Original Darkness Of Destruction

Its good to know that all of this I'm reading is a month old...

anyway, what is it danny? Are you bored? writer's block?

No, know what? no excuses! Get started bucko!
Sorry it's been a while folks but I happily present to you: The newest chapter!

Chapter 31: What happens next.

Rene yawned as the sun began to set over the horizon. The vast ocean that spread itself before him glistened in the light making Rene feel both happy and sad. Zeria had woken up in delight only a short while after collapsing and almost strangled Rene in a hugging chokehold. Filden was playing with Kara and Lily in the courtyard and Rene had no idea where Faith had disappeared to. After his revival a lot of questions were asked. How did Kara bring him back? Why are the mercs working for Vrael? And just what the hell were they gonna do next?

“Guess who.” A young female voice said as her hands covered his eyes. Rene knew who it was but smiled and didn’t give it away.

“Hmm… Lemme think… Are you the seriously sexy girl I met in town earlier with the big bre-” Rene giggled as Faith tapped him lightly on the side of the head. She sat down next to him on the grass and curled up in his arms.

“What cha thinkin about?” Faith asked as Rene looked out to sea.

“Just thinkin about how much of this war is my fault…” Rene told her, he did believe that, if he just gave in he would most likely have been able to stop the war before something as serious as this happened.

“Don’t you dare think it’s your fault!” Faith told Rene angrily “It’s not your fault that Vrael and his evil Father want to “rule the world” and if you ever say that again I swear I will throw you into that goddamned ocean, got it?” By this point she was shouting and Rene was cowering on the ground. She smiled at him which instantly made him happy and she gently kissed him on the forehead. She sat back down and were both silent for about 10 minutes just looking out to the ocean

“Thank you.” Rene told her.

“Hm? For what?” Faith asked him softly.

“For being here. I dunno what I’d do without you.” Rene told her, a tear fell from his left eye.

“Hey. Don’t cry.” Faith said hugging him closely “If you start crying then I will as well, and you know what I’m like when I cry.” She giggled softly and Rene smiled at her.

“Thank you. I love you.” Rene told her.


“Kara, may we speak with you perhaps?” Abigail asked Kara as she threw the football back to Filden, Lily had gone to bed leaving Fil and Kara out here alone. Kamui was stood behind Abilgail with his arms crossed and his eyes half closed but concentrated on Kara.

“Yeah sure.” Kara told them. “I’ll be right back Filly!” Filden looked confused, and utterly annoyed at Kara’s pet nickname for him but nodded his head and sat down on the ground. “What’s up?”

“It’s about your abilities, I can tell that your powers have been dormant but now they have awakened and they hold magnificent amounts of potential. I am offering you the chance to learn to control your abilities by studying white magic under me.”

“Really!?” Kara shouted excitedly. Abby nodded and smiled at her “Wow! Yeah! I’ll learn from you!”

“I also wish to teach you dark magic.” Kamui stated bluntly.

“Dark magic?” Kara asked.

“The study of the elemental arts: Fire, earth, wind and water and so on and so forth.”

“Sure I guess, when do I start learning?”

“Your potential for white magic is greater than your potential for dark so therefore you shall start by utilizing your abilities with Abigail.” Kamui told her. “You shall begin tomorrow. I leave the rest to you Abigail.” Kamui then turned and walked away into the darkness.

“He creeps me out…” Kara said, making Abby laugh loudly.

“I think he’s like that to everyone.” Abby pondered “So we’ll start tomorrow ‘kay?” Kara nodded.


“They failed this time, but what do you believe they will attempt next?” Julius asked Riku in his office. Riku had discarded his black robe and was wearing a white sleeveless jacket over a white vest and was wearing baggy blue trousers.

“I think this was a desperation attempt to get Rene, that Minerva guy said so himself that he was to be taken alive.” Riku said as he drank the wine from the cup he had been provided.

“Minerva… I swear I’ve heard that name before.” Julius said leaning forward and interlocking his fingers on the desk.

