Original Darkness Of Destruction

Sorry it's been a while folks, been busy and forgot about this thing called the "internet" :P here's the next chapter which introduces two new characters and a revelation about Rene's family. You may also enjoy the ending

Chapter 21: Retribution

Monitors blipped as they showed Faith’s heartbeat in the screen. Faith was in the intensive care unit of the castle. Doctors and nurses surrounded her making sure she was getting the correct drugs and treatment. A nurse was behind Faith doing something to her head. After a few minutes she looked up to Julius who was standing outside the room with Rene, Patricia had gone to sleep after eating with them all. Julius walked in.

Rene couldn’t hear what was being said but that didn’t bother him, despite what had happened Rene was extremely worried for Faith, she could die any second now. Julius left the room and walked towards Rene.

“They found something attached to the back of her skull, a sort of microchip, the electricity fried it, it’s probably the only reason she’s alive right now, the chip absorbed most of the shock before short-circuiting.” Julius told him wearily, he looked as though he hadn’t slept, in actual fact he hadn’t.

“Is she going to be okay?” Rene asked him concerned.

“She should be fine, she should be awake in about an hour. Until then I want you to sit in on the war-room briefing, you should find it very interesting.” Rene nodded, he’d come back later when she’s awake.

“Come with me, I’ll take you to the war-room. I should warm you though, some of the council members can be quite disrespectful to those who are younger and more powerful than they are.”

“How on earth am I more powerful?” Rene asked, they stopped outside an electronic door.

“You’re a neo-elemental, one of the rarest human beings known to man, at this time there are only two known neo-elementals, you and Vrael.” Julius told him what he already knew “Now come, once inside sit yourself next to me, if they see you by my side they should not say much.”
They entered the door and the people inside immediately went quiet, they all stood and Julius walked to a seat at the far end of the room, after a few moments hesitation Rene followed and sat in the chair on his left side. The general of the army was sat in the right..

The general was a tall, muscular man with short blonde hair, he had dark brown eyes and a well toned face. He stood at around 6”8’. He stood to speak.

“His name is Rale.” Julius informed him quietly “One of my closest allies and a brilliant tactician.” General Rale stood and spoke first.

“Exalted council members, I bid you welcome to our lords home. It is public knowledge now but just over a week ago the kingdom of Tyania was brutally destroyed by the Kinukoan empire. What you may not know is that not only were the Kinukoan’s involved but a second entity, one that has control over terrible beasts we have never encountered before has allied itself with them. We do not know what kingdom it is exactly, they are like none we have ever seen. We sent a battalion of troops into the main city to find any survivors but none have returned.”
He stopped temporarily to let everyone absorb this.

“In less than a month they will be at our doorstep. We have no choice but to strike now and make as big a mark as we possibly can.” Another man stood at this

“Is there no other way! If we do that not only will we risk our men we will lose all our defences!” A council member shouted

“And if we do not then we will let our villages burn and out citizens be murdered!” Rale shouted back.

“Silence!” Julius shouted at the two men. The councilmen sat down but Rale stayed stood. “We do not have a month, we have a year. I negotiated with the Emperor and he agreed to give us a year, the cheeky bastard taunted us saying we could use the time.”

There was a knock at the door. A woman popped her head round and smiled at the group “Sorry I’m late. I sort of got into a fight in town. Poor suckers are in hospital now.” There was a murmuring from the council members, it was obvious that they did not approve of this female. The woman was around 5”6 and quite lean she had long brown hair and green eyes, she wore a green short-sleeved jacket and white top underneath along with green shorts. She also wore green boots. On her back was a longbow and quiver with many different types of arrows, some of them were regular arrows whereas some of them were slightly strange to Rene.
Rale smiled “Ahh Lady Rowan! How nice of you to finally join us!” Rale joked with her, Rowan smiled back.

“Isn’t that what you’re wife says when you two have sex?” Rowan joked back, Rale smirked. “Heeeey! Is that the kid?” She said pointing at Rene.

“Yes it is.” Julius told her, she walked over and held her hand out.

“Rowan Nightgale! Nice to meet cha!” Rene shook her hand.

“Rene Skylar.” Rene told her shaking her hand, she looked around 20 but she could have been younger, she was very energetic.

“Can we get back to the meeting!” A councilmen shouted, Julius checked his watch and looked to Rene. “Your friend should be waking up by now.”

“Okay then, I’ll see you later. It was nice to finally meet cha. We’ll talk later.” Rene nodded and left the room. Rene found himself wondering the castle on his own for the very first time. He thought to himself that this would be a perfect time to look around. He decided that he’d have a quick snoop around before going to see Faith. He tried to open the nearest door but groaned when he found it locked. He looked around before grabbing a small piece of wire from his pocket. He inserted the wire into the lock on the door and wiggled it around. The lock clunked.

“Thank you Fil.” Rene uttered to himself. He slowly opened the door, checking to make sure no one was behind it. The room was empty. Rene quickly went forward into the room and shut the door. Everything immediately went dark, Rene instinctively went for his blade before the rooms automated lighting system kicked into effect and lit the whole room. Rene sheathed his sword and glanced about the whole room. It seemed like a library but he was sure that the castles library would be a lot bigger than this. The room was only about 10 metres wide and about one metre higher than Rene. There was a single computer. Rene grabbed the first book he could and flicked it open to a random page. It seemed like it was a diary of some sort. He read the entry.

