Original Darkness Of Destruction

It's here.

Chapter 33: Kidnap

“He’ll be fine in a few hours, most of the wounds are superficial but this one on his chest is very severe. You say he took a direct blast from a spell?” The head nurse on the infirmary asked Rene.

“Yeah, they were a few metres apart but none the less he took a beating.” Filden told the nurse from his chair at the edge of the room

“Will you be staying tonight?” The nurse asked the pair.

“Notta cha-” Filden began to say

“I can’t but I’m sure my pal Fil here can!” Rene interjected and ruffled Filden hair.

“Get the hell offa me. I ain’t your or your family’s bitch.” Filden said annoyed.

“FIIILLLDEEEEN! I brought you some treaties!!” Kara shouted from the doorway with a plate of biscuits. Rene smirked at Filden and literally had to clamp his hands over his mouth to stop from laughing.

“… This proves nothing’.” Filden told him as he took the plate of biscuits and nibbled on one, he glared at Kara.

“Something… I said?” Kara asked as she gave a biscuit to Rene as well. “How’s mister Riku?”

“Don’t… call me… mister…” Riku said just before he had a coughing fit.

“Please you need to rest.” The nurse told him.

“No, I need to say something first…” Riku breathed. “Rene, something is gonna happen soon, I don’t know what or when exactly but it’s soon and you need to be ready…” As he said this he coughed once more and fell asleep immediately.

“How is he?” Julius asked as he entered the room. He had been in earlier but Riku was unconscious and Julius had to deal with several matters.

“He’s okay, but I’m worried about something. He keeps telling us that something is going to happen soon but won’t tell us everything he knows” Rene told Julius.

“Hm… It may be a tongue seal… But if he is telling you some stuff then it means it’s an imcomplete seal.”

“Tongue… Seal?” Rene asked.

“An ancient seal that forbids a person from saying a certain phrase, it’s basically to ensure that he never tells anyone a certain piece of information.”

“But it failed?” Filden said standing up and stretching his back, Kara had left for her first lesson with Kamui.

“Yes, due to this our mages should be able to dispel the seal allowing him for completely tell us everything.” Julius told them, as he said this the door opened once more and several hooded mages came into the room.

“You beckoned for us sire?” The lead mage asked bowing his head gracefully.

“Yes, this man has a tongue seal, but it was incomplete so I assumed you would be able to dispel it.” Julius said, his facial expression showed that he distrusted these men but managed to keep a lid on it.

“We shall sire… Allow us to be alone with him, this may take several hours.”

“Understood, Rene, Filden. I suggest you go and get some rest. It is late and you need to restore your strength, I’ll send for you when Riku awakens.” Renen nodded and the pair walked out.

“How is he?” Zeria asked as Rene entered the waiting room.

“Resting. His wounds were severe but he should be fine.” Rene said, he noticed that Zeria had slight tears in her eyes. “Hey, what’s wrong?”

“Many years ago, Riku saved me from certain death, back then he trained me and taught me everything I know. He’s like a brother to me, I don’t know what I’d do if he ever…”

“Don’t worry about. Go grab some sleep, you look bushed.” Filden said grinning widely. Zeria smiled at him and nodded her sleepy face.

“I’ll see you tomorrow guys, I’m gonna go to bed and probably speak to Faith for a while.” Rene told them and walked away. As he walke away Filden turned to Zeria.

“Hey Zeria, I gotta question for ya.” Filden asked.

“Sure what?”

“The Shadow Mercs, are they numbered in the order they’re strongest?”

“Not completely, only 1 to 3 are ranked by strength, after that the numbers go in the brigades.”

“The guy I fought said he was the leader of the fifth brigade then?” Filden said to both himself and Zeria.

“The fifth brigade should be the assassins brigade. You’re all lucky to be alive.”

“Wow, and I took out the leader… well almost anyway. Well night Z!”


“And that’s what happened today.” Rene told Faith, finishing his story, He was sitting on the edge of the bed whilst Faith was reading a big leather bound book from Julius’ library.

“So you fought another of the Shadow Mercs?” Faith asked him.

“Yep, Fil took care of him and I gotta admit Fil kicked his ass.” Rene said with a slight laugh. He leaned back on the bed and smiled at Faith who smiled back. “Still lookin’ for that Minerva guy?”

“Yup, and I think I may have found him…” Faith said as she shot up from the bed and began to furiously read the paragraph of the book. “A once well respected officer. Minerva Liu was found guilty of treason, mass murder and the corruption of several army corps and several officers. He was banished to the world of the in-between and assumed dead.”

