Original Darkness Of Destruction

So there was two Faiths and they solved it ... now there's trouble on the horizon. HELP!

Update again soon!
Lol, nice'un dude. Took me an hour to catch up though :P

Though you own a whack or two for a few comments, (dare I point out :P ) you've done really well...I'm so proud...I think I'm gonna *Gets tissue*

Lol, good job, sorry I've been gone though (Thank FFXI and various TV shows for that)
Well, I ain't gonna go through the whole story again lol XD

I already spent the hour yesterday catching up :P

I'll give the first one though,

Abigail Nilem - Played by Female version of Bahamut's_Heir (which isn't that hard to imagine tee hee. He's gonna hurt me now isn't he.)
Well I'm gagging for one thing but I can't say in fear of FFG seeing it and making a joke lol
Next chapter is gonna be loooong im halfway through writing it.
I'm writing up mine, too. And let me tell you that this chapter is going to be very long if you know what I mean!
Here's the new chapter people!

Chapter 28: War
Part I: Faith’s battle

“Over here!” Zeria shouted at Faith as she slashed downwards on a soldier with
her gun blade. She was dressed in a loose fitting silver plated jacket over a tight
purple vest, she wore silver plated leggings and shoes. Faith flew downwards and
sent a soldier sneaking up behind Zeria into a far off wall. Zeria nodded in thanks
as she sent a shockwave towards the last few enemies.

“Where’s your squad?” Faith asked as she landed nimbly next to Zeria, the area
was clear for now.

“Half of it is up ahead clearing the way and the other half is escorting any civilians
to safety. Glad to have you here Faith, I’ll feel better knowing someone’s got my
back.” Zeria smiled, she sheathed her gun blade and shook her hair out of her

“I’ve never seen you with that gun blade before.” Faith remarked as the pair
walked ahead. The blade was black, split in two halves with a strong metal alloy
combination of iron, silver, and diamond. Faith also noticed a large “Z” in the hilt.

“A gift from Julius, from waay back.” Zeria smiled.


“Heads up.” Zeria said to Faith. “About damn time!”

Zeria’s squad was up ahead, most of them were relaxing, chilling out.

“Sorry ma’am.” The sergeant of the squad said to her. “We got ambushed, took
care of ’em but we took a few wounded.” The sergeant radio suddenly beeped
and he went to grab it.

“This is Alpha 1!” The radio shouted. “We’ve been ambushed, majorly out-
numbered! We require immediate assistance! We have civvy’s with us!”

“We’re on our way!” The sergeant shouted into the radio.

“We’re at the church! I repeat! We are at the church! We need IMMEDIATE
assistan-” The radio went dead.

“Damn! Alrighty! Squad! Get your asses over there! We’ll go on ahead! Faith can
you carry me?” Zeria asked her.

“Yeah, let’s get goin’.” Faith immediately jumped into the air and grabbed Zeria
under her arms.

“Man this feels weird…” Zeria shouted as the wind rushed past them. “Watch
out!” Faith immediately raised a barrier as a bullet smashed into it. Zeria instantly
pulled out her gun and shot the marksmen.

“They’re on the damned roof!” Zeria shouted as more bullets slammed into the
barrier. “How long do you reckon you can hold out?”

“Not long! At the rate their firing my barrier won’t last!” Faith shouted. Zeria could
see that Faith was struggling. Zeria fired off a few more shots, each one meeting
their target.

“How far?” Zeria shouted upwards, more marksmen appeared and started shooting
at them. The barrier smashed and Zeria felt a bullet skim her cheek luckily it
missed Faith completely,

“Dammit! Not far now! Hold ‘em off, I can make a barrier but it’ll only last a couple
of shots.” Zeria didn’t say anything but fired off a few shots killing more

After about 5 more minutes of flight they finally managed to get to the church. It
was a massacre. It appeared that squad in danger had barricaded themselves into
the church. The enemy were literally breaking down the door piece by piece.

“We’re not gonna be able to land with so many of them down there! Take care of
some of them!” Faith shouted. Zeria complied and started shooting as many as
she could. After circling the church a few times there was enough space for them
to land. Faith swooped downwards and Zeria landed nimbly. She quickly drew her
blade and drove herself into the nearest group of enemies. Faith attacked from
above. She threw as many soldiers as she could into walls. Every now and then
she would have to save Zeria. Faith found that she didn’t have the strength to fly
anymore so she landed next to Zeria.

“Too many…” Faith gasped.