We’re surrounded. We have supplies to last us a week at most. We have been abandoned and forgotten, like mere slaves who cannot carry his burden anymore. We were told when we joined this army that no matter what we are expendable, I just didn’t realise that this meant if we are in a losing battle we will not be helped. I can hear them now. Marching towards us, the screeching of blades leaving their sheathes.
God help us. This may be our final stand.

Rene turned the page, nothing was there, whomever this diary belonged to must have died in this battle. He flipped to the front page to see if there was a name.

General Skylar of the Rosalian Army
Loyal Husband and Father of three.

“Your father was a brave man.” A deep voice spoke. Rene spun round sword in hand. He was relieved to see it was only Rale but still kept his sword drawn.

“This couldn’t have been my father, my father was never a general and I am an only child.” Rene said, doubting his own words even as he spoke them himself.

“Your father was my teacher, I should have been in his final battle, the previous king was a tyrant, he refused to help anyone in his own army, said it showed weakness. The year after your father fell Julius was forced to defeat his father to save the land from certain destruction.” Rale frowned. “I do not know much about his other two children. I only know that his son is a fine man and a brilliant swordsmen.”

“Tell me what little you know of them, please.” Rene asked him, completely shocked at this new information.

“They were girls, according to your father they were the two most precious pieces of joy your father had ever seen. One was only a year younger than you the other was a new born.”

“I was five when he died, but I was told he was killed in a fire, so my sisters would have only been 4 and few months old. Do you not know what happened to them? My mother died only a few weeks after my father and I was taken in by Patricia Musso, Faith’s godmother.”

“I do not know, you would have to ask her that. I am sorry.” Rale apologised.

“You have nothing to apologise for. I’ll ask Patricia.” Rene finally sheathed his sword. “Why are you here anyway? I’d only just left the room when I came in here.”

“ I guessed that you’d be curious and this room is the closest one to the war room. Guess I was right huh? Come on, you’re not meant to be in here anyway. You can read the rest of your fathers diaries later, you’ll find he spoke much of you.”

Rene nodded and followed Rale to the medical room, as soon as he was outside the door, Rale stopped Rene by putting his gigantic hand on his shoulder.

“I must return to the war room, speak to this Faith before Patricia. I sense that she means a lot to you.” Rale spoke wisely, Rene looked up to the large muscular man and nodded. He opened the door and walked in.

“Hey Rene,” Abby spoke from a chair in the waiting room. “they’ve just had to take Faith to a neurological expert to assess the damage the chip that controlled her might have had.”

“Do they know how a simple chip could have controlled her?” Rene asked. He say down next to her and spotted Filden angrily kicking a vending machine.

“Well the brain is like a whole jumble of wires right? Well basically the chip was attached to the part of the brain that controls our movements. The chip sent electrical impulses into that part forcing her to do something she didn’t want to.” Abby explained. Filden finally came over, he patted Rene on the back and sat down next to him.

“S’up bro? You look knackered, try doing something that I think is called sleeping every once in a while. I think it’s meant to help.” Filden said sarcastically, cracking a grin at Rene.

“Happy 17<SUP>th</SUP> Fil.” Rene smiled.

“Hey hey! Ya remembered!” Filden shouted earning an evil look from the nurse behind a nearby counter. Filden apologised “Someone didn’t remember!” He looked at Abby who mimed the word “Sorry!” Rene smiled.

“We’ll party later on. Okay? Look here comes the doctor.” A medium sized black doctor walked towards them.

“Are you Ms. Crests friends?” The man asked, he had a slight cockney accent which made Filden grin in respect.

“Yes, we are.” Abby told him.

“You may see her now, she should be in her room, she is awake but slightly groggy.” The doctor smiled and walked away to help with another patient. Rene was the first to enter the room. Faith was sat up, eyes half-closed watching cartoons on a small television set in the corner. She spotted the trio.

“Hey.” Her first words were. Rene felt that familiar pang of anger and love. He wasn’t sure how he felt about her anymore. He felt like he loved her but was so angry that she couldn’t trust him with the knowledge about Patricia. Faith looked down at her bed. She was having trouble concentrating her vision, Abby walked over to her and sat on the side of her bed, she held Faith’s hand and squeezed it gently.

“How are you feeling?” Filden asked her.

“Pretty sparky actually.” Faith said at an attempt of humour. “Sorry, bad joke, I know. I’m sorry I betrayed you.”

There. The words were said. Now someone had to react. Someone had to say something. A few uncomfortable moments passed before
Rene realised that it was down to him to say something. He had a choice now. Forgive her and get on with it, or not forgive her and possibly make a big mistake.

“Why didn’t you tell us?” Rene asked her. He had to know the truth, why couldn’t she trust him with that information?