“World of the in-between?” Rene asked confused.

“I read about that earlier…” Faith said putting a finger to her lips as she thought carefully. “The world of the in-between: A world of darkness between this world and the world of Gaia. It is used as a prison, and very soon afterwards no matter what death will ensue. The darkness of that world is put into your body and eventually you die from the pain.”

“Sound horrible, but this Minerva guy, how could he have survived it?” Rene asked.

“No idea, come on, let’s go tell Julius.” Faith said to him, she grabbed a piece of paper and stuck it in the page

“Alrighty, let’s go.” Rene said as he grabbed his waistcoat and stuck it on. Faith smiled at him with a raised eyebrow. “What?”

“It very cold out, you’re gonna freeze if you go out without a shirt.”

“I’ll live.” Rene smiled as they left the room. They walked round the castle when the pair heard a loud shrill scream. “What the fu-?” Then Rene heard something else.

“Let me go you bastard!” Lily screamed from the next corridor along. Rene and Faith charged round the corridor. Lily was being held captive over the shoulder of masked man, he was halfway out of the window. Rene could clearly see the mans eyes and instantly recognized them.

“You…” Rene said. The man looked at him and smiled through the mask. The man looked back to the window and began to jump out. Faith instantly reacted and sent a psychic blast towards him. It smashed into the wall as the man had already jumped out. Faith went to follow the man but Rene stopped her by putting his arm in the way.

“What are you doing! He’s got Lily!” Faith screamed at him.

“He’s not going to leave just yet.” Rene told her crptically. “Faith. Please go and get my sword.”

“Who is he-?” As she said this however Rene jumped out of the window. He instantly found himself in the large courtyard. The mask man was stood in the centre of the courtyard. Lily was sat behind him, bound and gagged. She struggled slightly but the man smacked her hard across the face, knocking her out immediately.

“Let her go!” Rene shouted as the man brought his arm back. The man chuckled as he lowered his arm and stared at Rene.

“Please, do tell me how it is you’re alive.” The man asked. Rene hated his voice, filled with evil and darkness.

“Wouldn’t you like to know.” Rene said as he got into a fighting stance. He took the safety off his gun and rested his hand of the butt of it.

“Guess I’ll just have to kill you again.” The man chuckled.

“I dare you to try, Minerva.” Rene said as the man began to take off his mask. The mask fell to the ground and Rene glared at the familiar face.

“Ha ha, I can tell your powers have grown since we last met, but I should tell you that mine have improved and will always be far superior to yours.”

“Then quit talkin’ and bring it on!” Rene shouted sending his right hand forward, a fireball was sent out of Rene’s hands. Minerva easily dodge the ball and Renen was forced to dissipate it mentally to stop it from hitting Lily.

Minerva threw himself high into the air and summoned several crystal blades. He threw then at Rene but was far too slow. Rene instantly drew his gun and shot the blades, causing them to shatter into pieces.

“First mistake!” Minerva shouted as he threw his hand close to his face. Rene looked confused but knew instantly what was happening as the tiny little fragments turned into very small needles and shot at Rene. All over Rene’s body he was now scratched as the fragments passed him, attacking his skin. Rene fell to one knee in pain but managed to stand back up. Minerva laughed as he stood in mid-air. He summoned several more blades and sent them at Rene.

Once again Rene shot at them, causing Minerva to laugh loudly. He threw his hand to his face and turned the shards to needles, but Rene was expecting this. He waved his free hand in one huge circle and shouted “Fire wall!” As he shouted this a huge circle appeared in the circle he made. Rene threw his hand forward and smirked as Minerva’s eyes widened. The wall threw itself forward, destroying the needles, but the wall still continued. The wall smashed into Minerva, sending him into a wall and then the ground.

Minerva managed to stand but had scratches all over him and his clothes were slightly charred. “Damn, you have gotten good.” He chuckled slightly. “Guess I won’t hold back then.” As he said this he extended his right hand and summoned a long blade, made of crystal. It looked like a regular sword apart from the fact that it was entire made of blue crystal. He also summoned two swords behind him, floating evilly.

Minerva didn’t even give Rene a chance to think. He instantly charged forwards but Rene just smiled. If his bullets could destroys them it would be even easier. He fired the gun but Minerva just blocked them with the blades.

“What the?” Rene said to himself. That’s impossible! He thought to himself. He pushed off the ground just before Minerva slashed the ground he was stood on. Rene landed nimbly as Minerva began to laugh cruelly.