“I’d be surprised if you hadn’t! Minerva the 3rd strongest officer of the Shadow Mercs. He’s got one hell of a reputation for being a jerk off.” Riku told Julius.

“No, that’s not where I’ve heard about him…” Julius pondered for a few moments. “I’ll have my librarians search for his name but I’m sure I’ve heard of him elsewhere…”

“Either way, he managed to kill Rene, even if it was a cheap shot.” Riku finished his drink and stood up. “If you want my opinion, the next time they try to get Rene will be a covert operation. Afterall, all they actually need is his blood to get the key.” He grabbed his robe which was hanging beside the door and turned back to Julius.

“I’ll have security tightened around the castle. What are you going to do now Riku?”

“I’m heading back to the other world, see if I can find anymore info on what’s goin’ on.” He threw his robe back on and lowered the hood.

“When will you be back?” Julius stood and walked towards Riku

“Probably soon. They’ll be looking for me now that I’ve shown my head on the battlefield here.” Riku waved his hand and a portal of darkness appeared behind him

“Be careful my friend.” Julius said as Riku saluted with two fingers and disappeared into the portal.

“So that’s what they’ve been teachin’ her huh? Why am I only being told this now?” Rene shouted as he deflected the kunais and rushed towards Filden.

“Yeah, white magic. Really if she was that powerful to use a spell that strong and we couldn’t even sense her energy it musta been buried down deep! It was menna be a secret but y‘know what I‘m like with secrets.” Filden shouted as he pulled out a dagger and clashed it against Rene’s blade.

“When’d you get a dagger?” Rene asked as he pushed himself away from Filden.

“Like it?” Filden smirked as he spun the blade and put it back into it’s sheathe on the back of his waist.

“I guess it’s useful in a close-combat battle, but I can tell its gonna take a while before you can use it masterfully, it took you a while to unsheathe it, it’s lucky I wasn’t going all out.” Rene said big-headedly.

“Yeah, yeah. Shut yer mouth.” Filden smirked as he back flipped onto the wooden banister and threw his shuriken at Rene. Rene wasn’t expecting this but threw out his hand and sent a fireball towards it, deflecting the shuriken. Rene ran forward as the shuriken landed in the ground, spun, grabbed it in one hand and then used the momentum to throw it back at Filden. As the shuriken buried itself into the wall, Rene noticed that Filden had disappeared from the spot where he was merely a second ago.

“What the-?” Rene said, he felt something move behind him and instinctively blocked his back with his blade. Filden laughed as he stood back.

“Damn! You actually blocked it!” Filden shouted.

“Pfft! You’re getting too damned good at flash-stepping I swear!” Rene shouted happily. Filden’s entire body disappeared but Rene only just managed to follow his movements. He turned around and spotted Filden standing on the upper-most point of his shuriken.

“That enough for today?” Filden asked.

“Yeah! Wanna go grab something to drink?” Rene shouted as he grabbed his towel and mopped the sweat off his body.

“Sure, it’s cool that Julius is making us spar together now ain’t it.” Filden shouted as he pulled his shuriken out of the wall and put it back on his back.

“Yeah, he told me that he’s taught me all he knows so I’d be better off just sparring with someone.” Rene said as he put his blade back into it’s sheathe. He grabbed his gun which Filden had managed to disarm and put that back in it’s holster as well.

“Uhh do me a favour?” Filden asked.

“Sure bro’ what’s up?”

“Don’t tell Abby I told you about the magic thing.” Filden chuckled, Rene thought for a moment, making Filden nervous.

“Sure no problem!” Rene chuckled.

“Don’t do that! It’s well annoying!”

“Aww, is shaggy upset?” Rene said babyishly taunting Filden’s new hairstyle.

“Shut it, it’s not that long, your’s is still longer than mine. Mines like an inch long whereas your’s is well long.”

“Y’know, if someone overheard this conversation I have the horrible feeling they’d get the wrong idea… Besides that, I’m just used to you with a buzz cut!”