“I don’t know, I guess I was just too damn proud to tell you. No, it wasn’t pride… I was just too scared.” Rene saw a tear fall from Faith’s eye, she looked down at the bed again, not because she couldn’t concentrate, but because she didn’t want Rene to see her crying. Some hair fell over her face. Rene walked over and and sat on the other side of Faith, opposite to Abigail. He cradled Faith’s face in his left hand and lifted it so she was looking at him. Tears fell from her face, falling gracefully over her cheek and onto her hospital gown. Rene wiped away the tears and held her close. They held onto each other. Faith smiling in happiness as tears fell from her face. Abby and Filden both realised that they should leave them alone and left the room.

“Please, just please next time trust me enough to tell me.” Rene begged her, holding back his own tears. He was just so happy to finally be with her again, to be holding her in his arms. To feel her heartbeat against his chest.

“I will, I promise, from now on there won’t be any secrets.” Faith moved away from Rene, she looked at him and smiled before gently kissing him on his lips. She leant back and closed her eyes. Going into her first peaceful sleep since she left.

“Sleep well.” Rene told her, he kissed her forehead and smiled. “I still love you, no matter what.”
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I read your story! Can I has no allergies now?

Lol, anyway its a really good story! Keep it up!

I'm addicted now :wacky:
“Okay then, I’ll see you later. It was nice to finally meet cha. We’ll talk later.” Rene nodded and left the room. Rene found himself wondering the castle on his own for the very first time. He thought to himself that this would be a perfect time to look around. He decided that he’d have a quick snoop around before going to see Faith. He tried to open the nearest door but groaned when he found it locked. He looked around before grabbing a small piece of wire from his pocket. He inserted the wire into the lock on the door and wiggled it around. The lock clunked.

“Thank you Fil.” Rene uttered to himself. He slowly opened the door, checking to make sure no one was behind it. The room was empty. Rene quickly went forward into the room and shut the door. Everything immediately went dark, Rene instinctively went for his blade before the rooms automated lighting system kicked into effect and lit the whole room. Rene sheathed his room and glanced about the whole room. It seemed like a library but he was sure that the castles library would be a lot bigger than this. The room was only about 10 metres wide and about one metre bigger than Rene. There was a single computer. Rene grabbed the first book he could and flicked it open to a random page. It seemed like it was a diary of some sort. He read the entry.

Finally I can post my comment here, XD. So Dan, good chapter BUT... watch the following, :P

1. Of this I'm not too sure, but wasn't it the first when Julius told him to go around the corner or sumthin? XD
2. Wow, this one is interesting, how do you sheath a room? :P nah, just kiddin, XD
3. Don't you mean one meter HIGHER? :P 'bigger'b can be easily misunderstood there, :P

Anyway, good luck, n bye, XD
I'm psychic Julius, you should know that by now. And Minerva, thanks for pointing those out mate, i'll go and edit them now. But it is the first time he has truly looked around the place for the first time.

EDIT: Done. Thanks again Minerva
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I'm psychic Julius, you should know that by now. And Minerva, thanks for pointing those out mate, i'll go and edit them now. But it is the first time he has truly looked around the place for the first time.

EDIT: Done. Thanks again Minerva

Feel free to use the Weapon/Armour/Item/Spell's descriptions that I wrote in my RP Biographies. I hope that hope that helps.
I will be doing later on, for now Julius is just a sub-character that is teaching Rene how to properly wield his blade. Later on he will become a main character and fight alongside Rene and co.

ALSO! Julius I saw that you only need an approved RP character for Battles between characters not for RP's. Can I join Path Of Tragedy? Pretty please with cherries on top :P
I will be doing later on, for now Julius is just a sub-character that is teaching Rene how to properly wield his blade. Later on he will become a main character and fight alongside Rene and co.

ALSO! Julius I saw that you only need an approved RP character for Battles between characters not for RP's. Can I join Path Of Tragedy? Pretty please with cherries on top :P

Yes you can, hurry up, we are hosting a tournament in this RP as well:neomon:
Nice chapter, Danny. Julius, you're missing out on FFF Crisis ... you're in it, too. So sweet with some Rene/Faith at last, I hope she really doesn't keep anymore secrets. Can't wait for the rest of it to come along!
your wish has been granted. Here is the next chapter

Chapter 22: Truth

“Patricia, I wanna speak to you.” Rene asked her as soon as she entered the waiting area, Filden and Abby had walked off together leaving Rene alone in the waiting watching Faith sleep from her window.

“Sure, what’s up?” Patricia asked, she had an unhealthy paleness around her, probably from being in that dungeon for so long and looked like she would collapse at the first sight on stress. Despite this Rene had to know.

“How well did you know my parents exactly?” Rene asked her, as soon as he mentioned his parents her face became serious.

“They were my closest friends, after Faith’s parents died they helped me take care of Faith, she was only a baby after all and I had no idea how to be a mother. Why do you ask?” Patricia sat down in one the chairs. Rene stayed stood.

“… Tell me the truth about how my father died.” Patricia facial expression changed from confusion to surprise.

“Tell me what you know first Rene.” Patricia told him, he tapped the floor with his
toes and stretched his arms.

“I know that you lied to me about what he did. You told me that he was a shop keeper, you told me that he was killed in a fire. I know that he was a general and that he was killed in battle.”

