fault we got detentions!” Filden argued back, Rene stared at him.

“Shut up Filden! You know Faith will have a go at us if you argue with her!” Rene and Filden laughed but when Faith glared at him Rene stopped immediately and Filden got slapped by Faith lightly causing him to scowl and hurry up. 10 Minutes later when they finally got to there destination they immediately heard a stern voice

“It’s about bloody time!” A 17 year old girl shouted at the 3 of the “I’ve been waiting for 40 minutes! Do you know how annoying it is to have to listen to your parents drone about whether they should actually get new curtains or not!”

“Sorry Abby but these goofballs got themselves detentions!” Faith said to the girl. She had long purple hair and light blue eyes

“Idiots! Oh well never mind. Hey Rene, hey Filden.” She was wearing her usual outfit which consisted of a red sweater with long sleeves, but showing her stomach and black plain trousers, with a short red skirt around the top, Rene and Filden were still in uniform but Faith had gone home and changed into her clothes. She was wearing a black loose vest and a long black skirt. She wore black high heels as well. “Hey! Go home and get changed into your clothes! Meet us in the city in an hour or else!” This being directed at Filden and Rene

“Fine fine” Filden huffed “We’ll see you there. Rosalia, right?”

“Of course!” Faith said enthusiastically “See you soon” Then both Faith and Abigail walked off. When they had walked off Rene turned to Filden as they were walking back to there homes.

“When are you gonna ask her out!” Rene shouted happily when the girls were out of ear-shot

“Oh shut up Rene!” Filden replied acidly. They turned the corner and stopped outside Fildens house “It’s not like she even likes me back!”

“Oh shut up! Of course she does! You’re both just too shy to bloody well admit it!”

“Abby? Shy? Get real! She’s the most outgoing person we know!”

“Filden mate, she is shy about you. Only you don’t realise it.” Filden went to his front door and looked back to Rene

“I’ll think about it.” Filden shouted “I’ll see you at sky station!” Rene nodded and ran to his house. When he had gotten dressed. He stood in front of a mirror and made sure he was looking okay. He was wearing a light red jacket with no sleeves, a red belt, and baggy white trousers with blue trainers. It was almost summer and it was very hot so he decided not to bother wearing a shirt underneath his jacket. He grabbed some back to money and headed off back to Fildens.


“Urgh! That bastard gave me a damned black eye!” Alex shouted as he entered his house. A few of his cronies were with him as usual and had to agree that if the fight hadn’t been broken up Alex would have been beaten to shit. One of the cronies stepped forward and spoke in a dumb deep voice

“Uhh… Alex? If you wanna get back at him. I heard he’s goin’ to the city with his friends. We can beat him up there if you want?”

“Hmm what a great idea…” He walked to a mirror and glanced at himself with disdain. He looked like a younger version of his father. He had long brown hair and piercing blue eyes. His face was emotionless and oft times he barely thought himself Hume. “Let’s go.”


“About time Filden! What were you doin’?” Rene asked Filden as he left

“Ed needed some advice about an airship he was fixin’ up.” Filden replied. Other than being a ninja he was also an engineer. His uncle Ed was teaching him as much as he can but Filden had far exceeded him now and was practically teaching Ed and not the other way round. “Let’s get goin or we’ll miss the sky train.”

“Umm Filden? You got a little something on your face.” Rene said pointing at the oil on his face.

“Oh crap.” He said as he rubbed it off his face. He was wearing a brown sleeveless jacket with way too many pockets and a white shirt. He wore blue baggy trousers, brown gloves and black boots.

“Aren’t you a bit hot under that?” Rene asked jokingly

“Nah I got blood as cold as ice!” Filden replied grinning “C’mon or we’ll miss the sky train.” He said as he walked off towards the station
Chapter 6: Rosalia

“We’re gonna miss it!” Filden shouted as they ran through the sky train station towards the train

“Oh hell if we do.” Rene shouted as the train started moving. As they got closer the train started to hover and Filden realised it was an open-top train “Oh thank god for that!” he exclaimed as he just grabbed onto the railing and lifted himself onto the deck of the train. Rene jumped as high as he could and only just managed to grab the rail. He threw himself over it and landed with a thud next to Filden

“Thanks for the help.” Rene said sarcastically. Now that he was sorted he finally looked at the train properly. About 15 years ago scientists discovered ways to make new types of machines. Rene didn’t understand it but Filden found it amazing

“This is one the new trains! It has a GFX-14 Turbo hover engine! Wow we’re gonna be there in no time!” Filden shouted happily. The train was sort of like a very long bus except it was bright silver and it was hovering. As they rose above the clouds it started getting a lot colder despite it being near summer.

“God you’re such a tech geek. C’mon lets go inside I’m freezing my arse off.” Rene said rubbing his hands together

“I am not a tech geek!” He shouted, he started to get cold too and walked inside after Rene. The inside of the train was bright red and had over twenty chairs . “Well I guess we may as well take a seat.” He sat down next to a window, as he sat down the P.A went off

Ding dong

“Thanks for flying with Skye’s Sky Trains we will be arriving in the capital city of Renalia in 1 hour. Please enjoy your stay in Rosalia.” The voice was that of a young woman as usual.