“Maybe I should shave it again…”

“Nah, your new girlfriend Abby likes it don’t she?” Rene said winking.

“Heh heh, we havent even made it official yet.”

“Come on, I’m your best mate, I can tell when you’ve got a girl and when you ain’t. But don’t worry, I’ll let you and Abby make the “big announcement” heh heh” Rene said opening the dojo’s door and looking out over the city. Filden walked up besides him and looked out also.

“Hard to think that’s its been almost a month since the attack huh?”

“I know, everything’s been quiet since then… We’ve not heard a single thing from Vrael either…”

“And Riku’s not back from the other world yet either. Julius has been majorly worried.”

“Hey guys!” A woman shouted out from the distance. She had short spiky black hair and was wearing a white karate uniform along with red shoes and punching gloves were around her neck.

“Hey Lily!” Rene shouted out.

“Aw shit.” Filden swore as he hid behind Rene.

“What’s up?” Rene whispered as Lily closed in.

“She’s been wanting to kill me since I threw peas at her head last night at dinner.”

“Heh heh… Hey Lily! Fil’s right here if ya want him!”

“Heh heh thanks bro’” Lily smirked as she cracked her knuckles and advanced on the whimpering Filden. She pulled her fist back and slammed it into Filden’s shoulder painfully. “Anyway, I’m off to go practice. I’ll see you later at dinner ‘kay?”

“Aye aye sis, see ya later.” Rene said as his sister went into the dojo

“You bastard!” Filden whimpered as Rene supported him back to the castle.

“You reap what ya sow Fil.” Rene said trying desperately hard not to burst out laughing
"Shut it, it’s not that long, your’s is still longer than mine. Mines like an inch long whereas your’s is well long." XD Talk about hair in another way, XD

Anyways, nice chap, but
"I’d be surprised if you hadn’t! Minerva the 3rd strongest officer of the Shadow Mercs. He’s got one hell of a reputation for being a jerk off" 3RD, I'm gonna get you! :P
kinda should, in case what you do plan to be doesn't work out, you have something to fall back on. Always have at least 2 plans for anything. i have 3 for the future, but that's just me. You should keep all this on copies and put it together into a book to be published once your done with it. greatest book ever i tell ya.
pmsl no you're only Lily's bitch, she even scares Rene sometimes... Anyway as promised over MSN here's the next chapter:

Chapter 32: Riku returns

“It’s been too quiet.” Zeria said to Julius in their room that night. “We haven’t received a single message from them.”

“I understand how you feel. We have no idea what’s happening over there and it’s far too risky to send spies.” Julius remarked as he took off his sword and leaned it against the wall

“Still no word from Riku?” Zeria asked as she slid under the thick quilt.

“No.” Julius told her shaking his head. “I’m beginning to think something has happened, yet we cannot go to that world for we are mere humans…”

“But what about-?”

“I would never ask him to return there.” Julius told her.

“Come to bed, we can worry tomorrow.” Zeria told him, he nodded his head and joined her.

“We can only pray.” Julius muttered.


“The spell you used to resurrect your brother was called Life, it’s an extremely powerful spell that can drain every single ounce of spiritual energy within a mage. Usually you have chant an incantation but somehow you managed to cast it with out doing that.” Abby told Kara in the magic room.

“What’s the incantation?” Kara asked her, she was wearing a white robe, a white mage’s one, the hood was down. Kara, like her sister Lily, had changed her hair slightly, it was now dark blonde and tied back with thick bangs trailing down the side of her face.

“Lifa aternum hanem, bring life unto this fallen comrade.” Abby recited from memory, “I’ve never had to use it before.”

“Why didn’t you try to use it on Rene?” Kara asked her.

“I was injured, my spirit energy was too low, if I’d used it I would most likely have died myself.” Abby said looking down at the ground. “Your lessons with me are coming to an end. Normally it would take a year at least just to learn the fundamental basics, but you’ve learnt amazingly quickly, far more quickly than any mage I have ever known or heard about. You’ll begin your lessons with Kamui tomorrow.”