“Don’t believe that these will break easily boy! They are far superior to my regular shards!” He twirled the blade in his hand and smiled. “Now die!” He threw the blade directly at Rene.

“RENE!” Faith screamed from the window. Rene looked up and smiled as his own blade came flying towards him, he caught the hilt with one hand, spun it and smashed it into the flying blade. There was a brief stopping moment as the blades connected but Rene smiled as his strength prevailed and smashed up the blade completely.

“Heh, now let’s fight fair.” Rene said as he spun the blade and put himself into his battle stance. Minerva looked at him and grinned. He clicked his fingers.

“Then let’s make sure no casualties get in the way.” As he said this a black portal appeared beneath Lily, she slowly sank into the portal.

“NO!” Rene shouted as he charged forward to save Lily from disappearing. As he neared his sister, Minerva appeared right in front of him. Minerva kicked Rene fiercely in the stomach sending him flying into the ground. Rene hit the ground and leaned upwards just in time to see the portal disappear with Lily gone completely.

“Where is she!?” Rene demanded as he stood up, blade ready. Minerva waved his right hand and allowed the swords to disappear.

“Meet us at the Caverns of Remembrance.” Minerva said as another portal appeared behind him. “Bring no more than 7 people, or you’re sister will be killed. You have one month to get there.”

He then disappeared. “DAMMIT!” Rene shouted. “I will find you Lily, I won’t lose you.”
"how could he have survived it?"
Heh heh, what they don't know is that...

Anyways, nice chappy, XD As long as I'm not dead by the next chap it's all ok, :P
Good chapter dude.

Looks like things are gonna start getting more interesting. Write more soon!
Lol Faith is gonna kill you if you don't work on it Rene. STBY. Hey just wondering, can you still add new characters to the story? i would like to be in if it's ok with you.
Here's the next chapter and I thought I should warn you all people. The story ends in 2-5 chapters. Enjoy.

Chapter 34: The Journey To The Caverns

“So that’s what happened hmm?” Julius said as Rene finished his story.

“Yeah! So come on! We gotta go!” Rene shouted in exasperation.

“We cannot rush this Rene, we have a month to get there and it takes at least a week to travel there by foot.” Julius told him. Filden, Faith, Abby and Kamui were already to go and Rene hoped to get Julius and Zeria to go.

“Why the hell would we go by foot!” Rene shouted, angry all of a sudden. Julius nodded his head, as though he understood why Rene was angry.

“We can only go halfway by vehicle, after that they won’t work. The caverns have a magical field extending for many miles in every direction. It disables machines, driving takes less than a day but after than it takes a week to walk.” Julius told Rene, Rene stamped his foot on the ground loudly and cursed under his breath.

“Why would they randomly take her!?” Rene shouted loudly. “What would be the damned point!” Rene wanted to continue his rant but Julius stopped him by just raising his hand.

“The caverns of Remembrance are very important Rene, more important than you know.” Julius began, he stood and went to his desk, he opened the drawer and took out a leather bound book that looked very old. “Within every generation of humanity there is a key keeper and a destroyer. Those two people have always been neo-elementals. You are the key keeper and Vrael is the destroyer. 500 years ago the key keeper was a woman named Ruby, at the time the lands of Earth and Gaia were connected, bringing forth terrible entities into our world. In fact the monsters of today are indeed the descendants of those from there. Before Ruby was born the previous key keeper was killed and therefore allowed the destroyer to open the gate. That destroyer was a man named Gaol Liner.”

“Liner?” Rene said recognising the name.

“That is correct, the destroyer has always been part of the Liner family and now they are more powerful than ever before, but we will talk of that later. Gaol spent many years searching for the new key keeper Ruby, but she was hidden and once she had learnt to fight she gathered her comrades and charged the place where the gate was opened, the caverns of remembrance, Ruby’s comrades died in battle but she did not give up, she thought with all her might against Gaol but it was not enough. It the end she had to kill herself to seal the gate and destroy Gaol. Now the only way to re-open the gate is to use the blood of the key keeper.”

“So they want me to go there and die…” Rene said quietly. “If I go, I could save Lily but risk the world, and if I don’t I’ll lose my sister…”

“I’m sorry Rene, but I must beg of you, do not go!” Julius urged, “I know what the consequences will be if you do not but they will be even greater if you do!

“I’m sorry Julius, I will save my sister, but I will say this, I will not lose a single drop of blood.”