Ding dong

“Be there in no time huh?” Rene queried

“Umm… Maybe it’s a GSX-13 not 14.” Filden said sadly


“Well we better go find ‘em huh?” Rene said as they got off the train in Rosalia station. The station was 3 times larger than his towns, it had silver pillars keeping the ceiling from crushing them flat. It was over 30 metres high and was the biggest station in Renalia, not even the Kinuko empire had something this grand. Rene looked at the tech-screen held high in the building. It read: Kinukoan army advancing. Unknown ally destroys Tyania

“Tyania has been destroyed!?” Rene exclaimed as he read the headline

“Yeah and not only that but an unknown army destroyed it and the Kinukoan armies getting closer Renalia… Soon they’ll be here, in Rosalia.” Filden spoke solemnly

“Hmm… C’mon let’s go find the girls.” Rene said as they left the station. As soon as they left they heard someone shout at them

“About bloody time!” Shouted Abigail as she stood up from the table she sat at from a nearby café “We got so damn bored of waiting for you we decided to do some shopping.” Indicating the shopping bag next to Faith who was sipping a milkshake looking angry.

“Why are you so damn late?!” Faith said standing up and poking Rene in the chest with her index finger.

“Something about a GSX-13 hover engine and not a GSX-14?” He said looking over at Filden who was in the middle of an argument with Abby about being late. Filden grinned.

“Yeah the train was slow. We’re really sorry.” Filden apologised. Both Faith and Abigail sighed.

“Fine then. C’mon let’s finish up shopping and get some dinner.” Abigail said with a finishing note. After they’d been shopping, during which Rene and Faith secretly got Filden a brand new expensive Shuriken, they decided to go to there favourite diner for something to eat. When they got there they noticed it was all boarded up and they couldn’t go in.

“What the…?” Rene said surprised. The diner, which was called Exclusive, was the most successful diner in the whole of Renalia

“Hey look. There’s a note.” Abigail said pointing at a piece of paper attached to the board where the door usually was. Faith read it aloud:

To my Faithful customers

Due to unforeseen events we have been forced to close.

Yours sincerely
P.W Wessler

“That’s strange?” Faith realised “Peter would usually tell us if something was going on”

“Yeah… It was really fun y’know? Working here.” Abigail said sadly. Both Faith and Abigail worked here on weekends

“Hey there’s another note.” Rene said looking under the note “Huh? It’s addressed to you two.” He gave the note to Faith who was closest. She looked at it and gave it to Abigail to read. She read it to herself, frowned then read it out for them all to hear.

To Abby and Faith

Thank you both so much for helping me out on weekends girls. Enclosed are your final payslips. The reason I’m shutting down is because of the war. I’m from Kinuko and people thought I was in league with them and have been harassing me. I hope to see you once again after the war.

Yours truly,
Peter Wessler

“Oh my god!” Faith exclaimed as Abigail finished reading

“What arsehole would harass him!” Filden shouted punching the cardboard covering the window

“Grr I swear I’ll beat the shit out of him if I ever found out who it was!” Rene said angrily.

“Well looks like were gonna have to find out a new place to hang out in the city.” Abigail sad sadly but infuriated

“Well let’s get searchin’ then!” Filden exclaimed happily. He loved exploring the city. It was just so big. “Well we can either take an air-taxi to the upper city or we can stay down here and explore the alleyways. I vote for down here!” They all decided to stay down here. They finally found an alleyway they hadn’t explored and went it.

“There they are Alex!” Shouted one of Alex’s cronies

“Good work Lawrence.” Alex replied

“Well are we gonna get ‘em or what?” said another crony

“Not just yet Tom. Patience. When the time is right we’ll beat the shit outta ‘em.” Alex snapped

“What about the girls? It’s not right to hit girls.” Said the crony with the dumb deep voice

“Why do you think I bought Lisa and Joanne?” Laughed Alex as he indicated the 2 blond girls who were both putting on studded gloves. The girls looked at Alex and smiled evilly.

“And what about that Faith girl? She’s a telepath remember?” Lisa said as she walked beside Alex

“We’ll take care of that later.” Noticed that Rene, Filden, Faith and Abby had gone into an alleyway Alex signalled to the group to go in.


“Urgh. It stinks.” Abby complained after about 5 minutes. In a city like this the alleys were miles long. Obviously this one was connected to the sewers. “Can we turn around? Please?”

“Yeah, I agree this is boring.” Faith agreed with Abby.

“Okay then. Next time we bring gas masks.” Rene sighed. It had been boring. “Oh well. We’d best get back now anyway or we’ll miss the last train home.” Rene shuddered at the thought of having to walk home. It’d take hours. But as soon as he turned around he saw a familiar face. Alex.

“Having fun exploring these backwater alleys Skylar? Looking for a new bin to live in?” Alex said taunting Rene once more

“No. Thought I might see your mum on a street corner like last week. Remember that Filden?”

“Yeah, she tried selling herself to us at first, then she realised who we were. I still haven’t spent that money she gave us to shut our traps.” Filden said joining in. As he said this though, Alex threw his hand forward and sent jets of flame towards Filden stopping just 3 inches in front of him.

