Original Darkness Of Destruction

I used to believe that as well. Oh and Zeria, no talking about what I showed you on MSN :D
I ain't rushing the Abyss, as Dragon Mage said, worst thing you could do is rush these things :gasp:

Lol, I'm just having trouble wording things, I ain't gonna ruin it like I did with Araganio by rushing into things.
Rene, i can't believe no one else has said this before, but you are the greatest writer i have ever seen. you should consider becoming a famous author and sharing these stories with everyone else in the world.
Well seeing as I'm super friendly (though tbqfh this is because Sonny hasn't been on in ages and I cannae be arsed to wait any longer.


Chapter 30: Life

Yet not everything is what it seems to be.

Faith screamed as the one she loved fell to the ground she rushed forward
as he hit the ground and shook him.

“You can’t die! Not yet!” She screamed, tears rolling down her face. Filden
had finally arrived with Rale. The entire Kinukoan army was retreating, it
had seemed they had won, but at the same time lost. Filden walked
towards his former best friend and shut his eyelids. He held Faith in his
arms and tried to take her away from the gruesome sight of Rene’s body
but she resisted. She smacked Filden out of the way and threw herself
onto Rene’s body. She sobbed into him, she turned her head sideways and
grimaced at the sight of the long shard in his abdomen. She carefully
placed her hand around it and slowly pulled it out. She threw it to the
ground, shattering it. The orphanage door opened and for a few moments
everyone was silent apart from the sobbing Faith as Kara and Lily walked
out smiling. They then realised that everyone was silent. Kara stepped
forwards and walked to Filden.

“What’s going on Filden?” Kara asked oh so confused. Lily screamed as she
finally saw her brother. She rushed forwards and slapped her brothers face
in a bid to wake him up, knowing that she would fail.

“We’ve only just met and already you’re leaving us!?” She screamed, Kara
began to cry as she too finally saw her brothers body. “Why couldn’t we
have met sooner…” Lily sobbed into her brothers chest. Faith held onto
her and the three girls sobbed together.

“We must take him from here. It is not right.” Julius told them standing

“C’mon Faith. C’mon girls. We should take him back to the castle.” Abby
told them. Faith nodded her head and Lily said nothing, she just stood.
Kara however refused.

“No! He’s not dead! HE’S NOT!” She screamed, Faith had moved away,
unable to look at her loved ones body so Lily had to try and get her sister

“Come on Kara. We have to leave.” Lily told her trying not to start crying

“But he’s not dead Lily!” She cried, Lily smiled sadly and took hold of
Kara’s hand, she stood up and tried to take Kara away. “NO!” She pushed
Lily away and held onto Rene. “I’m not going to leave him!”


Kara’s entire body began to glow brilliant white. Everyone immediately shielded their faces from the brilliant light but Kara seemed to take it in
her stride. She gasped as the light began to concentrate itself into her hands. Riku stepped forwards and knelt beside Kara, even though the light
was killing him slowly he had to instruct her.

“Kara, name’s Riku. Now I want you to urgh…. I want you to listen…
carefully.” He had started to struggle to breathe. “I need you to gently
place your hands on each side of Rene’s wound.” Kara’s eyes showed she
was frightened but she knew to comply. She gently placed a hand on
each side of Rene’s wound and gasped as the light began to move onto

Firstly, Rene’s wound began glow white, then it started to spread,
eventually his entire body began to glow. Kara stepped back in
astonishment, everyone round her was just absolutely terrified yet at the
same time happy. The light stopped and everyone looked at Rene’s body.
Nothing had happened. Faith shed a silent tear and then turned.
Everything seemed to explode in white. Rene’s body was completely made
up of light now, everyone was blinded by it. After what seemed to be an
eternity, the light finally faded. Everyone looked to the spot where Rene’s
body was.

It wasn’t there!

“Boy does death feel weird.” Rene said from the ledge he was sat on.
Somehow he had gotten an apple and was cheerfully eating it whilst
looking at the amazed faces around him. “What? Something on my face?”

“Well I’ll be damned.” Filden muttered. The second he said this everyone
seemed to either be screaming with joy or muttering incoherent
obscenities, the last one of course was Filden.

“Will you shut up Fil!” Abby shouted at him jokingly.

“But, but! He’s menna be dead!” Filden shouted. “Ain’t he?”

“Who cares! He’s alive!” Faith shouted as she tackled Rene to the ground
and kissed him all over his face.

“Heh heh! That’s a good question by the way. How am I alive exactly?”
Rene finally asked. Everyone suddenly went quiet and Faith stood up.
Rene got a confused look and also stood up.

“Kara brought you back.” Abby told him.

“Kara is a special young lady.” The one who had introduced himself as Riku
said loudly. “She’s what cha you’d call a Priceress.”

“A what now?” Lily asked confused.

“But I’m just a normal girl.” Kara told Riku.

“You’re a Skylar for crying out loud, none of you are normal!” Riku joked.
Lily shot him a look that could kill. “Heh heh no offense or anything.”

“What is a Priceress then?” Julius asked, Zeria had fallen asleep,
exhausted from her battle and was being held up by Julius.

“Priestess/Sorceress kinda thing. Master of both white magic and black.” Riku told them.

“Isn’t that a red mage?” Abby told Riku sarcastically.

“Nope they can only control a bit of each, a Pricer can master both.
Though it can take them many, many years to do so. That spell she just
used was life. You’re probably feelin’ quite exhausted huh?”

“Now that you mention it I uhh…” Kara collapsed, completely exhausted.
Lily caught her.
“She’ll be fine after a long sleep. “Riku smirked.

“Riku!” Kamui shouted jumping from the tall building. Dawn was along
seconds later. “Sorry we are let, we ran into trouble a few hundred metres or so back.”

“Not a problem, ya didn’t miss much anyway!” Riku grinned.

“That grin suggests otherwise.” Dawn smirked. “Good at see you old
friend.” Dawn smiled hugging her friend. Riku stood back and bowed in a
mocking way.

“M’lady.” He said loudly, Dawn’s eyes widened and she quickly whispered
something into Riku’s ear. Riku looked up, looked around then sighed.

“Fine, fine whatever.” He smirked. “Anyway, we should get those two
back to somewhere more comfortable.” Riku said indicating the
unconscious Zeria and Kara. Riku smiled before raising his hands and
summoned a large dark portal underneath them all, before they knew it
they were all back in the castle in the main infirmary. Julius took Zeria to a
bed whilst Lily did the same. Zeria slowly opened her eyes and sat up, she
looked down and started to cry.

“What’s up Zer?” Rene asked her,

“DON’T CALL ME ZER!” She shouted loudly at Rene, she then noticed who
she was shouting at and screamed. She jumped behind Julius and cowered
behind him.

“G-G-Ghost!” She yelled. Rene chuckled whilst everyone else just outright
laughed their heads off. Zeria slowly put her hand out and poked Rene in
the ribs to see if he was real. She jumped back. “Oh god, Goodnight.” She
then fell backwards onto the floor.
coming back to life? nice touch Rene. lmfao Zeria fainting at the site of you coming back to life. i think Zeria is going to be a little upset don't you Rene?
*points to Zeria's post which was BEFORE yours* Uhh does she sound upset?
Yess....I am simple and evilest >=D

Great chapter, quite the dramatic moment lol.
*points to the times of the posts and points out that they are 2 minutes apart* She didn't ninja you...

EDIT: Thanks Sonny! Now get to work on the Abyss dammit!
Yes it does, you're only ninja'd if you post in the exact same minute...
...It's MY story and MY thread idiot... I can talk about what I want...