Original Darkness Of Destruction

Way to go, me! :P So typical I'd be kicking ass down there and throwing them into the wall, that's the way Faith likes to move! Now enough with singing, I lurrrrrved the chapter. Sounds so The Great Escape, but with a lot of action.

I can't help, but feel so suspicious about Vrael. Update soon when you get the chance, Danny!
Oh believe me Faith theres gonna be some major action later, the next chapter should be Faiths airship journey
You're good! You're just a very good teacher, the best method of teaching is through doing :D
lol if anyone has a problem with that they can kiss my perfectly toned ass lol
Haha, that is true... *reads siggy*

So that's what caused that massive killing, eh? :D :rolleyes:

Okay, Danny, you better keep posting... :P

unless you want to...

...be poked to death! :poked:
Lol once my exams are over and I have time I'll write the next chapter
You better do... >=D ... or else you will be getting the "or else..." you wanted to give me... geez... and you did... so I WILL give it back to you, aye? Well, you know what to do now, :)
You asked for it, some begged for it (Faith) and here it is, the next chapter.

Chapter 20: Return

The skies were clear as Faith pressed a button to turn on the airships autopilot, she stood up and looked out the window. She loved the open sky. She wasn’t exactly the best pilot, Filden excelled in that, but she could hold her own.

“How ya holding up in there Patricia?” Faith called out, she was in the cockpit earlier but had begun to feel airsick when Faith decided to fly sideways through a fissure in a mountain.

“Shut up..” Patricia said, she then threw up in a bucket. “How long till we’re there…?”

“About an hour, it’s a fast ship.” Faith told her, as soon as she did the lights went red and an alarm sounded. Faith ran to the cockpit and sat down. “We got company!”

Five imperial ships were firing at them, they’re bullets mostly glancing off the ship. Faith raised the shields and went into manual controls. “Looks like we were followed.” The radio went off and Faith put them on the holo screen.

“Crest, stop your ship and land or we will destroy you!” The captain of the small team told her.

“Screw you.” Faith told him before shutting down the screen. She pulled the controls back and went upside down before spinning back to normal, she fired at the enemy ships bringing down one of them. She sped straight past the soldiers and headed towards the cliff. As she approached the cliff her ship was directly hit on the wing, she spun.

“We’re losing control!” Faith screamed, but before she could do anything the ships self-repair system finally kicked in and sealed off the damage. She corrected her path and flew sideways into the fissured cliff and heard two of the following ships crash into the cliff. She smiled but she still had two more to take care of. The ship left the cliff, she tried to find the remaining two ships but couldn’t see them anywhere.

After about five minutes she saw them out of the corner of her eyes, instead of going into the fissure they climbed and flew over the cliff. They immediately fired at Faith, she spun the ship and flew upwards till she was behind the ships. She took down the second ship and fired a missile at the last.

“Patricia! You okay?” Faith called back once she set the airship back on course.

“I’m fine… Just a little bit sick…” Patricia told her.

“We’ll be there soon.”


“Like the new clothes?” Zeria asked Rene, he had to admit, he did like them. He was wearing a dark sleeveless sweater vest that was open at the neck so you could see the white vest underneath, he wore baggy blue pants and trainers, he was given a new sheathe that went along his back and a holster for a gun.

“The holster will be for your new gun.” Zeria told him “You’ll get in aboooout five minutes if we go now.” Rene nodded, he sheathed his sword and followed Zeria outside to the gardens. Once they were there Zeria walked over to the case she left and lifted two guns, both of which were identical.

“These babies are called “Crystals”.” She spun them in her hands and holstered them. From what he saw Rene could tell they were both triple barrelled handguns, they were silver with a long silver flame etched down the sides of them. The handles were made from black polished oak. She turned and found another box. She opened it up and he heard her sigh, she lifted the gun and turned. Rene smiled and admired the gun. It was a double-barrelled handgun with a medium length barrel. Down the right side was a silver lion and the handle was gold trimmed. “Catch.” She threw her gun to Rene. He caught it in one hand and admired it. He held it by the handle and aimed down the barrel.

“Targets down there.” Zeria told him pointing with her thumb. She was speaking with a guard, Rene tried to listen but couldn’t overhear them. Instead he tested the gun by firing it at the target. He seemed to be an alright shot. “Rene! We have to go!”