“Y-You’re a fire elemental!?” Faith exclaimed as Filden jumped backwards in surprise. Alex laughed.

“What a smart girl. If you weren’t such a freak I’d admire you.” Alex spoke taking the fire back into his body. Both Rene and Filden stepped forward

“She is not a freak!” Rene shouted as loud as he could at Alex.

“Oh yeah? You gonna stop me from calling her what she is?”

“Shut up Eagles! Or else!” Filden shouted

“Or else what Gurito! Why don’t you just go play with your crappy little kunais!” Alex said angrily.

“What do you want Alex?” Abby said sternly

“To thank Rene for the little fight we had earlier.” Alex said with a menacing tone in his voice

“Yeah it was really fun beating the crap outta you Alex” Rene said. Alex bunched his fist and stared at him.

“How about another one then huh?” Alex said loudly “ ‘Cept this time. Why don’t your friend get involved.”

“They have nothing to do with this…” Rene said angrily.

“We’ll fight.” Faith said stepping beside Rene.

“Of course we will!” Abby said enthusiastically

“Are you sure?” Rene asked them both.

“There’s no point Rene.” Filden said getting ready to fight “Once they say they will
they won’t stop remember?”

“Heh. Bring it on then wusses. Make sure you’re freak gets hurt badly.” Rene threw the first punch Alex nimble ducked and punched him in the stomach as Filden and Abby charged forward and hit 2 of Alex’s cronies whilst Faith lifted another with her powers and smacked him against the wall. One of the girls tackled her to the floor causing the crony she was holding to fall onto Filden. The girl smacked Faith hardly and caused Faiths nose to bleed. Abby ran over and kicked the girl off who stood up and grabbed Abby’s hair whilst kneeing her in the stomach. Filden beat up two more cronies and ran over to help Abby and Faith whilst Rene and Alex continued there big fight. Rene narrowly dodged a bolt of flame from Alex’s hand and punched him in the stomach causing him to double over. Alex stood back up and jumped very high over Rene sending many balls of fire towards him with alarming speed.

“Fight like a man!” Rene shouted as he just managed to dodge a fireball. One headed straight towards him but as he tried to dodge it smacked him right in the stomach disappearing instantly but leaving a large bloody burn mark on his stomach. As Alex landed Rene spun around and kicked Alex in the head as hard as he could. Alex fell into a wall. Rene went to punch him but cursed when Alex moved with lightning speed and Rene punched the wall instead. Alex jumped to the top of a nearby building and Rene jumped up behind him, despite not being able to jump as high as Alex, Rene was able to just jump high enough to get on the building. Alex was leaning over the edge about 15 metres away from him.

“They look like they’re having fun.” Alex said as he looked down at Filden, Faith and Abby being surrounded by the 7 cronies. Filden jumped high in the air attempting to get out of the circle but was quickly thrown down as he was caught by the leg by one of the cronies.

“Let them go. This is between you and me, Alex.” Rene said desperately wanting to get his friends out of there.

“ I could end this right now if I wanted to.” Alex said as a fireball appeared in his hand

“You would kill your own friends just to get back at me!?” Rene shouted at Alex. Faith had just sent 3 of the cronies flying into a wall and Abby and Filden took down two of the others leaving only 2 remaining. Rene smiled and when he looked at Alex he was surprised to see that Alex was smiling also. He then laughed.

“Those imbeciles? My friends? Oh please. That lot are so dumb they don’t realise I’m just using them.” Alex looked at the fireball then back at the group below “Oh well.” And with that he dropped the fireball heading straight towards Faith.

“No!” Rene shouted as he dived off the building. As he got close to the ground he did something he never thought possible. He landed perfectly and rolled putting himself between the fireball and Faith. He stood and braced. As they fireball got closer Rene felt power surge inside him. “Ahhh!” He yelled as the power erupted from him. A sort of barrier appeared between him and the fireball which was now a meter in diameter stopped in mid-air. The barrier then moved forward and Rene could see it perfectly. It was a mix of many colours such as blue, purple, white, yellow etc. but it was predominately red. As the fireball exploded Rene knew that he and his friends would be perfectly safe. He watched in amazement as the cronies flew backwards smashing into walls and knocking themselves out. As the barrier disappeared Rene fell to his knees. He saw Alex nimbly land and look at Rene. Alex smirked and laughed, he then left and Rene collapsed unconscious.
Last edited:
Chapter 7: Power

“What… happened?” Rene said as he opened his eyes and found himself in a familiar place. Somehow he had gotten back home. He tried to remember what had happened but his head was fuzzy. He tried to sit up and collapsed feeling even more dizzy.

“Hey, hey.” Faith said rushing over to him and helping him settle back down. “You need to rest.” She looked tired. She had obviously changed her clothes since the fight. She was wearing a white t-shirt and blue jeans. Rene noticed that her lip was cut but it was already nearly healed.

“By the looks of it” Rene said as he sat up and rested against his pillows “You’re the one who needs to rest.”