“I will admit I did lie about your father being a shop keeper but his death is still the same.”

“You mean…?”

“Yes, the Kinukoan’s captured him, tortured him and killed him by setting him on fire. I’m sorry to tell you like this, I had hoped you would never find out.” Rene felt sick to his stomach, the image of a man burning to death was striking out in his head. “If that is all then I would like to see my goddaughter.” Patricia walked to Faith’s door, as she turned the knob Rene blurted out.

“I know about my sisters!” Patricia froze, her hand began to shake and she stepped away from the door. “What happened to them? I don’t remember anything about them, I only found out they existed because of General Rale.”
It took a few moments for Patricia to answer, she walked towards Rene and put her hand on his shoulder. She smiled, Rene loomed over her now, she remembered when he was just a little boy and she could pick him up easily, then the thought of Faith lifting both of them with her powers entered her mind and she forced herself not to chuckle.

“After your father died your mother could not cope, she had you and your sisters to deal with and she just couldn’t handle the stress, one day her heart just gave out, I do not know whether it was from sadness or stress. Your sisters, it has been so long I barely remember them, the one that was a year younger that you was named Lily, she had the most peculiar hair, it was bright purple, a gene most guess from your fathers side, she was such a pretty little child. Your baby sister was called Kara, even though she was just a little baby she had such a damn good spirit.”

“Please I beg of you, tell me what happened to them.” Rene begged her.

“I could only take on one child, I allowed Faith to choose, you were her utter most absolute best friend so she chose you. Lily and Kara were taken to an orphanage in north Rosalia, I visited them a few times but soon I was not allowed to visit for it would make the girls upset.”

“I will find them.” Rene told himself “No matter what I will find them and bring together the Skylar family once more.

“Be careful Rene, they will not remember you. It has been 12 years since then remember?” Patricia told him.

“I don’t care!” Rene suddenly shouted, “My sisters are out there and they have no idea that I exist!”

“If you are so adamant to find them, then take this.” She took out a locket from her pocket. “I knew that eventually you would find out so I kept this, it was your mother’s she gave it to me in her will.” Rene took it and opened it, on the left side of the locket was a small boy grinning at the camera, Rene immediately recognised the boy as himself, on the right side however was a young girl with violently purple hair but her eyes were the same as Rene, shockingly blue. In Lily’s arms was a small girl in a white blanket with just a little blonde hair and green eyes. Her mothers eyes.

“Thank you,” He tied the locket around his neck and felt it bang against his clothed chest. “Tell Faith I will see her later, I’m going to the orphanage.”

“Would you like me to tell them her and the others about this?”

“Not yet, I want to do that on my own.” Rene told her before leaving the hospital. Patricia turned around and gasped as she spotted Faith leaning against doorframe to her room.

“You should be in bed young lady!” Patricia remarked, Faith smirked, she was happy to see Patricia.

“Don’t worry Pat, I’m fine. Was that Rene? Where’s he going?” Faith asked.

“You’ll find out later, for now I want you to get on back into that bed and rest.” Patricia said as she ushered Faith back into the room.

“Okay, okay.” Faith said as she went back into her room and got back under the covers.


“So Fil! What we gonna do now huh?” Abby said as she and Filden were walking along the courtyards. Filden was busy fiddling with a PDA in his hand.

“Whaddya mean?” Filden asked her. He banged the PDA with his palm a little bit.

“Well now that we’re here and Rene’s gonna start this training stuff, what do we do? I don’t particularly wanna hang around doing nothing.” Abby told him, she sat down on a small wall and Filden sat with her.

“We could go on a date? We’re probably allowed to leave.” Filden said not realising what he had said.

“Date? Me and you? Date?” Abby said smiling. Filden realised what he said and felt his cheeks start to burn.

“Well uh he he. I meant as y’know, friends.” Filden gulped in fear, Abby laughed gently and looked at Filden.

“It’s a date.” She said with a wink “What cha doin’ there anyways?”

“Well I’m tryin’ to hack into the castles security system so I can find out what’s goin’ on in the war room.” Filden typed something in “There I did it!”

“Why do you want to know what’s going on?”

“Shh just watch!” Filden said pointing at the screen and plugging in earphones. Abby took an earphone and plugged herself in as Filden did the same.

“…if we hold out too long they will amass their forces and defeat us with one swift powerful strike!” A councilmen argued with the opposing side.

“Yes but if we can do the same! Rally our men, bring them all back to the capital and await their so called powerful strike!”

“Doing that will leave the rest of our lands to the enemy!”

“Silence!” Julius shouted “Have we any news at all on this new enemy Kamui?”

“Yes milord” Kamui said as he walked into the screens view. He stood next to Julius and address the council “This new enemy I have found is not a kingdom at all.”

“Then the clans have joined with them?” Someone said.

“No, my contacts within the clans say that none have joined them, this new enemy is far worse, I believe that it is in fact them calling the shots, not Liner or Vrael. This enemy is otherworldly, they possess the ability to control monsters around Earth, I believe that this is in the fact the group attempting to open the portal to the other world and bring forth those terrible entities that reside there. If they do this then we will all perish, including the Kinukoan’s.”