“Cool!” Kara exclaimed happily “Can’t wait!”

“But before that, you must take your exam.”

“Exam?” As Kara said this Abby took her hand out of her pocket and revealed a very long sharp knife.

“Good luck.” She said as she stabbed herself in the stomach.

“ABBY!” Kara screamed as Abby fell onto her back, blood began to gush from her wound and she instantly went unconscious. “Shit, shit, SHIT!”

Kara placed her hands over her wound and concentrated. “Oh holy lord, allow me to restore the wound inflicted upon my ally.” As she said this her hands began to glow bright blue as the spell Cura started to takes its effect. Abby wound slowly began to seal itself. As the wound finished healing Abby’s eyes began to slowly open. Kara finished healing the wound and Abby sat back up again.

“Well done, I now proclaim you a qualified junior white mage.”

“Junior?” Kara asked.

“You will only become a fully-fledged white mage after you’ve travelled the world and learnt all you can. Hey don’t worry! I’m a junior to! Me, Rene, Fil and Faith all planned to journey together when we finished school. But I guess that doesn’t matter now huh?”

“Thank you so much…” Kara said happily. Kara stood up, smiled at Abby and then… slapped her across the face extremely hard.

“OW!” Abby screamed. “What the hell was that for!”

“You bitch! You scared the bloody hell out of me!” Kara screamed at her friend. Abby smiled.

“You’ve changed a lot in the past month y’know. A month ago you were this timid little girl who was so scared of everything around her but now you’re really outgoing. It’s the same for your sister, she was really quiet!” Abby said smiling. Kara giggled and hugged her best friend.

Knock knock knock

“Come in.” Abby said. The door opened and the grinning face of Rene popped around the door.

“S’up ladies?” Rene asked, he was wearing blue jeans and a white top with a red Japanese logo on it

“Hey Rene!” Kara screeched, standing up and jumping into Renes arms.

“How’s my little mage?” Rene asked her. His blade was sheathed on his back

“I’m a junior white mage now!” Kara said happily. Rene noticed Abby waving her hand secretly over a section of her robe and understood.

“Guess all ya gotta do now is travel the world eh?” Rene said smirking. “Can I have a word with Abby alone for a few minutes?”

“Sure, no prob bro’.” Kara smiled as she left Rene’s arms and left the room.

“What’s wrong Rene?” Abby asked as Rene sat down.

“There’s dark energy gathering.” Rene told her cryptically.

“Ehh… In layman’s terms if you don’t mind?” Abby asked her smiling.

“When I was in training with Kamui we both felt an energy surge just outside town. Someone from the other world has come here, they’re just outside the city limits.”

“A dark portal?” Abby asked.

“According to Kamui it feels more like a dark gate.”

“A dark gate?” Abby inquired.

“He wouldn’t say much about it but apparently it’s another method for those who don’t have the ability to naturally form portals.”

“What do you want me for?”

“It might be dangerous, it’s always good to have a healer around, we’re leaving immediately.” Rene told her. “You comin’?”

“Why of course!” Abby grinned. “Just give me a few minutes to get changed.”

“You got it, I’ll wait outside for ya.”

“Wait Rene I want a word.” Abby asked

“Sure what?” Rene asked, Abby indicated for him to turn round and Rene sighed.

“How’d you know I was teaching Kara?” She asked as she quickly changed into her clothing.

“Fil let slip.” Rene stated bluntly while he grinned.

“Aww well I guess I’ll let him off today.” Abby said expecting the reaction from Rene.

“Aww! That’s no fun!” Rene exclaimed jokingly. Abby tapped him on his shoulder and Rene turned round. She was wearing her white mage which consisted of a top that stopped halfway down her belly, the usual hood and a medium length skirt. Her long oak staff was strapped securely to her back and her white gloves and shoes and the rest of her outfit glowed with the white magic stored in their fabrics.

“Please don’t tell me you’re going dressed like that?” Abby asked sarcastically as she looked at Rene casual clothing.