“I’m fine!” Faith said getting up and going to the mirror. She brushed some hair out of her eyes and Rene thought, she’s beautiful. As soon as he thought this though he quickly pushed it from his head, She’s my best friend. I don’t want to ruin that. Faith came back over and looked at Rene concerned. “How are you feeling?”

“Actually now that I think about it.” He said as he swung his legs off the bed “I feel great!” He looked around and noticed that Filden and Abby weren’t there. “Hey, where’s Filden and Abby?”

“At home. They were here but I told them to go home. They were very tired.” Faith sat on the chair and looked at Rene thoughtfully. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Yeah, of course!” Rene suddenly realised “Wait, how long have I been unconscious?” Faith looked down at the ground. After a minute she looked back up at him

“You’ve been unconscious for about a week.” Faith said sadly “We’ve all been so worried.”

“A week!” Rene shouted surprised. “What the hell happened!”

“We were hoping you would tell us.” Faith said sternly “Some sort of big shield thing appeared. Alex sent a huge fireball towards us, but you jumped in the way and somehow that strange shield appeared and protected us.”

“I… I think I remember…” Rene said with a tone of amazement in his voice. “Alex said he was going to kill you all, but I knew I had to protect you, so I jumped down and got in the way. I remember thinking I had to protect those I loved and somehow this burning energy erupted from within me.” He suddenly realised what he had said and looked down with embarrassment. He wasn’t expecting what happened next. Faith knelt down in front so she was level with him.

“Thank you Rene.” She said hugging him “Thank you for protecting me” As she said this though the door burst open and Filden walked in with Abby right behind him. Faith jumped backwards and embarrassed and Rene just looked down extremely embarrassed.

“Oh shit.” Filden swore loudly “umm… Hey Abby I think we should wait outside.”

“No, no It’s okay.” Faith said quickly.

“You sure?” Abby said with a tone of amusement in her voice.

“Yeah, yeah.” Faith replied her cheeks going red.

“Well glad to see ya up Rene!” Filden shouted happily.

“God, we were so worried!” Abby exclaimed going over to him. “What happened!?” Rene repeated the story he told Faith, leaving out the part where he knew he had to protect those he loved

“Where’s Alex now?” Rene said to the 3 of them once he had finished telling the story

“We don’t know. Ever since the fight he’s gone missing.” Filden told Rene. Rene stood up and realised he was only in his baggy white trousers. He put a plain west vest on and grabbed his jacket. He quickly put it on and walked over to a large cabinet. He took a key out of his pocket and opened the cupboard. He smiled. In the cabinet was a 4 foot long blade with the hilt in a red cloth. He took the sword down and took it out of its sheath slightly smiling as the blade caught the light and reflected it into his eyes. He put it back into its sheath and strapped it to his waist.

“What are you doing?” Faith asked gently, In her head she was thinking over her new feelings for Rene, he was her best friend and they had known each other for as long as she could remember but in the back of her head she had known she had felt this way for him for a long time.

“I don’t think this is the last time we’ll see Alex. Next time I do. I’ll be prepared.”


“Are you sure it is him Vrael?” Emperor Liner said to the person behind him. He was facing away from him looking at a board with too much information on for him to understand.

“Yes my liege.” Vrael replied. It had been many years since he had seen his father. He was a lot weaker than he remembered “I have prepared extraction.”

“Do you really believe he will join our battle?” Liner asked his son.

“With the right persuasion.” Vrael replied evilly

“Good.” He turned to face his son “I’m sure you’ll be glad to be back hmm… Tell me if I’m wrong but didn’t you name yourself… Alex?”
Stop reading mine and keep writing yours dammit!! lol Or do both, that would be preferable.

Chapter 8: Love and Faith

It had been 8 days since Rene had woken up after the fight. Things had pretty much returned back to normal except Rene kept his sword with him at all times, Filden kept his SMG, shuriken and kunais with him and Abby, who was a white mage, kept her 5 foot long oak staff on her back. Rene hadn’t seen much of Faith since he had woken up and the brief times he had they had been with other people. He closed his locker and felt the long bump where his sword was hidden inside his trouser leg. You weren’t allowed weapons in school but Rene had figured out a way to keep it hidden but easily accessible at all times. He rested his head against the locker and thought deeply about what he should do. After a few minutes he lifted his head up and realised the hallway was empty.

“You know you’ll freeze your brain if you put your head on these damned lockers too long.” A young blonde woman he had never seen before spoke. She had deep brown eyes and flawless skin. “I take it you’re Rene huh?”

“Yeah… Who’re you?” Rene asked

“That doesn’t matter. Hmm… Maybe I was wrong about you. You seem stronger than I expected.” She walked around him as if inspecting him “Know this. You have a great strength inside you. Greater than all warriors this world has ever known. I’ll see you again soon I should think.” With that she turned and walked through a door. Rene chased after her but when he opened the door she had gone through she was gone.

“What the… Well, that was weird.” Rene said as he grabbed his bag and headed off home.


“Oh c’mon Faith!” Abby shouted at her best friend as they neared her house

“No! He’s my best friend! I don’t want to ruin that…” Faith replied sombrely. They had been talking about Rene. Abby was the only she had admitted her feelings toward Rene.

