Anime Death Note

*Woo hooo lets start this party with a a bang!!! :D

*give your selves a big hand cause we are all DEath Note Lovers!!!! weeeeeee :wacky:

*no point in telling why cause you all know its bloody brilliant! nay its bloody spectacular! i always thought that anime could only be interesting with wicked battle/fight scenes and death note proved me wrong! i was really sucked in to the battle of wits, now thats what im talkin about! ;)

*and im just gonna say something about "L"...I can finally have an anime character who can match Sepiroth! ;) ;)
*Woo hooo lets start this party with a a bang!!!

*give your selves a big hand cause we are all DEath Note Lovers!!!! weeeeeee

yeah woohooo i really love that anime!

*no point in telling why cause you all know its bloody brilliant! nay its bloody spectacular! i always thought that anime could only be interesting with wicked battle/fight scenes and death note proved me wrong! i was really sucked in to the battle of wits, now thats what im talkin about!

you are really right about that!
I can't get enough of Death Note lately i'm starting to get addicted to it!!

It's friggin awesome just the cast and the plot it rocks so much.

Light and L are so amazing!!

And well done all you Death Note lovers you have good taste in anime.
*ya know this is the an anime where the story line and even simple conversations topples those fight scenes or battles scenes of other anime. i mean how intense and fascinating the twisted minds of kira and L and you dont wanna miss any word they say :)

*I gotta hand it to the writers and the artists for creating such a splendid, magnificent and outstanding anime ever, i hope thay make something like this with much more to offer to us anime fans :) bravo! :D
This anime has really set a new standard for me. Now I can't help but compare other anime I watch to this and so far nothing has been able to top it.
this is the an anime where the story line and even simple conversations topples those fight scenes or battles scenes of other anime.
That is exactly what I think makes this anime so good, it doesn't need flashy fight scenes or anything of the sort. It just relies on pure storyline and characterization which makes it so superb.
Love this anime. Mainly because it's so original, nobody else has thought of this idea or similar ones. But it can get confusing I reckon (I read the manga and have seen the anime also) due to all the different names, especially during the bit where you meet the group of 9 men who tell "Kira" who to kill.
Well, 1 interesting fact about death note is...
upside down

I found it.. quite... disturbing..
I just finished watching the last episode today. :D

The ending struck me as a bit odd.
I mean, Light just goes nuts and starts screaming about how he's "THE GOD OF THE NEW WORLD!" Then he just slumps lout of the warehouse, and by that point I think he realizes he's going nuts. Then Ryuk just says, "It's been interesting!" and Light just dies. I was proud of Matsuda for shooting him, though. Good for him, I say.

Funny thing is, I actually liked light's character until
he got his memory back
. By that point he was just nuts, and I thought that he had a good goal and everything in the beginning.

It really sucked when
L died though D:

But yeah, I really like the anime, and it's probably the best I've ever seen.
I LOVE DEATH NOTE!!!! My fav characters are Matt, Near, Mello, L, Ryuk, Mikami, and Gevanni

OMR XD the Yagami Imagay thing is PRICELESS

and i loved that foot rub scene....XD it was such a great Yaoi moment! XD Srry....i'm a big yaoi fan XD

anyways Death Note is one of my favorite animes of all time!!! IT PWNS!!!!
... I never thought about it this way though..! IMAGAY really hits off well...

As nicely as it did for Evian.. (A sort of Mineral Water.. Which flipped over would say.. Naive. Whats to say about this? I wonder.)

I loved Death Note too, but I've only seen the movie so far. Yagami and L's intellectual wars were very interesting to see. Though its saddening Yagami had to die though. I'll be happier seeing him winning or something.
IMAGAY FTW!It's just one of the many hidden facts of Light.Not liking Misa?Who was like a sex-symbol.Even L fell for her.I guess Light wants only to smex his
I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Death Note.

L and Light are so gay for each other, that foot rub scene where Light was just like 'Oh..yeah do what you want' he so wanted it. >___>

My favorite character is L his so funny xD. Shame that
he died /wrist
I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Death Note.

L and Light are so gay for each other, that foot rub scene where Light was just like 'Oh..yeah do what you want' he so wanted it. >___>

My favorite character is L his so funny xD. Shame that
he died /wrist
Oh yeah,I remember that scene.I was like "L,go ahead and rape Light".I was really hoping for some Yaoi.Only if Misa was in front...I'd love to see her reaction to that.
Come to think of it,how many of you think Misa is totally stupid?
Yaoi, eh? xD

She's really stupid or she's acting, though. because there were times when she totally changes to a smart girl, I liked Misa but she was annoying sometimes, Light was acting like a jerk with her, I was annoyed by his reaction with her. Although Misa wear you-know-what kind of clothes. xD
He treated her badly.I believe she was really self-less as she referred to herself in third person,and I know that in Japan that is thought to be cute.I believe so because she let Light do whatever he wanted with her.Of course she could be a lot of smart if she wanted but I think she wasn't taught to be smart,after all she was a model and an actress,so yeah an idol should be that way,cute and stupid.