“Huh? How come!?” Rene asked.

“An imperial light ship is coming in to dock at the ships own air dock. The pilot’s saying that she’s Faith Crest.”


“Don’t forget how strong she is.” Rene told Filden and Abby. They all had experience of sparing with Faith, hopefully she would surrender immediately.

“Rene, calm down. We know how strong she is.” Filden told him and as he examined his twin daggers before sheathing them.

“Filden, you really should still be in bed.” A concerned Abby said to him.

“Don’t worry about it! I’m fine! Feeling great actually.” Filden said as upbeat as he could, though in the back of his mind he knew he should be resting he couldn’t just not see Faith.

“So long as you’re sure.” Abby said with a weary sigh. They entered the hanger alone. Inside the imperial ship was just finishing it’s docking procedures, after a few minutes there was a loud hissing sound as the airship door began to open. Rene gripped his sword, as a figure appeared in the doorway. The figure saw them and rushed down. It was Patricia.

“Pat!?” Abby shouted as she recognised the woman, the woman ran to Abby.

“Oh Abigail!” Patricia sobbed “I never thought I’d see you again!”

“Have you seen Faith?” Rene quickly asked her, his eyes not once leaving the ships doorway.

“She’s scared Rene, she had no choice but to betray you to save me. Please don’t be hard on her.” Patricia’s eyes were beat red with tears.

Another figure appeared in the doorway. It slowly walked down the steps towards the group, the person was finally in view.

“Faith…” Rene said quietly.


“The target is in range sir!” A technician in imperial overalls told Vrael.

“And the chip? Is it still usable?” Vrael asked.

“All lights are green sir. Shall I activate?”

“Do it.”


Faith fell to her knees, she brought her hands up to her head and screamed out in pain. Rene ran forward and stopped when Faith suddenly stopped, the silence was too eerie to be natural. Faith stood and looked at Rene, her eyes were dark and dull, not her normal radiant shine. She raised her hand. A psychic blast far more stronger than she had ever made before struck into Rene. He flew backwards into a load of cargo containers.

“Faith! What the hell are you doing!” Filden shouted out, he had a kunai at the ready but he couldn’t face throwing it.

“No! Something’s wrong! She’s not herself!” Rene shouted out as he stood back up, he drew his sword just in case. Faith walked forward confidently, Abby charged forward, staff in hand, towards Faith. Rene saw Faith smile and raise her hand towards Abby, in a single momentous flight Abby was laying unconscious on the floor. Faith then started walking towards Rene.

“Aww, what’s the matter Rene. Don’t cha recognise me?” Something wasn’t right, that wasn’t Faith’s voice.

“Vrael…” Rene said “Let her go!”

“Why would I ever do that hmm?” Vrael/Faith asked Rene in a mocking tone. He/she noticed that Filden was getting something from his pocket and lifted him off the ground

“Hey look! I found myself a little fly on the wall…” As soon as she/he said this last bit he/she used his/her power and pushed Filden against the wall.

“Let him go!” Rene shouted charging forward, he kicked Faith/Vrael in the back and heard Filden land on the ground.

“You’re gonna wish you didn’t do that.” Faith/Vrael growled. She/he took his/her hand to their other one and pulled a sort of psychic sword-shaped energy from it, they charged towards Rene full speed, Rene managed to pick his blade up in time to block the psychic sword. Rene pushed the combined twosome away from him, luckily for Rene Faith’s body wasn’t as strong as his and could easily block any powerful blows. Rene jumped backwards as the twosome charged forward, Faith’s body leaped forward and Rene grabbed her jacket and threw her into a generator. Faith was severely electrocuted, as her body twitched and jerked as electricity as powerful as lightning shocks ran through her body Rene could only watch in horror as the one he loved looked as though she was going to die. The electricity ran out and Faith’s limp body fell.
This is so scary and true. As I was finding myself reading this, I was also listening to Requiem For A Dream on my Windows Media Player. Gawd, it scared me because this'd be perfect for the whole Faith/Rene fight.

Now for the review ...

My goodness gosh! I didn't expect that one coming! Faith getting possessed ... what kind of unexpected twist was that?! Wow, this really buggers things up, huh?

Good chapter, keep it coming. :P