“Oh but Faith! He likes you the same way too!” Abby argued “Look you’re upsetting him. He’s barely seen you since he woke up!”

“He’s seen me plenty of times!” Faith replied angrily. Why couldn’t Abby just drop it.

“Yeah but you haven’t been alone with him once. He wants to talk to you!”

“Abby, just drop it please.” Faith said “Besides how’s it going with you and Filden?”

“Oh well umm…” Abby stuttered. She liked Filden a lot and was surprised when Faith had told her that Filden liked her back. Faith smiled and went up to her front door.

“I’ll see you tomorrow! We’re still going out right?” Faith shouted back to Abby

“Yeah of course! Rene gonna be there, take my advice and talk to him.” And with that Abby went her own way.


“Yo Rene!” Filden shouted waving his hand in the air getting Renes attention.

“Oh hey Fil.” Rene said mind wandering

“Don’t call me that! You know I hate that.” Filden said angrily

“Oh yeah sorry.” Rene said looking at the ground

“Hey. What’s up buddy? I ain’t seen you this down for ages. You thinkin’ about Faith?”

“Yeah, her and other stuff.” Rene replied sadly

“Well I can’t help you out with Faith as that’s yours and her business but I may be able to help out with other stuff.” Filden said smiling “So tell me what’s up?”

“You wouldn’t happen to have seen some blond wandering about would ya?” Rene asked

“Uhh… Nope can’t say I have.” Filden then looked at Rene “Why?”

“Well this blonde came up to me in school and said some strange stuff.” He then told Filden what she had said

“Wait a minute. You? Stronger than all the warriors of this world?” Filden laughed manically “As if!”

“Shut up.” He said pushing him lightly. Filden smiled and they carried on walking “Hey you still coming out tomorrow?” Filden asked. They had been planning to go out to the woods on the edge of town.

“Uhh… Yeah sure.”

“Good I’ll see you later.”


Knock, knock, knock.

“I’m coming.” Abigail shouted as she went to the front door “Who the bloody hell would be up this late!” Noticing the time on the clock she immediately got angry. It was 2 o’clock in the morning. She pulled the door open and stopped in her tracks.

“Good evening Abigail.” Alex said as he blasted her in the stomach with a ball of fire. She was thrown backwards by the impact and smashed into her coffee table.

“A-Alex?” She said as she looked at the 17 year old in front of her

“No. My name is not Alex. My name is Vrael Liner.” She put his hand inches away from her hand and summoned another fireball “Goodnight.” She then screamed as the fireball struck her.


Knock, knock, knock

“Hello?” Faith called out as the person at the door knocked

“Uhh… Hey Faith it’s Rene. Can I come in?” Rene said as he saw Faiths shadow cross the window

“Umm… Sure.” Faith answered as she unlocked the door and looked at Rene. He was in his usual clothing and looked freezing “Jeez Rene come in quick!” She grabbed a blanket off the sofa and wrapped it around Rene. She then ran around the house getting things to make Rene better

“Wait… no… FAITH!” He shouted trying to get Faiths attention. When he shouted Faith stopped and turned to look at Rene. He noticed she had tears in her eye and Rene went up to her. He hugged her. “What’s wrong?” She sniffed

“I… I don’t know… I’m just so confused…” Rene hugged her tightly

“Talk to me Faith.” Rene said bending down so he could look Faith in the eyes

“I just… I…” Faith decided to just come out and say it. “I really like you Rene… More than I’ve ever liked anyone and these feelings are confusing me. “

“I… I feel the same way about you Faith.” Rene said finally admitting his feelings towards her. They embraced for what seemed an eternity when Faith let go and smiled at Rene. He smiled back. “I’ll see you tomorrow… Right?”

“Yeah, of course” They both walked to the front door. Rene turned when he was in the doorway and hugged her again lightly. They moved apart slightly and Faith looked at him. She kissed him lightly on the lips. “Goodnight Rene.” And with that he left and she shut the door.
Chapter 9: Where the hell’s Abigail?

“Where the hell’s Abigail?” Filden shouted as he saw Faith hurry towards him without Abby.

“Don’t know” Faith said quickly “Where’s Rene?”

“Said something about having to get something… Not really sure. You know what he’s like when he’s in his own little world. He refuses to tell me until later.” Filden sat down on a nearby bench wearily. He sighed and looked at Faith “You got any idea what’s going on?”
Faith smiled. She knew exactly what was going on and she felt just like Rene. “Not a clue.” She said with a smile that just made Filden even more suspicious.

“Fine fine. Don’t bother to tell the side-kick. That’s me, just some bad-ass sexy side-kick.” Filden said half angrily and half jokingly.

“Hey! We don’t think you’re a bad-ass sexy side-kick!” Faith smiled as her words sank in “Here’s Rene.”
Rene was running towards them very fast. When he arrived he and Faith smiled at each other.

“Hey Faith. Hey Filden. Where’s Abby?” Rene said breathlessly

“We dunno.” Filden said angrily. “Can someone call her or can we go round her house?”