“Course not, gotta stop by mine and Faith’s room first.”

“Then why the sword?” Abby asked

“Kamui is very first with his spells when we spar…”

“Uhh… Meaning?”

“He’s fast with the spells I’m fast with my blade.” Rene said grabbing the hilt of his blade tightly.

“Ahh, blade defense huh?” Abby said as they arrived at Rene and Faith’s room. “Faith comin’ with us?”

“Nah, she’s helping out Dawn in Julius’ library, there looking for that Minerva bloke.” Rene said to Abby as he went in and quickly changed into his regular clothes. “Ready?”



“Dammit!” Riku groaned as the powerful magic blast narrowly missed him. As he groaned however the blast connected with the ground creating an amazingly powerful blast which sent him flying. He was already wounded from before he came back and now it looked like whoever was attacking him would finish him off. His robe was torn so he quickly discarded it. His grabbed his blade and forced himself to stand up. He had scratches all over his body and a huge cut across his torso which was still bleeding profusely. He knew that if he didn’t get medical attention soon he’d die anyway.

He spun his head round as another magic shot came flying towards him, he narrowly avoided it but was thrown forward by the blast. He sailed through the air and landed in the middle of a wide open space. As he struggled to stand back up he sensed that he was surrounded. He looked up and confirmed it, 10 robed assassins were standing around him all with blades pointed at him.

“Time to die traitor.” One of the men said as he walked forward and placed his blade just above his head. The man brought his arm upwards and smiled evilly as he brought it down. As the blade was about to strike Riku’s head, a strange thumping sound was heard. The man with the blade suddenly yelped and fell to the ground. Riku looked and saw that the man had a small blade lodged in his torso

“We’re being attacked! Assume defensive positions!” The leader of the warriors shouted, though he was the leader he looked exactly like the others, you couldn’t see there faces but he gave out a powerful amount of energy. Another blade headed towards the man but he smiled and snatched the blade from the air as though it were moving in slow-motion.

“Hmm… A kunai… How interesting.” The leader said smirking. “Ninja! Show yourself!” As he said this Filden appeared in the centre of the open space.

“Hi there, hope ya don’t mind but I’d rather ya didn’t kill me mate here.” Filden said smirking as he spun a kunai in his hand.

“Hah! What is one ninja going to be able to do!?” The leader shouted whilst laughing like mad “You’re alone child! How do you expect to defeat me? The 5th strongest leader of the Shadow Mercs! My name is Randol Yaren boy. Know the name of the man who will kill you.”

“Heh, bring it bitch.” Filden said getting into his battle stance “And did I ever say I’m alone?”

“Huh?” Yaren murmured.

“Yaaaargh!” Rene shouted as he jumped from his hiding spot and attacked a lone assassin at the back of the group. He instantly killed him. “Sorry for the late introduction. It took me a while to get to this side.” Rene smiled as he rested his blade against his shoulder. He grabbed his gun with his free hand and shot the assassin attempting to sneak up behind him.

“Hmm… You’re the Skylar boy aren’t you? You may just be an adversary worthy of me.” The man started to cackle. Filden smirked at Rene.

“You can have him. I’ll take care of the small fry.”

“Fi-Filden!” Riku shouted “Ru-Run! He’s too powerful for you!”

“Silence!” The assassin shouted as he sent a large energy at Riku, the ball hit him directly and sent him flying into a stone wall.

“Riku!” Rene shouted “Abby! Get to him now!”

“You’re gonna pay for that!” Filden shouted as he charged at Yaren. Yaren drew two short slim blades and blocked against Filden’s dagger.

“Heh heh, whatcha gonna do punk?” Yaren taunted.

“I’m gonna kick your arse is what!” Filden shouted as he slammed down on Yaren’s blades. The man blocked again and pushed Filden high into the air. Filden spun in the air and grabbed his shuriken which he instantly threw at Yaren. As the shuriken smashed into the ground Filden noticed that his target had disappeared. All of a sudden Filden felt a foot smash into his back and sent him flying into a wall. As the dust flew into the air Yaren began to laugh.