“Just hold out… a little… longer…” Zeria breathed, as she spun she saw a large
soldier pulling his sword down on Zeria, she screamed. After about 5 seconds she
realized she wasn’t dead. She opened her eyes and smiled. The soldier had several
arrows coming out of his chest. She turned around and smiled. Her squad had
finally turned up.

“Sorry about the wait ma’am, ran into a little bit of trouble in the market.” The
sergeant told her. He fired off a few more arrows past Zeria killing another soldier.

“No problem sarge.” Zeria beamed. The arrival of her squad had put some vitality
into her. “Let’s kick ass!”


Part i: Filden’s Battle.

Up, down, up, down. Filden thought as he ran across the roof at top speed.
Behind him was several enemies chasing him. Bullets zoomed past his head. He
smiled, he jumped forwards and spun round. He released the blades in his hand
and smiled as the men dropped dead.

“That’s the last of my kunais.” Filden sighed. He jumped down from the roof of the
building and landed nimbly behind a small group of men. “Howdy guys.” The
soldiers spun in surprise, blades in hand. Filden released his shuriken and charged
forward at lightning speed. He sped past the soldiers and rested his shuriken on
his shoulder as he walked forward. He heard the soldier turn in confusion… He
then heard them drop down dead.

“Best go find Rale then…” Filden sighed. He ran down the empty street and quickly
discovered where Rale was. Around 200 metres ahead of him Rale was spinning in
the middle of a large group of soldiers holding his battle axe out. Filden threw his
shuriken and charged forwards after it. It killed several men before spinning back
to him. He caught it in one hand and carried on running forward. Rale let go of the
battleaxe, turned out it wasn’t even his it was one of the enemies. He smashed
his knuckles together and pummelled into the nearest soldier. Rale’s men were
scattered but weren’t in any danger. These were the elites of course. Turns out
the group they were facing was only small and it was about 5 minutes before Rale
even noticed Filden.

“Hey kiddo. Welcome to the battlefield.” Rale smirked.

“THIS is the frontline?” Filden asked quite disappointed.

“Nowhere near yet mate.” Rale told him. “We’ve only just broken through their
defences. We got rid of the bigguns before you got here.”

“Well if it ain’t old Fil!” A man shouted from Filden’s left.

“I’d recognise that voice anywhere!” Filden shouted happily. Filden smiled as his
old teacher appeared. The man was in his late 40’s. He was wearing a light
breastplate and leggings. “How are ya Aza!”

“Pretty good, still breathin’. Hmm… you need some supplies?” Aza asked. He took
out a large bag and pulled out a load of kunais.

“Perfect!” Filden smiled as he refilled his stock of kunais.

“C’mon men! We need to push forward! We’re meeting up with Teams A through D
on the frontline.” Rale shouted to his men. “Filden, you ready?”

“You got it! Let’s get goin’!” Filden shouted. Rale nodded and marched forwards
with his men.

“Hey, how come you know the General?” Aza asked Filden as they walked with the

“Long story, short version: Rene’s special.” Filden smiled

“Well we already knew that didn’t we?” Aza winked. He then gasped. Filden’s eyes
widened. Aza looked down at his chest, protruding from it was an arrow. Filden
spun, sending a kunai towards the archer who was hiding on a roof. He quickly
finished the spin and caught Aza as he fell.

“Damn…” Filden sighed, Aza was already gone. Filden felt a hand on his shoulder.
He looked upwards and saw Rale shaking his head.

“I am sorry, but we must leave.” Rale told him, Filden nodded his head and
grabbed Aza’s bag. It’d be useful and he knew Aza would want him to have it.


Filden roared as he stabbed a soldier with his kunai before throwing it at another.
He jumped up high and threw his shuriken at a group of men. He landed and
glanced around, the frontline was crazy, the entire area was just littered with
bodies. His shuriken came back and the fresh blood on it’s blades showed it’s

He charged forward and found Rale smashing his fists into people’s heads. He
threw a kunai at a soldier who was about to hit him.

“Thanks Filden! Here take this!” Rale shouted, chucking a bag of bombs into his
arms. “I need you to head into enemy territory and set these charges.”

“You got it!” Filden shouted before charging into the enemy, he ducked and dived
stabbing people with his kunais. He jumped onto a enemies back and jumped even
higher. He strapped a charge to a kunai and threw it deep into enemy territory.
He smiled as it blew up and a large group of men went flying. He grabbed his
shuriken and spun downwards crushing the man he landed on and killed any
around him. He dropped a bomb on the spot he landed and charged forward. The
bomb blew up and Filden went flying.