“I’ll call her.” Faith said as she took out her cell phone. She input a number and waited for a few seconds before speaking, “Hey Abby. Where are you? We’re waiting for you.” Faith listened for a few seconds and then closed her phone. “I got her voicemail. Maybe she‘s ill?” Filden looked down sadly.

“Damn,” Rene exclaimed “Maybe we should go find her?”

“Nah I‘m sure she‘d want us to go on ahead.” Faith answered Rene “We may as well get going then.” Filden and Rene nodded and headed towards there destination, Kilom forest.
I have a lot of stuff going on right now. College coursework deadlines ... plus, I'm lacking creativity later. You'll never know when I post a bloody chapter up.

I still can't remember all the story, it's still somewhat vague in my mind. Again, lovely chapter and I hope you post more soon!
I've got up to chapter 17 on my comp (I had more but it was deleted when I had a virus thank god for external hard drives) I'll post more later when my comp isn't lagging like mad
Faith one of your least liked chapters is coming up :D

Chapter 10: Kilom Forest

As they neared the forest the buildings started to become less and a lot more dilapidated.

“Y’know every time we come here I never get used to it hehe” Filden said as he looked at another smashed up house. “So you two gonna tell me what’s up? Or am I gonna have to force it outta ya?” When he said this Rene grinned at Faith who returned by nodding

“Hmm I suppose we could tell you…” Rene said mischievously. He looked at Faith who had moved beside him. He wrapped his arms around her and looked at Filden who finally understood.

“About bloody time!” Filden shouted suppressing a grin “Well then lovebirds! Let’s get our arses outta here and go into a crazy forest!”

“You make it sound sooooo fun” Faith said sarcastically also trying not to grin. She was the happiest she had ever been and hugged onto Rene tighter. “Let’s go!” She let go of Rene and raced after Filden who had run off towards the forest.

“And as usual I’m here all alone.” Rene said to himself grinning helplessly. He raced after them both quickly overtaking Faith

“Well let’s get searching!” Filden said enthusiastically
They entered the forest. At first the path was straight but then it split into several other paths. They had explored almost all of them except one. They turned to the far right and entered the last path. As they walked along they started talking about everyday things like homework, school, family (even though Rene didn’t have any and Faith and Filden barely had any), they then started slagging off all the arseholes in there school especially Alex and Cooper.

“I swear to god if I ever see Alex again I’ll kick his arse all the way to…” Filden stopped in mid-sentence. The forest had become quiet. Far too quiet. They turned around and saw the person they all hated most. Alex was standing there smiling evilly at them with a long slender but powerful looking sword.

“Why hello there Rene.” Alex said smartly as he twirled his sword and thrust it into the ground. Rene and Filden moved forward and drew there weapons. “Oh really now. There’s no need to fight.”

“What do you want Alex!” Rene shouted at him.

“I only wish to talk dear Rene.” Alex said taunting him.

“The talk and get the hell out of here!” Filden shouted

“That’s not very nice so shut up!” Alex said his voice suddenly turning venomous. Filden quickly quietened though he did not want to.

“What do you want?” Rene asked again

“Believe it or not Rene I need you.” Alex said smirking “So whether you like it or not you’re coming with me.” Rene tensed.

“No. I won’t come with you. You’ll die before you have a chance.” Rene shouted

“Oh I don’t think we’ll need any violence” As he said this Rene felt a large heavy blunt object hit his head. He fell to the ground unconscious. Chapter 11: Choices

“Wakey wakey.” A deep elderly voice said as Rene felt someone kick him in the stomach. He jerked awake and found himself in a large white tent. He looked up and had to stop himself gasping. Emperor Jeod Liner was standing in front of him smirking. He jerked forward and found himself thrown backwards by two armoured soldiers.

“Urgh. What the hell do you want with me!” Rene shouted angrily. He had no idea why an emperor of an entire country would want with a normal kid like him.

“Hmm… I want you for I need you.” The Emperor said cryptically.

“Stop dicking around and tell me what you want!” Rene shouted as loud as he could. The Emperor moved over to a large chair and sat. Rene looked around properly and spotted a fallen pile on the other side he recognised as Filden. He looked for Faith. She was nowhere to be seen.

“You are special Rene.” Rene was surprised he knew his name “We believe you are something called a Neo-elemental.”

“A Neo what? I’ve only ever managed to use a fire spell and I was unconscious for a while afterwards. No way! I am not special! Just leave me alone to go home!”
Filden had woken and got up slightly. A soldier walked over to him and kicked him in the side. He heard Filden groan.

“You ARE a Neo-elemental Rene. The spell you used was high level and would have left most magic users dead, yet you were only made to be unconscious.”
The soldier kicked Filden again and heard Filden swear at the man causing him to kick him harder.

“Leave him alone!” Rene shouted. The soldier looked at the Emperor, who nodded. The soldier lifted Filden to his feet and threw his head in disgust. Rene suddenly remembered something. “Who’s Vrael?”

“Ah! Vrael! I hoped to talk of him soon!” The powerful man smiled and Rene staggered to his feet. “He is my son. He is also a Neo-Elemental, a powerful one at that, but alas he is not as special as you. He has limits to his power but you do not.”