“So be it, then you will prove to me that you can win.” Julius told, placing his hand on the hilt of his blade. Rene crouched down slightly and grabbed the hilt of his blade firmly. The pair locked eyes and awaited the first move.

Julius struck first, he charged forward with his blade and drew it within a millisecond. Rene, being surprised, barely managed to draw his blade and block the blow. He’s really gonna go all out, Rene thought as Julius pulled his blade back and struck once more. Rene parried the blow to his right and immediately dealt a blow towards Julius shoulder. I’m not going to kill you, Rene thought, but I can at least hurt you till you let me go! As Rene’s blade whooshed towards Julius’ shoulder the man disappeared. Rene’s eyes widened as Julius reappeared behind him and sent a fireball into his back. Rene flew across the room and barely managed to turn to save smashing his head against the wall. The impact caused the wall to have a large indentation and Rene immediately fell to his knees. Flash stepping? Rene thought, how can he be able to use that?

“I know what you’re thinking Rene, how on earth could I be flash stepping when it’s ninja technique?” Julius smirked and rested the tip of his blade on the floor. “Just because it’s a ninja technique doesn’t mean we can’t learn to adapt and make our own way of using it.” He disappeared once more but Rene knew where he was going, Rene ducked down low and sent a kick exactly where Julius would appear. Success! His foot smashed straight into Julius’ abdomen sending him crashing into his own desk. The man stood back up and smirked at Rene. “You’re getting better, now make me bleed Rene.”

“I don’t want to hurt you Julius!” Rene shouted angrily “Just let me go!”

“If I let you go as you are you will be killed!” Julius shouted, suddenly angry. “I cannot allow the world to be thrown back into darkness just because a stupid boy is giving in to his emotions! The world has suffered enough.” He disappeared once more but Rene had finally caught on as to how he could do flash stepping. He knew he could botch it up but attempted anyway. Rene concentrated his energy into his speed and smiled as he felt the flow of speed in his body, he ran towards Julius, who now appeared as though he were moving normally and smashed his blade against his. The pair’s swords were locked in-between them both and the two were glaring into each others eyes. They pushed each other apart and immediately clashed once more. Rene smashed his blade against Julius’ but as they touched he spun his whole body and lashed out with a roundhouse kick. Julius toppled backwards, attempting to regain his balance but Rene did not allow it, he grabbed Julius’ top and threw him onto the ground. He punched him several times in the head and then grabbed his blade to deal the finishing blow.

“That’s enough lad!” A male voice shouted as he grabbed Rene and pulled him off Julius. Rene fell back and looked up into the bright eyes of Riku. “Just what the bloody hell do ye think your doin’?” He asked angrily, Rene saw that his wounds had completely healed but he still had a patch over the centre of his torso. “Why the hell are ye trying to kill each other?” Riku stretched his arms and cracked his knuckles. “Oh and Rene, I’m comin’ with you to the caverns. You’re gonna need at least one dark expert, Kammy’s been a rusty for a while” Riku cracked a smile as he help the two stand up.

“Thanks.” Rene grumbled as he let go of Riku’s arm. Julius sorted out his messed clothing and sat back down behind his ruined desk.

“I guess I underestimated your abilities…” Julius admitted. “I can see that you are strong, and with Riku coming along as well I’m sure you will do fine. I will not be coming however and neither will Zeria, there has to be some people here to protect the city whilst you’re gone.” Rene smiled and nodded his head. “Riku! You take care of them all now hear me!”

“Aye aye cap’n.” Riku said cheekily, he then smacked his head as though remembering something. “Ohhh yeaah forgot to mention something.” He waved his hand beside him and a dark portal suddenly appeared, as the dark mist subsided Kara stood there smiling girlishly. “She wants to come and I think it’d be a good idea.” Kara waved her hand slightly and grinned at Rene.

“Hey there bro’!” Kara said loudly but happily.

“Nuh uh, notta chance in hell!” Rene argued, angry that Riku would even consider thinking of letting Kara come.

“Rene!” Kara shouted at him, Rene’s expression changed from anger to worry as his little sister shouted at him. “Whether you like it or not! I am coming with you! Lily is my sister too dumbass!”

“But I can’t risk anything happening to you.” Rene told her sadly, kneeling to her level. Kara walked towards her brother and spread her arms as if to hug him. Rene smiled but-


Kara slapped Rene as hard as her tiny body allowed and sent Rene flying into the wall. “WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT FOR YOU LITTLE BIT-!” He Didn’t end the sentence as Kara pulled up her sleeve in a threatening manner.