He landed face first onto the ground but quickly recovered. He brushed himself
down before looking up. Around him were many enemy men, he smiled at them.

“Uhh…” He went to grab his shuriken, it wasn’t there. He went to grab a kunai. None. He smiled before raising his hands “I surrender?”


Faith’s Battle: Part ii

“Alright then. You’ve got a clear run all the way back to base. Escort the civilians to safety then make your way to the frontline.” Zeria ordered the men inside the church. Faith looked around at all the old relics and sighed. She had never really believed in religion. Sure she went to church with Patricia every Sunday but she never really believed in it..

“Ready Faith?” Zeria asked before gulping a large mouthful of water.

“Yeah, docks right?” Faith asked her.

“Yup, land and sea. We’ll liberate the sea docks first then make our way upstairs to the airship docks. Right men! Get on up! We gotta get to the docks and make ‘em ours again!” Zeria shouted to her men. Faith smiled, she finished her bottle of water and felt her energy return to her. Though of course she was still knackered.

“What tires you most? This or Rene?” Zeria winked, Faith turned red and laughed.

“Rene, definitely. What about you and Julius?”

“Oh Julius definitely. He’s a bloody handful sometimes.” Zeria laughed loudly as her men began to leave. “Let’s get goin’.”
Faith nodded, Zeria began to leave and Faith looked around the church one last


“Okay then.” The sergeant, who was called Ryans by the way, whispered. We need you two to fly around the back quietly and open the main doors, until they’re open we can’t get in. Until then we’ll kick some ass out front, hopefully that distract them.”

“You got it. Ready Faith?” Zeria asked her, they were hiding in the alleyway just opposite the dockyard.

“As always.” She replied brushing some of her eyes out of her eyes. Zeria smirked before nodding to the sergeant. He briefly whispered into his radio before signalling to his men.

“CHAAAARGE!” He bellowed running out. The clashing of blades and the whishing of bullets were heard and Zeria nodded to Faith. They both turned and ran down the alley, Faith grabbed Zeria and flew upwards as high as she could to avoid being spotted.

“Ready?” Faith asked loudly as the wind was beginning to get quite strong.

“Lemme just hold on to my lunch first…” Zeria moaned going slightly green in the face. Faith smirked before releasing her power and free falling. Zeria screamed loudly whilst Faith laughed like a madwoman. When the docks came back in sight, Faith activated her powers again and floated low so she was just a metre above water. They moved slowly, scanning the area for the little area the sarge told them about. Faith spotted it and made a beeline for it. Zeria landed and Faith right behind her.

“Right then. Where’s the switch?” Faith asked, as she asked however a strange old bearded man appeared out of nowhere.

“Heh heh hehhhh! Ma name’s Mr. Innuendo!” The man bellowed as he thrust his hand out and grabbed Faith’s right boob. Faith summoned her powers and literally threw the man straight into the murky water.

“Sonofabitch!” Faith hissed as a big dirty hand mark was around the area of her right boob. Zeria was struggling to keep a straight face. “Oh ha ha. Let’s just the job done.”

Zeria nodded and they went up the stairs. They crawled quietly making sure that they were well hidden. As soon as they were at the top of the stairs Zeria sighed. The entire dock was completely empty. Seems all of them were outside… which wasn’t good news for the squad. They had to hurry up. The pair ran forward and instantly stopped. They were in the middle of the huge dock, not a thing or person was around. It was as if the area had been purposely cleared for something big.

“Meep?” Faith turned, the strange meep had come from a small kitten looking thing. Except the only thing different was that it had a large spiky back and sharp, sharp teeth.

“Aww, aren’t you a cutey pie?” Faith smiled as she stroked the only part of it that wasn’t spiky.

The strange animal began to growl. Then suddenly it turned completely white, Faith jumped back and Zeria drew her gun blade. The creature began to grow at an alarming rate until, soon, it was 3 times the size of Faith and Zeria combined. It had two rows of the sharpest teeth they had ever seen and the spikes on it’s back were unbelievable sharp. It charged. The pair rolled to the sides as the creature crashed into a wall. Zeria charged forward with her gun shooting it as much as she could. The beast instantly span and Faith had to use her powers to get Zeria out of the way. The beast realised it was chewing air and quickly found them once more. Faith used as much power as she could and raised the beast into the air. She braced her body and threw the beast into a wall. Zeria charged forwards once more and used a magic. She clicked her fingers and a large red circle with symbols in it appeared. She waved her hand forward and thousands of long red diamond shaped blades flew forward. As each one hit the beast and smashed it was obvious it was dying. Faith threw herself upwards and summoned a psychic punch. She slammed down on the beast head and killed it instantly.