“Then what do you want with me?”

“We wish to train you.”

“Rene don’t listen to him! He’s our enemy!” Filden shouted. Liner looked to the soldier and waved his hand. The soldier punched Filden in the stomach.

“Fuck you.” Rene shouted at the Emperor.

“Don’t you dare disobey me!” He punched Rene three times in rapid succession and laughed as Rene fell to the ground “Blindfold them.”
Rene struggled as the blindfold was forced onto him. All of a sudden he heard the flap of the tent open and two sets of footsteps enter.

“Ah Vrael! You have our guess I see!” Liner sounded extremely happy and Rene wondered who the “guest” was. He wished he could talk to Filden to hatch some sort of escape plan

“Yes Father. She was slightly reluctant to come at first, but I managed to persuade her.” Vrael sounded please and kicked Rene harshly in the sides as he walked past.

“Ah why is that madam?” Liner asked the person, evidently a woman.

“I believed it would be unwise whilst they are here.” Rene recognised that voice.

“And why Miss Faith Crest would that be?”
Don't tell me ... the betrayal, right?

And c'mon, people! Read this, it gets really good!
Yip yip

Chapter 12: Run


“I felt that, due to our past, it would be unwise to be in the same room as them.” Faith said calmly. Rene felt anger boil inside him. He wanted to scream till his lungs burst. He felt something touch his mind and instantly recognised it as Faith trying to speak to him

Rene please…! Faith said desperately

How could you!? All these years I believed you were our friend! But all along you’ve been playing us for fools! Rene shouted at her through his mind. He blocked off her mind

“Hmm… I suppose that’s a good enough reason.” Liner said calmly. Rene heard him pace the room slowly. “Tell Rene what will happen if he does not comply with us.”

Vrael laughed harshly “I pray he does refuse. I might actually have some fun.”

“Rene please.” He heard her crouch in front of him. He jerked forward and heard her fall backwards. He felt hands tighten around his shoulders and throw him backwards “Rene, please if you don’t help them they’ll kill you and Filden!”

“Let them kill me! It’s got nothing to do with Filden! Let him go!” Rene shouted

“If they kill you Rene they have to kill me!” Filden shouted before being struck by a guard. He felt someone take the blindfold off his eyes and he blinked a few times before getting used to the light. He looked at Faith, who was wearing a white robe and her hair tied back loosely. She looked at Rene deeply and he glared at her.

“Don’t look at me!” He snarled. She stood and turned and he thought he saw tears in her eyes. He quickly dismissed the thought, there is no good in her for tears. “Kill me.”

He heard the scrape of blade come from Vrael and saw a flicker of annoyance in Liners eyes

“One word father and it shall be done.” Vrael said to his father happily

“So be it.” Liner waved his hand and Rene felt the cold of steel touch his neck. He stared at Vrael and smiled. He saw the flick of annoyance on Vraels face and Vrael lifted up the blade.


The entire ground shook. Filden was the first to react. He jumped up and kicked his guard in the balls before he could react. He grabbed the sword and quickly slashed through the bindings on his wrists. Rene kicked out with his feet and knocked Vrael over. He jumped up and beckoned for the sword. Filden through and Rene cut his own bindings. Somehow Faith was knocked out and he quickly found out how.

A 17 year old man with black hair and dark clothing with a long blade was standing in the doorway

“If you want to live come with me!” He shouted. Filden and Rene nodded and ran after the man. As soon as they were outside Rene felt someone tug at his neck and turned around and surprisingly saw Abby. She was bruised and badly hurt but other than that completely fine

“Abby!” Filden shouted in happy surprise “What happened to you!?”

“Those bastards got me… Where’s Faith?” Abby asked, obviously she didn’t know about her yet.

“She’s a traitor Abby” Rene said solemnly

“Hem hem! In case you haven’t noticed we’re in the middle of the Imperial base and have no visible way outta here!” The man shouted. He chucked some things to Filden who caught them easily and Renes blade to Rene. Obviously the guy had got his stuff for him.

“How do we get out?” Rene asked him as he trailed after the man with Filden and Abby in tow.

“I have a helper waiting 3 kilometres from the base.” He shouted. “I’m Kamui by the way.”

“Thank Kamui for helping us. I thought we were screwed” Filden shouted as another explosion happened just 100 metres form them. “What did you do?”

“Only a few bombs. To attract attention to those areas instead of us.” As soon as he said this though 5 imperial soldiers appeared out of a tent. They looked like they had just woken up and were only in there light clothing, so it was easy to take them down. Filden threw 2 kunais at the soldiers and killed 2 of them. Abby smacked one of them over the head with a staff. Kamui locked blades with another one and Rene spin-slashed the 5th decapitating him.. There weren’t many more soldiers after that but the alert had been risen that the prisoners had escaped, but by the time any big reinforcements came they were over 2 kilometres away from the camp.

“Should see her any second now.” Kamuis said as he sheathed blade. The others copied him and stowed there weapons away. After about 4 minutes they heard a loud charging sort of noise and a minute later they all saw 5 large yellow birds. Rene smiled. Chocobos. As the chocobos got closer Rene saw the rider on the lead one. It was the woman he saw at the school!