“How can a boy like you even have a chance of beating me!” As he said this though three kunais flew out of the dust. Yaren’s eyes widened as the blade came towards but he managed to just avoid them. One of the kunais however managed to cut through the fabric of his right arm just managing to cut him on the forearm.

“So… You can flash step huh?” Filden said as the dust finally settled. “Guess that means I shouldn’t hold back then.” Filden had a scroll in front of him. On it was a large tortoise, a defense scroll. Suddenly Fildens figure disappeared, Yaren’s eyes widened and it was too late for him to understand. Filden’s foot slammed into his back and sent him flying, he spun in mid-air and sent 4 kunais towards Yaren’s flying body. Filden disappeared once more and re-appeared above his shuriken, he instantly placed a thin scroll on one of it points and then grabbed another. He somersaulted once more and with the momentum threw the shuriken towards Yaren, who was now pinned to the wall by the kunais.

“Strength of the eternal flame: Explosion!” As Filden shouted these words the scroll on the shuriken disappeared and began to glow bright red. It suddenly exploded and Filden finally landed on firm ground. Dust flew around the entire area. “Heh, that was easier than I thought.” Filden said smirking.

“Nice work.” Rene said sitting on a huge pile of assassins. He had quickly dealt with them all. Abby had quickly grabbed Riku and was now hiding attempting to heal him.

“Heh… Ya really thought some damn ninja scroll would kill me?” Filden’s eyes widened.

That’s… That’s impossible, Filden thought, no one could possibly survive that explosion at close range! Filden slowly turned around and waited for the dust to settle. As it began to thin a blue, circular energy shield appeared.

“That’s the first time I’ve ever had to use my assassins crest…” Yaren said as the dust settled, despite the shield blocking the explosion he was still wounded.

“… Assassins… Crest?” Filden asked, his eyes widened.

“Yup, it absorbs a lot of the damage. Guess I’ll have to get a new one once I get back” Yaren told him. “I’ll admit boy, I underestimated you. I look forward to battling you again one day.” As he said this a dark portal appeared behind him.

“Oh no you don’t!” Filden shouted as he threw a kunai at Yaren, but it was too late. He was already gone and the kunai simply went through thin air. “Damn…”

“C’mon. Let’s go see Riku!” Rene told his friend.


“It’s no good.” Abby told them as they re-appeared. Riku was unconscious. “I can’t heal his wound, he has too much dark energy in him. I’ve stopped the flow of blood using some bandages but if we don’t get back quickly he’ll bleed out and die.”

“Okay then, let’s go quickly!” Rene shouted, he gently put Riku on his back and they quickly set off.

“Re-Rene…” Riku murmured, he was slightly conscious.

“Don’t try to talk Riku, rest.” Rene told him.

“No… Rene… You need… To tell… Julius… Something… Is going to happen within a week…” Riku told Rene painfully.

“Stop talking like ya gonna die!” Rene shouted at Riku. Filden had flash stepped ahead to inform the castle medics

“Listen to me! You must… prepare!” Riku managed to shout before going unconscious again.

“Damn! We gotta hurry, I can feel him starting to bleed again.” Rene shouted as he began to sprint as carefully as he could

“We’re almost there!” Abby shouted from behind Rene as she injected Riku with an anaesthetic.

“Dammit Riku. Don’t you dare die on me!
very very nice Rene. Do you suppose you could add in a few more people? i mean, everyone knows everybody basically, so new people might help make the story more exciting. and uhm *cough cough* i kinda would like to be a person in the story.
Excellent chapter as always! I wonder what Dave would say if he sees it's his ass getting kicked in this story as opposed to mine ... hmm, I'll dwell on that one.
Why thank you Ami and Sonny, im writing the next chapter as we speak :D
Not much at all! Jus' livin life as normal! Checked out Faith's stories yet? They're sehr gut