“I am coming along whether you like it or not!?” Kara shouted, Rene literally fell back scared and noticed that both Julius and Riku had retreated back slightly in fear of being attacked. Rene sat up and smiled at Kara who glared back.

“Did Abby teach you to slap that hard?” Rene said chuckling slightly “Fine you can come, but you stay with someone at all times. Got it?” As soon as Rene said this Kara’s expression changed from anger to joy. She actually hugged her brother this time and smiled brightly.

“Yup, Abby taught me. She said that if I ever wanted to get you to do something just slap you real hard and you’ll do it!” Kara told him, Rene’s eye twitched as he remembered every time Abby had done that to him.

“… Let’s go get ready before I blow up…” Rene said with enough menace in his voice to make Kara, Riku and Julius retreat into the furthest corner. As the pair left, Julius sat back behind his desk and heaved a huge sigh.

“Damn, I’m glad I’m not part of that family.” Riku remarked as he sat down opposite Julius.

“I know, crazy people huh? I’m just worried how Zer’s going to react when I tell her we’re staying here.”

“Julius is gonna diiie, Julius is gonna diiiie.” Riku began to chant evilly.

“Go get ready, we’ll send you off in the hanger.”


“Everyone ready!” Rene shouted as they all piled into the large transport car. Rene had gone in first and was sat down next to the door as everyone came in. Faith sat next to Rene and snuggled into his arm as Filden and Abby sat opposite them and did the same. Kara came in next and sniggered at the two couples.

“What’s so funny brat?” Filden remarked as he placed a hand on top of Kara’s head and looked evilly into her eyes. This caused her to look very scared and she eventually retreated into the corner.

“Aww you’re so mean!” Abby told him as he sat back down. Despite that she had began to giggle slightly.

“Hey Kamui!” Faith shouted as she leaned out of the door, she noticed he was speaking to Dawn and decided to shut up so they could overhear slightly.

“Be careful ‘kay?” Dawn told him. She passed his two bundles and kissed him softly on the cheeks causing him to blush slightly, which was very noticeable considering he was extremely pale. She giggled slightly before walking off. Kamui went into the transport and sat down in the very far corner opposite Kara.

“How come Dawn’s not comin’?” Rene asked him. He was stilling slightly red and had put the two bundles on the top rack of the shelf above him.

“She is staying here, if the city is attacked once more then they will need as much help as possible. That’s also why General Rale and Rowan are staying.” Kamui told him, looking out the window.

“Ain’t seen them in ages now that I think about it.” Filden remarked. “Where they been?”

“Helping out with the reconstructions in the city.” Rene told him “Dumbass, I woulda thought it was obvious.”

Filden decided to ignore Rene and instead asked another question. “Where’s Riku dammit, I wanna get this show on the road.”

“Jeez, calm it will ya.” Riku shouted from the drivers seat up front. “Someone’s gotta drive this baby.”

“No way!” Filden shouted running into the drivers area. He jumped into the co-pilot seat and grinned at Riku. “I’ve always wanted to drive one of these babies!”

“God, he’s like a kid with a new toy.” Kara remarked before Rene could.

“Boys and their toys.” Abby said grabbing a magazine and flipping the pages. Filden and Riku started arguing but eventually managed to shut the door and make their way out of the hanger area. Faith yawned loudly and smiled at Rene.

“I’m gonna catch some shuteye.” She told him closing her eyes and resting her head on his shoulder.

“No problems, grab some sleep. I’ll wake you if anything happens.” Rene told her kissing her lightly on the forehead.

Ding dong.

“Gooooood morning everyone. This is captain Riku speakin’. We’re approximately 500 miles away from our destination, so we should be there within 5-6 hours. Please enjoy the ride and if you see any problems please report them to me.”

“Who said you’re captain?” Filden said loudly. “I’m the one driving!”

“Heh heh but’s who’s in the pilot’s seat. I do believe that’s me.” Riku replied making himself comfy. “You’re just the co-pilot.”

“Sonofabitch!” Filden shouted.

“If we’re gonna have to put up with this all day, I swear I’m going to kill someone…” Faith said trying to sleep. Rene looked over to Kara and noticed that she had already gone to sleep. Despite the noise.

We’re coming to get you Lily, Rene thought as he closed his eyes and leaned his head backwards on the edge of the seat, the whole gangs comin’ to get you. I promise.
... Just read the damned story and you'll understand, quit posting with no reason or I'll report you.