“Then why the heck are they helping’ em’?” A young woman wearing lots of green shouted. Her leg was hanging over the side of her chair, she was the most relaxed looking one of the bunch.

“They believe that this new enemy is helping them not planning against them.”

“Does this new enemy have a name?” Julius asked.

“Not exactly, but I believe they call themselves “The Fallen Ones””

“You mean as in?” Julius asked

“Yes I mean as in they are like…” The transmission faltered “They are ang-…” The transmission ended.

“Damn thing!” Filden shouted as he banged the screen.

“What do you think they were saying?”

“No idea, I doubt we’ll ever find out either. C’mon let’s go find Rene and tell him what we know.”

“How about we go on that date first hmm?” Abby smiled. Filden turned to her and smirked.

“Yeah sure, I’ll take you somewhere glitzy.” He smirked wider.


Quick note, you may want to hurt Minerva a little bit :P look at the bottom of his siggy in small writing.
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Lol, Filden and Abigail's first date. This ought to be quite interesting ... then there's a sudden shocker about Rene having sisters! Good stuff!
Here's the next chapter my friends, we are now introduced to the remaining Skylar family

Chapter 23: Family

“Just grab it and run. Just like I taught cha!” A 16 year old girl with purple hair said, the person she was talking to was a 12 almost 13 blonde girl.

“Alrighty sis.” Kara said to Lily, Kara wore a white hooded sweater and white jeans and Kara wore blue jeans and a blue vest. Lily was a tall, very attractive girl. She had a small earring in her left ear and a thin silver chain around her neck. Kara was around 5”2 with lovely blonde hair with a purple hair clip. They were standing next to a fruit stall, Kara was creeping behind it whilst Lily was keeping watch. As soon as the coast was clear Lily signalled to her sister. Kara grabbed the bag of apples and went to run. As she did a huge hand appeared out of nowhere and grabbed the little girls sweater. The hand belonged to a huge fat man with a bushy moustache. Kara struggled to get out of the grip but it was too strong.

“Let go of my sister asshole!” Lily shouted as her fist went flying into the side of the man’s face. The man fell back releasing Kara. They both made a run for it.

“Lily! Slow down! I can’t keep up!” Kara shouted as her bigger sister started to run ahead without noticing, Lily turned and picked up her sister.

“Ooh you’re getting heavy sis!” She grinned as she legged it down the street. They turned a sharp corner and stopped as several guards went running by. Once they were clear Lily turned to Kara. “Still got the bag?”

“Yup!” Kara said as she lifted the huge bag of apples.

“Sweet! Tuck in sis!” Lily smiled as she ripped open the bag and gave a huge apple to Kara. She looked at her sister as she ate her apple, “We’d best be getting back to the orphanage, they hate it when we get back so late.”

“I hate it there.” Kara moaned to her sister “It’s always loud and the other kids stink!”

Lily laughed “I know but it’s a bed for the night. C’mon eat up and let’s get goin’.”
They ate their food and stood. “I’ll race ya.” Lily said

“You’re on!” Kara said getting a quick lead on Lily, she sprinted out of the alleyway, Lily heard Kara shout sorry to someone. She smirked and followed her sister, as she ran out of the alleyway she bumped into someone

“Sorry!” She said to a boy not much older that her with blonde hair, he was tall and well toned with a long blade across his back and a gun sheathed on his left side. Before he could answer she ran off in pursuit of her sister


“That’s okay.” Rene said to the purple-haired woman who had bumped into him, she looked familiar. Then it struck him, he took out the locket and flicked it open. “Lily!” He shouted as he recognised the picture and the girl. He looked up so see if he could still see her, he managed to see a glimpse of purple her and he set off in pursuit speeding along the street pushing past people as quickly as he could.

After a few minutes of chasing he lost sight of her. “Dammit! I can’t lose her now!” He growled to himself, he continued along the street trying to find her. After a few more moments he had completely lost her. “Damn!”


“Come on girls. We were meant to close 5 minutes ago.” The woman behind the counter said as she heard the familiar voices of Lily and Kara. She was playing a crossword puzzle.

“Oh c’mon sis! I beat cha! Admit it!” Kara teased her older sister

“Yeah, yeah.” Lily said to her sister, “Thanks for staying open for us Jenna”

“Just hurry on up and get to your room.” Jenna said to the girls.

“See ya Jenna!” Kara said to Jenna as her and Lily went upstairs

“Wouldn’t wanna be ya Kara, see you tomorrow girls.” Jenna heard the shouts of night from the girls.
A few hours passed, Jenna got up to get herself home when there was a loud knock on the door.

“Whoever the bloody hell you are it’s late! Come back tomorrow!” Jenna shouted as she packed her bag. She flipped her cell phone and began to dial her husband’s number.

“Please! It’s important!” Rene’s voice filled the air.

“The world could be ending and I wouldn’t let you in! Go home whoever you are! Come back tomorrow!”

“Please I’m begging you! My sisters may be here! I only found out about them recently and I haven’t seen them for 12 years!” Rene heard the woman sigh.