“C’mon get aboard. Bulletins have been put out on you and soldiers are scouring the country looking for you.” The woman said

“Dawn. Is the camp ready for us?” Kamui said as he got onto the Chocobo. Rene got onto his and smiled as he remembered his first ride on a chocobos. He broke his leg. Dawn kicked the chocobos lightly and headed off. Rene didn’t need to as the chocobos went on it’s own.

“The camp’s ready but I had to move it out further.” Dawn shouted over the noise of the chocobos.

“Damn. So it’ll be nightfall when we get there.” Kamui said to himself.
Rene looked at Filden and Abby and felt the same as them

“Umm guys mind filling us in… Who the heck are you?” Filden shouted

“Oh sorry. I’m Kamui.” Kamui said pointing at himself “And this is Dawn. We’ve been following you guys for a while.

“Hiya!” Dawn said happily. “Guess you remember when I freaked ya out at the school huh?”

“Yeesh you can say that again.” Rene said. He had to get a few things clear. “Why did they want me? Why is Faith helping them!?”

“We’ll talk when we get to camp.” Kamui said as he stared forwards.

“No! You tell us now!” Filden shouted. He stopped his chocobos. Abby stopped as well.

“Why the hell is Faith helping them!?” Abby demanded. The others had stopped as well and Dawn stopped in front of Abby.

“I’m sorry, but we honestly do not know. C’mon, please, we’ll talk more at the camp.” Dawn said sadly. Abby nodded and kicked her chocobos slightly and started heading off again. Everyone else did the same.

7 hours later after a long hard ride north. The others were mere outlines in the dark.

“We’re almost there!” Rene heard Kamui shout. Rene strained his eyes and could make out the outline of the camp. He sighed. Safety at last. Chapter 13: Unforgivable

“So what do you wanna know?” Kamui said as he sat down on the floor. Rene took off his top because he was extremely hot but kept his blade close by. Filden did the same and Abby collapsed. Dawn was outside settling the chocobos

“Why the hell is Faith helping them?” Filden asked

“Like I said earlier I honestly do not know.” Kamui said, he sighed slightly and appeared worn out and annoyed with the same question being repeated over and over again.

“But, there must be some reason!” Abby said with a tone of desperation in her voice.

“You must believe me. I do not know. I wish I did but I don’t.” Kamui said sadly. Filden and Abby looked to the ground sadly. Rene had been silent for quite a while now and started to speak.

“What do they want with me?” Rene said to Kamui. He heard someone come in and turned. Dawn was standing in the doorway and looked at Rene.

“They wanted you because you’re the chosen one.” Dawn said half smiling, she walked over to a corner and took off her jacket showing off her smooth and slender back. She picked a top off the ground and put it on

“What do you mean I’m the chosen one?” Rene said more confused than he had been in a long time.

“Liner said you’re a neo-elemental right?” Kamui said, Rene nodded “Well, what Liner doesn’t know is that you’re not just a neo-elemental, but one of the 7 guardians.”

“The 7 guardians?” Filden asked

“Yeah. It’s actually just the one guardian but they thought that the name “The 7 Guardians” sounded cool” Dawn informed them with a smirk. Rene laughed. It felt good so he laughed a lot more, it felt strange laughing at it but it felt extremely good to have all the stress just leave him.

“So I’m a guardian huh? And what exactly am I guarding?” Rene asked jokingly

“A key.” Dawn told him

“A key?” Filden said sarcastically.

“A key to what exactly?” Abby said smiling

“The key to Destruction.” Kamui told them

“God, how cliché.” Filden exclaimed. He looked to Rene.
“So what do you need me for?” Rene asked Kamui and Dawn.

“We’re taking you to the castle in Rosalia” Dawn told him “Me, Kamui and a few others will be teaching you how to control your power.” Rene nodded then pointed at Filden and Abby and beckoned them outside. They followed.

“I want you guys to go home.” Rene told them immediately. The last few inches of sun had disappeared now and the only reason they could see anything is because Kamui and Dawn had made a fire.

“No chance” Filden said quickly

“We’re not leaving you. Faith is our friend as much as she is yours, remember?” Abby said sincerely. Rene smiled to them both.

“I just… I don’t want you to be in danger because of me.” Rene told them sadly. Abby walked up to him, acted like she was going to hug him then suddenly slapped him powerfully.

“Ooh.” Filden said wincing “That’s gotta sting” Rene clutched his face in agony and groaned loudly.

“I’ll slap you again if you ever say that once more!” Abby whispered harshly “You KNOW me and Filden can handle ourselves! We want to help you! “
Rene smiled despite the pain in his face.

“Thanks guys. You’re the best.” Rene then collapsed in a heap.

“I think I hit him too hard” Abby said worried.

“Probably, but oh well. He’ll just have a killer headache in the morning” Filden said yawning “Let’s drag him inside and go to bed.”
So like Rene to go off and faint lol ... let the Faith betrayal be answered soooon!
I know that, but still ... what am I saying? Entertain me more with the suspense! :P
What chapter did we get up to before the first FFH shut down?