“Phew, let’s go help our boys.” Zeria smiled as she hit the switch opening the main door. As it opened she gasped. In front of the door was all her men, each one completely unharmed.

“’Bout damn time!” The sarge smiled. “Looks like you cleaned this place out.


Filden’s Battle: Part ii


Filden groaned as the punch slammed into his stomach. How did I get into this situation? He thought to himself.

“What is you goddamned battle plan!” The soldier interrogating him demanded.

“HOW THE BLOODY HELL SHOULD I KNOW!?” Filden screamed at the man for what seemed to be the thousandth time.

“You are an officer of the Rosalian army!”

“How do you figure that!” Filden shifted as he lowered his hands to try and scratch his bag. They had tied him to a long pole stuck into the ground. His hands were tied behind it with a piece of rope but somehow he had managed to get half of it on his side when they were tying it.

“You are the only one not wearing any of the official armour!”

“Argh! I’m just a kid for crying out loud!”

“If that is true… then I guess there is no need for you…” The soldier smirked. He grabbed a sword from the nearest wrack and stood a metre in front of Filden. He charged forwards with it, aiming for him stomach. Filden grinned, he lifted his legs up high and pushed forward with his hands. His plan worked, the blade cut straight through the rope, Filden quickly jumped up and landed on the top of the pole.

“See, that wasn’t a good idea…” He smirked and jumped forward, he kicked the man in the face knocking him out instantly. He quickly searched the tent he was
in and found his stuff. Even the bombs were still there.

Filden smirked.


Filden ran as fast as his legs could take him, he ran and ran and ran until he felt the huge surge of heat chasing him, because of this, he decided to sprint. A large mass of land just suddenly blew up. Filden had set all the charges to go at the same time. Tons of soldiers spotted him and Filden threw as many Kunais as he could. He dodged left then right to avoid bullets and blades. He kicked, punched and even bit people as he found himself completely surrounded. He jumped as high as he could and threw his shuriken down. He took out an ancient ninja scroll and chanted it’s incantation, his shuriken began to glow. It glowed red hot before exploding in a massive fury. As he landed he spotted Rale underneath him. Rale quickly spotted him and held out his arms. As Filden landed in them he smiled.

“Mission Accomplished.”
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Good chapter, I really was beginning to wonder if you were serious about that extract ...
Lol, I hadn't read the chapter before this one... but lol...

“Weeell, I guess I’m whatcha call one of the bad guys.” The man joked. “But to clarify. Name’s Minerva. I’m one of the Gaia Mercenaries. Anyways I guess the fun’s over now. See ya on the battlefield!” As he said this a portal of darkness appeared behind him. He saluted and then jumped backwards. Kamui was the first to react. He leaped forwards and managed to get through the portal. The portal then closed before anyone else could get in.

So I'm a bad guy, eh? Tee hee hee...

“As always.” She replied brushing some of her eyes out of her eyes. Zeria smirked before nodding to the sergeant. He briefly whispered into his radio before signalling to his men.

Lol... replace that first 'eyes' for 'hair' ASAP!!! XD

I thought you were getting better at writing but it seems not... just kiddin', great job though, XD As in...

“Heh heh hehhhh! Ma name’s Mr. Innuendo!” The man bellowed as he thrust his hand out and grabbed Faith’s right boob. Faith summoned her powers and literally threw the man straight into the murky water.

“Sonofabitch!” Faith hissed as a big dirty hand mark was around the area of her right boob. Zeria was struggling to keep a straight face. “Oh ha ha. Let’s just the job done.”

I really friggin' Laughed my Arse Off.

Lol, keep it all up man, XD
Hey, Dan, remember to update the first post.

But there's something I don't know, if it were true, Faith and Dawn couldn't be on stage at the same time, as well as Filden and Abby... They're same thukin person! so, :S :P
Ever heard of multi roling Minerva :P

Lol, I think I would hand the role to a dear friend of mine in reality, I based the character losely on her.

Anyway, great chapter! Filden rocks out loud! Just the sort of thing he would of done XD

Loved the "I surrendor?" part, probaly the sort of thing Filden would of done.