“Tell me who you are then?” She said as she unlocked the door and let the young man in.

“My name is Rene Skylar, I come from a small town just outside the city.”

“Skylar, Skylar.” Jenna muttered as she read down the list of children’s names in a large book. Aha. There are two Skylars living here. Tell me their names and I’ll believe you.”

“Lily and Kara.”

“So you’re the final Skylar hmm? I was told that you may one day return. Your sisters know nothing of you, I must warn. I pray you have proof of their heritage.”

“Will this count?” Rene said taking out the locket and flicking it open.

“You are all so beautiful together.”

“Please, take me to them.”


Knock knock.

“Who is it?” Kara shouted out from her bed above Lily’s

“Kara, Lily I need to speak to you, it is extremely important, I’m coming in.” Jenna opened the door and closed it after her. “Now I need you to listen carefully. 12 years ago you came here right?”
The girls nodded.

“Well there was a few things that we didn’t tell you, the woman who brought you here was a woman names Patricia Musso, she was a very close friend of your mothers, when she brought you here she told us of another. Girls I know this will be a shock but you have an older brother.”

“That’s… That’s impossible!” Lily shouted at the woman. Kara’s mouth fell open. “If that’s true then where the fuck has he been all these years!”

“Lily…” Kara said at her older sisters language.

“I’m sorry Kara.” Lily said crouching beside her and holding her hand. “This is all just so much of a shock.”

“He only found out about you today, he’s downstairs, nervous as hell I might add.”

“C’mon sis! Let’s go meet him! You can beat him up later on!” Kara told
her, Lily smiled and nodded.

“Yeah… Let’s go meet our older bro.”


Rene WAS nervous. He was practically shitting himself, he couldn’t believe how this day was turning out. Faith had come back, he had learned about his father, learnt about his 2 sisters and now he was going to meet them for the first time. He couldn’t stay sat down. He took out the gun Lady Zeria had given him and loaded it with bullet. Once he had done that he took out his blade and spun it in his hands skilfully. He sheathed it across his back and paced the room. After a few minutes he heard voices and saw the woman who had let him in.

“Mr. Skylar. I would like to introduce you to your sisters, Lily, Kara, meet Rene.” The 2 girls rounded the corner. The purple haired one gasped.

“You!” She gasped, she recognised him as the person she had run into.

“I thought I recognised you, then I looked at this and it was definite.” He extended his hand that was holding the locket. Lily took it and opened it. She gasped.

“I wanna see! I wanna see!” Kara exclaimed jumping up and down. Lily gave it to her. “Woooow is that you and me sis?” Lily nodded “That boy, he’s you isn’t he?” This directed at Rene.

“Yes, it is.” He knelt beside her and smiled “You’re Kara, right?”

“Yup!” She said happily

“And you are Lily, right?”

“Yes, why has it taken you so long to find out about us?” Lily demanded

“Hell lately a lot of things have gone to shit. Sorry.” He said this to Kara who was about to tell Rene off. She grinned at him. “Lately I’ve learnt a lot I wish I never knew. The war has caused so much, good and bad. Please, come with me to the castle and I can explain properly.”

“The castle!?” Lily exclaimed “What the hell are you doin’ at the castle?”

“I’m involved in this war more than you know, I don’t even understand how far in I am. I’m currently under their protection and am being taught by them.”

“Aww c’mon sis! Can we go? Pleeeease?” Kara begged her sister. Rene smiled at the little girl and held his hand out towards Lily.

“Will you come?” Lily looked at her little sisters green eyes and looked at Rene.

“We’ll come, but you will tell us everything when we get there?”

“I promise.” Lily took his hand. He held out to his other to Kara and she took it happily.

“Goodbye Laura!” Kara said cheerily.

“Be careful girls!” She shouted as they left “I have a bad feeling about this…”
For an extra little treat just for your Julius... Here's the next chapter!

This chapter is therefore dedicated to a one Julius Argexis/Aurelius (Why did you change your surname dammit! I liked it as it was :P )

Chapter 23: Ambush

The trio was walking through the city, Rene was laughing at the tall tales of Kara. Her and Rene were still holding hands but Lily had let go of Rene and was walking alongside him. She was smiling at her sister.

“And this one time me and Lily were in the junkyard when a big man appeared! He was really scary and Lily beat him down because he went at us with a knife! I was so scared but it was really lucky Lily was there to save me!”

“Wow you two have had a lot of adventures huh?” Rene asked Kara.

“Yup! Tell us some of your stories!” Kara demanded

“I’m sorry kiddo but I don’t think I got any stories.” Rene said.

“Oh c’mon. You gotta have at least one!” Lily joked with him.

“Hmm lemme think.” Rene said sitting down on a nearby bench “Well, one time me and my buddy Filden got in a bit of a fight with these thugs. Filden is a ninja from the Gurito clan and my bestest buddy in the whole world. Well these thugs collapsed a junk heap between us so we had to fight our way out of there. We had our weapons with us of course so they were no match. That was the first time I had actually killed anyone to be honest.”

“You’ve killed before?” Lily asked alarmed

“Does that make you a murderer?” Kara asked.

“Of course not.” Rene smiled “I only kill when I have to protect those I love. So Lily what do you do when you’re not at school.”

“Not much, just hang around with Kara usually.”

“Hmm, well believe me, you’re going to have a whole lot…” He held his hand out to stop them.

“What is it?” Lily asked.

“Do you hear that?” Rene asked them.

“I don’t hear a thing.” Kara said mystified.

“Exactly, this is a city, it’s never this quiet.” A ball of darkness appeared in mid air and flew towards Rene. He spun letting the ball smash into his blade. He drew it as he spun back round and cut another ball in half.

“Where are you!?” He shouted. Many armour men, or at least they appeared to be men, appeared all holding spears and swords. He turned to the girls “Run on to the castle and call for help!” Lily nodded before grabbing Kara’s hand and running into a side-alley to escape.

“Who are you?” Rene demanded.

They said nothing

“WHO ARE YOU!?” Rene demanded shouting.

Once again, they said nothing. The spearmen lowered their spears, Rene steadied his blade and loosed the strap holding his gun in it’s holster. They charged. Rene block all of the spears with one single upward swipe of his blade. He spun his sword in his hands and slashed one of the spearmen’s chest open. Instead of bleeding and falling to the ground the creature disappeared in a ball of black. The remaining spearmen withdrew and allowed the swordsmen to step in.

The swordsmen circled around Rene but he did not budge. A swordsmen charged at Rene from behind. Rene back flipped backwards drawing his gun in his free hand, he shot the swordsman, killing him in the same fashion as the spearmen. As he landed he spun with his sword at his waist, killing another swordsmen. Something strange then happened. Several more swordsmen appeared and advanced. Rene hadn’t even seen them. It was as if they appeared out of thin air. He was outmatched but he fought on. He decimated another few swordsmen and spearmen but more just arrived in their places. Soon enough he was completely surrounded by at least 50 fighters. His gun was out of ammo and he could feel his strength dwindling, soon enough he could barely lift his own sword.

Someone snapped there fingers. The spearmen and swordsmen disappeared and in their place stood one lone man. Rene couldn’t see his face as he wore a long black hooded cloak.

“So you are the one hmm? The swordsmen the of the Sky. One of the few remaining neo-elementals left.” The hooded man said, he had a soft voice but a sinister tone hiding behind it none the less.

“Who are you?” Rene asked, huffing and puffing. He raised his sword and pointed it toward the man.

The man chuckled “You will find out soon enough. For now… We shall battle!” He charged, he was completely unarmed but this did not stop Rene, he slashed powerfully at the man but felt his blade connect with a sort of force field. Even in the darkness Rene could tell that the shield wasn’t psychic energy. It was pure darkness. Rene was pushed back powerfully and felt himself get thrown into a nearby wall. He fell to the ground on his feet. He put himself in a defensive stance. The man had disappeared. Rene glanced around. He could feel that he was still here.

All of a sudden a bright purple flash appeared in the air and struck him powerfully in the chest. Something strange was happening, the attack was spreading across his entire body, draining the life out of him. He felt the very life be sucked from him. Rene fell to the ground. He had to close his eyes to stop himself from being sick. All of a sudden it stopped.
Am I dead? Rene thought to himself. He managed to open his eyes slightly, standing in front of him looking away was a tall man, like the other he couldn’t see his face because of a black hooded cloak.

“Leave this place!” The man who was helping Rene shouted.

“You made a big mistake coming here.” The other said chuckling “You really believe that a simpleton like yourself could defeat me?”

“I am not a simpleton!” The man shouted charging forward, a strange blade in hand. They fought viciously, blade hit energy and terrible shockwaves came from them. They fell back to the ground, both landing nimbly. The man grunted and disappeared in a black portal. The one helping Rene walked towards him. Rene saw the bottom half of his face,
he was pale but well toned. He was clean shaven. Rene saw a smile.

“You’ll be okay, I can tell. You just need some help.” The man stood, he had heard voices. “That’s my cue to leave. See ya later kid.” The man disappeared, in a black portal similar to the others.

Rene could have sworn the guy had a Scottish accent. This was his last thought as Rene then blacked out.


No need to guess who that's gonna be huh? :P
The family is together again! I wonder how all of this will turn out?

Also: Suddenly! Another chapter appears 0_o
For an extra little treat just for your Julius... Here's the next chapter!

This chapter is therefore dedicated to a one Julius Argexis/Aurelius (Why did you change your surname dammit! I liked it as it was :P )

Chapter 23: Ambush

The trio was walking through the city, Rene was laughing at the tall tales of Kara. Her and Rene were still holding hands but Lily had let go of Rene and was walking alongside him. She was smiling at her sister.

“And this one time me and Lily were in the junkyard when a big man appeared! He was really scary and Lily beat him down because he went at us with a knife! I was so scared but it was really lucky Lily was there to save me!”

“Wow you two have had a lot of adventures huh?” Rene asked Kara.

“Yup! Tell us some of your stories!” Kara demanded

“I’m sorry kiddo but I don’t think I got any stories.” Rene said.

“Oh c’mon. You gotta have at least one!” Lily joked with him.

“Hmm lemme think.” Rene said sitting down on a nearby bench “Well, one time me and my buddy Filden got in a bit of a fight with these thugs. Filden is a ninja from the Gurito clan and my bestest buddy in the whole world. Well these thugs collapsed a junk heap between us so we had to fight our way out of there. We had our weapons with us of course so they were no match. That was the first time I had actually killed anyone to be honest.”

“You’ve killed before?” Lily asked alarmed

“Does that make you a murderer?” Kara asked.

“Of course not.” Rene smiled “I only kill when I have to protect those I love. So Lily what do you do when you’re not at school.”

“Not much, just hang around with Kara usually.”

“Hmm, well believe me, you’re going to have a whole lot…” He held his hand out to stop them.

“What is it?” Lily asked.

“Do you hear that?” Rene asked them.

“I don’t hear a thing.” Kara said mystified.

“Exactly, this is a city, it’s never this quiet.” A ball of darkness appeared in mid air and flew towards Rene. He spun letting the ball smash into his blade. He drew it as he spun back round and cut another ball in half.

“Where are you!?” He shouted. Many armour men, or at least they appeared to be men, appeared all holding spears and swords. He turned to the girls “Run on to the castle and call for help!” Lily nodded before grabbing Kara’s hand and running into a side-alley to escape.

“Who are you?” Rene demanded.

They said nothing

“WHO ARE YOU!?” Rene demanded shouting.

Once again, they said nothing. The spearmen lowered their spears, Rene steadied his blade and loosed the strap holding his gun in it’s holster. They charged. Rene block all of the spears with one single upward swipe of his blade. He spun his sword in his hands and slashed one of the spearmen’s chest open. Instead of bleeding and falling to the ground the creature disappeared in a ball of black. The remaining spearmen withdrew and allowed the swordsmen to step in.

The swordsmen circled around Rene but he did not budge. A swordsmen charged at Rene from behind. Rene back flipped backwards drawing his gun in his free hand, he shot the swordsman, killing him in the same fashion as the spearmen. As he landed he spun with his sword at his waist, killing another swordsmen. Something strange then happened. Several more swordsmen appeared and advanced. Rene hadn’t even seen them. It was as if they appeared out of thin air. He was outmatched but he fought on. He decimated another few swordsmen and spearmen but more just arrived in their places. Soon enough he was completely surrounded by at least 50 fighters. His gun was out of ammo and he could feel his strength dwindling, soon enough he could barely lift his own sword.

Someone snapped there fingers. The spearmen and swordsmen disappeared and in their place stood one lone man. Rene couldn’t see his face as he wore a long black hooded cloak.

“So you are the one hmm? The swordsmen the of the Sky. One of the few remaining neo-elementals left.” The hooded man said, he had a soft voice but a sinister tone hiding behind it none the less.

“Who are you?” Rene asked, huffing and puffing. He raised his sword and pointed it toward the man.

The man chuckled “You will find out soon enough. For now… We shall battle!” He charged, he was completely unarmed but this did not stop Rene, he slashed powerfully at the man but felt his blade connect with a sort of force field. Even in the darkness Rene could tell that the shield wasn’t psychic energy. It was pure darkness. Rene was pushed back powerfully and felt himself get thrown into a nearby wall. He fell to the ground on his feet. He put himself in a defensive stance. The man had disappeared. Rene glanced around. He could feel that he was still here.

All of a sudden a bright purple flash appeared in the air and struck him powerfully in the chest. Something strange was happening, the attack was spreading across his entire body, draining the life out of him. He felt the very life be sucked from him. Rene fell to the ground. He had to close his eyes to stop himself from being sick. All of a sudden it stopped.
Am I dead? Rene thought to himself. He managed to open his eyes slightly, standing in front of him looking away was a tall man, like the other he couldn’t see his face because of a black hooded cloak.

“Leave this place!” The man who was helping Rene shouted.

“You made a big mistake coming here.” The other said chuckling “You really believe that a simpleton like yourself could defeat me?”

“I am not a simpleton!” The man shouted charging forward, a strange blade in hand. They fought viciously, blade hit energy and terrible shockwaves came from them. They fell back to the ground, both landing nimbly. The man grunted and disappeared in a black portal. The one helping Rene walked towards him. Rene saw the bottom half of his face,
he was pale but well toned. He was clean shaven. Rene saw a smile.

“You’ll be okay, I can tell. You just need some help.” The man stood, he had heard voices. “That’s my cue to leave. See ya later kid.” The man disappeared, in a black portal similar to the others.

Rene could have sworn the guy had a Scottish accent. This was his last thought as Rene then blacked out.


No need to guess who that's gonna be huh? :P
I was wondering who the second man was, but due to this clue something tells me it is Scottish Dave/Riku/Dave :neomon:

Nice Chapter.
Dammit was it that obvious? lol For now I won't be writing for a while because every time i turn on my word processor I giggle because the last chapter i wrote finished on page 69 lmao
Okay, soI just read the three chapters and found a moderate quantity of errors, :P. Or at least to me they seem errors, but this time half of 'em are spelling. :P

Anyway, it's true that no one cared about it (you know what I mean) :)